
Chapter 6

Going through a light portal was amazing. You feel an incredible rush like you are connected to the very atoms making up the air around you and these atoms are very much alive and guiding you through the shortest route to your path. I could feel us going through a layer which means we skipped some dimensions and in less than a minute the forces that guided us spat us out.

I definitely know where we were. Azlan, a relm where giant being lived. These beings were loyal to Draconian and hated light beings. I had to get out of here as soon as possible I was in a dark cave Shiloh was right next to me I could feel him. We were invisible so we had to act fast. I could sense Newt was real close. I just had trouble seeing her as it was so dark. Insectoids hated darkness. They thrived on a healthy dose of light, that had to be why he had her in the darkest cave of a dark dimension. I activated my heat vision sensor and immediately spotted her siluette she was enveloped in rock with only a small hole for air.

I had to move quickly. I spoke to her through her mind. Newt it is me Kari. I have come to get you out of here. What type of rock is this? Are you ok?

Kari? But how? Am I dreaming? Get out of here before he comes back. I am a lost cause Kari.

"What type of rock is this? I am not leaving you here I don't have much time before I am visible. Tell me now Tee."

"I have no clue but I feel like it's slowly tearing at my skin if I move. I have to keep very still. I am so weak I do not know how long I can last against him. He said he would be back in an hour to suck me dry."

"I knew my time was almost up I spoke to Shiloh. We need to disseminate this rock without hurting Newt. What do you suggest."

"I know how to get her out Kari this is Giga rock. I have the ability to shatter it by using high frequency vibrations it will break it down to its most basic form."

I guided Shiloh to the rock and he shattered it. we were now visible and very bright lighting up the dark cave. Newt was in bad shape her natural silver color was dull. Her beautiful big eyes, normally a rich emerald color which used to light up was hollow looking and dark green. Newt was thw most beautiful creature. She had long silver locs which glittered and could act as a weapon if necessary. She naturally stood 6 feet tall with a robust body, she was very agile and athletic. However, right now she was disheveled, her wings looked tattered like someone had purposefully torn through them. An Insectoids wings were strong and could blast strong winds when flapped the right way. It should also lift more than a hundred times it's weight. I really don't know how they captured her.

"What did he do to you? I cried looking at my beloved freind. He will pay for this but let's get you out of here first."

I took out the orb and activated it. It's beautiful light lit up the dark cave even more and that's when I noticed that Newts wings were chained. to the walls of the cave.

"No time to be delicate. I have to remove your wings Newt we have 30 seconds to get out of here. "

Before I could do anything Newt ripped her wings off and screeched so loudly I am sure Someone heard. we stepped into the worm hole and was on our way back to Oshiana.

We got there and Jade was waiting with a healer.

Newt was very low. I would need to boost her core as well. We took her to a healing room where the healer worked on her.

I hugged Shiloh and cried, broken as to what was happening. I did not know how I would get the strength but I had to leave my family. I had to put and end to what ever Draconian and his accomplice however that being was.

I went to Newt to see if she was better. When I got there she was in a cocoon. The healer said that was the quickest way for Insectoids to get her better and that we rescued her in the nick of time her core was almost broken. It is located in the chest. The healer explained that there was a deep cavity with one more layer over it, if we had not gone at that moment Draconian would have absorbed her essence.

I spoke to her through my mind before leaving. "Please be well my dearest Tee, heal well and fast, love and light."

She answered back "love and Light Kari. Thank you. I owe you my life."

"Don't be silly Newt you would do the same for me I am sure. Just get better my love."

I place my hand on her cocoon and gave her the most loving light I had. It quickly spread over her entire body and encased the cocoon. Nothing could penetrate a light beings love light. It was the purest form of light and you had to have genuine love for a being in order to offer it. This light would help Newt to heal faster. She would be fine in 2 days I would imagine.

"Yes I would dear Kari."

"I will leave you to rest and heal Newt. I have some business to deal with I will check on you again soon."

I left the healing room and went to the light room looking for Jade. She was not sure what to say when she saw me. She just embraced me knowing there were no words she could say to justify the horror we had just witnessed.

"Jade I am going back to Earth to put things in place."

"Are you going to give up your family and cut your mission on earth short?"

"I belive I do not have a choice, yes Jade I need to. No one is safe now. I cannot sit back and do nothing while he does these atrocities. Right now by involving Newt it becomes personal. No one gets away with hurting those I love."

I could feel a fire burning in me and who ever was on the receiving end was in serious danger of melting to nothing against the heat.

With my returned memory I could navigate well. And in this relm in my state everything was tangible and felt natural. Being on earth in this from however had its limitations.

Shiloh I called to him through my mind. He was at my side in an instant.

"Thank you for today. I am going back to Earth to end my journey, and plan what's next. What are you going to do?"

"I will wait for you Kari. "

These were simple words but the held a deeper meaning. He held my hand in the way only protectors did and offered a silent goodbye.

Jade was already there with a worm hole at hand . I touched it and was sucked in and spat out into my earthly body. I started to feel my body again still in bed but now with the weight of the Universe on my shoulders.