
Chapter 5

"There are many worlds and time sets available to you. You have done it more than once. What is so special this time."

"It's Nate, it's my kids. I love them Jade. What ever beings they are I have to have had some connection. I cannot remeber this portion of the simulation. Who are they Jade?"

"You were not suppose to know Kari. None of us do. It was for you not to go looking for them after this. Remeber you have to remain detached for optimal warrior instinct. If you are distracted or attached to anything you know what can happen. We can loose this fight and if Draconian dethroned the head of this galaxy what would stop him from reaching for the universe. I don't want to think what could happen. He has a huge army even the Reptilians are with him."

"WHAT!!!!!! Jasette promised he would never be in League with Draconian."

"Jasette changed his mind. You know the Reptiles want to rule the galaxies. And he is forcing the Insectoids to join him too." She paused and their was a look of sheer terror on her face. "Shekari, he kidnapped their queen."

"This is worst than I thought Jade. How on earth did he kidnap Newt."

"Like I said he infiltrated. He developed some type of virus that turns the weaker beings into his slaves. Some of the said slaves from Insectopia planned the entire thing. Right now king Perscepius is agreeing to everything because as you know insectoids can't live for long without their mate."

Insectoids are the most noble beings in this galaxy and queen Newt was my close friend as dear to me as Jade, this is horrible news. The universe was on the brink of a very deadly turn and I was tucked away in a utopia where I did not know any of this. I drifted to thoughts of my human family again. I would have to set things right on earth and then come back here to do my duty. I would need to die to regain my full powers as a light being. I would never be fully operational still attached to my human body. But how could I leave my kids. With no mom and Nate with no wife. Would I be strong enough to just leave.

I had a very difficult decision to make, I really could not fathom leaving them but if I did not they too would be in danger. This insurmountable task was necessary to keep them safe as well.

And Newt had to be in hell right now I had to free her from the grasp of that awful being. Who knows what he would be doing to her to get to her core. Draconian loved sucking the power from powerful beings and the Queen held access to incredible power.

"I need to rescue Newt. Immediately. Transport me to where she is I know you know where she is." Jade was a seer. She could locate anyone in the galaxy in any dimension with her mind. Her Talent was very rare.

"Kari where she is, is dangerous for light beings. You do not have full access to your power. Why do I need to explain to you one of the wisest beings in the galaxy why this is a horrible idea."

"He will not expect me to be here. He does not know where or when I disappeared to. No one but you and King Nebacan knows where I am. You know the galaxies' Magicians, The Order of Alpha, banned him from the portal and Earth. So I am rescuing Newt and bringing her to Earth after which we will make a plan."

"Fine I will transport you as close to her as possible you will be invisible for one minute to escape I cannot give you more time as you are still partially human. I will give you one of my latest inventions. An orb when you open it, there will be a direct portal to here. You have to be certain to use it within 30 seconds if not you will not be able to use it again in an hour. I will set it so only you and Newt can access it we do not want any accidents."

I went to the room that held weapons against dark beings and chose what I needed. how many times do I needed to defeat him. How did he even get out of his prison. And that's when it clicked. Draconian was not the real foe, the one who helped him escape was. We were fighting an invisible enemy. Our focus had been wrong all along.

At that moment I realized I could not trust anyone. I felt someone enter. "Hi Kari I don't know if you remember." I cut him short and hugged him. "Shiloh OMG I exclaimed. how are you here?"

I left King Nebacan 5 lots ago. And then I felt your energy I came straight here as I knew you would most likely be with Jade." I embraced Shiloh my most trusted lieutenant, my right hand. He commanded the Kings guard and now my army as well.

"I left the Triad in charge and they are on a strict no visitor order right now because of the virus." He answered my question before I asked as usual. We were so insync Shiloh and I, we have always been like that. And worked well together. We had a connection what in the human world might be seen as chemistry an unspoken feeling of unison, trust, loyalty and love. There was a time when I thought we would soul tie but my job here came with restrictions. Restrictions that we both needed to honor.

"Kari I am coming with you. Don't bother refusing, I am not taking no for an answer."

"Shiloh I can't be reposible for anything bad happening to you. You have a responsibility to Father. To the entire galaxy. The balance of the universe rests in your hands."

"Kari only the purest light beings are with King Nebacan. He is fine. And we both know the Triad are better warriors than me. You only put me above them because of our bond. They have been doing a great Job."

"What do you mean they have been doing a good Job. Have you not been doing the Job?"

"I did it a few eons after you left but then I decided to try a human life as well. Jade brought me back when things got dire, some time ago. I did not know she would bring you back too."

I pondered on what he said for a moment trying to make a decision. Shiloh could read my thoughts like a book. He always could.

"Shiloh we will talk about all this later, right now I need to rescue my friend. I will accept your help but be sure not to get captured. Put on your Armour and choose your gear we leave in 2 minutes. It will be a quick extraction in and out with Jade's inventions."