
Inside Inazuma 11

discord: https://discord.gg/vsApentP7Q This story will be in the dub. But some names will be in sub Jyden is a kid who just finished watching inazuma 11. He then wished he was there. I mean if you've watched inazuma 11 then you would want to come here its in alll inazuma 11 fans. Suddenly he gets his wish granted but with a few weird circumstances 1. He is very poor 2. He is in an unknown island in africa 3. He is starting as a baby I do not own Inazuma 11 or any of it's Characters The main character is my name so I do own him The cover is not mine

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Please don't get any ideas just because of the Title just joking it is exactly how it looks and how else do you want me to get my boy out of .Sorry but they're telling me it is too much of a spoiler. It is literally in the description though. anyway back to the story.

A few months have passed and I realised something. I'm black. I'm not trying to be racist but this is really good. Yeah bro I'm not Zoro. My mum is mixed and my dad is black. The reason why I'm happy is because in my old life I had dread locks. I was still planning on having them even if I were a different ethnicity, however it would look a bit strange. 

My life has been pretty boring all I do is sit on dirt, drink milk from my mother and that is all. And before you say I'm having the time of my life no I am not. I don't even like milk. But my taste buds seem to disagree. It makes no sense. Yes I am getting breast-fed but it's from my own mother. 

Another thing that I have realised is that I am animated.The author says it will give him nightmares if he thinks of Inazuma 11 characters as real people. 

It was quite a surreal experience once my eyesight had cleared.

In case you're wondering why I was sitting on dirt the reason is that my family is very poor. Like so poor the floor is made out of hard dirt. I could infer that I was probably in South America or Africa due to the poor living conditions of these continents. I could be wrong though since my life was animated. 

I continued to think about stuff like this and eavesdrop on my parents. I didn't really pay attention to my parents since I couldn't understand the language. But he did mention the word Africa. 

This was a huge disappointment but success at the same time. I possibly found out where I could be, but it was Africa. Not good my Jamaican soul won't rest till I'm outta here.

I'm now one year old and my plans for being a genius are still in action. The only problem is that they are speaking French not English. I wish I had taken French instead of Spanish on my choice as a language. 

I have also confirmed that I am in Africa as I heard my dad say that working in Africa blah blah blah. I couldn't understand the rest though. My parents loved to praise me a lot because though I could not understand what the words meant I could still copy them. My parents then found the best way to teach me they took me outside and pointed at random things and told me the words urging me to copy it. 

A year later, i'm now two years old and my parents are packing what little they have and are walking towards some fancy place. It was huge like the skyscrapers you see in Shanghai. It also read APOLLO FC. Why were they going to a football club. 

When we came in my parents looked really excited. Maybe they were fascinated by the clean, and cool things they saw. I observed them but they weren't even looking around. It was as if they were here before. We were brought to a room full of clothes by a guy wearing a suit. My parents grinned . They took off their rags. My mom took off her rags in a separate area and came back wearing a pink tie with a white shirt, she had a navy blue blazer and was wearing a skirt. My dad then came back wearing a suit with the badge of commander on the left side of his blazer. 


Some random guy came out and said "so this is your son the one who is going to take on the Apollo program" 

Another random guy said" he must be ready for sire Garshield"

Another one said " he is the son of the commander, of course he is going to be the one. 

One by one more people kept on talking and coming in. 

And in case you're wondering how he can hear them it is because they were talking in english. 

Then I remembered something. Wasn't Garshield the coach of Brazil in Inazuma 11. So this is the world I'm in. Well it could be a different Garshield. But this was what we call progress. By now I have learned to go with the flow. 

Then I heard one random guy say"commander you made sure he learnt french right," 

My father replied " of course, but this might be a problem because the FFI language is english," 

I was so confused by now. 

Random guy: okay boys take him away 

And they took me away. I'm now starting to get what is going on. My parents were part of Apollo Fc and lived in rags for some reason and now I'm going there to be trained to be a footballer. 

Random guy: The commander told me I have to plug in memories of him living in rags so that he does not escape

Random guy: Yeah right It is just a safety precaution if the kid is good. 

This was quite surprising. I would usually feel betrayal but at this point I didn't care. They weren't my parents. They were my biological parents but they weren't my first parents. It is kind of hard to explain but I loved my first parents. I didn't really care about my new parents.

When I went inside the facilities I was met with countless children roughly my age practising football. My excitement slowed down. I thought I was special but it turned out I was just another guinea pig. 

I was sent to the language area where they put some drugs into me to learn and speak English. Well I guess I learnt a few words. 

I was then sent to the training area. I was given a rank of 200. Then all of a sudden my father spoke. 

Commander: There are 200 of you in this room and the lower your number the higher your rank, you are all in different age groups so the person who comes on top in the next 7 years will go under and serve sire Garshield. 

With this my training began. I trained and trained because if I didn't I would be beaten. The trained and trained me to act with no emotions. Of course I still had them they were impossible to take away. 

My Ranking had moved up. I was now 150. It only took one year. I was only three but I could go up against the lower 4 year old. They stopped recruiting after that message by the commander. 

I had also gained a few friends. 

Charlie Adams

Jude Smith 

Liam Tyson 

They were all really great people who were 4 years old like me but they could speak like me but with childish thoughts.