
Injustice 3: Uprising

We were born to a world at war, the only reason that it doesn't look like we're at war is because it isn't fought publicly. My father was a good man, a hero who was prejudiced against due to the times. Now I have to rise up and take his place. I don't want to be like him, he wasn't ready to do what had to be done. The war that he fought needed a different type of soldier. What that war needed was an avenger, and I'm going to give the people who took my father away from me every piece of this ass whooping. I stopped trying to be a hero the moment that heroes started dying...the world doesn't need heroes, it needs soldiers.

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Hope Dies Last 1

{2018, Stryker Prison, Kara}

'Three days...', Kara thought with dread, 'Three days to decide if I want to join him or not...'

Kara Zor-El, last daught of Krypton, and cousin to Superman say within a red sun cell. She was distressed, ever since her cousin had beaten Batman he had already begun taking the planet back under his control. Instead of killing those who resisted him, he did the worse thing possible. He made them unwilling drones by using Brainiac's technology to indoctrinate them. The worse part about it was that he planned to do the same to her, his own family. As Kara sat there, for but a moment she had considered Kal's "offer". For a moment she had feared being made into a husk, a former version of herself. That was when she closed her eyes shut and pushed those thoughts to the side. She shook her head violently, trying to get control over herself.

'What's worse? Willing working for a dictator or being made to?'

Just as she was about to think more about that, she heard a door opening. Her eyes shot open as she lifted her head to see two people whom she despised the most. It was Damian Wayne wearing his Nightwing costume, along with a smug look on his face. Beside him was Black Adam, king of Kahndaq and her one time mentor who lied about everything that she knew. She sent a glare at them, as if trying to use her heat vision. Unfortunately even if she wanted to use it, the red sun emitters in the cell ensured that she was quite literally powerless.

As Damian and Adam approached her cell, walking down a catwalk with steel railing. Kara turned towards them, knowing why they were here. The two accomplices to Kal stopped six feet from her cell, with Adam folding his arms over his chest. The man had a cold look on his face, as if he were indifferent about her current predicament.

"Well times up Kara.", Damian spoke with a voice laced with overconfidence, "What's your choice? Join us or join the indoctrinated?"

Kara bit her lip, fearing to become a husk of her former self. For a few seconds she contemplated, hoping that someone would stand up to her cousin. Then felt a dark thought enter her mind, one that centered around Batman. The only one who was able to best her cousin was because of the Dark Knight, the world was saved by a man with no powers. Batman only had his wit and the determination to win. What hope did she have? After having mused over that, Kara began to glare at Damian and Adam more intensely as she stood up from her bed. A wave of determination and resolve came over her as she remembered why she had the crest of House El on her chest. The House of El does not and will NEVER give up, hope was their literal symbol.

"I choose to stand against you until the day I die.." Kara stated with a firm resolve, knowing full well what that meant. She saw a pleased grin come over Damian's face, as if he were hoping for her to say that. Adam however gave her a disappointed look before shaking his head at her.

"Foolish child, you forget that it is only you who would dare to try and stand against us.", Adam commented, "No one can stand against us, no one can defeat us, no one is going to come and save you. You are alone."

"I disagree." A deep and voice modulated voice stated. Before Adam and Damian could try to find the source of the voice, a beeping sound was heard. It grow louder and closer until something landed on Adam's chest, it beeped once more then exploded. The shockwave from the explosion sent Damian flying and into the railing while Adam was sent flying backwards and over the railing. Kara watched this with surprise, then watched as a dark armored individual came down with a thud hitting the catwalk. Their armor was sleek black, a golden hue came from their chest, and an orange golden visor for the helmet on their head. Their ethnicity and race couldn't be seen, for the armor covered the entirety of their body. The armored figure stood at 6"5, towering over Damian as the young man got to his feet.

Damian locked eyes on the armored individual, and gave him a once over while unsheathing his sword. "I don't know who you are but-" Damian didn't get to finish his sentence. The armored warrior bolted at Damian above human standards and sent an armored fist at the supposed Boy Wonder. Damian quickly went to dodge, narrowingly being missed as the stranger's fist hit nothing but air. However the armored warrior did a spin, sending their back heel at Damian. Unable to dodge, the Boy Wonder moved his forearm up to block. He gritted his teeth and winced in pain when he felt the stranger's leg crash against his forearm. Sadly, he misjudged the armored warrior's strength and felt himself get sent flying to the left. Damian's body collided with Kara's cell, cracking the glass when he hit it. Groaning, Damian proceeded to try and stand. Kara watched as the armored warrior stomped over then grabbed the Boy Wonder by their hair.

"You talk to much." The armored stranger berated, then slammed Damian's face into the catwalk, knowing the young man out. Kara watched as Black Adam flew up from where he fell, the suppose God's eyes crackling with lightning. He glued his ire onto the stranger as they turned to Adam, seeming to tense up upon seeing him.

"You would dare attack a god!?" Adam exclaimed.

"If gods are anything like you, then I'd rather go to hell to see what the devils are like instead." The stranger replied, then watched as Adam growled and fired a bolt of lightning at them. Instead of dodging, the stranger held up a forearm. Kara watched as a golden holographic shield was emitted from the stranger's forearm, blocking Adam's lightning. Her eyes were widened with shock and awe, not understanding what she was seeing. Someone was fighting the Regime, someone was beating Adam and Damian.

The stranger crouched, allowing Kara to see the armored warrior's back emitt a rocket booster. He bolted up at Adam while the King of Kahndaq continued to fire lightning bolts at him. When the stranger was at least six feet from Adam, he dispersed his holographic shield then sent an armored fist right into Adam's face. The Kahndaqi winced, then sent an electrifying fist of his own at this armored warrior. He was caught by surprising when the stranger immediately caught his extended forearm. Adam was then sent flying down onto the catwalk when the armored stranger used an Akido technique on him. Just as the Kahndaqi got to his feet, the armored stranger came rocketing down. They was using a form of Muay Tai, bringing their armored knees down onto Adam's back. Kara winced after hearing a sickening crack. Adam howled in pain as he fell face first into the catwalk, the metal floor groaning and bending under the force of the impact.

The armored stranger then turned Adam over after getting off of him, then began repeatedly punching him in the face. To the point that blood began to smear his armored knuckles. With one more punch, Adam was out for the count. The Kahndaqi's face was almost a smear, one that looked as if a lion had mauled it. The golden visor of the armored warrior then centered on Kara who was a little frightened now. She didn't know who this was, nor did was she able to use her x-ray vision to see who it was. She watched as the armored strange stomped over quickly, then sent an armored fist at her cell. The armored knuckles crashed against the cell glass multiple times, until eventually it shattered. Kara stepped back, unsure as to what to do, then watched as the stranger held an armored hand out to her. For a moment the Kryptonian stared at it, then looked at her supposed savior in wonder.

"Come with me if you want to live." They ordered, causing Kara to feel something that she was in short supply of, Hope. With little hesitation, she took the stranger's hand and felt herself be pulled out of the cell. Kara glanced over to the beaten and broken forms of Damian and Adam, and cringed at the sight of them. Damian had a broken nose, broken arm that was out of place as well, and a heavy concussion if the imprint on the catwalk was anything to go by. Adam was worst for wear, a part of Kara pitied the Kahndaqi's beating. Of course since he was practically beyond superhuman he had to be hit far worse than normal. That said she couldn't find it in herself to do what this stranger did. Before Kara could think more on their beating, the armored stranger pulled her. She felt as if her arm was almost pulled out of it's socket. The armored stranger was gunning for the door, and immediately it shot open. Kara was surprised, the stranger hadn't even touched the door yet and already it was opening?

Sprinting down the hall, Kara could feel that her powers were slowly but surely starting to return. Even so, she felt that she was in no condition to fight anyone like Black Adam yet. H-hey!", Kara called, "Who are you? Why are you rescuing me?"

"Do you want to know before we escape or after, because we are running on a time limit here." The armored stranger replied critically, causing Kara to frown but understand what he meant. Despite being out of her cell, they had yet to escape the prison.

"After we escape." Said just as they bounded a corner. When they did, Kara's eyes widened as a gasp escaped her lips. Littering the floor were more than fifty guards who all had many lacerations and scorch marks. They were fighting for the Regime yes, but they didn't have to be beaten like this. "D-did you do this?"

"Manta, I thought I said to hold back on them." The armored stranger scolded. Kara watched as a black armored male with a large silver streak helmet came around a corner. This one she could tell was a man, for his armor showed the physique of one. Manta stood at 6"1, in his hands were slender but jagged daggers that dripped with fresh blood.

"It's their fault for working with Superman." Manta replied coldly.

"Would you still say that if you knew that they would be doing that out of fear?" The stranger questioned, and found Manta remain silent.

"WHO ARE YOU GUYS!?" Kara exclaimed, causing both individuals to look at her. She hadn't seen so much blood Brainiac destroyed Krypton. She didn't know if she could trust these two, however a familiar voice came out of nowhere.

"Dontcha know?", came a playful bit older female voice, "We're the good guys doll."

Kara watched as Harley Quinn came around the corner with a beaming smile. Immediately Kara rushed over, breaking the armored stranger's hold on her hand towards her friend. She moved past Manta and embraced Harley tightly, who returned the hug. "Harley!", Kara called with an elated tone, "You're alright, I'm so glad to see you."

"Me too blondy, me too." Harley replied, then removed herself from Kara. "We gotta go doll, Supes is on his way and right now you're gonna have to hold onto your questions. Okay?"

Kara frowned, but nodded all the same. With that being done, Kara, the armored stranger, Harley, and Manta bolted down the hall headed towards a wall. Kara was about to question what she was seeing, then watched as the wall exploded inwards with an emerald hue to it. When the dust dispersed, floating outside was a orange skinned and emerald eyed woman waiting for them. The alarms at this point for the prison began to blare all around the group as they ran to the hole in the wall. Kara was confused, not because of the group who were rescuing her, but because that they were still running. She knew that they weren't on the first floor, they had to be high above the ground. So why exactly were they still running?

"Jump!" The armored stranger ordered just as the group arrived to the hole in the wall. As soon as he said that, Kara did so and watched as a plane of an unknown make or model materialized below them. The group, as well as the orange skinned woman got on top of the plane. Kara felt the plane began to move upwards, just as a hatch was opened for them to enter. Harley was fist to enter, then was Kara, and when she was inside the Kryptonian was once again seeing another familiar face. It was Jaime Reyes, the Blue Beetle who had small smile on her face. "Jaime, you too?" Kara inquired to which the young man shrugged at her.

The inside of the plane was large and Advanced, as if it was a stealth plane of some kind. That said, it was spacious on the inside with different consoles and terminals. There was even an infirmary to Kara's right along with beds to her left. Whomever designed this plane had made it with the intention to fight a Cold War.

"Welcome to the resistance." Jaime replied.

Kara felt the plane move ever upwards, to the point that she could feel it going faster. Then heard the hatch above her close just as the last of the group entered. Standing before Kara was Blue Beetle, Harley, an orange skinned woman, someone named Manta, and the one who broke her out of her cell. He moved away from the group and towards the cockpit of the ship.

"Can someone please explain to me what's happening?" Kara asked, being on the precipice of losing her mind. For once she thought that she was going insane and just dreaming about this.

"Calm down blondy.", Harley reassured, "What's happening is that you just got rescued! Congrats!"

The crazed heroine wrapped an arm around Kara's shoulder before beginning to introduce those among them. "You already know Bluey and me.", Harley pointed to herself and Jaime who waved at her, "But let me show you our additions! We got Ginger-"

"Starfire." The Tamaranean corrected with a kind smile.

"And we've got fishman!" Harley pointed to Manta who simply stared at Kara with arms folded over his chest.

"For thr last time Quinn, the name's Black Manta." Manta corrected.

"Wait wait wait.", Kara looked to Harley with a questioning look, "How did you escape? I thought Kal got you and everyone else."

"Oh, that's because of steelly over there!"


"She means me." The armored stranger called as he walked back over to the group. Kara looked to her apparent savior and gave him an indifferent look. He came to a stop about three feet from her, towering over her small frame. "I know that things are confusing right now, but just know that you can trust us."

"How can I trust someone who hides behind a helmet?" Kara asked without missing a beat, then watched as the armored stranger give her a slight nod. Slowly, the stranger moved his hands up to his head. Then twisted his helmet, causing a hissing sound to be made. Kara watched with a furrowed brow as the stranger removed his helmet. She watched as a dark skinned male was revealed to her, he couldn't have been older than her or maybe just by a few years. Pursing her lips, Kara felt the need to ask this question since they had escaped. "Who are you....and why did you save me?"

The man before her gave her a calm look as he rested his helmet at his hip with one hand. His other hand pointed at Kara as he spoke. "Because Kara, you're the only one who can fight your cousin and win. You're the only one who can help us save the planet, you're Earth's last hope...along with us of course."

Kara nodded, feeling the embers of hope blaze upwards inside of her. 'Black Adam was wrong...there are those who will fight the Regime.' She thought, then gave the man before her a raised brow.

"You still haven't told me your name."

"Sorry, I go by Obsidian Danger when out on the field. My real name though is John Henry Irons."

"Junior!" Harley called, causing John to roll his eyes at the crazed heroine's tease.

"I thought that we agreed that you'd shut up about that Quinn." John berated.

"Yeah, but I wasn't listening to have of what you said except NOT to call you that."

".....I hate you Quinn."

"Awww, I love you too junior!"

{Styker Prison, Damian}

Damian Wayne groaned, his body felt sore, his head was throbbing from pain, and he felt as if he was being watched. Turning over, he saw a blurred image of the downed Black Adam on the floor out cold. Then looked to see someone else walking in towards him. He squinted his eyes to get a good look at who was approaching him. That was when he saw the familiar shape of a light violet "S" symbol upon the figure's chest. When they drew closer, the face of Superman became all too clear to Damian. His eyes widened with surprise, then lowered his head with shame. The Man of Steel was his idol, he was practically his father. He had failed not only in indoctrinating Kara, but also with stopping her escape.

Superman came to a halt beside Damian, glaring at the hole in her cell. For a silent but tense moment he said nothing. Then his voice came out of his mouth in an eerily calm tone. "What happened?" Superman questioned.

Damian felt a lump build up in his throat as he forced himself to answer. "K-kara escaped-"

"I know that, I want to know HOW."

"She had help..."


"I...i-i don't know... Kal i can make this right! I can bring her back and-"

"You've done enough Damian." Superman denied then glanced behind him, "Batman, have you had a secret protégé meant to take me down that we aren't aware of?"

Damian watched as his father who was under Superman's control now come out of the Man of Steel's shadow.

"No." Batman answered with a monotone voice, causing Superman to frown then turn to Batman.

"Let me rephrase the question, is there anyone that you're aware of who could have planned this?"


That caused Superman to narrow his eyes into a glare, looking as if he were serious now. "Then we have a problem..."