
Injustice 3: Uprising

Penulis: Necro_
Anime & Comics
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What is Injustice 3: Uprising

Baca novel Injustice 3: Uprising yang ditulis oleh penulis Necro_ yang diterbitkan di WebNovel. We were born to a world at war, the only reason that it doesn't look like we're at war is because it isn't fought publicly. My father was a good man, a hero who was prejudiced against due to the times...


We were born to a world at war, the only reason that it doesn't look like we're at war is because it isn't fought publicly. My father was a good man, a hero who was prejudiced against due to the times. Now I have to rise up and take his place. I don't want to be like him, he wasn't ready to do what had to be done. The war that he fought needed a different type of soldier. What that war needed was an avenger, and I'm going to give the people who took my father away from me every piece of this ass whooping. I stopped trying to be a hero the moment that heroes started dying...the world doesn't need heroes, it needs soldiers.

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At some point, wizards appeared. Beings far different than the creatures who lived on the island from the start. The wizards all yearn for a certain place with all their hearts, a place so far beyond the world that they can never return to it. The creatures of the island call that place the Beyond, all while marveling at the wondrous magic the wizards show them. But the wizards say that the Beyond is a world without magic. Before the creatures could inquire further, the wizards were gone, leaving behind only a few small traces of the wonder they once wielded. But the creatures say that, far to the south, the last wizard lives, maintaining a watchful vigil over the land, in hopes that the others will return. Before anyone could expect - not the last wizards left alive beyond the edges of the world, not the creatures living in the forest dreaming of something new, not even the last remaining warriors fighting for a dying country - the world shatters. In the aftermath, the only ones who can do anything are the few creatures who were unceremoniously dragged into a war that history was too scared to record. Author Note: I started writing this in seventh grade. I was one of those kids who wanted to write a book in elementary and middle school. I actually found the time and motivation to finish it. I dug it up one day and decided to post it here to see what everyone thinks. I also dug up the old planning document I used and found a bunch of storyline that is supposed to come after that I didn't manage to write, so there will be sequel novels to The Island of Cataclysm (the first volume). So don't go and leave the moment you see an "Epilogue" chapter. That just means that this particular chunk of the story is over. There's still more. I hope you all enjoy! - MagicSquirrel

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