
591 Pixie Sticks

Wolfe pulled a healing potion out of his pack and sighed as he realized it was broken, and less than half full. He did his best to shake the broken glass off the round container and downed the contents, letting the soothing feeling take the pain from his insides.

As he rushed to finish the potion, vines rushed up from the ground to encircle him, and Wolfe threw himself into the air using [Levitate].

But he was in a forest, there were plants all around him and the reprieve was only a split second long, before the branches of the trees came for him.

A hastily erected [Nether Lightning] barrier turned them to ash, and Wolfe let a soft laugh escape his lips.

"You waited too long to take action. You can't bring your powers out to their fullest, and here in the Fae Forest, your evil is not welcome." He taunted as the two Saints prepared a more powerful charm.