
590 The Incredible Journey

"Greetings, Noxus whelp. You are a Noxus aren't you? Only that disgraceful lot of necromancers would use something as vile as Nether Lightning." One of the old women greeted Wolfe in a slow voice. 

The gentle tone was a complete mismatch for her words, and she didn't even flinch as she patted out the Nether Lightning that Wolfe could tell had already breached her defensive spells. 

They were both at Rank Seven, but they felt like they were in their last days of life, and their powers were waning. Their aura was as oppressive as ever, he assumed, but the flow of mana through their bodies was wrong, as if they had already started to shut down, and soon their internal organs would fail and completely stop the flow.

"Wolfe Noxus, to be precise." He agreed. "To what do I owe the pleasure of your company this fine afternoon? I don't have any tea prepared, but I can make some."