

"I don't find myself too interested in having sex in front of Zeoticus." Thankfully, Zeoticus pulled her off of me.

I really need to get stronger if I can be overpowered so easily.

"It is good to see you again, grand-aunt." My sister seemed to stare at him... confused to who he was.

"Your face is familiar, but I don't remember you." The pillar head sighed as he looked down at her, seemingly disappointed in himself for not considering such a possibility.

"I... understand. Then, I will send you off with your brother." Well... that is both good and bad for me. Now... she's more susceptible to Zekram's Assassination attempts. But also more within my range to manipulate.

The most... concerning thing however. Is this...

[Gambler class unlocked]


How troublesome. Truly troublesome.

An ultimate class homunculus. This lab is truly concerning if it can mass produce these types of homunculi.

No... they definitely can't. Or they would have just sent 3 ultimate class.

Pushing myself off the ground... my arms were so immensely heavy. But I must get up. I must.

I... as a butler, was given a task. I must not die until that task is over.


And so, the butler stood, his jaw mangled and broken, both arms being metallic in nature, he was the weapon of the Asmodeus family.

And Asmodeus created that weapon.

The homunculi took a fighting stance, body humming with electricity.

'So it absorbs magic? Does it then gain access to that magic, or does it saturate its body and strengthen it?' Sebastian took a spearhand stance, his painfully sharp fingers shining in the sunlight.

Staring, the duo ran at one another, wind tearing and ground shattering. Everything seemed to slow down, fist approaching face, spearhand approaching throat.

"Heads." A burst of speed jolted the Butlers body, his hand shooting through the homunculi's throat, his arm buried in there so deeply that the threads of flesh keeping it's head attached were straining to tear.

Sebastian glanced back at his lord, a coin on the ground.

What... happened?

"Are you alright, Sebastian?" Zetian approached, placing a hand on the butlers shoulder and looking at his face. "We should get you washed up."

"I'm.... sorry..." catching his attendant as he fell, Zetian was curious. What had happened here?

"Annie, can you explain what happened here?" The shell-shocked girl glanced towards the butler, wondering where akeno had gone.

"While... while we were shopping. 3... homuculus? Homunculi? They were following us. Sebastian tore the first ones heart out, Akeno struck lightning at the remaining two. One just absorbed it, and the other dodged. I don't know where-" The heavy thud of a body hitting the ground drew everyone's attention.

It was the third homunculus.

And a very disappointed Akeno.

"The moment I realised that it had no hope of winning, it bit its tongue." Akeno slowly began to walk off, all three family members could sense it.

"Well... let's get Sebastian home." The oldest man of the family said as he picked up Sebastian in a bridal carry.


Well... quite the series of events.

So that lab, makes homunculi. Even managing to do something that Ajuka couldn't do, making an artificial devil.

"How'd the big guy get fucked up?" Clemetine had her elbow on my desk as she sat across from me.

"An ultimate class Homunculus. Sebastian fought it, and suffered moderate injuries." I stared at my maid. Its not hard to tell.

"Right. Let's go get you a person to torture." Clementine looked at me strangely, a hint of fear in her eyes as we both stood up. I love how curvy she is...

"It's... scary how easily you can read me." I laughed as i constructed a magic circle.

[-100 Mp]

"You're easy to read because you're straightforward." We both stepped into the magic circle, appearing right in the middle of kuoh at the dead of night.

"So. How do you want to do this? We can either take an awake person or a sleeping one." Clementine placed a finger on her chin.

"Asleep. A middle aged man. I wanna see his reactions as he realises how he's never going home." I looked up at the night sky.

"Better idea. Tell him, if he can last for a certain period of time, he can leave. Then, when that period arrives, reveal that you never intended to follow through with your promise. Then threaten to go for his family, and watch him beg." I could feel her gaze on me.

[+15 affection with Clementine]

"You and I are more alike than I first thought. I thought you were just some pompous lord at first, no... I was mistaken. You and I are twisted individuals." Hmm. I wouldn't exactly consider myself twisted, but I can understand her perspective.

'I just had an idea. A middle aged man. Gorou Hyoudou.'


Breaking in wasn't too difficult. Considering i had prior lock picking experience.

Their place was just like what I vaguely remembered in the anime.

Just... one issue. Using life sense, I could sense everyone inside the house.

Why were there 2 women? Not including Clementine, there were 2 women in the house. Has the timeline been altered? Genderbend?

Well... I'd find that out tomorrow when I started teaching.

For now, I just headed up the stairs and walked Into the parents room, both being sound asleep.

Ah, the joy of kidnapping.


"Sis! Are you alright?" Sairaorg said as he lifted his sister up from the ground, helping her to her feet.

"Of course I'm not. But... progress is being made." Maria looked at her hands, hands covered... no. Made of the power of destruction. "I expected such a thing to be harder, but devil magic works off of imagination. I just have to be a bit creative." Maria had successfully managed part of this transformation.

"I must say boyo, I thought you were crazy coming to my side of Japan while fully aware of our hatred for devils. Yet, I believe your sister takes the cake there." A short old man appeared from the air, his gourd shaped head would be unsettling to any normal person.

"Sorry about this sir." The old man laughed at the strange apology.

"No need to say sorry, I allow you to come here freely. Just that your sister surprises me. If she manages that transformation, even Sirzechs would be no match for her. To recreate your whole body into the power of destruction, you would essentially become a God of Destruction. Total authority over that power." Sairaorg sighed.

"I knew my dream was gonna be hard, but damn, I'm gonna need to train a lot more than my usual 14 hours a day." Nurarihyon sweat dropped at the casual statement.

"There is such a thing as overworking yourself." The old man couldn't help but say, even he never worked that hard.

"No point in telling him that. It would be like telling you not to just wander into random people's homes. It's simply in your nature." Nurarihyon simply grinned as he pulled out a pipe from his kimono.

"Quite true. A person's nature doesn't change... at least... not easily." A wistful look graced the old youkai's face.


How unfortunate that Clementine failed. Zetian... was far too calm after an attempt on his life. Could he be hiding the fear? No... I can easily tell when a person hides their fear.

I had intended to force him under my faction... but that will now be difficult with Serafall's intervention.

I'll have to bide my time, and when he eventually slips up... then, only then will I be able to extort the full retribution upon him.

Every favour

Every false kindness

Every dirty secret

All of them would be used if it made Zetian suffer.

All of that...

Was out of spite.


And rage.

All at the man's Father.

Vengeance... would be his.


A girl.

A young girl sat on the street. Long hair covering her eyes like a messy bowl cut.

Her ragged clothes stood out amongst the wall against which she sat.

Drops of rain started to strike her face.

Time to get up.

Clambering to her feet, the girl started to walk on the damp pavement. Not a car in sight, not a soul out on the street. It was only her.

She would need to find shelter from the rain.

A cold would kill her at this time. It would impede her ability to work, if she could even get a job.

How she had fallen... once an aspiring spear woman with potential to surpass even Sun Wukong himself. Now nothing but a homeless woman left on the street.

Not even twenty years of age yet.

And all she had done was disappoint her family.

Maki Arima was her name.

And right now, she walked through the wet streets of kyoto, aimlessly walking after a goal.


The girls body could go no longer, falling into a pile of trash. In that trash pile... was something she may never have expected.

A flyer...


Staring at the sleeping gorou hyoudou in the chair, I couldn't help but be confused.

A contract? But... to my knowledge... I've never given out any devil fliers.

What was going on?

"Apologies Clementine. But apparently I have a flier to attend to." Quickly, i crafted a magic circle.

[-100 Mp]

Clementine waved me goodbye, stilletto in hand with a grin on her face. Stepping through the circle, I found myself on a soaking pavement with a girl in front of me.

"Oh dear, what are you doing out here in the rain?" Quickly, I made an umbrella.

[-20 Mp]

The girl looked up to me, I couldn't see her eyes past her hair but I could guess from her trembling lip that she was hopeful.

"Homeless are you? No matter. You summoned me for a contract. I can give you a home and food, somewhere to stay. A new home. It all depends on what you can offer me." I crouched down with my umbrella in my right hand, lifting her chin with my left.

"I... Will offer you all of me. I just want you to take care of me... and listen to a single request I have at a later date." The girl pushed herself up, kneeling in front of me and I reached my hand out.

"It's a deal." I said as the girl shook my hand.

[Deal has been established with skill bet. Participants will be punished if they go against their words.]

"Now, tell me your name, girl."

"Arima... Arima Maki."


Sometimes, my own laziness amazes me.