

Something had come to my attention. The memories of Zetian I have, his personality was remarkably similar to mine... almost identical.

And so I had a theory. Was he the me of this world?

Alternative universes are a strange thing, especially when finding someone who's outlook was so similar to my own.

So, in the spirit of my new class and while borrow was still active, I decided to take a gamble.

To reinforce my butlers loyalty, that...

Or I'll die.

Truly... the gamble of the century.

At least for me.

And so, here I stood, leaning against my desk face to face with the family butler. Completely alone.

"You... wished to see me, my lord?" Sebastian had bandages on his head and arm, clearly avoiding my sight out of some form of shame. Likely disappointed that he couldn't perform his duties properly.

"Correct. However, this is not in relation to your recent failures. It is... about a question." That alone caused me to receive an owlish look from the butler.

"What question my lord?" Hmm. This is quite nerve-wracking, but I've faced death before.

It wasn't exactly scary.

"Think of a situation. One where your Lord was replaced by someone with an almost identical personality. How would you react?" Sebastian narrowed his eyes at the implications.

"Zetian..." His voice was dead cold, hearing him say my name was strange. But it's not like I expected him to stay completely calm. "Are you implying, what I think?"

"Do calm yourself. I find that your anger issues are a problem. Now, let me explain. In my perspective, your lord and I, are almost identical in personality." And that statement puzzled him.

"You see. Zetian, his goal was women. As is my goal. But the issue is, I have what most would consider a.... unique, view of morality. And yet, when I search these memories of Zetians. I find one that perplexed me. You see, I am a firm believer in the belief, morals don't matter." That seemed to shock him.

"I... read through my Lords notes once. He wrote, of how Lord Zetian came to that conclusion. But... am I to simply assume that you are but an alternate worlds' Zetian? How-" I snapped my fingers.

"A simple way to believe me, is a magical binding contract. Devils specialise in those, no? Simply, make a contract that when I lie, it triggers something like say... a heart palpitation?" Sebastian quickly thrust out his hand, a magic circle appearing in it.

"Do you, individual in control of Zetian Asmodeus' body, agree to speak the truth under this contract, for until I deem the contract void?" Grabbing his hand firmly, I felt the contract weigh upon me.

It wasn't... heavy? Per say. But it felt like I constantly had a... barbell, on my neck.

"I am a woman." At that point, i fell to my knees, clutching my chest in immense pain. "Fuck... that... really felt.... shit."

"It's clear the contract is in effect then. Stand back up before you answer my questions." Gripping my desk, I pulled myself up, still standing on shaky legs.

"What is your name." Ah... he was going to use this opportunity to fish for information, wasn't he?

"Nate or Zetian. Whichever works." No palpitations, simply because, I truly believe that, just as much as I am him, he is me. As entities, he and I are mentally identical. Doppelgangers if you will. And i could tell, that simple question threw him off

"What are your intentions?" Really? I feel like I'd already made that abundantly clear.

"Women. Sex slaves, maid's. All kinds of sex and the like. Though I will add, if the world was to end, I'd try my hardest to stop it, simply because I don't wish for my fun to end so soon." His look became much warmer at my explanation.

"Alright. One last question. You love the sound of your own voice, don't you?" Well...

"Absolutely." With a sligh smirk, I could feel Sebastian dismiss the contract.

"Truly, you are an asmodeus through and through. All you care for, is your own lust. I... apologise for the inconvenience. I will be going-"

"Wait a moment. Its nothing bad, I just wish for you to go to anger management classes. As it does come to my attention that your temper is quite short." I swear I saw a discontent look flash across his face, but it was as fleeting as a leaf in the wind.

"Very well sir, I shall get going to book an appointment. As for the computer, it will arrive sometime today. I was unable to procure one and had to order a computer. I shall be back in a few hours." Hah... Well...

That was a stressful encounter, but now Sebastians loyalty has no question.


Let's go check on Clementine.


"Please... just... let me go home... I-I have a wife... and a daughter!" The salary mans' begs were futile, the ears that heard them belonged to a woman brimming with glee.

"Aw... but wheres the fun in that?" His sobs filled the room, as well as a pair of shoes hitting the stone floor.

"Oh... how's it going Zetian~!" Immense glee filled her tone, and it wasn't hard to guess why. The bloody stillettos had dripped onto her maid uniform, staining the white.

"I do wish you'd keep the outfit clean, but I doesn't matter. Just keep that one and swap into a clean one, use that one for your fun. How is it going?" Clementine giggled madly before stabbing a stilletto into his strapped down right hand. Gorou howled in pain at the sudden penetration.

"Orgasmic! There's nothing better than taking a Stab at an human ignorant to the supernatural~!" Her jolly tone could rival serafall right now.

"Hmm. Let me try something." Casually sauntering over to the poor man, Zetian grabbed his hand, Gorou forcefully tensed up and a pitying look graced the devils' face. "Calm down, I'm not going to hurt you." The father welled with relief, he could almost-

The snapping of his fingers was so sudden that his scream of pain was drowned out by the mere crunch.

"Ah... its been a while. I might've snapped it incorrectly."

[+10 affection with Clementine]

"Ah, that was really good~, you strung him along and heartlessly betrayed him!" It was... strange. One moment, Clementine was immensely bitter at being forced into servitude. But in a situation like this, she truly didn't mind.

Think of it like... she was a poor child taken in by a rich family.

Nothing was out of reach.

"Well. I will go check on Maki. Have fun with gorou here." And like that, he was gone... gorous' melodies of sorrow returned as Zetians shoes gained more distance.

"Ah. ah. ah, we still have a whole week left together, go-rou~chan!"


Where... no.

I remember. I found a devil summoning contract... and I made a deal.

Whether this deal is good or not, i don't know.

In this spacious bedroom, I could hear one thing.

The door.

And there he was. The man I met through the contract. There was... something about him. Something that just didn't sit right.

But just as I had to fufill my end. So did he.

"Alright. Let's get your parameters down. High class? Mid high class. What's your focus, strength, speed or technique?"

"Technique sir. I am in possession of a sacred gear called The Spear of Anavatapta. Its ability is to extend and retract. I come from... nevermind." I... didn't want to think about them. And my request could wait. I don't care how long i must delay my request. So long as he has potential to fufill it, i will be content.

"Alright. Then, you'll be my bodyguard. Write down your preferred outfit when you have some free time. For now, I'll just give you a guide of the castle." Maki stood up, seeing that she was only in her white underwear.

"Alright sir." The duo of lord and newly-hired bodyguard swiftly moved to the hallway.

"This hallway leads to guest bedrooms, my bedroom and my study. My study is opposite the stairs, my bedroom is next to it. In terms of castles, it's small compared to most. But it's quaint and easy to navigate." Slowly, the two moved down the stairs, Maki stared at the man's back in silence.

'I expected him to order me to service him by now... he... he is an asmodeus? Right?' These thoughts had plagued the spearwomans mind. Was... was she not attractive? That couldn't be it, she was curvy with an hourglass figure.

"Anyway. This is the... lobby? Yeah, we'll go with that. On the left, that way leads to the torture rooms. You'll see Clementine going in and out often. The right leads to the kitchen. To make you aware, I have recently gotten a job as an actor for Serafall Leviathans' show. The villain specifically. And on the days I don't act, I work at kuoh academy. Specifically because someone artificially cloned a devil. Of my father."

Maki wasn't a smart individual. But cloning was something that only existed in the realm of science-fiction. She knew of homunculi, by they weren't clones. Artificial, yes. Clones, no.

"I... how did that happen sir?" Zetian stared up at the ceiling.

"There are many things I don't know. Two of these things being how you got your hands on an asmodeus flyer, and the other being how Annie was made. All things considered, We're dealing with a genius beyond Ajuka Beelzebub. They did what even he couldn't." The first part caught the Arima childs' attention.

"What do you mean? Have you not handed out flyers?" Wasn't that standard for devils to do?

"No. I haven't. In my family, there is 4 left. Annie, the clone of my father and newly adopted sister. Nia, a child between the original Gremory and my father who I recently woke from the devil sleeping disease. And Creusery. Creusery is a member of the Old Satan faction. I don't think his pride would even allow him to serve humans or make contracts. And so that leaves me with the question. Who made the flyer?" Maki paused... is there another descendant at play?

"Did your family not have any servants?" Zetian took a seat in the lobby, a long table in front and chairs on either side and the opposite end. Maki took a seat beside him.

"They had servants. According to Sebastian, they betrayed the family and attempted to kill me while under the devil sleeping disease. I would assume its a result of Zekram Baels' connections. Other than that. Sebastian spoke of a family under the name Servus-libidinis. However he doesn't know their whereabouts." Maki began to think.

"Could it not be them? As loyal servants, they would know the familys' magic circle off by heart. Who's to say that they won't make flyers to try and help despite being unaware of your state?" The young lord hummed in acceptance of this possibility.

"At the end of the day, it's only speculation. But helpful nonetheless. As for now, well, I learnt some hand to hand. And i would like to practice it as much as i can." Maki sighed before asking.

"What level of strength do I need to restrain myself to?"


Not much gamer stuff in the chapter, but its more of a less physical and confrontational. Kind of like a check in on the characters.