
Infinite Summon System

Ru Cimoń, is a 20 year old man, wanting the simplest thing in life, what is it? You may be asking. Peace and Quiet, to be as lazy as possible while still maintaining a good paying job. His plans were going great, until the events of 3 years ago when Magic was discovered. Magic became the pinnacle of human civilization and evolution, scientists have done a great deal of research to uncover the sudden existence of magic we all call ‘Mana’. People from all around the world would have some slight ‘connection’ with the mana that now exists in our world, while others can only feel it’s presence. Some would even come to be able to wield ‘Mana’ or ‘Magic’ giving these selected few people supernatural abilities, we called these individuals’Mages’. Some mages would be rare in each region, country, state, and culture. It would vary depending on how connected said individual was with mana. But, mages wouldn’t only be able to just wield a single type of power, if trained and honed. Mages would ‘Awaken’ to a type of power Unforeseen, pyrokenisis,, telekinesis, future sight, flight, etc. Each mage would awaken to a specific kind of ability natural only to them. Ru was one of these mages, although he wasn’t physically strong, fast, or even durable to be called a mage. He did have a secret, he has a unimaginable amount of mana, his connection with magic seemed unreal to him at first. But through the passage of time he managed to hide the fact he had so much mana. But when he turned 20, he awakened to an unfamiliar ability, suddenly a screen appeared in front of his face one morning, saying he ‘Awakened To A Rare Class’. He had the ability to ‘Summon’ super sexy, monsters, gods, celestials, etc. but there was one flaw with this power…..one major flaw indeed….. He didn’t want it at all.

Aldric_ · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
5 Chs

Wake Up Call (2)

The streets buzzed with activity—people chattering, scrolling on their phones, or hurrying to their destinations. Amid this chaos, Ru stood before the very place he'd tried to avoid for a while now: the General Mages Corp. Despite his best efforts to stay calm, he felt unmistakably nervous.

"Okay, Ru, deep breaths. It's just an examination. It's not like my entire life depends on this one measly rank. No! Haha…" Ru muttered to himself, attempting to steady his nerves. A faint 𝗚𝗨𝗟𝗣 echoed as he walked through the building's entrance.


Moments later, after gathering enough courage to enter the G.M.C. building, Ru found himself in a bustling front office. The room was filled with people waiting—some seated in rows that seemed endless. Ru approached the front desk where a woman with long black hair and clear blue eyes greeted him with a warm smile.

"Hello, sir! Here for an appointment?"

"Uh, yeah. Unfortunately," Ru replied, his voice tinged with unease.

The receptionist tilted her head, puzzled by his response. "Name and ID, please?"

"Right, Ru Cimon. Here's my ID." Ru handed it over.

As their fingers touched, a small electric shock crackled between them.

"Eek!" the receptionist exclaimed.

"Ah! Sorry, it must be from my sweater," Ru said, awkwardly laughing.

"No, no, it's fine, Mr. Cimon. Just a moment while I pull up your information."

Ru noticed the receptionist's sudden anxiety. 'The mood's changed. Is it because of my sweater? I knew I should've worn my jacket!' He glanced at her with curiosity as she typed rapidly at her keyboard.

'This man, Ru Cimon… for a split second, I felt an unimaginable amount of mana flowing through him. He must be suppressing it. Who is he?'

The receptionist's sweaty and anxious demeanor only made Ru feel more uncomfortable. She finally handed back his ID, her hands trembling slightly.

"Here you go, sir. Your appointment is with the examination team on floor 12. Mr. Reinhardt will be your examiner."

"Thank you," Ru said, sensing the awkward vibes between them. He quickly made his way to the elevator, feeling the receptionist's gaze follow him.


On the way up, Ru pondered the name "Reinhardt." "Reinhardt… why does that sound familiar? Eh, I'm sure it'll come to me."

When Ru arrived on the 12th floor, he walked through the hallways lined with various rooms—some for magical capacity, body modification, and even magic transfusion.

'I guess these rooms are for those who can't properly utilize their magic. Hopefully, mine turns out to be nothing special…' Ru thought.

Suddenly, a tap on his shoulder and a low monotone voice interrupted his thoughts.

"Mr. Cimon, correct?"

Ru turned to find himself face-to-face with a remarkably handsome man—short dark brown hair, cyan eyes, and a perfectly aligned chin.

"Ah! Yes, that's me. I'm Ru Cimon," he stammered, remembering who this person was. Reinhardt, a top mage ranked number 45, originally from Russia.

"It's a pleasure to meet you. I'm Innessa Reinhardt. I'll be your examiner for today," Innessa said with a friendly smile.

"Oh, right. It's an honor, sir… Reinhardt… uh…" Ru fumbled over his words.

"Haha, please, call me Innessa," Reinhardt said, chuckling.

Ru was taken aback by the man's genuine charm. Innessa guided him to the examination room. As they walked, he asked Ru an intriguing question.

"So, Mr. Cimon, how would you describe modern society?"

"Huh? Oh, well, it's certainly more progressive compared to three years ago, but that doesn't always mean it's better," Ru replied, trying to sound thoughtful.

"Indeed. The discovery of mana has stirred things up. It's created new tensions—wars, racism, and a general shift in power dynamics. It's remarkable how much a single discovery can change the world."

Ru listened to Innessa speak, feeling a pang of guilt for those suffering due to the divide between the magical and non-magical communities.

"You're quite perceptive, Mr. Cimon," Innessa said. "I can tell you want to make a difference. Change, for better or worse, is often necessary."

Ru was lost in thought. 'Do I want to make a difference? Can I?'


In the examination room, a large mechanism with cables connected to five separate monitors was visible. Ru marveled at the technological advancements.

"Please remove your sweater, shirt, and pants, Mr. Cimon," Innessa instructed.

"Huh?!" Ru exclaimed, eyes wide.

"Haha, it's for the examination. Any fabric or layered material can interfere with the scan. So, please undress and lie on the bed over there."

Reluctantly, Ru removed his sweater, shirt, and pants, leaving only his boxers. He lay down on the bed, feeling self-conscious.

"Okay, Mr. Cimon. I'm going to administer this drug to numb your body a bit," Innessa said, holding a syringe.

"Why's that?" Ru asked, apprehensive.

"This scanning mechanism can pick up raw mana fluctuations, which might harm your body. Think of it like veins carrying blood, but with a higher risk of disruption," Innessa explained.

Ru's eyes widened. "Oh… okay."

Innessa reassured him. "Don't worry. This drug will make you drowsy, so you won't feel much. Just try to relax and drift off."

Ru felt the drug take effect quickly, his speech slurring as drowsiness overtook him. "My… dreams… whoa… this stuff works fast…"

Innessa watched as Ru slipped into unconsciousness. "He fell asleep faster than expected. I'd better start the examination before he wakes up."

With that, Innessa activated the scanning mechanism. The machine emitted a soft white glow, and the monitors flickered on. One displayed Ru's brain activity, another his body functions, one for his organs, and the last two were crucial: his mana capacity and magical affinities.

Innessa's eyes widened in shock. Ru's affinity number wasn't just high—it was off the charts. The monitors couldn't even register a specific value.

Ohhhh~ things are looking interesting! (Keep calm and wait for more chapters!)

Aldric_creators' thoughts