
Infinite Summon System

Ru Cimoń, is a 20 year old man, wanting the simplest thing in life, what is it? You may be asking. Peace and Quiet, to be as lazy as possible while still maintaining a good paying job. His plans were going great, until the events of 3 years ago when Magic was discovered. Magic became the pinnacle of human civilization and evolution, scientists have done a great deal of research to uncover the sudden existence of magic we all call ‘Mana’. People from all around the world would have some slight ‘connection’ with the mana that now exists in our world, while others can only feel it’s presence. Some would even come to be able to wield ‘Mana’ or ‘Magic’ giving these selected few people supernatural abilities, we called these individuals’Mages’. Some mages would be rare in each region, country, state, and culture. It would vary depending on how connected said individual was with mana. But, mages wouldn’t only be able to just wield a single type of power, if trained and honed. Mages would ‘Awaken’ to a type of power Unforeseen, pyrokenisis,, telekinesis, future sight, flight, etc. Each mage would awaken to a specific kind of ability natural only to them. Ru was one of these mages, although he wasn’t physically strong, fast, or even durable to be called a mage. He did have a secret, he has a unimaginable amount of mana, his connection with magic seemed unreal to him at first. But through the passage of time he managed to hide the fact he had so much mana. But when he turned 20, he awakened to an unfamiliar ability, suddenly a screen appeared in front of his face one morning, saying he ‘Awakened To A Rare Class’. He had the ability to ‘Summon’ super sexy, monsters, gods, celestials, etc. but there was one flaw with this power…..one major flaw indeed….. He didn’t want it at all.

Aldric_ · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
5 Chs

Wake Up Call (2)



The streets would be filled with people talking with each other, on their phones, or simply walking by to get to their destination.

Meanwhile Ru would be standing in front of the the very place he'd tried avoiding for a while now. The G.M.C, despite hiding it Ru was unmistakably nervous.

"Ookay, Ookay, take deep breaths Ru. It's only an examination, it's not like my whole life is dependent on one measly rank. No! Haha…"

Ru took one look at the building in front of him, feeling his anxiety creep up on him, amidst the loud noises of the city and people. A faint 𝗚𝗨𝗟𝗣 could be heard, as he walks into the building.


Moments would pass after Ru gained the courage to walk through the automated doors of the G.M.C building. He'd find himself in the front office, it would be packed with all sorts of people.

The line was very long, and there were people waiting in seats that rowed from 20's to 70 chairs all in total, maybe even more. But unfortunately for Ru he had an appointment. Ru scanned the front desk to see a sign that said 'Appointment Check In'.

"Sigh, guess I have no choice since I'm already here. Could've just called to reschedule…"

Ru mumbled underneath his breath. He'd make his way over to the front desk of the appointment center, there a woman with long black hair and clear blue eyes looked over at him. She smiled and responded,

"Hello Sir! Here for an appointment?"

"…Y-Yes, I am. Unfortunately "

The woman tilted her head slightly towards Ru's strange response. But Ru simply sulked to the receptionist.

"Name and ID please"

"Oh right, Ru Cimon. Here's my ID"

After taking out his ID and handing it over to the woman, a sudden surge of electricity would spark as their fingers made contact with each other.


"Ah! Sorry must've been from my sweater"

"No, No, it's fine Mr.Cimon. It's completely understandable, please wait a moment while I bring up your information and check you in"

The woman would once again grab Ru's ID, placing it on the desk next to her. But for some reason she felt a bit anxious all of a sudden, this caught the eye of Ru.

'The mood suddenly changed, is it because of my sweater? I knew i should've worn my jacket!'

Ru's thoughts seemed focused on the awkwardness of the situation. But for the receptionist, other things were on her mind.

'This man, Ru Cimon. It was only for a second through the contact of our fingers. But I felt it, and unimaginable amount of mana is flowing through him! He must be suppressing that ungodly amount of mana, who is he exactly?!'

The receptionist face seemed a bit sweaty and even more anxious as she typed away at the keyboard, making the oblivious Ru even more awkward and confused.

"Ah! Here you go sir! Sorry for the wait, your appointment is with the examination team on floor 12, Mr.Reinhardt will be your examiner!"

"Oh, thank you"

The receptionist would hesitantly hand over Ru's ID. Ru on the other hand could still feel the awkward vibes between them. Even as he walked away he felt the woman's eyes trail on him, making him walk a bit faster to the elevator.


A mere moment would pass as Ru found himself in the elevator going floor to floor. While his assertion to the 12th floor was near, he couldn't help think about the name the receptionist gave him.

"Reinhardt…Reinhardt…haven't I heard that name somewhere?…meh, I'm sure it'll come to me later"

As soon as Ru ended his sentence, he would make it to the 12th floor exiting the elevator. Now walking through the hallways of the building, Ru noticed a variety of rooms , some ranging from, magically capacity, body modification, and even magic transfusion.

'I guess these rooms weee made for those unable to properly utilize their magic and affinities. Hopefully mine just turns out to be nothing special…'

Ru's thoughts pondered a bit. But suddenly he'd feel a tap on his shoulder and a low monotone voice come from behind him.

"Mr.Cimon correct?"

"Ah!?, huh?"

As Ru turned his head, he was face to face with a very handsome man, from his short dark brown hair, to his cyan colored eyes, his face was nothing short but handsome, right down to his perfectly aligned shin.

Then Ru suddenly remembered who this person was. Reinhardt, one of the worlds top mages ranking number 45, he originated from Russia. But for some reasons unknown he changed his last name to that of a foreign deceased royal family.

"It is a pleasure to meet you, I am Innessa Reinhardt. I'll be your examiner, to properly check what type of magic you'll be possessing"

"Oh, right it's an honor sir…Reinhardt..uh.."

"Haha, please no need to be modest. Innessa is just fine"

Ru was a bit taken aback by this man's genuine charm. Innessa would only smile, guiding Ru to the examination room. There, Ru would discover what kind of magic that would most suit him, and how it would determine the course of his life.

As they walked through the halls, making their way to the examination room. Innessa suddenly asked Ru an intriguing question.

"Tell me mr.cimon. How would you describe modern day society?"

"Huh? Oh, well I'd have to say it's far more progressive than what all of mankind was at 3 years ago, but it's not to say it was for the better"

"Indeed, war would break out if any country or state managed to get their hands on a powerful mage capable enough to over throw the ties of power. Racism between the majority of people who have a connection with this new found power called 'Mana'. It would only appear that the sudden existence of magic has struck a chord in humankind as a whole, in the most negative way"

Ru listens to Innessa speak of the modern day and how magic suddenly changed many people's view on the world as a whole. He couldn't help but feel a bit guilty for the ones who've suffered from oppression and persecution, now more than ever due to the fact that some don't even have a connection with mana.

"Your a caring man, Mr. Cimon"


"I can tell when someone wants to make a change in the modern world, weather better or for worse, things do need to change"

Innessa patted Ru's shoulder and smiled. Ru on the other hand felt lost in his thoughts.

'Do I want to make a difference? Can I?…'


In the examination room a large mechanism could be seen, it was linked to cabals connected to 5 separate monitors. Each one having their own specific purposes, Ru could only look at how far technological advancement has come.

"Please remove both your sweater, shirt and pants , Mr.Cimon"


"Haha, it's for the examination. After your done undressing please lay down on that bed over there, any fabric or layered material on your body messes with the scanning process. So it helps to remove a certain amount to get clear results"

Ru's sudden paranoid face became more relaxed, after sighing. Removing his sweater than shirt, to finally his pants now only wearing his boxers. Ru lays down onto the bed, awaiting for the examination process to start.

"Ok mister Cimon. I'm gonna administer this drug to help numb your body for a little bit"

"Huh? Why's that Mr. Innessa?"

"We've been told that during the scanning process, the scanning mechanism ends up picking up on raw mana fluctuations. It also ends up harming the body, causing the mana flow within one's body to stray off course form it's original route. You can think of it like veins fusing the blood through your body, except it's far more likely to cause more damage to everything"

Ru's eyes widen, now a bit anxious for the examination. Innessa could only reassure Ru that he'd be there to help if anything would go wrong, finally administering the drug to help numb Ru's body.

"Now this drug will make you sleepy, so it's likely that you won't feel a thing. Just try and relax and drift off to your dreams"

"My…dreams….whoa…that stuff, works….fast.."

Ru's speech started to waver as he felt the strong surge of drowsiness take a hold. His eyes felt heavy, and his mind was going blank, until finally he slipped into sweet unconsciousness.

"Oh my, he feel asleep faster than anticipated. I better get the examination going then, before he wakes up feeling uncomfortable during the scanning process"

With that, Innessa started up the scanning mechanism. The machine would have a strange white illuminated glow to it, the monitors would turn on, each displaying a different type of function.

One was monitoring Ru's brain activity, one for his body, another for his organs, and the last two were very important. One displayed his mana capacity, the second displayed his magical affinities.

To the shock of Innessa, Ru's affinity number was surpassing. Rather than a single digit, or two or three. The affinity number couldn't get a reading on his number.

Ohhhh~ things are looking interesting! (Keep calm and wait for more chapters!)

Aldric_creators' thoughts