
Incubus's Curse: Path To Incubism

To have your heart broken is one thing, but to be cursed by a witch and fed to a succubus is another. Hiro is just an ordinary teenager, well except for the fact he was born into a family of sorcerer's. But that's besides the point and don't worry about the secret imperial academy he's attending after normal school haha. Hiro Natsu just wanted a peacful life, forgetting about his family's legacy and just having fun, but the fates told him he could go fuck himself as his girlfriend which he loved more than anyone broke his heart and then he was captured and his body was messed with. The witch which captured him used him as a toy, just a plaything for her pet succubus in hopes of evolving her and getting her stronger since she could sense he was busting with strong magical energy. But at the same time he thought the fates abandoned him, he ate the forbidden fruit and was cursed. He didn't know if it was by the gods, Satan, the fates, but that day he died and was born anew, Hiro the cursed incubus, He who was once human but is no more and now must travel the path of incubism and to survive he must gain power througnt the erotic arts. -basic Characteristic- [ Willpower: ? ] [ Promiscuity: ?] [ Deviancy: ? ] [ Seduction: ?] ------------------ The cover isn't mine, if the owner wants, find any way to contact me and I'll remove it if this what thou desire. -Oh and- *Edit: I'm not editing this novels, anymore* • I'm currently battling monarch6319, we're kinda having a author vs author war, so show some support and vote using power stones. • They help me to beat Monarch6319 • They give me the ability to write and add more chapters, so show some love and this author-san out

TurtleMaster6319 · perkotaan
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106 Chs

I can't stand the sight of you

As lunch had come rolling around and everyone was finally able to leave the classroom, most had gone to see and check on their friends as this whole slayer takeover thing was definitely going to mess with their heads for a bit.

From Emily's view, since she had no friends here with the exception of her associate Hiro, she had looked at them and as everyone was thrown out of order by what happened, mostly everyone had ignored the new student and thrown attention to all 5 of the slayers that had risked their lives to protect them, despite Zoe just fucking with then for her first day...

Having the attention, Kathie had used this to gossip about Hiro's curse, whether it have a positive or negative impact, but as she looked over to him, he was already gone. He had disappeared and this made her have to empty-handed gossip with only them having to believe and use whoever had seen it to spread the rumor.

Meanwhile, the others had gained more face/reputation amongst their class and they had all forgotten that Hiro had called out both Derek's and Zarifall's names, meaning they were in the clear...Well, there were a few people who could recall it, but they stayed silent.

Not wanting to deal with these annoying people, Emily left and had decided she wanted to go to the cafeteria and eat lunch,

Since she was a herbivore, she hadn't been that picky with what she ate, as long as it wasn't meat she was okay with it. But collage food, something about it was tasty, but then again, it all seemed freshly picked that's probably why?



Getting her food and walking to the main courtyard, to which she hadn't seen many people out there. However she saw one person she knew, and as she saw Hiro sitting on a bench all by himself, she had walked over to him and sat next to him to enjoy her lunch without the threat of predators/horny teenage boys with the occasional lesbian and or bitch group coming for her.

Eating a piece of sour-honey-lettuce, she had looked over at him and he had a grim look on his face, it was the look of someone who had been uninviting to others and dreadful to himself as he felt unaccomplished.

However she didn't care, his feelings didn't matter to her in the slightest, and whatever had been locked up in that blockhead mind of his was just going to have to stay a mystery.

"Hm? This tastes good" she had said eating another piece and looking forward as she had nothing better to do.

The both of them had sat there in silence and with the occasional person walking by and or predator like she had mentioned catching a glance before continuing away, she finished eating and had just leaned back against the bench.



The bell rung and the intercom had told everyone to return to their respective homerooms. But as Hiro stood up and ment to head to his class like told to, Emily grabbed his sleeve.

"Hiro we need to talk"

However, he hadn't noticed her the entire time? And so as he looked back to the bench, he had now seen her there, and that confused him as he hadn't seen anyone there before?

"Uh? How long have you been there?"

He had been spacing out so he didn't really notice her presence.

"I'm like a ghost and you're like a dull sheep, now listen up we need to talk, but not here, there are too many ears, let's meet up after school"

A sheep person walking by had taken great offense to that, but looking away as it was just a dumb rabbit... Well, kinda cute rabbit actually... He forgave her as he had a pervy smile on his face.

"hop hop, ma'lady" sheep boy

"I know you rarely attend your classes at the academy, so right after school, meet me at-"

"Just come to the Natsu's branch house here in Rosa marine's, I know you know where it is, so I'll be there waiting for you"

Pulling his sleeve away, he walked off, something was definitely off about him, also why the branch house she wondered?


Just like Charly puth once said, I need a life, wait the wrong person, that was just me again. As Hiro entered the class where he saw a bunch of happy people around Juan who was still there and enlightening them on one of his stories, there was the group who were scared shitless by this, and then the others who stood on neutral grounds and were like, ehh, another Wednesday am I right?

Having walked in he immediately walked over to the teachers' desk where Zoe was spinning in her spinny chair.

"Why aren't you dead, the last time I checked the slayers killed heretics like you" Hiro

She stopped spinning and as she turned over to him, she shook her head as she was dizzy but liked it, it was a weird but enjoyable feeling.

"That's simple? I'm human that's why, is there no other reason to let me live and join the slayers my dear student"

But as she was expecting him to kick the desk and start a whole hate speech or some dialog like "I hate you, and all heretic Necromancers and you should all die! " or something like that?

He approached her and pressed up against her desk, just stood there...And now he was crouching down so he could rest his head and arms on the desk.

From how it looked from her angle, he had a calm and tired expression, but she knew he held a deep rage twards her, so with knowing that she was going to mildly bully-

"That's strange? And the slayers are strange? But if that's their decision then I don't mind having you as my teacher. Please just hold back on spreading your heretic beliefs to anyone here, or using them as living test subjects, that's all I ask and we shouldn't have any problems"

"That's totally not like the 17th time I heard that this week? But anyway, yes they are indeed strange, when they found me I was damn near half dead, so I kinda owe them my life...That's why I betrayed lord Izumi and joined up with the slayers of Nefumia"

Saying that she layed her head on the desk and as her face was on the same desk level as him, she had looked at this guy now full of curiosity.

"The slayers and even the students here look at me with disgust and fear, but you don't? Why is that?"

This entire time she had been in the corner and at her desk alone, because every time she wanted to make an interaction or even get up, she would get a signal from the slayers at the door to sit her ass back down and when she looked at the students and they looked back at her, they were either disgusted or frightened.

"What's there to be scared of? Your literally a Necromancer loli with the power to conjure skeletons? You're seriously not that important. And have you ever looked in a mirror because you're lacking in the whole scary attribute to your arsenal? Plus The only thing to be disgusted here is your breath, I think that kills more than your conjured undead"

OUCH! he was a bit too blunt and this was like having a mirror crack when looking at it because she absorbed it all and was deeply hurt by what he said.

"Plus you smell bad, it's like dirt mixed with suffering and then thrown down Santa's chimney, but instead of being set on fire, you're thrown into a pile of wet dog shit"

Having said that she slammed her hands on the table and shot up causing everyone to react, especially the slayers as all in uniform had drawn their swords.

"What the hell is going on over there!" Juan

Ignoring him, "Why are you so mean!" Zoe

But in saying that he looked up at her and without changing his expression as it was calm and almost grim, he responded with.

"You asked for my opinion and you got it? But seriously, please just bath and brush your mouth, the only thing disgusting about you is your hygiene, which is like 5 times as worst than the average survivor(apocalypse)"

Saying that out loud for all to hear, she bit back her tears as he was being so mean that it had hit her slightly more than she thought it could.

[Incubus's Influence Acquired: Your words hold power, the stronger your [Charisma] + [Lust] is, the stronger you'll be able to affect the ones around you. The weaker the mind, the stronger the influence]

[The stronger your [Charisma] is, the more you'll be able to do with that influence, like let's say, get someone to get you something or even have them play the fool at a part, but it only works as long as their mindset is like "okay? yeah I think I can do that?" or "sounds like fun! even tho usually I would do something like that? But since you asked friend, I guess I can do it" it works just as said, your influencing, not charming or compelling]

[The stronger your [Lust] is, the stronger your proficiency is, it's like a chance/booster shot with my dice, it'll help his chances]

[It also correlates with the stat [incubus's looks] the more reputation you have amongst other races and even you own for being deviant, the higher your chances are with a race that doesn't see you as its own]

[Incubus's influence on Zoe Mickelson: 1 point/300 points]

With Zoe looking down at him with small tears in her eyes, she grabbed her chair and just moved over to the corner, sitting down and facing the wall as she wasn't feeling good because of him.

The influence had nothing to do with it, it was just for personal reasons which made it hit even more.

"Leave me alone! I don't want to talk to you anymore! You baka baka!"

Looking over at her with a blank face she had just moved 3 feet over, but he wasn't going to say anymore, he had done enough mental damage to her.

Standing up and looking over to the class that was looking at him, he ignored them and then looked over to the slayers pointing their blades in his direction because of her outburst.

Waving his hand side to side in a nonchalant way, he was telling them it was all good, and they could put their weapons away, with the exception of Juan who was walking over to him to see what the hell had happened.

But as he approached, the others had stayed behind, everyone was scared of Zoe, even the kids in the class who said they'd square up to god and wouldn't fear anything were too afraid to get within 40ft of her.

It was completely empty in a 20ft radius from her being in the center of it, but then again, the Necromancers were just as evil and bad in their eyes compared to the litches and undeads, so no one could truly blame them for acting this way.

Well except one person, and she was also a sorcerer, her name was Zarifall Sui, and as Juan came over to Hiro, so did she, and as Juan got to Hiro, not even a second later, she did so, and when he said,

"What the hell did you do to her, Hiro-"

Zarifall shoved Juan out of the way and aggressively grabbed Hiro by the collar of his shirt. and with choosing violence, she yelled loud enough to shatter both of their eardrums.

"1 whole year! A WHOLE FUCKING YEAR! Why the hell have you been avoiding me for a fucking year you reptilian Lizard FUCK!!!"

Juan had stumbled onto his ass and Zoe had turned around in her chair as she heard an angry teenage girl.

"You have some SERIOUS fucking explaining to do! Bloody Hell... Did nothing we do last year mean anything to you!"

Her voice was shaky with a strong fluctuation of emotions trembling through her vocal cords. But for real, why did she wait now to do this now?

"Back when Kantaku was overrun by zombies!" irritated Zarifall

"Back then at Remi's gathering when we had been bewitched by your sister and Isabell, and then after when we had caught up and talked for hours!" emotionally angry Zarifall

"And then last year, around the same time of this month when we went to that karaoke bar and then left to kill those ghasts and mysterious monsters in the dark. Back when you tried to play hero and you almost died so I had had to save your ass!" upset Zarifall.

She hit his chest, gripping his head tight and gritting her teeth as just the sight of him was pissing her the fuck off, and he stayed silent as she was burning away at all her repressed emotions and listening as that's all he could do.

"Had any of that ment anything to you! Did I mean anything to you! Hiro, I don't know if you can see this because you're dumb as hell! But your my best friend and I've known you since birth! Literally!" emotionally fucked over Zarifall.

"Hiro we've been throughout so many things that no one in either of our lives had ever known about, together! I can still remember back to the days where you'd come back all bloodied and hurt and you didn't dare step outside and you'd hide away because you hadn't wanted anyone to see you like how you were. But then there I was, I always came looking for you because I knew you needed a shoulder to cry on when you were at your lowest!"

"Just like how whenever I came back from a clan mission you would do the same for me and hold me tight till as I fell asleep in your arms! But unlike you, I didn't bother to hide and when I did, you always knew, you knew exactly how I felt just like I knew how you felt! And that was whenever we were close to cracking at our young ages!" Zarifall

"Hiro, we've been through so much together and as much as I've had your back, you've had mine! And that's more than anyone or anything could do for people like us in this world!" Zarifall

So how could you!!!. . . How could you just up and leave me again... You had cut me out of your life like I was some sort of infection!"

"sniffle, And you just up and left... Without even saying goodbye..."

"I hoped you died, I hated you for so long, this wasn't like when we split apart back when we were 15, but even then, you haven't been so cold to me like you are now..." Zarifall

"Because here you are, you come back and when you do, you don't look at me, you don't wave, or say hi, apologize, or say why.. . ..You really had cutten me out of your life...Haven't you?" Zarifall

"Hiro I'm only human, I can only love and hate so much... And I love and hate you! I always had and always will. But then you just threw me away. I don't care if you don't see me like how you see HER, or anyone else in your soul-less heart, I just want to be apart of your life again... That's all I've wanted for the past 3... Now 4 years of being separated from you"

"But to hell with you, I hope you die... you narcissistic, selfish, dumbass Lizzard" her eyes balled up with tears and her voice shaking as she had gone from screaming to clenching his shirt and idly crying as she tried staying strong.

But that wasn't enough, as she started crying from letting out everything, everything that she had held onto for the years after they broke apart and then last year when they were separated yet again.

Looking down as her tears fell like raindrops everyone had been listening and Juan who knew the 2 were like fire and water, completely opposite, had never expected to see this from 2 clans who were mortal enemies in nature.

Meanwhile, all of who had known them cough cough 3 other close friends of the 2 hadn't any idea of the both of them and or any of this,

But then as she ideally stood there with her hands shaking and gripping to his shift as she had damn broke the top button from her burst of emotions, she suddenly felt something press on her chin and her head was lifted up.

"MMMPH!" Zarifall.

Her eyes broke open as her mouth connected with his, holy fucking cow, not expecting something like this, shit had broken loose between the crowd watching this drama, and her eyes started spinning as she was truly connected with him all the way!

Braking apart and leaving her speechless, the both of them had pink cheeks and as he looked down at her, Hiro said,

"Thank you...Zary" Hiro

"For everything that you had ever done for me. Because without you in my life, I don't think I could have been able to live to see the light of today. After all, you were my star and my light back then. You were the reason why I lived on and had never fallen dark" Hiro

But then he let go and backed away as he had a bright smile on his face, crinkly eyes and bright open smile showing teeth and everything,

But as she looked at him, wiping the tear from her left eye, she had seen that his canines had suddenly sharpened in an instant after blinking.

"If I had the power to go back, I would have told you that I loved you back that day, after all when you left I had never stopped feeling for you, you weren't ever someone I could ever throw away..." Hiro

Hearing that and looking at him he lifted his hand and his short nails that were bitten and not even past the tips of his fingers had started growing, slowly and sharply as he opened his hand and clenched it.

[Oracle: he had forgotten and had thrown away... What's left of him was mostly unknown, and what lied in that unknown favors the pure and loves to corrupt]

"But right now?" Sweet Hiro

Reopening his eyes, they were [bloody scarlet] and he had looked at her with disgust as he did not pity someone like her.

"Right now I can't stand the sight of YoU" Fuck you Hiro

"What?" Zarifall

"Huh???" all others eavesdropping

"Just looking at you makes me sick to my stomach" Sick to stomach Hiro

She was completely shocked, frozen in time, and repeatedly getting fucked over in her head as his words were like arrows to the heart.

Taking a step and walking past her, Hiro looked into the crowd of students and he clicked his tounge as he looked to Derek and then back at her.

"And they call me worthless, yet the both of you, the strongest slayers in this class would have let everyone else die for your own selfish means before you had even attempted to stop the enemy" War God live and fight for my comrades Hiro

Walking out of the classroom as the slayers at the door hadn't tried to stop him, Zoe had caught on first, and what she had comprehended was,

Derek and Zarifall were the strongest ones in the room and yet when she threatened the lives of everyone here, THEY, the only ones with the strength to beat her had done nothing but watch as others weaker than then risked their lives for everyone including them.


Zoe burst into laughter and caught everyone's attention away from the crying girl,

Zoe then pointed at both Zoe and Derek and while looking over to Juan she laughed even more and said,

"Those selfish fucks would have watched you all die before they had done anything, HAHAHA, WOW, you 2 slayers are as fucked up as me!" Zoe 101

Happy X-MAS eve's, get some good sleep people! Santa's coming... or whatever you belive in! ☆♡☆

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