
In Witcher

When I opened my eyes, I couldn't remember who I was or where I was. All I knew was letters flying in front of me. now I sit on my throne at the pen with the brotherhood. I have the indispensable sage Dumbledore with me. I only have Mc, the rest belongs to the owners. Please try first. It can be said that this fan fiction is very detailed, but since I was not bored, I thought you wouldn't be bored either. I get help from a grammar corrector while translating this novel from my native language.

Wirsth · Derivasi dari game
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34 Chs

Finally Meet

Nashi: "I felt like you didn't understand what I was saying, so I just came to check."

The bald man started talking.

Varys: "Sir, I don't think you should have come here yourself. I could have come to talk and someone could have come to warn us. At least we could have teleported."

Varys made it clear that he didn't want him to be silent, that he didn't want him to come all the way here, as a Spymaster should always do. They had come so far. Even if they hadn't been attacked on the way, he felt uncomfortable.

At this moment the Dragon Helmeted Knight spoke. 

Arthur: "Come on, Varys, the Lord needs to travel too, he's not a senile old king. He's young and athletic."

Dumbledore: "I have to agree with Arthur on that, the Lord has been in seclusion long enough."

Varys nodded.

Varys: "The Lord could have visited the resorts near us instead of coming here. Going through forests and swamps is not an excursion."

Nashi: "I didn't come here to start your arguments again, I came here to see my daughter, and you are being rude to the host."

Nashi's gaze fell on the man standing next to Dumbledore. He was stocky and sturdy looking, with a bushy beard. 

Nashi: "Mousesack, also known as Ermion. Cintra's current court wizard. Pleased to meet you."

Mousesack bowed his head.

Mousesack: "Welcome, your majesty. Nice to meet you too, I'll take you to your accommodations, I'm sure you'll want a bath and in the evening there will be a celebration." 

Nashi said nothing and nodded. Even though there was so much he wanted to talk about, he really wanted to take a bath. They had been on the road for many days and Nashi had traveled almost without stopping anyone. 

Everyone started coming in, Nashi's convoy first. Then came the Cintra army. The people of Cintra seemed happy. The children around were trying to get ahead to look at who was coming. The people were giving way to the army. 

Varys: "The people seem happy, Your Majesty, I think they are unaware of most things."

Nashi: "It is not good for those at the bottom to know too much, nor for themselves. Ignorance often brings happiness."

Dumbledore: "I thought you were trying to inform the public more and get out of the way."

Nashi did not answer and continued to look around. After a few seconds, he spoke.

Nashi: "Is anything troubling for the Brotherhood?"

The person on the right started to speak, almost whispering.

Assassin 1: "There is no trouble at the moment, sir, only a few senior ranks have disappeared across the continent. As you said yourself, someone is trying to hunt us down and they are doing it by trying to reach the higher ranks."

Nashi seemed to be thinking. Finally, a parchment appeared in his hand from nowhere.

Nashi: "These are the new orders, hurry and make copies and get them to everyone."

He took the scroll and the two assassins left. A few members of the public tried to follow them. Only a few people noticed.

When they finally came to the castle, everyone dismounted. Some children took the horses. Nashi was still sitting on the wolf.

Mousesack moved a little and was about to speak when Varys spoke first.

Varys: "Your Majesty, the Shadow's first entrance may cause disagreement."

By the time Varys had finished speaking, he was already kneeling.

Nashi: "So you are saying that a member of the family cannot enter the castle?"

Nashi hadn't turned around, nor did he sound angry, but anyone could tell from the shadow's slight growl that the King was angry. After all, they understood that there was a bond between them.

Varys: "On the contrary, my lord, the Wizard cannot always be with the princess. The shadow will surely do better while we are here."

The shadow stopped growling and began to walk without speaking.

Arthur whispered: "Is your greasy head too heavy for your neck, trying to separate from the Shadow in front of His Majesty?"

Varys said nothing and stood up. His head was bowed so it was hard to see, but when he lifted it, sweat was beading on his forehead. 

Varys: "I just didn't want it to be the old wizard's head."

He looked at Mousesack and smiled.

Then they all went inside in turn. Mousesack could feel the ground vibrating, even with that little growl. 

Mousesack caught up quickly. But he still felt the fear.

Mousesack: "Your Majesty, I'll take you to your room..."

Nashi turned his head before Mousesack could finish his sentence. Even though he couldn't see his face because of his helmet, he could feel his impatience.

Nashi: "I will see my daughter first, wizard, so hurry up and show me the way."

Nashi didn't really need a guide, like Albus, he could feel the ancient magic. Magic from Ciri.

Mousesack said nothing and continued on his way. A few minutes later they came to a door and Nashi jumped down from the wolf because he couldn't go through the door like that.

They knocked on the door and went inside. Inside, Ciri was crawling and trying to get to her mother. Nashi took off his helmet and gave it to Arthur. Arthur took off his helmet after Nashi. Nashi looked like a normal person with white hair reaching his chest, a light beard, and a few scars on his face. Except for the scars, of course.

The difference was that his eyes were purple and the wound on his neck was certain death, even for the Witchers. Whereas he was fully alive and active.

Arthur was a normal man with short brown hair and a beard. He was even a very handsome man.

The other two were still wearing their helmets.

Nashi walked towards the girl without looking at the woman, who immediately embraced Ciri and avoided her.

Nashi finally noticed her and nodded very slightly.

Nashi: "I'm sorry, my lady, I didn't recognize you, I'm Nashi Tantum, one of your daughter's godparents."

The reason Nashi said he was one of the godfathers was because he remembered that Geralt also used the law of surprise. Pavetta seemed a bit nervous. There could be many reasons for this. Nashi's appearance, the letter he wrote to them, or the fact that they understood his power more and more. Pavetta bowed slowly.

Pavetta: "I'm sorry, Your Majesty, I've been a bit scared since the last incident, please understand that this is not about you."

Nashi shook his head and turned his eyes back to Ciri.

Nashi: "That's not a problem. I think I can understand your psychology."

Nashi held out his hands to take the baby. Before Pavetta could decide, Ciri giggled and held out her hands to Nashi.

Nashi smiled slightly for the first time in a long time. He took Ciri in his arms and kissed her cheeks.

Nashi: "So you can feel me, little one..."

He only whispered the end, so no one in the room heard it, but everyone could see his happiness.

Dumbledore: "I think he loves you as much as you love him."

Varys stepped forward and looked at the baby. His emerald eyes were especially striking.

Varys: "When she grows up, Your Highness Princess will certainly be a beautiful girl."

Arthur was looking at the baby very seriously. 

Nashi was still whispering in the baby's ear. Even those who did not know magic could now sense the strangeness around them.

Mousesack in particular felt very much in danger now. All the magic that was inactive around him is now active. Mousesack now feels as if a few dozen mages are performing a ritual in the room. Finally, when Nashi stopped whispering, all the magic around him became inactive again.

Dumbledore: "I really didn't expect you to waste so much magic, especially with all of us here."

Nashi exhaled deeply and steam escaped his mouth. He put the baby back in Pavetta's arms. He said nothing and left the room. He stroked the head of Shadow lying in front of the door. 

Nashi: "That girl is in your care, I need to get some sleep and then be with the people."

Shadow said nothing and went through the door and lay back down next to the baby's crib. Nashi continued walking to rest as if nothing had happened. Since he had arrived, he had paid no attention to anyone, as if he were walking around in his own castle.

Mousesack looked helplessly at the people around him. Arthur was the first to shrug.

Arthur: "Don't look at me, I'm all about sightseeing, I can't help you."

Arthur bowed towards Pavetta with his sword in his hand. He walked out the door, followed by the other two knights. Dumbledore smiled and looked at Shadow.

Dumbledore: "Don't worry about him. I don't think you could easily rouse him from his slumber, even if you wanted to. Now, if you'll excuse me, Your Majesty, I have some business to attend to."

He bowed his head to Pavetta and went out the door. Pavetta and Mousesack's eyes went to the last person left in the room. She turned to Varys, who was standing there with his usual smile on his face. Then he bowed in full court etiquette and left the room without saying a word.

Pavetta watched them all leave. 

Pavetta: "Don't you think they will get lost in the castle?"

Mousesack rubbed his forehead slightly and smiled.

Mousesack: "I don't think so, my main concern is that they don't greet the Queen when they arrive. I don't know how long the Queen can stay calm."

They both saw a bitter smile on each other's faces. Ciri had already fallen asleep in Nashi's arms.

This Chapter 1639 Word.

Guys, I added a picture in the comments showing what a normal brotherhood member looks like in this book. Also add a new skin for Albus.

Don't forget to add any advice or warnings.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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