
In Twilight as Elijah Mikaelson

Elijah Mikaelson died and reincarnated into the world of twilight where he loses his memories until he meets the Cullens. (Eventually the Worlds of Twilight and TVD merge ) mate is Rosalie AU just for fun/ First time writer Disclaimer: I do not own the story, world building, or the characters from the original creators. my claim is only to the changes compared to the original story

Vampire_Onyx · Filem
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/Next Day/

/Elijah pov/

As I was looking outside my window wondering what Edward and possibly the rest of the Cullens were, I heard Charlie leaving his bedroom and going into the kitchen.

"Elijah, I'm surprised you woke up this early," says Charlie when he sees me coming from down the stairs.

"Yes, Intriguing isn't it," I said in a calm voice.

"You alright" asked Charlie

"What do you mean" I asked

"The way you talk has changed, it sounds more refined." He says with a hint of worry.

"Worry not, Everything's fine you have my word," I told him

"Your word huh" mutters Charlie

"Anyway can you wake up Bella, you guys leave for school in 30 minutes," says Charlie trying to change the subject.


As I walked up the stairs to Bella's room I knocked on her door, when she didn't answer I opened the door and let myself in.

"Bella get up and get ready for school," I told her before I began to smell an unusual smell.

The smell leads me to the corner of her room where Edward was last night.

"Strange" I mutter as I swear I smell something dead.

"Elijah?" Bella says quietly from her bed when she sees me looking around.


"What are you doing?" she asked in which I just told her that I was comparing rooms.

"Anyway Charlie says to get ready to leave," I say before walking out of her room and shutting her door.

As I arrived back downstairs, "Charlie, has something died in the house before" I asked.

"No, why?"

"No reason, I just thought that smelled something," I said as I didn't want to explain.

"Anyway I'll be leaving first," I told him before walking outside in a black dress shirt and black dress pants.

As I got into my car I didn't go right to school but made a detour to the woods, as I got there I looked around for anybody who was alone but not finding or hearing anyone I ran and grabbed the closest animal to me which just happens to have been a mountain Lion and drink its blood.

Even though the blood was disgusting it will have to do until after school ends for the day.

Not wanting to draw any attention from the people in forks because of people mysteriously disappearing I plan to go to the next town over to get my fill.

When I get back to my car I begin my drive to school and when I arrive there I see that the Cullens have just arrived, when they get out of their car I hear them talking about me most likely because of what Edward saw last night.

But as I was listening I realized I couldn't hear any of their heartbeats.

"What are you?" I mutter in a quiet voice, which causes the Cullens to look this way.

As I was listening to what the Cullens were saying I heard Bella's truck pulling into the parking lot.

I turned my head just in time to see Bella getting out of her truck, as she made her way towards me I saw her looking behind me at Edward Cullen.

"Hey," Bellas says to me as soon as we are speaking distance from each other.

"Ya?" I said

"You seem to know the Cullens, can you introduce me to them? '' She asked with a hopeful look.

"I'm not close to them, but stay away from the Edward guy, he's strange" I warn her.

As me and Bella split up to go to our classes, my first hour was art which made me remember my brother Niklaus.

As I went into the classroom the teacher asked me who I was and I replied by telling her I was new.

"Ah, right Elijah go sit next to Ms. Hale," She says while pointing to the back.

"As I make my way to the seat I can't help but be drawn to the beautiful Rosalie.

'No, you can't' I tell myself not wanting to let anyone else into my heart as they always end up leaving in a tragic way.

When I sat down I turned to Rosalie and said, "It's nice to see you again Ms. Hale"

"You to Mr. Mikaleson," Says Rosalie with a small smile on her face.

"Ellijah's fine," I say trying my hardest to keep myself from smiling.

"Then call me Rosalie, Elijah"

"Will do" I tell her

"Why did you run off yesterday at lunch? You caused quite a scene If I do say so myself" Says Rosalie with what looks like a hint of worry?

"Ah, I ate something bad," I say, not telling her too much.

Before she begins to talk more, the teacher begins speaking.

"For this project, you will be doing a partner project where you draw a portrait of each other, your partner will be the person sitting next to you."

As soon as she says that I see Rosalie turn to look at me with the biggest smile I've ever seen on her face.

"When do you want to start?" I asked her

"We can do it at my house tomorrow," She says to me making me furrow my brows

Not to make myself seem suspicious I nod my head and with a small smile I tell Her I will see her tomorrow, but before I can leave she grabs my arm and with the strength a normal human should not have tried to pull me to her.

"Huh," I say as I turn around, when I do I see she is looking at me with a weird look before quickly switching her expression.

"We have to exchange numbers so I can tell you my address."

"Ah, right here" After I gave her my number I left the room to see all of the Cullens but Edward Outside the door.

Nodding at them I walk past, with nothing else happening during the rest of the day I just begin to think about this strange connection I have with Rosalie.

As I walked out of school I was stopped by Bella.

"Do I smell?" she asked me" looking at me with an anxious look.

"No," I say as I smell her hair.


"No reason," she says while looking at Edward who just walked outside with the rest of the Cullens.

"Ignore him, he's weird, remember" I tell her before walking past her and getting into my car before leaving.

As I was driving I looked down to see that Rosalie had texted me, which for some reason made me very excited. As I opened it I saw that it was just the address to her house.

Replying with a simple /Thank you/ I call Charlie.

/Charlie I am going to the next town over to look for a shop that can tint my windows/

/Ah, alright just be back before dark/


When I hang up I drive until I see a couple walking alone on the sidewalk.

Pulling over I run at them and drag them to an alley.

"Be Quiet And Don't Move" I compel them in which they nod before standing there.

And then before they could blink I grab the woman by the arm and feed off of her, and when there is no more blood I turn to the man who is looking at me with a fearful look, but is still quiet and standing there.

As he turns his head to look me in the eyes I see how his eyes become dull, not caring I grab him by the neck and then begin to feed off of him making sure not to kill him though I begin to speak.

"Forget this ever happened Now walk away," I tell him to which he nods before I feed him some of my blood and let him go.

That's when I realized as I was feeding that I felt as though I was still thirsty.

/3rd POV/

For the next hour, people would disappear for a couple of minutes before running away from an alley with a confused look.

/Elijah POV/

As I got home I turned to see Edward jumping up the tree near Bella's room, Searching my pants I found four quarters which I threw at him before heading inside.

'Hopefully, this teaches him a lesson' I think

/Edward POV/

'As I was going to look at my mate again, even though Carlisle says not to I hear the sound of what seems to be a bullet but before I could fully turn around I feel like I got shot'

"AHHH," I yelled as I fell to the floor. When I looked down to see what hit me I saw that they were quarters. Looking around to see where they came from I couldn't find anyone so I changed my mind and ran home.

Next chapter: Where’s Edward

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