
Chapter 137 Sub 23

Pawn II: The punishment!

The next morning, at about 8am sharp, my cell phone vibrated twice. I took a glance, it was a text from mother

        *I'll be home in 10 minutes, we need to talk*


I snapped underneath bmy breath. I wiped my eyes hastily then hopped down. Gianna walked into the room in a white sea through robe, i wanted to kiss her red lips badly and press her body on mine but i couldn't act funny just right away, i'd press down my feelings even if i hated the way she gets me turned on every single time by every single act. She started in my way then halted.

  "Er! Ba...Jordan, i prepared breakfast. Your favorite! I was thinking..." She humbly asked then i cut her short instantly

  "I'm not hungry! Get off my face!" I blurtef out rudely. She sighed out in distress

  "I'm sorry. Can we talk...like talk the surrogate?"

  "Oh that! Im not interested!" I turned to leave then i turned to her "Mom's on her way, freshen up! Be pretty as always!" I smirked then walked away

I walked into the bathroom.

Mother had arrived with Timmy who was eating chocolates, we were sitting in the living room while Gianna was in the bedroom dressing up.

  "I'm glad you're here, Mama!" I sat next to here, i wouldn't grow; would i?

  "Really? Did you not see your son?" She asked. 

  "Mama!" I turned away slowly, sometimes i couldn't tell why i was unnecessarily rude and carefree towards a boy who's barely four years old. I cautioned myself. 

  "Kareem, what have you turned into? Your father would never act this way. This is your son, the DNA says better and you know that; do what you have to do or it all goes down...you'd take care of him...yourself!" Mother cautioned calmly then turned to the little boy who was still eating chocolates. "He acts just like...he reminds me of you, so much!"

I gave her word and instant thought, i forced a smile on my face. 

  "Tim?" I called very calmly, he smiled at me. "Would you love some cookies?"

  "Yesss!" He answered energetically then i beckoned at Jane, she left tgem to the kitchen immediately; her smiles could make you feel overly comfortable leaving a child in her custody. Imhad nothing to worry about. Mother smirked, she was somewhat contented.

  "Are you alright?" She asked rubbing mynchin swiftly. I nodded positively, i didn't tell her about Gia's arrival. She'd be mad if i told her the whole story and what eventually conspired.

  "I'm fine! Gia's home." I blurted. Gia was few inches away, mother and i turned to Gia's direction. Mother was slightly disappointed, her facial impression defined it. Mother stood up immediately while Gia came forth, she looked timid. She was remorseful.

  "Kareem, what is she doing here? Did she not leave weeks ago?" Mother questioned me still staring at Gia

  "Mom, could you please sit let's talk!" I held mother's arm gently, as always; she refrained 

  "Why's she here?" Mother turned to me suddenly. We sat just like i coaxed, Gia sat opposite. "Kareem, what the hell is going on? Speak!" She yelled

  "Mother, i'm sorry. I can explain everything, please!" Gia began pleadingly

  "Well, start talking!" Mother yelled again, she was discontented.

  "Mama, there's no need for that! I'll just explain everything!" I cleared my throat then continued "I want her back and that's why she's here!" I snapped

  "Do you think i'd believe that?" Mother stated "The last time we spoke, you were bitter over Gia's decisions and now this?" Mother questioned again. I attempted to speak as Gianna blurted

  "I'll tell you everything, Mom!" She began "He saw me with another man at a cafeteria, we almost..."

  "...Almost what Gia, just shut it!" I snapped "Mom, why are you asking too much? Can i not have my wife back?" I asked mother, defending my wife. I wouldn't want mother or anyone imterfering.

  "You've got the right to!" She snapped "I'm disappointed and anyone would, she left you. She filed a divorce over a bizzare incident..."

  "Its not bizarre, Mama, she's got the right to be mad at me. I lied to her and i wanna make things right again!"

  "Don't come home running to me when you feel down!" Mother snapped then turned to Gia. "Gianna, i'm not excited over your return. I know that Kareem lied about so many things but he's never lied about loving you. You went overboard trying to punish him and but he's never gone overboard like you did! You didn't have to abuse his love for another whore you call a man. You could at least wait after the divorce...you cheated, not him!" She stopped. I didn't know mother knew about Garry because i never mentioned it to her. Mother proceeded "I hate to remind you about the past but Gia, Kareem does not deserve that. He went through alot to get you and afterwards you leave like y'all never loved each other. It got me thinking about a whole lot of things, i was distraught!"

  "I have nothing to do with him, i made a mistake and i wouldn't go back to it, can you please forgive me mother?" Gianna drew closer, she held mother's knuckles "Mom, could you also remind Jordan that i still love him and would want us to start all over again?"

  "Kareem!" Mother turned to me, she was moved.

  "Gia and I are perfectly fine...i got everything fixed like i should!" I explained briefly

  "Are you sure?!" Mother asked either slight discontent. I was surprised to see mother's estranged reaction, i expected a mad dog barking.

  "Mother, he insists on a surrogate..." Gia snapped 

  "Gia? Didn't we talk about it?" I questioned. Mother couldn't stop staring at our faces, she figured that there was more. "I don't want a third party..." I stated to make mother leave because i knew she'd get infuriated over that statement but i was right in the wrong way.

  "Bravo! I'm now a third party? Jeez Kareem, you're unbelievable!" Mother scoffed "Whatever y'all got going on, y'all should figure it out 'coz this third party is sick and tired of listening to your shit!" Mother stated, she was pissed at once. My pretty mother looked prettier in a Fendi body con and a strapless black heel, she also stunned with the waves on her hair. I attempted to hold her but she refrained stylishly

  "C'mon Mama, you mentioned this and that's what I'm trying to practice!" I said defensively

  "Yeah but not right now...whatever! Y'all should fix your shit, I'm off to meet my husband! We got a date!" She said taking along her Chanel purse. "Jane dear! Bring Timmy over, we're leaving!"

  "Thanks mother, I'll do better!" Gia added

  "Sure but there wouldn't be a next time! Marriage remains marriage but there's got to be a lot of ways to spice it all up, that's what Jamal and i do and we're happy...still standing! I really don't wanna be a villain Gia, avoid it!" She advised 

  "Yes, mother!" Gia snapped with a tight smile.

Jane approached with Timmy, he ran to mother. I had a long way to go since he is yet recognize me as a father, his father. Gia was shocked at what she saw, i remembered that i told her nothing.

 Gia and mother hugged then i did as well and rubbed Timmy's head swiftly, he smiled faintly.

  "Bye baby!" Mother said to me one last time as i smiled they stormed out as the her chauffer led the way.

I made an attempt to leave as Gia called from behind folding her arms.

  "Jordan, who's he?"

I clenched my fists tightly, i didn't want to answer such question; if only she'd understand that it's  something i'm compelled to handle and live with. I ignored, i tried to leave again then she blurted out 

  "You don't have to remind me of my situation, its not easy for me too!" She sniffed the scented air, i turned to her "You could always tell me, right?"

  "You think i did this on purpose?"

  "Then why's he here? Can you not give us a chance? You must not bring him home, must you?" She asked, she acted difficult this time.

  "You'd rather i throw him out on the cold streets? He's barely 4!" I replied defensively almost yelling.

  "He's got a mother, he's not homeless! You're trying to hurt me where it hurts the most! Are you choosing  them over me now?" She yelled

  "I would always choose him over your ass!" I blurted, that was rude. I realized afterwards.

  "Great!" She snapped "It seems like a lot has changed over the weeks, i'd also need you to teach me how.its like to live around the new you." She walked away.

I sighed. This is more difficult than i had imagined, i was annoyed, everything got me pissed.

I headed to the kitchen where Jane cleaning, i cleared my throat to catch her attention then she turned me abruptly, she smiled a bit.

  "Oh Sir, you're here! May i help you?" She inquired

  "Just sit!" I instructed, we sat around the counter. "Uh! I need your help with something, i'd like us to play a game. It's a 'Let's pretend' kinda game! Do you wanna hear it?" I explained

  "If that's what you want, I'll do it!" She snapped

  "A'ight uhm...I want us to make my wife jealous...i mean, she's been unfair lately and i wanna do something different! I want her to learn a few lessons! What do you say?" I stopped to hear her response, i was certain that she'd say yes.

  "Yes but how would the Madam feel? I really don't want to be a part of this!"

  "That's why its called a game, i want to see her jealous! I'd mess around whenever she's close, are you ready?" I asked to close the deal

  "Yes sir!" She beamed

  "Great! I'll see you soon! Thanks!" I added with a faint smile. I walked out of the kitchen then texted Tiana, i wanted my plan to plan in place.

       *Let's meet up, i have something for you!*

       *14, Tantrum's Ave. Glamz Hotel. 4pm sharp.*

I waited for her reply and after 2 minutes, she replied.

             *Long time no see, i can see you need me now*

             *See you there, Jordan Khaleefa!* 

Tiana would assume that i have something special to say to her my intentions are the opposite. She's been a victim in the eyes of the public but i'd bring her home to make her feel comfortable, the next time she leaves would be for prison. 


I was already waiting for Tiana to arrive as the waiter served me a glass of wine just like i ordered. Five minutes later, Tiana walked in stylishly dressed in red. She sat down maintaining her smirk, nothing changed except for the fashion style and that wasn't  a problem at all.

  "Long time Jordan, you should really be taught on how to acknowledge people...loved ones!" She stirred

  "You think so!" I shrugged "Maybe you're right but there some people who'd not learn to learn once acknowledged, right?" I asked, she smirked again

  "I've got not much time to answer riddles or whatever it is that we are talking about, why are we here? The last time was a 'I don't wanna see your face' type of thing, what changed?" She stirred again

  "Do you mind getting pregnant again? Like i, being responsible?!" I blurted out forcefully, i was certain that she'd say no right away. She laughed hysterically

  "Oh my word, Jordan! This is hilarious! I mean, who would dip their foot in fire when they see one?" A slight frown settled on her face "Is this why you called me, to waste my time?!" She rose up to leave. I held her by the right arm

  "I'd explain better, just sit! It's never a waste of time around here!" I coaxed. she sat

  'Did you think that i'd do this again? How could i forget what you did to me, jordan? I loved you..."

  "Damn it Tiana, you know that everything makes had going on was nothing close to being serious, we both liked what we had but it doesn't apply to this present day, things have changed." I explained

  "My love for you didn't change, you chose to walk away after everything!" She snapped yhem took a sip "You abused what i felt for you all for Gia, what precisely did you see in her that i haven't got?" She asked

  "Tiana, that's not why i'm here...despite everything you accused me of, i'm still here!" I snapped to avoid the unhelpful conversation

  "You made me this way if you think that Gia was the best option! She's a whore and a slut..." She insulted, i couldn't hit her just yet, the public and its interpretation

  "Don't insult my wife..." I warned sternly

 "Your barren wife, Jordan! She can't actually bare you children and whys that? She hitch hiked with her womb. That's why!" Tiana added with a smirk. She was trying so hard to infuriate me but I kept my cool. I wouldn't give up on my plans, you might think stupid but i'm not.

  "And that's why I'm here!" I blurted calmly, her questioned me already "I need a surrogate mother, could you do that for me?"

  "Why a surrogate when we could just make love to each other?" She asked "Are you trying to make a fool out of me again? We have a son together, that you despise.."

  "Not at all! I wouldn't call you if it weren't important, do this for me!" I added

  "And Gianna?" She asked

  "We discussed it, its actually her idea!"

  "You're insane, Jordan! If we wouldn't have sex to have a child then what's the point?" She stood up to leave

  "You have nothing to lose Tiana, think about it!" I added, this time i didn't hold her back, she walked away.