
Chapter 138 Sub 24

Learning hurtful lessons!

Gianna, Tiana and i were seated in the private living room upstairs, i wanted our discussion to be confidential. We sat separately on different couches, Gianna's face seemed aggressive while Tiana stared at her with a tight smile, that smile of victory. I cleared my throat to capture their divided attention, their eyes were now fixated on mine.

  "I'm so sorry to interfere with your schedules, its important we talk and straighten things oyt before it gets our of hand. Eventually!"

  "Can you hasten up 'coz its getting unbearably hot in here, i just can't keep up with a face!" Gia blurted

  "Exactly! I might just flare up, i don't think i can last a moment!" Tiana added. They spilled their minds staring at me instead. Poor Kareem, are you really ready for this, i asked myself.

  "Can y'all be quiet?" I almost yelled "Tiana, my wife and i have finally decided to take someone who'd bear us a child...i can no longer pressure my wife on this. This is the best option for us..." I explained

  "I don't want this any longer." Gianna snapped

  "We don't have a choice!" I smirked "You chose this and we'd do this, just as planned!" I said to Gia

  "What do i get in return? I mean, there's no woman on the face of earth willing to go through such burden, am i right? So?" Tiana stated

  "You'd take over my wife's cosmetic business right after my child is born." I added while Gia froze. I was only making it up, i could never do that to Gia. I maintained a straight face

  "Jordan?" Gia called out

  "Yes babe, that's the only reward i can offer!" I said to Gia then turned to Tiana "Like i said, you've got nothing to lose in the end!" I smirked

  "Perfect! When do we start the fusion?" Tiana said

  "Five days from now, i'll speak to the doctor tomorrow!" I added.

  "I don't think we'd ever get along, so you should expect the worse! If there's nothing to talk about, i'll

leave now!" Gianna walked away. Gia would slit my throat once i join her in the bedroom. I stood up to leave as well then Tiana interrupted suddenly.

  "Despite the hurt i've caused you, why did you change your mind about me?" She asked. If could she could read my mind, she'd pull the trigger once offered a gun.

  "I haven't forgotten about it but i thought about it and placed my feet in your shoes; you deserve something better..like, acknowledging your emotions regardless of whatsoever it is you did. I've got a big heart, don't i?. What do you say?" I explained keeping a tight smile.

  "Quite thoughtful! I'm glad you realised that, I'm really sorry for everything Jordan!" She drew closer cupping my jaw "I'm glad that we finally come to agree and trust me, with this surrogacy; we'd bond much better. All for the child!" She stated

  "Don't get too excited, not right away!" I added

  "Don't be insolent as well!" She smirked then tried to kiss me, i refrained.

  "I'll show you to your room, come on!" I offered. She forced a smile, she was disappointed at my unruly reaction towards her gesture.

Minutes later, i walked into our bedroom. Gia was had just gotten out of the shower, she was getting dressed for the night. I wanted to embrace her tightly whether or not she was interested but i had to be firm. I walked past her with a frown as she stood in my way.

  "Gia darling, have you lost your way?" I asked sarcastically smirking.

  "We are not going through with the fusion, i won't let you do your shit Jordan, you've got to respect me." She cautioned

  "Come on Gia, did we not talk about this?! You gave me options months ago and all i did was respect it, so what's my crime? You tell me!" I reminded

  "I said i'm sorry Jordan, i'm really sorry! I messed up real bad..we both did and we should..."

  "We would push through with your idea Gia there's no other option! You suggested this so we'd do this your damn way! Yeah?" I stated. I walked away

  "Why are you doing this to me?" She asked sternly "If anyone has to go then that would be Tiana, she's of no use to us. I'll take care of your son if necessary; she's got to leave. You'd regret it soon if you don't make a move!" She warned. Her words bounced on back while she spoke, i had my plans and i was fixated on them not her threats.

Time flew,

I had informed my father's men about Garry, the man i wanted to hurt so bad. I waited in my car as my phone buzzed.

  "Speak!" I demanded

  "He's been captured just as instructed, what should we do next?"

  "I'll come by in 10 minutes!" I hung up. I turned to my chauffeur "Drive!" He started the engine as we sped away. I got a text from jeff

         *Bud! We need to talk at Lamar's!*

                 *A'ight! I'm in the middle of something!*

         *Just don't ditch us!*

                 *I won't!*

We got to the abandoned building within a blink, i walked in confidently. Two men came forth instantly.

  "We got him fixed!" The first man blurted 

  "Great! Lead the way!" I added

We got into a room where he's been tied up and beaten almost to death. I smiled in content. I used a rod to lift his, i wanted his gaze to meet mine. I punched his face hardly, he groaned in pain.

  "Wh..Wh..What do you want from me?" He asked

  "What i want?" I laughed "You flirted with my wife and you're still asking what i want?" I yelled, i used the rod to hit shin, he groaned even hard. A chair was brought closer then i sat before him.

  "Look me in the eye and ask what i want! Go on." I pushed head backwards. I was angry and frustrated, if he hadn't called Gia on that day of the accident, my child would have been alive but he changed it. I blamed him. I couldn't hurt Gia in return and that was why i chose to punishbher differently.

  "I'm..I'm sorry, i had..." Garry stuttered

  "It's all your damn fault I lost my child...you acted up trying to send your sympathy through my residence, you tried to get me off minded, you proposed business...you took my wife and you think that I'd let you kiss her?" I questioned "I am a Khaleefa which means you can't cross my path let alone my touch my woman! Its a sin!"

  "For..Forgive...Forgive me Sir, spare my life. We had nothing going on, i promise! Gia had nothing to do with this..." He stated panting breathlessly

  "Who did if you didn't?" I asked sarcastically "I'd let you live to send a message to other potential intruders! Tell them how badly it hurts to cross paths with a Khaleefa! There's a reason why i'm called the lion's cub!" I finalised landing a slap on his face. I was handed a white hand towel to wipe off my hands, it had stenches of his blood on it. I turned to the man adjacent.

  "Y'all know what to do! I'll see you soon!" I added with a faint smile.

Hours on,

Lamar's ushered me in, i sighted Lamar and Jeff discussing deeply, it seemed slightly serious, their impressions depicted better. I interrupted

  "What's up y'all? What's the urgency?" I sat abruptly snatching Jeff's wine glass then took a sip, he was pissed at me but he gas no option, we did that often regardless of our reactions.

  "Where were you, asshole?!" Lamar asked. "You took forever just to respond to our call!"

  "Chill man. I told y'all i was handling something very important..." I added defensively

  "Which was?" Jeff snapped

  "Someone who tried to act funny lately, i got everything fixed!" I explained briefly. They were discontented with my response, obviously.

  "You've been fixing alot lately so who's fixing your ass!" Lamar stirred teasing me directly

  "Don't be ridiculous! What's up guys, how's Zoe and Riley and of course, my girls?"

  "Great!" They answered in unison

  "And Gianna? I'm surprised y'all rekindled the stripper-client spark, we had no idea! Never saying something, Kareem!" Jeff teased

  "Oh that! She's home now! I was about to tell you all about it but..." I tried to explain

  "Cut the chase Kareem, you'd never say shit!" Lamar snapped with slight disappointment. "Besides, what the hell are you doing about that Tiana? She literally broke your marriage, i'm really stunned that her ass still lingers freely! She should be behind bars!"

  "That's right!" Jeff snapped in agreement

  "Oh her! I got both women under my roof!..." I said as  Lamar and Jeff spilled their wine to the ground unconsciously

  "Are you insane? Tiana should be in prison bro, in prison!" Jeff added

  "Of course but i want to do it my way! I caught Gia with a man, they almost kissed not until i intervened. After all these weeks of scrutiny, she had to flirt out there while i was holding on to nothing? Nah!" I explained. This time, i was bitter again.

  "Shit! But you don't have to accommodate both of them under one roof, that's hell on earth!" Lamar added thoughtfully, they understood my part.

  "Earlier, she opted that we get Tiana as surrogate or she'd never return home...those were her options to punish me for..ly..lying. So i decided that we take in Tiana and now she's acting up angry and sad over my decision." I sighed

  "That's pathetic! She can't treat you like garbage only because it ain't working to her advantage! Too bad bro, what about Tiana? Are you really going to go through it despite the fact that she caused you alot." Jeff asked

  "Of course not! I'm only trying to teach Gia a lesson and about Tiana, i'm gonna frame her ass up. I need someone to testify against her..i need evidences! Everyone will pay for hurting me more than usual!" I added coldly. They patted me lightly on the shoulder

   "Just be careful! someone has to go and that's Tiana. Everything you got going on within Gia should take a different turn and...y'all might get lucky again!" Jeff advised outrightly

  "We've been trying..." I mentioned in distress

  "Keep trying, man!" Lamar coaxed "Y'all would get through this, eventually!" 

I felt encouraged, the burden waa lightened.  

  "We've got high school's reunion next weekend!" Jeff mentioned excitedly, my eyes widened in excitement too

  "No wayyyy!" I almost screamed

  "Yes wayyy!" Lamar added in excitedment "It's gonna be flawless guys, there's a lot to do on our bucket list!"

  "I just can't wait!" I snapped as well clinked our glasses in the air.

The next day,


  "Garry's been found almost dead on his porch last night, do you have an idea?" Gia asked while i was heading downstairs for breakfast! I was about to leave for work because i had a meeting to attend to.

  "How's that my problem?" I asked her cringing

  "I know you did it..." She snapped

  "So...if you know then how's that my problem?" I asked. She leaned over to kiss my lips as i retracted within a blink. "You didn' t answer my question!" I reminded sarcastically, she was dismayed

  "Thanks for that!" She said "It hurts me to see that you're pushing me away, i can't bear it!" She blurted, her eyes welled up.

Jane approached to inform us about breakfast. While Jane was serving our meals, I rubbed her hands almost tenderly

  "Thanks lovely, your meal makes me want you want more!" I blurted

  "Sir!" Jane played along staring at me sexily, she blushed. This girl acted really well, Gia had fumed up as she walked away. Jane and i smiled at each other

  "Just be careful around her, she might eat you raw, no seasoning!" I teased as well laughed a bit

  "This is not cool, sir! I hope we end this soon!" Jane inquired

  "Just a few days...like 2 to 3 days more! Call me if anything goes wrong!" I patted her lightly as i stormed out scurrying.