
Chapter 36 The Aftermath of a Hangover

Dante's eyes reluctantly flickered open to the constant sunlight piercing through the window, which felt like a thousand knives stabbing his eyesight. Involuntarily groaning in pain, he squeaked, whining with a raspy voice that echoed in the room.

He attempted to shield his eyes from the intrusive sunlight, but the pain was persistent. His head felt like a drum set being mercilessly struck by an overenthusiastic drummer making any movement a total ordeal.

The pegasi's wings sprawled erratically on the bed, feeling heavy and unresponsive. His hooves fumbled for support on the messy sheets, only to find a dumped balloon that popped under his weight, startling him further.

After mustering the strength to finally get up, he was met with a wave of dizziness that sent him sprawling back onto the floor.

The room spun around him, and he felt like he was on a turbulent train with no end. "Ugh... what happened last night?" Dante mumbled, with his voice gravelly and barely audible to his own ears.


As his functions begin working again, the first thing that receives his nose is the penetrating smell of alcohol.

Sniffing his mane, he realized that it smelled a lot of wine. The sticky texture it had told him that out of so much alcohol he drank, the odor impregnated him. "Did I drench in a pool of wine?"

The smell wasn't bad. The problem was that it smelled too many types of wines, creating a strong amalgamation of odors.

With a slow, semi-intentional movement, he swung his legs over the edge of the bed and sat upright. Crying in pain, "MY HEAD FUCKING HURTS!!!"

Dante brought the mirror he previously bought, catching a glimpse of himself in it. His eyes widened at the chaotic mess his reflection showed. With dark circles in his eyes and a tangled mess of hair resembling a bird's nest.

I procrastinated a lot. Now it's time to get serious and ask everything I need to know. *Yawn* "Maybe I'll just go to sleep again..."

Wait, where are we? Why am I in a room? And why is the roof broken?

Ah... This fucking hangover is killing me.

These questions flooded his foggy mind, adding to the pounding ache in his head.

Dante began to clumsy waddle around the house, trying to find the bathroom. His face was a total mess, and he wanted to clean it.

After finding a door, he opened it, hoping it was the bathroom. Instead, it was Daniel's room.

Entering the room, Daniel was asleep, snoring quietly with his face buried in a soft pillow. Dante looked at him momentarily, feeling a sense of envy that he could sleep so pleasingly.

Then I noticed the empty bottles of alcohol on the nightstand next to his bed, realizing that he was going to suffer as I had. 

Dante let out a groan and sat down on the edge of the bed, trying to steady himself. The room was spinning around him, and he felt like he was on a boat in the middle of the ocean.

"I feel Like I want to puke." Dante looked at Daniel for a few seconds, then decided to puke on the floor. He ain't that asshole to do that.

Furrowing my brows, I couldn't resist the urge to wake him. "WAKE UP!"

After seeing that he didn't wake up from screaming, he got closer to him and proceeded to bitch-slap him in an attempt to wake him up. This kept going for 10 seconds until a robotic voice interrupted him.

"He won't wake up anytime soon after what you did to him," Thalassa calmly interjected, 

My gaze turned to the corner from where she spoke, and there I found Thalassa covered in paint and food.

With my brain barely functioning, thinking about the craziest thing I could do, jokingly, I replied, "What? I threw him into the ocean from the stratosphere?"?"

Thalassa non-chantly responded, "No, that was James."

My face went black as a chill ran down my spine, "What... I-Is he alive?"

The robot answered him, "Yes, this is a recreation place. There are certain safe measures so we don't die in ridiculous ways."

Scared about his new foggy memories, he asked, "What else did I do?"

Thalassa quickly recalled all the events and told everything to Dante, "It all started when you called him apathetic for not drinking, so you began inviting him to drink after he politely rejected you a few times. You were so intoxicated that you stopped caring and leaped at him and forced the drink down his throat."

In disbelief, I retorted, "I have more auto-control than that, it can be possible." Dante didn't remember himself as an alcoholic well... it's not like he can remember, but deep inside, he has a hunch that he wasn't an alcoholic.

Thalassa silenced him by reproducing a staggering video. In the video, I was pouring 1,2,3,4,5,6... GOD! he is going to die from intoxication!!!

In the video, Dante seemed really drunk, to the point he babbled incompletes incoherencies. The drunken Dante from the past began babbling again, "You must gangam as I have..." He paused, trying to remember something. Failing to do so, he shouted, "Who the heck said that? It was... that weird cross-dresser of the library fuck... I forgot, "

With Dante distracted, Daniel desperately tried to push him away with aura. But his past self grabbed him out of his neck and snapped it, leaving Daniel with a cracked neck.

Daniel didn't fall unconscious, but it hurt him a lot. His expression and actions began showing it. Seeing how he fought, the pegasi began hushing him with his hoof onto his mouth, "SHHHHHHH!" After hushing him, the babbling started again. "I... want a cookie..." he dropped Daniel and started clicking the air. Probably, he was buying a cookie.

The video abruptly ended, and I slowly turned to Thalassa, with my face drained of color, "He is alive... right?"

Thalassa responded with a simple "Yes."

Realizing that he had gone out of control, Dante asked, "What did I did to Su Yuan and you?"

"You just used me to play your music," Thalassa calmly stated as she cleaned herself from the leftovers of the chaotic night. "As for Su Yuan, she managed to escape."

I sighed before continuing, "I'll have to write a lot of apology letters..." I took a bottle of water out of the inventory and splashed it on my face. It wasn't the most efficient way of using it, but this helped me to wake up. "Anyway, I'm going to do what every grown person does."

Thalassa pragmatically inquired, "Confront the consequences of your actions to amend all the problems?"

Almost laughing, I dismissed her. "Pfft, What? No, of course we are talking about evading your responsabilities."

We left the place in a bit of a hurry. I need a fucking solution to my problem, to be exact, both of them, my head and the mess I made.

Seeing how Thalassa can't get these types of stuff, I commented, "It must be nice to be a robot."

The robot looked at her white hands with turquoise lines, contemplating her body for a moment, then responded, "Maybe." 

As we aimlessly walked, I took out a bottle of water and swiftly swallowed it all in seconds. The water quickly helped me to recover. If the hangover doesn't pass soon, I'll buy some medicine to take care of it. Is there even medicine for that?

Seeing that I was almost tripping, my legs were barely working, and my wings were a total mess, Thalassa asked, "Are you sure you are fine?"

"Just a bit. It's just that this..."



A small pause lingered in the air as Dante began to tap the floor rhythmically. His brain started working hard to remember a word. This continued for 5 seconds before he gave up, "Thalassa, How do you say when you get intoxicated with alcohol and suffer the consequences of abusing it?"

The robot replied, "Hangover."

"Thanks." He may not seem like it, but deep inside, he is dying out of embarrassment. How could he forget a word that he had used minutes ago?

As they mindlessly walked in the neon streets, an orange-haired player stopped moving and looked directly at them. They were going to ignore it, but her voice interrupted them.



Authors note:

Guess who's brother got sick because he went to a party and ended up making me sick!


(this chapter ended up being longer than I anticipated. I'll explain why James wants to stick with the group next chapter... I hope)




Y'all believe I'm adding too many details? Or it's ok?

(And Gabriel, I just ended up writing four chapters of pure raw fights... He isn't a battle junkie... He is a human like you. give him some time to recover)

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