
In One Piece with Pokémon ~Hiatus~

Have you ever wondered what the One Piece World would be if Pokémon existed in it alongside humans? Follow Rudra on his adventure in the One Piece World (and maybe some other worlds?) along with his Pokemon Team. . . . . This is my first time writing anything and am open to criticism in the comments and reviews section. I wish to better myself in writing, and i really appreciate the help. Thank You. I am posting this fanfic on both RoyalRoad and Scribblehub. Here are the links to my profile:- https://www.royalroad.com/profile/360175 https://www.scribblehub.com/profile/124423/divine_nebula/

Divine_Nebula · Komik
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27 Chs

Cynthia's Battle for Championship Round 1 Pt.1

*2/6 Mass Release*

"The First Round will be a full six on six Pokémon Battle."

"Both Trainers can Switch Pokémon however many times they want to."

"The first to knock the other's Pokémon wins the round."

"Let the battle BEGIN!!!"

[Play: Battle Vs. (Renegade) Cynthia (Pokémon Masters EX) HQ]

On the huge screens set up in the stadium, huge images of Cynthia and Don Chinjao appeared along with six Pokéballs under their pictures. The terms Champion and Challenger were above Chinjao's and Cynthia's pictures along with their names respectively.

"Go! Probopass!" said Chinjao.

Cynthia too sent out her own Pokémon,

"Let's Go! Milotic!"

"Both the trainers have brought out their first Pokémon Ladies and Gentlemen!!!"

The first Pokéballs under both of their names on the screens soon transformed into Milotic and Probopass.

"The Champion Chinjao has sent out his Probopass which is a Rock and Steel Type Pokémon, and would you look at that, the Princess has sent out her Milotic. Both Pokémon can use moves that could deal serious damage to the other. It seems that she has finally decided to reveal her Pokémon other than Lucario, Roserade, and Spiritomb. We have seen those Pokémon absolutely destroy teams of Gym Leaders before, and from the looks of it, it seems like her fourth Pokémon is also a beast. What a beautiful Pokémon she is! Wonderful!"

The audience cheered loudly as they saw her sending out her Pokémon. It was one of if not the most beautiful Milotic they had ever seen. It was huge, almost twice the size of a normal one, mostly an alpha as they couldn't think of any other reason for it being so huge.

It gave off massive amounts of aura and infinity energies indicating it was a Champion Ranked Pokémon. They were now almost convinced that the Princess' whole team was filled with Champion Ranked Pokémon. Her Lucario, Roserade, and Spiritomb were already proved to be the Champions and now the Milotic too. The Champions themselves mostly had only two to three Champion ranked Pokémon in their team.

Soon the battle started with the announcer explaining the match to the audience.

"Probopass! Thunderwave!"

Probopass charged itself up and sent out a wave of electricity toward Milotic.

"Ohh the Champion has commanded Probopass to attack with a paralysis-inflicting move!"

"Milotic Safeguard!"

Milotic coated itself with a thin layer of Aura and protected itself.

"Milotic uses Safeguard to protect itself from any status effect rendering Probopass' attack ineffective!!"

"Probopass! End it with one attack! Zap Cannon!"

"The Champion wants to end it with a supereffective move Ladies and Gentlemen!! What will our Princess do?!!!"

Cynthia commanded in response,

"Milotic! Use Endure and Light screen and tank the attack!"

Milotic heard her trainer and understood what she was trying to do. She covered herself with a huge ball of Aura and created a huge rectangular screen of psychic energy in front of her while Probopass was charging for the Zap Cannon. His mini-noses started spinning rapidly in a circular motion in front of him, and huge amounts of electric energy started gathering in front of his big nose.

"The Princess has commanded her Milotic to tank the attack and has asked her to use a Psychic type move too. What is she trying to do here?"

Soon Probopass was done charging up and aimed toward Milotic. After setting up its aim he launched a huge yellow and blue ball of electricity on her.

The attack hit her and a huge explosion occurred sending the gathered energy in different directions and dust rising everywhere, blocking their vision.

"The attack has hit Ladies and Gentlemen!!!"

Soon the dust settled and they could see a lightly exhausted Milotic. It seems like the protection moves were successful.

Cynthia smirked and commanded again decisively.

"Milotic end this! Hydro Pump!"


Milotic roared in response and charged water energy. She aimed and launched it towards Probopass hitting him perfectly. Probopass took a critical hit but still levitated in place looking too exhausted.

"Milotic doubled the damage of her Hydro Pump using Light Screen and almost knocked down Probopass!!! The Princess was planning this all along!! But alas the Proboass didn't faint because of its ability 'Sturdy' as it prevents the Pokémon from fainting by a One-hit-KO move. What an amazing play!"

"Probopass Thunder!!"

Probopass started sending a ray of electric energy into the clouds and after some seconds many thunderbolts started dropping on the battlefield.

"Milotic Double Team and Aqua Tail!"

Milotic heeding her trainer's command started rapidly moving toward Probopass evading all the thunderbolts being launched around the battlefield. She was a blur as she charged towards him, charging her huge and beautiful tail with water energy, and as soon as she came near Probopass, she struck. Probopass got slammed in the head with the tail and was sent flying toward the stadium walls and soon fainted.

The image of Probopass on the screen turned black indicating it had fainted.

"Milotic has knocked out Probopass!!! Ladies and Gentlemen!!! The Champion has five Pokémon left and the Princess has all her Pokémon ready for battle. Who will the Champion send next?!!

"Go Beedrill!!!"

"The Champion has decided to send out his Beedrill!!!!!!!"

"Milotic come back. Togekiss come out!!"

"The Princess has revealed another one of her Pokémon!!!!"

Cynthia had switched out her Milotic for her Togekiss. He was a beautiful Pokémon three meters in size and was giving off Champion Rank aura. The more of her team she revealed the more people were astonished. Training Pokémon took effort, time, and money, which most people were not willing to spend. Ordinary people had at most one or two Pokémon which they took care of like family.

Even if a Pokémon was trained rigorously, it was not guaranteed that it would reach Champion rank. That depended on the potential of the Pokémon. So trainers had to be careful while catching Pokémon to add to their teams.

Cynthia had revealed five Champion ranked Pokémon and the audience respected her immensely since it was not easy to do so.

"Beedrill VS Togekiss !!!! A bug and poison type versus a normal and flying type!! They both have damage-dealing moves too so let's see what happens in this match!!"

"Beedrill agility and swords dance"

"Togekiss Calm Mind"

"Both the trainers have commanded their Pokémon to boost their stats up, Ladies and Gentlemen!!"

"Beedrill, Poison Jab!"

"Togekiss! Air Cutter!"

Beedrill had gathered Poison Energy in its stingers which glowed Purple and charged at Togekiss, but before it could reach him, he used Air Cutter, and the Beedrill was knocked back taking severe damage.

"Togekiss had successfully countered and landed a super effective move on Beedrill!!!"

"Beedrill get away and use Sludge Bomb!"

Beedrill started flying away, increasing the distance between the two of them while simultaneously attacking with a Poison move.

"Togekiss! Fly!"

Togekiss dodged the Sludge Bomb and flew high into the sky out of everyone's visible range.

"Beedrill! Harden and Double Team!!!"

Beedrill obeyed the command and coated itself in Normal energy and started flying around rapidly, creating afterimages of itself around the stadium.

"Togekiss use Detect and target the real one!"

As Togekiss was almost as fast as the boosted Beedrill it quickly detected the real one and charged towards it. Chinjao saw what was happening and gave Beedrill a quick command to try and counter the attack.

"Beedrill Poison Jab!"

But it was too late as Togekiss' speed soon surpassed the Beedrill and the attack landed knocking the Beedrill out.

The image of the Beedrill on the screen turned black and the judge started announcing the result of the second match and the stadium erupted in cheers.

"Togekiss knocks out Beedrill with a rapid Fly attack!!!!!!"


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