
In One Piece as Satoru Gojo

In One Piece as Satoru Gojo

CoffeeLovers · Komik
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29 Chs

Loguetown Central Square

The morning was bustling in Loguetown, the city of execution. The sun cast its first golden rays upon the streets, revealing a crowd that seemed endless. Around the corners, whispers mingled with the noise of sailors' boots hurrying by, blending in with shouts and commands.

The central square, the place of execution, was a storm of emotions. Sailors in their pristine uniforms, led by high-ranking guards, unsuccessfully tried to maintain order. Among the crowd, keen eyes stood out. Some were merely curious onlookers, while others had darker intentions.

In the midst of it all, a teenager with white hair and dark glasses watched everything with a deep, serious gaze, his thoughts drifting between the past and the present. He is the man who reincarnated and became Satoru Gojo.

He overheard snippets of conversations, rumors about characters who would, in the future, hold immense importance in the pirate world.

"Do you think the rumors are true? That Dracule Mihawk is here?" Asked a young, eager pirate to his companion, an older man with visible battle scars.

The older man replied with an ironic laugh, "Why would Mihawk care about this?"

But what truly captured Satoru's attention was a conversation happening beside him: "Did you see? It seems even Whitebeard sent representatives to witness this. Gold Roger truly marked his era."

The atmosphere was a whirlwind of actions and reactions. Sailors escorted unruly pirates away, while the spectators cast looks of sympathy, hatred, or indifference to the place where Gold Roger would meet his fate.

A sense of finality, a page turning in the history of the seas, was about to be written.

Amid the commotion, as the noise of the crowd reached its peak, an iconic figure was brought forth, Gold. D. Roger.