
In One Piece as Satoru Gojo

In One Piece as Satoru Gojo

CoffeeLovers · Komik
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29 Chs


Loguetown, Dock.

The sun lights up the sea water, creating shimmering reflections on the surface. The docks buzz with the noise of water splashing, conversations between fishermen, shouts from sellers announcing their fresh fish, laughter of children chasing each other, and the sound of waves breaking on the piers.

A cool breeze blows, carrying the salty smell of the sea, mixed with the scent of fresh fish. Despite the beautiful day, there is a palpable tension in the air. Exchanged glances among those present are cautious, and conversations are whispered as if they feared being overheard.

Fisherman Masato and his friends, Hiroshi and Yumi, are tying their nets and pulling the fresh fish from the boat. Masato is a robust middle-aged man with wrinkles from many days in the sun and calloused hands. He has a worried look as he talks to his friends.

Masato, holding the newspaper, stares intently at the headline about the new pirate attacks. He flips the page to show his friends, all with wide eyes and heavy expressions.

Masato: "These pirates are getting bolder. I heard they spare no one."

Hiroshi, rubbing his sparse beard: "Maybe it's time for us to move. My wife has been talking about it for a long time."

Yumi, looking out to the sea with determination: "Hey! We can't always run. We need to protect what's ours."

Hiroshi rolls his eyes: "Protect? Against those monsters? You're crazy!"

Masato sighs, pointing to the distant sea: "If they come, what will we do?"

Loguetown, Market.

The market is bustling with colors and sounds, with vendors announcing their deals in loud voices, children running and playing between the stalls, and the chirping of birds.

Sayuri, with a basket on her arm, picks vegetables while her son plays with a nearby dog. She is a middle-aged woman, modestly dressed, with dark hair tied up in a bun. Concerned about rumors, she tries to buy supplies as quickly as possible.

"We should buy more rice and beans. If the pirates come..."

Sayuri's sister, Yuki, interrupts: "Don't speak like that in front of Kenzo! He's scared enough already."

Kenzo, the boy, raises his fist: "I'm not scared, Mom! I'll fight them!"

Sayuri, embracing her son: "I just want to make sure we're prepared, no matter what happens."

Sayuri's sister places a hand on her shoulder, trying to reassure her, while the boy looks determined.

Loguetown, Shipyard.

The shipyard is full of workers repairing boats and ships.

Carpenter Kuroi and his coworkers, Satoshi and Hiro, are discussing in hushed voices.

Kuroi, wiping sweat from his brow: "If they come, the shipyard will be one of the first places to be attacked. We need to be ready..."

Satoshi, looking at the tools: "How? By setting up barricades?"

Hiro, pointing at the boats: "Maybe we can prepare some boats for a quick escape if the worst happens."

Kuroi nods.

"We must be prepared for the worst."

Loguetown, Watchtower.

A tall structure with a wide view of the sea horizon.

Guardian Toshi, a slender young man with messy hair and sharp eyes, adjusting a telescope.

Toshi adjusts the focus of the telescope, scanning the vast ocean for abnormalities. His hands shake slightly; a tiny black dot, almost imperceptible, catches his attention.

He turns the telescope to zoom in on that distant spot. The ship's lines become clearer, revealing tall masts and black sails. His heart races, and his breathing becomes irregular.

"It can't be... Not now..."

As minutes pass, the ship grows in size and threat. The pirate flag, a skull with a harpoon and crossed bones, is clearly visible, waving in the wind.

"Pirate ship sighted! Everyone get ready!" Toshi shouts in despair.

He drops the telescope, tripping over his own feet as he runs down the tower's spiral stairs.

Reaching the ground, Toshi, panting, runs towards the town square, trying to warn as many people as possible. His face, once pale with fear, is now red from exertion and the burning sun.

"They're coming! The pirates are coming!"

Townspeople stop in the middle of their daily tasks, looking at him with wide-eyed terror. Mothers grab their children, vendors start packing up their goods, and the once noisy and lively town falls into a frenzy of panic.

An old fisherman grabs Toshi by the arm, his eyes piercing him.

"Are you sure, boy?"

Toshi, with tears forming - "I saw it with my own eyes... The Black Harpoon flag."


In the vast blue ocean of the East Blue, near the dock of Loguetown, a large ship with a black flag bearing a harpoon design was quickly approaching.

The sun shone brightly, reflecting on the calm waters, but despite the sunny weather, tension filled the air. Shouts and orders could be heard as the ship drew closer to the dock.

Standing on the deck was Kenji, known as "The Thorn," captain of the Black Harpoon Pirates.

His stern and piercing gaze swept the horizon, his long black hair billowing in the wind. Around him, his crew readied themselves for the impending raid, bustling in anticipation. Tied and gagged at the ship's bow, a group of hostages shivered in fear, their eyes pleading.

His second in command, Riku, approached.

Riku: "Captain, the town must be on alert. Shall we proceed?"

Kenji, smiling maliciously: "Yes. Loguetown will be ours."

Kenji's ambition shone in his eyes. He craved power and wealth, and Loguetown was the next target on his list. His subordinates shared the same ambition, ready to follow every order of their captain without hesitation.

As they neared, Loguetown's defenses became apparent. Sailors in position, cannons aimed, and the populace in panic. The challenge was set.

"Prepare to board!" Kenji roared, his voice echoing throughout the ship. "Use the hostages as shields! And start loading the cannons!"

The hostages sobbed, their voices muffled by the rags in their mouths, as they were dragged forward by the pirates.

Kenji, keeping his gaze fixed on the town, said, "If any sailor dares to shoot, throw them overboard. I want no survivors!"

One of the hostages, a young woman, managed to break free and tried to run. A pirate swiftly grabbed her by the arm and dragged her back, threatening her with a blade.

The ship managed to dock, and the pirates, with hostages in front, began their invasion.

Kenji watched the scene, pleased with his crew's efficiency. He knew this was just another step in his conquest.

Loguetown was in chaos. Screams, fire, and fights spread through the streets. Kenji advanced through the streets.


'Hm?' - a shout caught his attention. Turning around, on a rooftop of a house, he saw a man with unusual eyes, accompanied by a voluptuous woman dressed in red.