
In Naruto World Collecting Attributes

Transmigrated during Nine Tails Attack, as a heroic dying ANBU. Became sole survivor due to Attribute Collection SYSTEM. Post 2 year of hospitalization, now I am finally free...

ZEN1ST6 · Komik
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84 Chs

Take my Rasengan

[You picked up 100 Chakra points] 

[You picked up 80 points of Chakra] 

[You picked up 200 combat experience points] 

[You picked up 30 Wind Style talents] 

[You picked up 50 points of Wind Style talent] 

[You picked up 100 points of Tailed Beast Power] 

[You picked up 200 points of Tailed Beast Power] 

The notifications flooded Kazuya's mind as he absorbed the swirling golden light around him. "Yes! This is it!" he thought. To excel on the battlefield, one had to embrace its brutality. "Push harder! Fight harder!" he mentally urged himself.

At that moment, two half-transformed Jinchūriki charged toward him. The ground trembled under their feet, and the air crackled with the oppressive presence of their tailed beast chakra.

Kazuya faced a dire situation: Yugito Nii, the Two-Tails Jinchūriki, and Killer Bee, the Eight-Tails Jinchūriki, were attacking him simultaneously. These were two of Cloud Village's most formidable weapons, and their combined power was overwhelming.

"Cough... Kazuya, don't be reckless! Those are Jinchūriki! They're not foes you can easily defeat!" Akamichi Choza shouted from a distance, blood dripping from his mouth. He wanted to help, but his injuries were too severe; standing was an effort in itself. The situation seemed hopeless—one against two Jinchūriki. Kazuya's defeat would mean the collapse of Konoha's forces.

As the battlefield grew more chaotic, the two Jinchūriki launched their attacks.

"Claw of the Tailed Beast!" Yugito roared.

"Lightning Release: Lariat!" Killer Bee bellowed.

The air buzzed with energy as the two Jinchūriki attacked. Kazuya's expression remained calm beneath his mask, but the chakra swirling around him was fierce. The ground beneath him cracked under the pressure, forming a spiderweb of fissures.

In an instant, Kazuya threw a special Flying Thunder God Kunai. As Yugito's claws slashed toward his throat, he vanished in a flash of white light.

"Where did he go?!" Yugito exclaimed, scanning the battlefield frantically. The chaotic clash of Konoha and Cloud ninjas made it hard to locate him.

Kazuya reappeared behind Yugito, and she realized too late the danger she was in. 

"That kunai...!" she gasped. She knew the legend of the Fourth Hokage and his Flying Thunder God Technique, but experiencing it firsthand was another matter. She tried to turn, but her momentum was too great.

Before Yugito could react, Killer Bee charged, roaring, "You can't fool me with that trick again! Lightning Release: Lariat!"

Kazuya's body turned into a ball of flame and exploded just as Killer Bee's attack connected. "Damn it!" Killer Bee cursed as the explosion enveloped him. The blast sent shockwaves through the battlefield, knocking back ninjas on both sides.

Kazuya reappeared, his smile hidden under his mask. "Killer Bee, you've seen Minato use this trick, but I've perfected it," he thought. 

Kazuya had used a Shadow Clone imbued with Fire Style chakra to create an explosive decoy. Now, both Jinchūriki were heavily damaged.

"Killer Bee! Yugito!" The surrounding Cloud ninjas shouted in concern.

"Kazuya is incredible!" cheered the Konoha ninjas. "Can we really win?" they wondered, hope rekindled.

As the smoke cleared, Killer Bee and Yugito reappeared, injured but alive. The wounds on Killer Bee's body were healing rapidly, thanks to the Eight-Tails' chakra.

"Damn Anbu! As my brother said, you're insidious, Kazuya of Konoha! I'll remember your name!" Killer Bee shouted, his body covered in burn scars. Yugito, though in worse shape, glared at Kazuya, her silver teeth gritted in pain and anger.

"Yo yo, let's get serious, Bee," Killer Bee rapped, pulling out his seven swords, placing them in various grips around his body. 

"The Beautiful Blade: Seven Swords Dance!" he declared, spinning towards Kazuya like a deadly tornado.

Kazuya felt the urgency. He threw three more Flying Thunder God Kunai and dashed toward the spinning Killer Bee.

"Bring it on, Konoha Anbu! It's your honor to be ended by my seven swords dance!" Killer Bee roared, his speed and power increased by his half-tailed beast form.

Kazuya accelerated, dodging and weaving through the chaos, but just as Killer Bee's blades were about to slice into him, Kazuya vanished. 

"What?!" Killer Bee exclaimed, only to hear a roar behind him. 

"The second stage of the Flying Thunder God!" Kazuya appeared near Yugito, a blue Rasengan forming in his hands.

"Sage Mode! Rasengan!" he yelled, the Rasengan growing to a massive size.

In a flash, he slammed the giant Rasengan into Yugito, who could only stare in terror. The energy exploded, tearing through her tailed beast cloak and sending shockwaves through the battlefield.

As the dust settled, Kazuya smiled under his mask. "Is this Rasengan enough for you?" he whispered.