
In Naruto: With Shanks Template

A 21st century Otaku died and reincarnated as Naruto with Shanks template. Influenced by Pirate like traits with a bit cunningness from Shanks

LordRaphael · Komik
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41 Chs

Chapter 15: Naruto The Novelist

After the academy was over, Naruto and Hinata went on a simple data, where they visited interesting places in Konoha but due to Naruto's reputation, they were not welcomed.

Hinata was quite pissed off because of that and she remembered everyone's face who showed disdain towards her Naruto. They will have to pay. She tried her displeasure from Naruto but these thoughts were pretty transparent to him. After that, they simply went to Ichiraku and were about to end their little date when a Hyuga guard appeared in front of them.

"Hinata sama! we were looking for you all over the village. Why did you not wait at the academy entrance and why are you associating with someone like him!" Although the guard used 'sama' to address her, still the tone of the words was not polite. He was looking down on the Hyuga princess. And towards the end of the sentence, a look of disdain appeared on his face.

His attitude marked a certain doom for him in the minds of both Hinata and Naruto albeit for different reasons.

'This little piece of shit dared to look down on my Hinata. I will need to punish him for his contempt towards my princess. Maybe tonight, I will sneak out and pay him a visit.'

'How dare he show disdain towards my Naruto. Just you wait, I will make all of you grovel in front of him.'

"Rather than prying on who I associate with, you better stick with your job, guard" replied Hinata with a sweet smile on her face which was anything but sweet. The guard felt a shiver down his back for some reason and he didn't like the tone of Hinata. But his instincts warned him against taking any actions or even opening his mouth, so he trusted them and simply followed the Hyuga princess.

'Something is different about her. She didn't even stutter, and her timid nature was gone. If what I felt is real then I can be in some trouble, after all, I am but a branch member.'

"Bye Naruto kun, I will start training tomorrow with you, today I have a few things to sort at the clan." With that Hinata was off towards her clan. This day was also a changing one for the Hyuga clan. Today the Hyuga princess was seen skipping her training again, but her attitude was different and after a lengthy talk which included some shouting from the respected elders towards the clan princess.

It has come to notice that the clan princess will have a duel with Neji Hyuga in two years. If she wins, then she can continue what she wants but else she will be marked with the seal of the branch clan. This was some sort of deal between her and the elders.

The next day when Naruto came to know about it in the academy, he was about to annihilate the second clan of Konoha, but because of Hinata's interference, he decided to leave it to her. He trusted his training and also Hinata, so he believed that he didn't need to take action, on the off chance that something unforeseen happened, then he could always brute-force his way.

Now even if it's a deal or it is honour-bound, it never mattered to him. He always believed in Joker's words, "We live in a Society, where honour is a distant memory."

During nighttime at Naruto's home.

'Well, let's start with a little business to earn some money. I will introduce this world to another level of fantasy. The entertainment here is boring, even the alcohol is not strong enough and I need a lot of money. So let's start with my first work. I think I will publish three different novels for starters, later I will look into other works.'

With that, he took out some paper and started writing the script.

[Mr and Mrs Dursley of number four, Privet Drive, were proud to say that they were perfectly normal, thank you very much.......]

A few days later, another script started.

[Wealth, fame, power… Gold Roger, the King of the Pirates, attained this and everything else the world had to offer. And his dying words drove countless souls to the seas...]

A few days later again.

[When Mr Bilbo Baggins of Bag End announced that he would shortly be celebrating his eleventy-first birthday with a party of special ...]

After two weeks of intense writing, he was able to finish the scripts for three novels. All of them have sequels, and he will capitalize on this situation. He knows that the entertainment industry is quite dull, and his novels will be blockbusters, so he will raise the price for the sequels, a simple calculation, not much brain used here. He also included several pictures of the famous scenes and characters, especially in the second script, as he was not very proficient in drawing, so he didn't draw the manga, but wrote the novel, and added as many details as possible.

Before sending the scripts to publish, he also showed them to Sasuke and Hinata, he only talked to them currently, and occasionally he chatted with Shikamaru and Choji.

Both Sasuke and Hinata were astonished after reading the scripts. It was as if a new world opened for them. They even demanded to know what happened in the later parts. Their curiosity for the second and third scripts shadowed that of the first one. But as a responsible author, he said in a proud statement. "An author never reveals the spoilers."

With that, he went towards a printing house in the market. He used transformation Jutsu to make the deal easier. He also didn't hide his name, not that he needed to. Even if the Hokage knows about this, what can he do to him? Strength-wise, he is above all, and if he asked, the lonely kid imagined a few fantasies of adventures with friends and wrote them to earn some money.

"So, you want our house to help you publish your new work. And you are creating three different novels at the same time."

"Yes, and they also have pictures for major scenes and how I imagined the characters. All of them have sequels and I can guarantee you it will sell out like a hot commodity."

"I somehow doubt your claims, don't mind me but the name you have given, "Uzumaki Naruto, I haven't heard any famous author by that name. And the title of your books, Harry Potter And The Philosopher's Stone, One Piece: East Blue Saga and The Fellowship of the Rings

The front cover looks more like children's stories and I doubt children will read such thick books."

"OK, how about you read these books, and I will be back in a week to discuss the contract to publish. These are the original scripts so make a copy first, give me the original. I will pay for the copy. You read them, and after a week we will discuss further. Also, if you want to cheat me, then beware, first of all, all of them require sequels and you will be on the losing side if you cheat me. Secondly, I have a well-established fact that no one, absolutely no one was able to watch the next sunrise after betraying me and I hope you don't want to be an example of that." Naruto let the manager feel his presence a bit, not the conquerors' but just his presence.

People who are at Naruto's level have an extraordinary presence. If they don't control it, normal people can suffer. The manager in front of him seems to be a retired shinobi, so for him, this presence was quite majestic and he was able to feel the oppresing aura around Naruto.

'What kind of man is he? For this aura, he must be someone very powerful, I better not get on his bad side. I wonder how such a man was able to write these children's stories.'

With sweat forming on his face, he decided to accept the terms and read these three books ASAP.

With that, a week later, Naruto arrived again with his transformed looks. This time the manager jumped with joy upon seeing Naruto. A contract was quickly made and the profits were distributed, heavily favouring Naruto but the sheer amount generated from these three books and the sequels will cover up for it.

With this, the whole Ninja world saw the birth of a legendary Novelist, who gave this world a new genre of fantasy. Later, the same author introduced another genre which almost instantly took over the market. Yes, the name of this genre is Isekai and Reincarnation.

Several fan fictions were also circulating in the market, and these fanfictions were based on the work of legendary Uzumaki Naruto and a common trope was that of the protagonist dying and reincarnating in one of Uzumaki Naruto's fantasy worlds with some cheats. But that's the future's story.