
In My Domain.

Meet Dos as violent trouble in his life escalates when he accidentally beat the shit out of the only heir of a triad boss. Don't worry though he has a sense of humor (First time writing go easy on me) (I'm also open for ratings and criticism)

Voyeur · Seni bela diri
Peringkat tidak cukup
10 Chs


I made my fighting stance just a basic boxing stance my left hand on my chin level my elbow close to my rib in order to quickly protect it from body blows and my right extended to gouge out distance and efficient jabbing.

When i finished my stance Sensei counted


Cold sweat formed in my body my mind kicked in full force fishing for a solution right then a plan formed on my head


I was already dashing at him before his count ended strangely he didn't get surprised he just continued counting. With that in mind i smirked he was underestimating me 'sometimes it's good to be undervalued'


Still not finished counting i reared back my right arm as if preparing to swing wide which makes it very easy to counter and ofcourse i knew that teehee~

"0" his countdown ended a smirk formed in his face but there was in mine too

Just when he was about to finish i put a palm in his eyes disturbing his field of view then i sidestepped to his side as quickly as i could and with the momentum my right arm formed mid-swing i turned it into an elbow and swung it into his chin full force surprisingly it actually hitted spot on but his head didn't even move i thought to myself

'Shit this guy is a fucking monster how could his daughter look like that when he's a fucking gorilla!'

Panic swelled over me but not wanting to waste anytime and give this monster the time to harm me i immediately turned my elbow into a grab then pushed his body to my knee that was approaching his groin to make it more effective this guy didn't even budge my knee hit something it was his hand he grabbed my knee and i thought to myself

'Shit how do i get out?! how do i get out?!'

A thought formed in my head and i immediately acted on it

It might sound longer but the plan forming didn't even take a second. I turned my left arm and formed three fingers and thrusted it as quickly as i could in his eyes he immediately let go of my knee and deflected my hand my plan worked i immediately hopped back as quickly as i could.

Strangely he did an uppercut but lower gaining more momentum shit this is Sendō Takeshi's move the smash i tried to dodge but as wide as it looked it was fast and precise i met it halfway to reduce the momentum it formed. When his punch met my block he actually lifted me off the ground with one punch my elbows i blocked with was drilled into my stomach and all the air i held in me escaped me

It was a sickening sound like a dying man's cough it made me lightheaded i was about to fall unconscious my guard was no longer there and i saw him quickly form a straight punch aiming it in my face. I thought to myself

'Shit is he really gonna kill me over his daughter? Dammit all im not gonna go without a fight!'

As if the world was helping me time slowed into a crawl his punch was still advancing with that i knew what to do i tilted my head a little his fist just barely missing me then i grabbed his arm then with my other hand i grabbed his clothes using his force over him my feet, my shoulders, my arms all of me was using all of it's fire just to throw this bastard as if with one last warcry i shouted


I actually lifted his body off the ground. Yes! im gonna throw him down but then as if proving me wrong with everything i did his other hand clenched my shoulder and my force just disappeared and pain took over me the bastard destroyed my muscles!

With my fire all burned out i collapsed but still just barely conscious he grinned ear to ear and said

"You fail you can't have my daughter but pass as my disciple stay the night here it's already late I'll call your parents"

As he finished talking my eyelids immediately closed and darkness came.

Robert Chae was a half English and Korean

He eventually married and had a child it was a girl he wanted to have another but as if it was not fated his wife fell ill soon as she gave birth to the child she was a strong woman she battled the disease for 10 years and eventually succombed. Robert was with her the entire time she hid it so well in front of her daughter she appeared so strong in front of the child and Robert seeing this always teared him up both sad and happy he was so happy that an undeserving dolt like him married such a beautiful woman and sad that such a beautiful woman had to suffer through so much

When her wife finally succombed to her illness he decided that he would not make his daughter the heir to the dojo and that he would raise her to be beautiful like her mother as the girl grew and he also grew old he was distraught because he had no heir for the dojo but still he has decided that he will not force her daughter to marry anybody and that her happiness must come first

That was when one day when he came home after attending one of his meetings he saw a young man in front of his dojo his eyes was filled with resolve as he stared at the gates of the dojo. Robert smirked to himself and he approached this young man

But that was when tragedy strikes all beginnings must come to an end! This bastard was actually aiming for his daughter! Unforgivable! Yes i will end him!

And when they fought his rage gradually calmed this bastard has potential! his methods are ruthless! and his tenacity is impressive he knew a lot of advanced moves but strangely he moved like an amateur and his body was of an amateur's too strange.. Could it be?! that he has no experience in martial arts? Then.. this talent and how he amassed his knowledge how many books he must have gone through to study this. He smirked yet again this guy.. i like him..

Little did Robert know that this guy just liked his manga and anime.

As Dos woke up it was already morning it was Saturday he tried to stand up but his body ached especially in his ribs. 'Fuck! that damn violent gorilla! i hate him!'

He was in such a foul mood that morning then that was when the door opened and a familiar face came in it was Althea she was wearing casual clothes Dos thought to himself

'Shit she looks so good in casual clothes too!'

Althea sat next to his bed and said

"I'm really sorry about my dad please don't hate him he's just.. protective of me"

Dos looked at Althea's eyes Yes! it was time for his special skill!

"Althea can you come closer? Please?" said Dos as softly as he could

Althea complied but there was hesitation in her face

As she approached Dos thought to himself

'Shit it actually worked! this is my chance!'

Her face was close now and Dos immediately got to action he grabbed the back of her hair. Althea was disgruntled she flailed around a little but Dos didn't let up his lips was already reaching her forehead that was when a switch flicked.. it was Althea

She grabbed my face and my arm she already had me in a wrist lock and her sharp icy glare was pointed at me as she said

"Don't think of me like just a pure flower I'm a rose and i have my thorns~"

I gulped and thought to myself

'Damn i got ara ara~ vibes there but i kinda like it.. A dangerous love'

"I'm pretty thick skinned I'll be fine holding a rose with it's thorns!"

Althea her eyebrow twitching in annoyance she sighed

"Haaa just die somewhere you loser"

"Aww baby~ don't get angry it's bad for you you know teehee~"

As if she couldn't take it any longer she mounted me

"Whoa slow down i know I'm handsome but we're still young i-im not ready" i said while a soft blush formed

Althea's eyes twitched shit she was really angry now!

"Yo-you asshole!!" she said as she strangled me

And this was how i entered her life not bad right?

This is my first time writing and I've immediately noticed that writing takes such toll on you. You get moved by your own characters I personally think this chapter came out very well in the others i might not be so lucky. Regardless please continue to support my story. Thank you

Voyeurcreators' thoughts