
In My Domain.

Meet Dos as violent trouble in his life escalates when he accidentally beat the shit out of the only heir of a triad boss. Don't worry though he has a sense of humor (First time writing go easy on me) (I'm also open for ratings and criticism)

Voyeur · Action
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10 Chs


Dos woke up with something hard bumping on his forehead scrunching up his eyes trying to get a look what it was sticking in his forehead. It was a gun and a mafia looking guy was holding it. The guy whispered softly

"Goodnight sweet prince~"


He woke up sweat drenching his entire body. Shit what the heck should i do I don't wanna die with someone referencing me as hamlet yeah fuck that.

Maybe i'll get a haircut so they don't recognize me. Damn I'm such a genius.

Meanwhile somewhere in school

Junjun and friends gathered round

"Boss what's the plan now? you know we'll follow you anywhere" said one of his goons

"First do any of you recognize that idiot?"

"Your cousin boss? uh what was his name again yeah Jongga hmm odd name"

"We are not cousins!"

"Ehhh really? Boss you shouldn't lie you know" said goon number one with a disbelieving face.

Junjun sighed and face palmed

"Haaa how did i end up with this idiots"

In a barbershop somewhere in Occidental

"Hey miss~ can i get a discount? teehee~" said Dos trying to look as cute as possible.

"Chelle! No discounts!" shouted the old man in the cashier to her granddaughter

"I know! It's not my first time with airheads! who thinks they're handsome!" She shouted back

"Hey! i know I'm handsome what's so wrong with that?!"

"Just pick a damn haircut already" She said and rolled her eyes while getting me ready

I looked her in the eye with a very serious expression. She gulped taken aback by my sudden change of demeanor

I said softly

"Miss you're really beautiful especially your brown eyes"

Surprised yet again she let go of the scissors as i grabbed her hand and said

"Can i get a discount?"

Her eyebrow twitching and I'll just omit what happened anyway as she finished strangling me i got a chance to explain

"M-miss wait I'm not a bad guy I'm just a bit short on money I've only got a few dollars but i wanted to get a haircut on your top class establishment" I said while emptying my wallet

She sighed

"Fine you're just a bit short anyway. What haircut do you want"

"Ah i don't know what do you think will look good on me miss? what's the trend nowadays anyway?"

She pulled a magazine and pointed at a picture it said shaggy bowl cut she looked at me and said

"So? what do you think? You have really long hair so you can get this one"

"Hmm it looks real cool never thought a bowl cut would look cool"

"Dude it's the trend nowadays don't you have a phone? many male idols look like that"

"Nope never really liked phones" I've always thought that it was eating you your time, your originality , your creativeness sometimes i was a poet and it felt just like that. Ofcoure I didn't say this out loud I don't want to push my beliefs on other people like i don't want them to push theirs on me.

Looking in the mirror with my new haircut and my all black uniform i thought to myself damn i look cool.

Waltzing to school with a good mood and a smile in my face. I noticed that a lot of people stared at me i thought to myself

'Is it my time to finally shine? Yes! I won't let you down my supporters!'

Breaking my daydreaming a girl approached me her face was blushing

My daydreaming kicked in full force again

'Shit! is this a- Is this a LOVE CONFESSION?!! is this really gonna happen to me?!! and such a kind girl too?. Oh god thank you for getting me in this point of life! This one moment is enough for everything! I LOVE YOU WORLDDD!'

Regaining my composure i asked the girl as nicely as i could?

"Miss? is there anything i could do to help you?"

She murmured something but I didn't hear it. I gulped and asked again

"Um miss i didn't hear what you said.."

She whispered in my ear her face right now was beet red.

"Umm.. your pants.. is.."

Not able to take the embarrassment anymore she ran away.

I looked at my pants nothing was wrong what the heck? that was when i looked at my butt. Shit my ass was exposed the entire time.

Heartbroken and with new pants on ofcourse

I wandered the streets like a lost ghost with no destination. I saw a dojo i looked above it read Chae Family Dojo. With not enough motivation i just sat on the floor in front of the gates and leaned to the gate to not fall over drenched in my misery i started singing again

"Oh cruel world~"

That was when another voice interrupted again

"Lost it all to the girl~" The voice was identical to the girl in the infirmary

Not wanting to wait any longer i asked


There was no response but there was rustling on bushes maybe

With refound vigor i was ready to face this dojo that was when car pulled over and a huge man got out

He was an asian man two meters tall, white skin tone and his eyes looked like an eagle watching his prey. I knew this guys was bad news but i kept quiet not wanting to piss him off.

"Oh?" he said then he smiled it looked.. evil

"Boy do you want to be my disciple?"

I knew he wouldn't take no for an answer. Shit why me? I strengthened my resolve Althea was waiting on the other side after all!

"Are you the master of this dojo sir?" i asked the man

"Yeah let's go inside I'll give you a tour!" He replied

Wow he was actually surprisingly nice eh i guess looks can be deceiving we settled on the training hall and he told me

"I'll just give you a run down because it's already pretty late"

He discussed the schedule and training workout i should do when i go home and he told me that this was a dojo passed over in his family for two generations now hmm this isn't so bad as he finished talking i asked him a question

"Sensei is there a girl called Althea here?"

And just when i asked the question a very pretty girl came in she had a very smooth and white skin, prominent black hair tied in a pony tail first sight and she was already tugging at my heartstrings i thought to myself

'Shit a pony tail and black hair my weakness!'

Sensei Chae looked at me and then the girl his eyebrow twitching with anger then he punched the table and it broke then he spoke with animosity mixed in his voice

"So? you were after my daughter all along? i made you my disciple and you want MORE?!"

He looked like he wanted to add more but he forced himself to calm down and he spoke once again with his ice like glare pointed at me.

"Young man prove your courage first before you try my daughter"

He stood up and made a fighting stance

"Come" he said

I gulped i looked at Althea and she was really pretty i heard a verse in a song in my head like a whispering wisp it sang 'I believe we shouldn't let the moment pass us by~ Life's too short we shouldn't let the water run dry~'

I found my resolve and stood up and shouted "Please give us your blessing father!"

Just after i said that something snapped it was Sensei's patience. It was at this moment that i knew there was no turning back.

"Ready?" He asked his voice already cracking in rage

i gulped again and said more to myself than to him

"I-i'm ready!"