Rincarnated as Agnologia in MCU... Its droped because drafts got lost and I don't feel like writing again..... but I may continue it if I get inspiration again..
Have you ever thought of what will happen if you happen to die someday?? I as a person with religion definitely have.But never in my life have I expected something like this.I have expected to be judged or maybe even be sent to the purgatory. Maybe i have expected to go to haven.Anyways what I am currently experiencing is not what I expected....
Who am I kidding trying to think like a normal person would? I have always wished for this kind of situation. And i am pretty sure I am not the only one.What I am currently experiencing is every weeb's wet dream.
Yes I am going to be reincarnated....
But first letme introduce myself my name is...
Madara Uchiha!?!...*Cough*Cough* I mean my name is Joshua Miller.I live in India specifically the North East not in the polluted, hot and crowed mainlands but in the North East.It looks more like China.The landscape, the language and even our appearence is more like Chainese.My mother is from one of those states and my father is from America.So I am an Indian with an American father and with the appearence of Chinese.
I look nothing like my father and look more like my mother.No one will believe he is my father without documents.I have no idea how that is possible.I guess my mothers's gene is too strong for my father's or maybe the genes of an Indian is stronger than others considering their massive population.
I live a pathetically normal live.Our family is well of even though my father is a Surgeon and my mother is an Engineer. Living in the North East is quite peaceful not like my fathers Homeland where we get a front row seat to the messy show called life.I was 15 years old when I died.I lived my life as a normal child would except I was obviously smarter than most of my peers with an IQ of 121 where normal IQ is is 90-110.Perks of having smart parents.But I as a normal tenager do not use that to my advantage, instead i barely use my brain.I was still the top of my class but everyone can do that with some effort, right?
Anyways as I was saying I was an average teenager wuth black almost brown hair with brown eyes.I was 5 '9' which is quite tall according to where I am.The average height is 5'6 here.I also enjoy anime but I am not like those people who always keep up with seasonal anime or people who can argue anytime over their waifu.I watch movies but even then I only watch popular ones like Marvel and DC or some other that place first in the Box office.But i was really intrested in sports.
And as I died while palying sports too..
There was a tournament and me and our team participate in it.And we even reached the finals and as I scored my third goal i did a blackflip for celebration but who would have thought I would die because of it.Yeah I break my neck because of the fall which is quite sad.But I can't really regret it as that was the reason why I am in my current situation.
??? : "Are you done boy?" says the boy my age in front of me
Joshua : "Yes, and aren't we like the same age? Why are you calling me 'boy'?" I asked the boy in front of me.He looks....
nothing special really..Oh is that a phone in his hand?
??? : "Good then as i have said before you will be reincarnated."
Joshua : " Ok..."I said without hesitation
??? : "Don't you wanna ask me who I am or better yet are you not gonna ask the question every reincarnator asked which is (Why me)" the boy asked me with a condused looj and raised eyebrows
Joshua : "I couldn't bring myself to care who you are or why as you will not tell the truth.I have read way too many fanfic to be tricked.You will either spit out some bullshit or you might even say somehing like 'Go and find your destiny once again my friend' after I am gone which will peak the intrest of the readers of my real indentity." I spoke like it is a matter of fact.
??? : "Danm, I was already preparing to spout some bullshit" says the boy putting his phone in his pocket and looked at me again
Joshua : "So Can I reincarnte anywhere?Do I get wishes?" I asked excitedly.
??? : "No everything will be decided by this wheel" says the boy as he snap his finger and a giant wheel appears.I can see world like Naruto, Black Clover,Harem monogatari,Fairy tail..etc and shows I have not watched but have read fanfics about like twilight, Game of Thrones,Teen wolf..etc
Joshua : "So its the kind where you get your wish chosen for you by the Author..I can work with that" I said as I watched the boy flinch when I mention the Author..
??? : "Yeah..I guess its up to fate.Hurry up and stop comparing this to the fanfics that you have read this is real now" the boy says in a lazy manner
Joshua : "Ok...I guess I should stop treating this like some dream huh.But before i press can i ask why I am not felling anything for my parents.I hate to admit it I got better parents than i deserve so i really love them" I said after thinking about my situation again.
??? : " I have made it so that your past life will not disturb you but reast assured your parents are fine and they even got a new child 2 years after you died"the boy said this time in a somewhat serious tone.
Joshua : "Ok, thanks i guess" after saying that I pull the lever near the wheel, with my spiritual hand?
The wheel keeps spinning and I was praying it land on something I have watched, after a while it landed on MCU.I guess I can work with that it was 2021 when i died and Spiderman Far from home was my last Marvel. movie.But i only know the basic stuff as I have watched the movies only 3 or 4 times each..
??? : "Oh...thats common" after saying that he snaps his fingers again and the weel changed and the word 'Charactes' is on top of it.
??? : "You will get the powers, memories and appearance of the characters you get" After he said that i pull the lever again
The wheel starts slowing down after a while and I can see characters like Obito,Natsu,Superman,and even Ugly bastard.It finally stops at the character Agnologia.
To say that I was happy would be an understatement I was dancing...literally. While singing 'We are the Champions'..
In MCU as Agnologia? How can that get any better Agnologia is an absolutely monster who can even literally eat space and time and his power is strong enough to destroy a continent.I am pretty sure he is stronger that even Ego and Surtur.I am literally the top of the food chain especially in the Marvel Cinematic Universe where characters are nerfed.
??? : "Oh you are one lucky bastard.I will be giving you some backstory as i can't just have you appear out of random" the boy said with a little smile on his face.
Joshua : "Backstory??What kind of backstory do you want to give me" I asked with a questioning look on my face.
??? : "You will be an Egyptian man in the past and you will be the one who end the whole Olympus Gods because they killed your family and because they treat humans as nothing but toys.And you having enough and also to avenge your family you will walk the path of revenge much like the original Agnologia.After you are almost killed all the Gods in Olympus, The last Olympians sealed you in another dimension at the cost of their lives and you will be thought dead by Odin and others.Only the Ancient one shall know about you and did not tell others because he feels thankful to you for freeing humanity from the Gods but not being able to free you either, keeping an eye on you is also part of each Ancient Ones purpose"
Joshua : " Thats a cool backstory, but when am I going to be transmigrate?" I asked a little awed with my backstory
??? : "You will be transmigrate after the war between the Avengers and the Chitauri specifcally the moment the portal closed as the dmension you are sealed is disturbed and weakened because of the tear in space giving you a chance to eat the dimension" Said the boy answering my question.
Joshua : "I guess that make sense can you get me there before the war so that i can sort out my memories" I asked
??? : "Ok.Nice talking to you Joshua or should I say Agnologia" after saying that he snap his fingers and I start fading away.
Joshua : " Thank you..It was nice talking to you too."after saying that i completely disappeared into the void.