
In Marvel with Greatest System

"haaa, nothing new coming" ??? "damm, writer strikes" ??? Max cursed at the news of writer strikes news, cause its delaying his favourite movies from releasing, Suddenly he heard a shout but pay it no heed until... ************************* "hey, Kid watch out!" I helplessly watched a teenage kid moment away from just truck crashing into him, but i still tried reaching out to him but..( Random passerby) #screeeech# #Bam# "Huh, what- cough i-is t-this" Max looks at the clear blue sky, feeling pain all over his body. But soon realisation dawned him "I guess, I won't be able to watch my favs any more....." Max closed his eyes thinking it's over but is it.... ############################## Cover and other images aren't owned my me If the owner wants it to be removed plz tell me

Boring_World · Filem
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127 Chs

Water 7

After a heartfelt celebration on Sky Island, Max and his crew departed from Sky Island, their destination being Water 7.

"So what was on the bell you were staring at so intensely earlier?" Max asked after their ship safely landed back on the sea, stopping Robin before she went inside infinity tower.

"The Poneglyph was there. It records the location of the Ancient weapon Poseidon," Robin replied.

"Another ancient weapon? Cool. So where is it?" Max nodded and asked.

"Not exactly a weapon, but a person," Robin replied and Max then gestured her she can enter the Infinity tower, Robin nodded and entered the Infinite Tower like others.

"A person labeled as an Ancient weapon must wield quite power if he/she earned such distinction," Max remarked upon learning that Poseidon is a person.

Max's interest in Ancient weapons is only because of two things: first, their weaponry, and second, their power source. He wants to learn about their power source, especially as it can power up a weapon capable of killing beings like the Four Emperors. Max's own weapon could deal similar damage, but any new technology can help Max improve.

As Max rested on the deck of the ship, the absence of his companions, it left him alone with his thoughts and curiosity. With the ship sailing across the vast blue sea, he likely contemplated the mysteries surrounding these Ancient Weapons and their power source, envisioning the possibilities of incorporating such technology to augment his own weapon's strength.

This moment of rest give Max a chance to reflect on his goals and the significance of obtaining knowledge about this ancient technology. It could also help him in uncovering information or resources that could help him understand and potentially utilize this powerful, ancient energy source to upgrade his weaponry.

Max, after thinking, went into slumber as Shiki returned from the Infinity Tower. now he can watch the ship.

As the ship sailed across the tranquil waters, Max's peaceful slumber was abruptly interrupted by a commotion on deck. He stirred awake to find the crew talking with some new individuals. Before him stood a group of rather peculiar-looking individuals, their flashy attire and exaggerated expressions immediately catching his attention. It was none other than the Foxy Pirates.

Their captain, a short smiling dude, stepped forward, wearing a smirk. "Ahoy there, strangers! I am Foxy and I hope you're ready for a challenge!" he exclaimed, brandishing a smile that bore a distinct resemblance to a fox.

Max, still slightly disoriented from his sudden awakening, surveyed the situation. His crewmates appeared to be engaging in what Foxy referred to as a "Davy Back Fight," a series of pirate games where the stakes were as high as they were bizarre.

Foxy's playful demeanor didn't fool Max, who sensed an undercurrent of cunning in the pirate's antics. However, ever curious about new encounters and potential opportunities to learn, Max decided to observe the proceedings cautiously.

Soon, the game started, and as expected, the Foxy captain tried to cheat and enraged the crew of Max, resulting in Max crew beating him and his partners black and blue. Max also extracted the Devil fruit of Foxy. His devil fruit allowed him to emit lights that slow down anything. Max found it very useful, so he collected it.

After the small disturbance, their ship continued to sail atop the serene and dangerous waters of the Grand Line. Eventually, Max and his group reached Water 7.

Water 7, a significant hub for shipwrights and craftsmen, boasting a network of canals and waterways that function as the city's main transportation system. The city's buildings are interconnected by bridges and channels, giving it a unique and picturesque appearance.

Max came here to get a ship for his pirate crew. He can build one, but it won't give the feel of one built by the shipwrights of this world. He can also install necessary equipment on the ship if he finds anything lacking.

Reaching here, Max asked the townsfolk about the famous Shipbuilding company of Water 7, and the townsfolk led him to one.

The Galley-La-Company. Max commissioned the building of his ship to Iceburg, the president of the Galley-La-Company. As for the money, he just found a random rock and converted it into gold with the help of a remaker ring.

When Max returned to the ship in the evening, he found the atmosphere on the ship to be serious. "What happened?" Max asked.

"Robin is kidnapped," Shiki replied calmly.

"Who?", Max asked

"World Government" Shiki replied calmly.

"Hahahahaha, I just stopped killing and they forgot about me so easily," Max laughed coldly and remarked.

"Hmm, they need to be reminded who we are," Shiki also nodded.

"Let's get our partner," the Giants commented.

"Captain, allow me to rescue Ms. Robin," Enel remarked from the side. Enel has now joined Max's crew after some friendly education by the Giants.

"Hmm, okay, Enel and Dorry and Broggy will get our partner back," Max nodded and said.

"Now, it's time to let the foolish mortals feel the wrath of the thunder god," Enel laughed after getting Max's permission.

"His chunni disease has yet to be cured," Max shook his head and thought.

The giants and Enel then rushed to Enies Lobby, where Robin has been located.

"Hahahah, Now I will be promoted again," Spandam laughed.

As Spandam's laughter echoed, reverberating through the corridors of Enies Lobby, he celebrated the capture of Nicoo Robin. Confident in his plans, he anticipated his imminent promotion within the World Government for capturing the Robin and achieving what he believed to be a significant victory.

"I'd like to see for how much time you can retain your laugh," Robin sneered at Spandam's celebration.

"Hmm, Shut Up!!" Spandam shouted.

"You were a fool if you thought you could win against CP0," Spandam said in a mocking tone.

After Spandam learned of White Devil's arrival, he notified the World Government. The World Government sent six top CP0 officers to aid Spandam in capturing the White Devil pirates.

They were on their way when they spotted Robin. Setting aside the goal of capturing the White Devil Pirates, they decided to capture Nico Robin first. Robin tried to battle out but was powerless against the six CP0. They captured her and brought her back to Enies Lobby. From there, they would shift her to the World Government after acquiring the blueprint of Pluton.