
In Marvel with Greatest System

"haaa, nothing new coming" ??? "damm, writer strikes" ??? Max cursed at the news of writer strikes news, cause its delaying his favourite movies from releasing, Suddenly he heard a shout but pay it no heed until... ************************* "hey, Kid watch out!" I helplessly watched a teenage kid moment away from just truck crashing into him, but i still tried reaching out to him but..( Random passerby) #screeeech# #Bam# "Huh, what- cough i-is t-this" Max looks at the clear blue sky, feeling pain all over his body. But soon realisation dawned him "I guess, I won't be able to watch my favs any more....." Max closed his eyes thinking it's over but is it.... ############################## Cover and other images aren't owned my me If the owner wants it to be removed plz tell me

Boring_World · Filem
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137 Chs

Vampire Necromancer

After Max created another four bombs using the four Celestial Dragons, he instructed them to follow the same protocol: luring and gathering all their treasures before departing Mary Geoise.

Upon returning to his Hunter island, the previously unnamed location had now been named the Hunter Island. This was where the Hunter organization was situated, with numerous structures already completed.

Observing from the sky, Max looked at the bustling island. It had been two weeks since Morgans released the news. During these two weeks many people came to Hunter Association, Zephyr and others are now registering them and giving them a Rank, The ranking is simple , from E to A, S, SS, SSS and lastly Ex. After checking out everything Max returned to his room.

Upon entering his room, Max retrieved all the items necessary for synthesis and began the process

[Synthesizing...complete, Congratulations Host on obtaining Vampire Necromancer Devil fruit]

[The Vampire Necromancer Devil Fruit is a mythical Zoan-type Devil Fruit that grants its user a combination of vampire and necromancy abilities. 

Ability(s) :-

1. Vampiric Transformation: The user can transform into a vampire form, gaining enhanced physical attributes like speed, strength, and agility. This form might include features like fangs, red eyes, and heightened senses.

2. Blood Manipulation: The ability to control and manipulate blood, whether from oneself or others. This could involve solidifying blood into weapons, creating shields, or even controlling opponents by controlling their blood flow.

3. Life Force Manipulation: The power to manipulate life force and stole it from living beings through physical contact, similar to how vampires feed on blood or through nails. This life force could replenish the user's life force and increase it thus increasing user lifespan or heal their wounds. Host can also transfer the drained Life force to others, extending their lifespan. 

4. Necromancy: The user can summon and control the undead, raising corpses as obedient minions to do their bidding. These minions might possess varying abilities depending on their original strengths in life.

5. Regeneration: The ability to heal rapidly from injuries, similar to the regenerative abilities often attributed to vampires in folklore.

6. Hypnosis or Mind Control: The power to influence and control the minds of others, compelling them to follow commands or implanting suggestions.

7. Shadow Force manipulation : Control over darkness or shadow-based energies, allowing the user to manifest these energies as blasts, tendrils, or shields. This power could also involve using shadows to create illusions or traps and can also travel in between shadows. 

Each ability can be further strengthened with development of fruit ]

"Good. Hmm, I should also gather materials for other recipes too," Max nodded and thought.

Max then spent 10 UP to make the Devil Fruit delicious and ate it. He closed his eyes to digest the information. After a moment, Max opened his eyes and tried Vampiric Transformation. Upon completing the transformation, Max looked at the mirror and saw a silver-haired, ruby-eyed teenager. He smiled, pleased with his new appearance, which he found more handsome than his white devil form.

Nodding, Max decided to visit the Infinity Tower. He willed himself to enter the tower and felt enveloped by a spatial force. Soon, the scenery changed, and he found himself standing in the middle of a grassland surrounded by a forest.

As Max observed his surroundings, a screen popped up in front of him

{Objective : Survive for 3 days or Eliminate all monsters

Reward : Passage to Next Floor}

After reading this floor objective , Max looked at other functions which include Group chat, which is currently inactive, A escape button, whose function is obvious and lastly Tower ranking.

Opening the Tower ranking Max saw :-

1. Bucky 

2. Felicia 

3. Ace


10. Shuzo

"Hmm,but what are the criteria...oh, so it's based on floors," Max muttered, seizing the neck of the short creature that attempted to attack him.

Turning his head to the right, Max examined the hideous green goblin. "A fantasy goblin. Why did it attempt a side attack? It could have attacked me from behind. Hmm, perhaps due to the easy difficulty level," Max mused before breaking the goblin's neck.

He then attempted his new Necromancy skill, resulting in a Skeleton goblin emerging from the goblin's remains.

Observing the Skeleton, Max muttered, "It's weaker." He proceeded to use Amplify Quality 94 times on the skeleton, enhancing its status significantly:

[Name : Skeleton Goblin

Rank : Elite or Greater Skeletons

Ability(s) : Necro-Plague Daggers, Life detection, Create Skeleton Soldier ( Upto 5) ]

 "Hmm system what are these skeletons ranking?" Max asked as before skeleton was only basic level and now after amplification it's Elite, it's appearance also changed previously it was only a skeleton with bone dagger and now it's wearing black clothes and two dark purple daggers,

[Basic or Lesser Skeletons--Armored Skeletons--Elite or Greater Skeletons--Commander or General Skeletons--Skeleton Lord--Skeleton Prince--Skeleton King--Skeleton Emperor--Skeleton Tyrant--Skeleton Overlord]

"Woah, there are quite a lot of ranks, what if it was skeleton of mage or shaman" Max exclaimed and asked.

[Basic or Lesser Skeletons-- Skeleton Mage--Elite or Greater Skeleton Mage--Apprentice Lich--Adept Lich--Master Lich--Arch Lich--Lich King--Lich Emperor--DemiLich]

Max nodded and instructed the skeleton goblin to eliminate all the monsters in the forest.

The skeleton goblin's eyes flickered momentarily, as if acknowledging Max's command, before dashing into the forest.

"The Amplification's time limit is only three hours, which should be enough for him to completely eradicate all the monsters. I'm glad it worked," Max thought, observing the forest. He wasn't certain whether the amplification would affect the undead as it don't work on living, but it seemed to work on Undead as well.

Ten minutes later, a door with 2 F marks appeared near Max. Observing it, Max murmured, "Seems like he eradicated all the monsters."

Max patiently waited for the skeleton goblin's return. However, even after some time had passed, it hadn't come back. "System, what happened to that skeleton goblin?" Max inquired, perplexed by its absence.

[Probably someone forgot to instruct it to return after eliminating all the monsters.]

Max paused for a moment, wearing an embarrassed expression. "I didn't realize it was this simple-minded. I assumed it would return to me after completing the task," Max confessed, slightly disappointed.

He mentally commanded the skeleton to return, and when it finally did, they both proceeded to the next floor.


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