
In Marvel with Greatest System

"haaa, nothing new coming" ??? "damm, writer strikes" ??? Max cursed at the news of writer strikes news, cause its delaying his favourite movies from releasing, Suddenly he heard a shout but pay it no heed until... ************************* "hey, Kid watch out!" I helplessly watched a teenage kid moment away from just truck crashing into him, but i still tried reaching out to him but..( Random passerby) #screeeech# #Bam# "Huh, what- cough i-is t-this" Max looks at the clear blue sky, feeling pain all over his body. But soon realisation dawned him "I guess, I won't be able to watch my favs any more....." Max closed his eyes thinking it's over but is it.... ############################## Cover and other images aren't owned my me If the owner wants it to be removed plz tell me

Boring_World · Filem
Peringkat tidak cukup
140 Chs


Edward carried out the punishment without mercy. He not only tortured Baron Strucker for 14 hours straight but also broadcasted the entire ordeal on the dark web. The live stream carried a single chilling caption: 'Don't touch my sister.'

The broadcast spread like wildfire among the criminal underworld, sending a clear and ominous message about the consequences of harming someone close to the handsome guy in the video. The dark web users, accustomed to witnessing various illicit activities, were taken aback by the brutality unleashed upon Strucker.


In one of the Hydra bases, The Hive members looked at the live stream. One of them ordered, "Go and capture this silver head."

After an hour, a Hydra soldier walked in and reported, "Sir, we can't catch him; his location is untraceable."

As the Hydra soldier finished speaking, a bone spike pierced his helmet and nailed him to the wall.

"Useless! This guy openly provoked us, yet these fools can't catch him," one of them said.

"Strucker..." One of them, or Gorgon, who usually worked with Strucker clenched his fist and muttered his name, anger visible on his face after seeing Strucker's situation.

"What do we know about him?" another one asked.



Silence descended as one of the major heads asked this question.

"Don't tell me we don't know anything about him!!" Doctor Faustus frowned and yelled.

"Find out about him," he said, still not receiving any answers.


At S.H.I.E.L.D., Pierce and Fury looked at the torture of Strucker. Then Pierce asked, "What's new in it? You can see such things on the Dark web usually."

"Those Blood wave attacks near New York are most probably caused by him," Fury replied.

'Of course, I know that, I just want you off this case,' Pierce mentally thought and then said, "Try to recruit him. From his caption, it's a clear-cut message. He most probably attacked because Strucker touched his sister."

"Yes, Sir," Fury nodded and then exited the office.

"This idiot, we told him not to touch Max or anyone related to him," Pierce thought as he looked at Strucker. Unlike Hive, he knows whom this message is talking about.

"Max, he is not a normal kid. Our spies were right. We have to initiate that project soon," Pierce mumbled, and on the secret database of Hydra, Max's name became a Level 10 threat to them.


"As I thought, these bastards' spies are everywhere," Max mumbled as he looked at Pierce's office video.

"Umm, who are you?" As Max was cursing, a voice asked.

Turning his head, he saw the teenage girl awake, whom he saved from Strucker.

Max, after reading her memories, already knows why Strucker kidnapped her. She is a Sunset Bain, the future Madame Menace—the genius inventor and businesswoman. 

Looking at her, Max thought 'I got my own genius CEO.'

"Hello, my name is Max. Earlier, it was me who saved you from Strucker, the guy who pointed his gun at you," Max said with a smile.

"Thank you for saving me, but can I return home?" Sunset thanked and then asked.

Max fell silent hearing her but eventually sighed and said, "They are dead."

"Umm, what are you talking about? I just want to go home, please." Sunset came to Max, holding his hand, she cried.

Max slowly embraced her and patted her back gently and said, "I am sorry, but it's true."

Hearing Max's voice, she broke down into tears and screams, "WHY? Just WHY?"

Her crying echoed, but Max kept holding her, patting her back gently, trying to help her.

After some time when her cries ended, Max looked at her and saw her sleeping in his embrace.

Max sighed and put her back on the bed.

Coming near the window, he mumbled, 'Hydra needs to become extinct,' his eyes expressed his anger.

Max then waited for Sunset to wake up, and after some time, she opened her eyes and started crying again.

"Crying won't solve anything, you know," Max said calmly.

"What else can I do?" Sunset replied amidst her crying.

Max then threw a peach with weird patterns on it, in Sunset's lap and said, "That is a magical fruit. It can give you powers. Your choice, to keep crying or take that power and avenge your family."

Sunset stopped crying and then looked at the fruit in her lap and then at Max. Max nodded, seeing her looking at him.

She then grabbed the Devil Fruit with a determined expression and ate the fruit.

After completely eating the fruit, she closed her eyes and digested the information that came with it.

-Nano-Nano Fruit (Model: Nanobot):

Ability: Enables the consumer to generate and control nanobots. These microscopic machines can be used for various purposes, such as healing injuries rapidly, breaking down materials at the molecular level, or creating intricate constructs. The user gains control over the nanoscale world.

This is one of the fruits Max synthesized in the One Piece world. This fruit, combined with her genius-level intellect, will surely transform her into a powerhouse.

"How is it?" Max asked after Sunset opened her eyes.

"This is marvelous! I can do and build many things with it," Sunset exclaimed, creating a nanobot that if not for Max's observation Haki, he wouldn't even be able to see it.

"Glad you like it, and now since you don't have any place to go, how about becoming my secretary?" Max said looking at her.

"Thank you, I accept your offer," Sunset genuinely thanked him.

"Can you tell me about the names of people who killed my family?" She asked.

"I will, but not now," Max said and then brought out a Focus and then purchased the Bloodshot project information from the system and uploaded it into the new Focus. He then passed it to Sunset, saying, "This small thing is called Focus. I have uploaded a project inside it with all its details. If you make it perfectly or even upgrade it, then I will tell you the name of the enemy."

Sunset nodded and then created some Nanobots; those bots then entered the Focus and after some time returned to her.

She then placed the Focus above her right ear.

"Can't copy it with your bots?" Max asked.

"I can, except its power source. I have to practice more before I could," Sunset blushed and said, earlier she tried to act cool by copying the Focus with her Nanobots but failed.

Max just smiled and didn't say anything.

"You can rest today; from tomorrow, you can start working as my secretary," Max said then passed her a room key