Liliana Goldbrone, she was a normal girl living in a normal world, living out her normal life. As normal as she could make it at least, until one day she found herself drifting away into an endless sleep. Waking up, she found herself in a world she had only seen in stories. She decided to live her life to the fullest in this new world, as a new race. As the Hive.
As much as her instincts told her to leave— her rational mind pleading with her to not follow the lady that could resist her mind reading— it was overpowered by the curiosity that bubbled to the top.
She wanted to know who the lady was— how she could resist her mind reading. She was sure the lady was a character from the Marvel comics, but she didn't know who, she had very limited information about the comics.
She just hoped that it wasn't someone that was stronger than her or could sense her.
Although she wasn't too worried about the second part at least, as if she could sense her or read her mind, she would've already noticed the girl the second she tried to enter her mind.
But she didn't.
Or maybe she did notice her but didn't act because she didn't see the need to. That sort of unknown made her want to seek the known.
So she followed her.
Naturally, she kept a distance from her, she stayed at least a few people away from the girl at all times, sticking mainly to the alleyway or the very edge of the sidewalks.
She tried to avoid drawing attention to herself because her clothing had bloodstains on it— and thanks to her small size, she was able to avoid much attention in the busy city.
Time passed and the girl just walked around, looking side to side, stopping in some alleyways and searching them— her movements were odd, to say the least.
It was as if she was looking for someone but she couldn't find them.
Lily even got a bit worried she would catch her the first few times she suddenly looked around, playing it off as if she was looking at items in the shops nearby.
Eventually, the lady stopped looking and walked down an empty alleyway, stopping within it.
Lily had to stop quite by the street because attempting to follow her down the alleyway would expose her— it had no place for her to hide— but it didn't matter.
It all the things she had devoured and altered herself with, she had senses that were far superior to that of a normal human. She could hear for miles, that included the alleyway the lady went down.
She listened closely to what the lady was saying— tuning out everything else around her in the process so that she could focus on what she was saying only.
"There is no one here."
She spoke on what Lily could only assume was a communication device of some sort. With the person on the other end replying to her shortly.
"Are you sure, the spike happened around that location, it should be rather noticeable?"
Hearing the voice Lily frowned her brows slightly. While it was a bit altered due to the capabilities of the device— she was aware of who it was.
Xavier— also known as Professor X.
She had her suspicions of this, after all almost all the mutants in Marvel were related to him in one way or the other. He was one of the figureheads of all mutant kinds in some ways.
She just didn't expect to come across him so early— no, she didn't want to come across him so early.
"I'm sure Professor, I search around the area, but there weren't any obvious signs like you said there would be. Maybe you're wrong?"
He expected her to be here?
'Wait, could it be?'
An idea suddenly appeared in her mind, Cerebro. It was a device that the Professor used to detect mutant brain waves across the world, using it to locate them and recruit or stop them.
Could it have registered her signature as that of a mutant when she stole the X-Gene from the Morlocks? That would mean she was now technically, a mutant— to an extent at least.
While that was definitely something interesting she would think more in-depth into later, she was more concerned with the Professor for now.
She didn't want him constantly trying to find her.
"That is unlikely, I detected multiple spikes from the same person. They already show Beta Level capabilities, with possible Omega-Level Potential."
'Interesting, he's not wrong, but it's not exactly right either.'
Lily always found the way mutant capabilities were ranked to be rather stupid, but she didn't care too much since she had no interest in using their rankings.
She would simply base powers on their usefulness to her, and their danger to her.
"Alright, I'll search a bit more before returning, if I can't find anything we may need to send more people to search."
"Ok Alisa, best of luck."
Spoke the Professor before the conversation came to an end and the lady hung up the device.
Lily could hear the girl walking out of the alleyway, so she moved from the spot she was listening in from and pretended she was doing something nearby, waiting for the girl to pass.
Now that she knew who the girl was— and who she worked for— her curiosity had been filled.
Which left her wondering if she should keep following her or stop.
'There isn't any reason to follow her.'
She decided as she turned and went in the opposite direction. While following the girl might be interesting, or might not, she had no reason to. Plus it could be dangerous to expose her.
Better leave while she was ahead and explore the city for now, she had to look for a way to make a fake identity after all.
And she had an idea of how to do that.