
In love with a two faced bastard CEO

As the Demon queen, falling in love with a spirit is the last thing she could think of doing, but when that happens along with her being summoned back to the Nether world, coming to earth to meet her beloved more different than ever was the new last thing she could think of But then again, she has always stood to be corrected

Prudi_Bae · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
18 Chs


Emily Crest stared at the brown-haired, doe-eyed beauty seated in front of her. Despite the innocent looking face, Emily felt that the lady was a demon, a powerful one, and her light disciple's instincts never misled her. She clenched her pen tightly to suppress her urge to dispel the demon with a burst of holy light and the pen broke. With nothing to hold, she could only clench and unclench her itching hands to control herself while thinking of a million ways she could dispel the dark creature or send it away without seeming biased. She forced a smile with her eyes closed

"your name please" she stated robotically

"Adelaide Hades"

"Any relation to Mr Hades?" Em asked slightly surprised. Adelaide shook her head

"no, pure coincidence" she replied her mind already clicking as to who this Mr Hades was

"okay, I'm sorry but you can't get the job" Emily said so quickly Adelaide found it almost hard to grasp

"excuse me?"

"hehe, sorry, what I meant to ask was if you've got your credentials ready" Emily feigned a chuckle

"Yes" Adelaide answered handing them over to her. The qualifications were so perfect Emily felt like burning it to cinders and dispersing the remaining particles over the sea while chanting *sutras

'it's probably fake anyway, it wouldn't matter if I turned her away' she thought comforting herself as she planned to do just that when the doors of the elevator leading directly to her office opened and a tall green-haired with grey eyes man walked in looking all high and mighty. Emily's constant amazement from how the man always had a domineering aura did not prevent her from doing her job. She stood up and bowed respectfully to the boss

"good afternoon Mr Hades, welcome back from your lunch" she greeted. Khalid nodded not paying attention to her and was about to walk into his office through the door that linked it to Emily's when he heard a question directed to him

"why are you so quiet? you're normally chatty aren't you?" Adelaide asked muttering the last part to herself. Khalid's heart skipped a beat before proceeding to run a marathon within his rib cage as heat rose unnoticeably rose to his cheeks. He turned back to look at her with an expressionless face while trying to keep his cool

'My goodness, what the hell is she doing here?' he though capriciously

"Excuse me sir, but do you know her?" Emily asked preventing him from speaking. Khalid sighed internally

'remember Khal, she left you' he thought as he tilted his head still staring at her

'what will he say now? he couldn't possibly have forgotten me' Adelaide thought while staring back at him. Their eyes met and even though his grey eyes appeared cold, Adelaide could easily tell that he remembered her

"no" Khalid's answer rung in the silent office accompanied by the shattering of Adelaide's expectant heart. Even when Khalid had already entered his office, Adelaide remained in shock from the firmness and emotionless reply he gave completely denying her even when they both knew he remembered. Adelaide's eyes stung as tears formed

"I'm sorry miss Hades, but you are not qualified for the post, your credentials are okay but I simply don't see the use or efficiency of an employee who fails to acknowledge her superior" Emily said drawing Ad's attention from Khalid's office door to herself

"you can see yourself out through the exit" she added venomously. Adelaide blinked back her tears

"Oh, okay then" she said storing her files in her bag as she stood up

"thank you for your time" she said bowing politely as she walked out.


*sutras are chants used by japanese traditional worshipers to pray to their gods

So, how did this little one do this time😁 number of words successfully increased👍

please do not forget to comment and graciously vote, this little one will remain always at your liberty🙇

Arigato, soshte ja ne😘