
In love with a two faced bastard CEO

As the Demon queen, falling in love with a spirit is the last thing she could think of doing, but when that happens along with her being summoned back to the Nether world, coming to earth to meet her beloved more different than ever was the new last thing she could think of But then again, she has always stood to be corrected

Prudi_Bae · Urban
Not enough ratings
18 Chs


"Ad, you need to get a job and stop staring at pics of a guys you'll never get anywhere with!" a straw berry blonde woman yelled pulling at the blanket Adelaide used to shield herself from the blinding sunlight passing through the window

"aw, Bee, let me dream a little, besides you've got enough money for the both of us" Adelaide countered shielding her eyes with her palm as she sat up. Beila tsked ticked off

"you fool!! put that brain of yours to good use and for f***'s sake hide those f***ing animal ears and tail!!" she yelled angrily

"hai hai" Adelaide muttered yawning as she flicked her wrist lazily while jumping down the bed with the balance of an acrobat


"Thanks for dropping me off Bee" Adelaide said getting down from Beila's red car. Beila eyed her dressing with a raise brow

"you're always welcome Ad, but are you sure you should be wearing that for an interview? I could let you borrow some of my clothes" she suggested referring to Adelaide's two piece black suit consisting of black pants shortened to reach mid thigh, a whit short sleeved button-up inner and a grey blazer.

Adelaide rolled her eyes already expecting such comment from her dearest friend

"if its my pants you're worried about, don't fret okay? I asked if there was any required length for employee clothing and the secretary said and I quote, 'employees are allowed to wear clothes of ANY length'" Adelaide said flipping her recently curled hair while tapping her black sneakers on the concrete floor

"those aren't pants for f***'s sake! they're freaking shorts!" Beila exclaimed

"You need to chill Bee, anyway, I'm off" Adelaide said waving as she turned to go into LAIDE CORPORATIONS. Beila sighed rubbing her temples

'the girl f***ing left me here, aren't I the one supposed to drive off leaving her in my dust while she smiles and waves before leaving' she thought getting angrier by the second

'hmmph! the girl just lacks proper manners' Beila though huffing as she placated herself. She looked up at the tall glass building that served as the head quarters of one of the top five and still rising industries in the whole of Asia and whistled

"but damn, that girl sure is lucky" she muttered as she started the engine and drove off.


Konichiwa!☺ ogenjidesuka?

Thanks for reading the story of this little one, this little one apologises for the chapter being so short and will ensure to increase the number or words per second this little one types😊 this little one hopes you enjoyed the chapter and will continue to ask for your support through comments and votes

arigato soshte ja ne😘