
In Love With A Human Clone

Luis Sanchez, a private detective with a mysterious past, once brought down the notorious "Inferno" mafia gang. But beneath his reputation, he guards an extraordinary secret. In his own home, he hides the daughter of the imprisoned mafia kingpin, concealed by a new identity as his cousin. She is a human, yet not quite; a creation born of science and ethereal mystery, a clone with mysteries even she can't unravel, but Luis understands. Their history goes back to Luis infiltrating the Inferno mafia, where he seduced and manipulated her, extracting information about her mafia boss father with no remorse, only to cast her aside once his mission was accomplished. Now, fate brings them together, living under one roof and getting to know the real her, Luis found himself falling helplessly in love. The tables had turned, and he longed for redemption, a love he could no longer attain. In a complex tale of love, secrets, and deception, their shared past haunts them. The mafia boss's daughter holds a revelation that could shake their world. Can love heal the wounds Luis once inflicted, or will it be their ultimate downfall in this intricate dance of destiny? -------- "You didn't actually think I was trying to get back together with you though, right? " Luis purred, his manipulation once more evident. Catherine's obsidian gaze remained locked on him with disbelief, her eyes saying things her lips were too afraid to say. Annoyance, indignation, disappointment and confusion, everything was there. A sly grin curved upon Luis's lips as he lounged back, seemingly nonchalant. His eyes, though, betrayed his inner turmoil. As they subconsciously tried to avoid looking into Catherine's, those azure eyes flickered toward the tranquil pond, where koi fish created mesmerizing ripples. "Don't you at least feel sorry for the things you did to me, Luis? " But this straightforward question of Catherine earned her his attention back. Luis had no choice but to meet her obsidian eyes again and he just stared down into them. For awhile, no words came out of his lips. Luis's stoic expression made it hard to tell what he exactly was even thinking. His azure eyes were too much for Catherine to handle. And the longer she looked into them, the more she could feel her own heart beating faster, almost making her forget what a serious question she just asked him now. She turned her head away to calm down her poor heart. "I do. " Two words finally broke the silence between them, catching Catherine by surprise. This was the answer she had expected the least to hear from this man, a master of manipulation. The next second, their eyes locked again. But just as Catherine thought she might catch a glimpse of sincerity in those eyes, Luis leaned in all closer, which freaked her out. Without a word, he gently pressed her against the bench, stirring her anxiety. Catherine's breathing now became faster as she realized how Luis's lips were so close to brushing against hers. She tried to look down, hoping this would just convince Luis to stop whatever he was trying to do to her. But Luis was unyielding. His fingers, both gentle and commanding, tilted her chin upwards, their gazes locking in a dangerous magnetic struggle. "There's not a day I haven't felt bad for manipulating you or using you. " Luis whispered, his breath warm against her ear. And as he shifted his attention from her lips to her profile, the man continued his confession. But Catherine couldn't bother to believe him anymore. She just knew this was one of his manipulations again. "But when you're this useful to me, and the benefits of exploiting you are too tempting..." ------- Please vote and comment if you like my novel ! They are my motivation to keep the updates coming regularly. Your feedback fuels my creativity, and I deeply appreciate it. -------- (Cover art does not belong to me. All credits to the amazing creator!)

KK_Khine · perkotaan
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9 Chs

Scented Beginnings and Silent Contemplations

The arduous journey from Australia to her homeland had stretched for over 27 grueling hours. Catherine Perez, drained from the relentless flight and the heart-rending reunion with Luis, found herself ensnared in the remnants of her dreams.

As Luis exited her room, his disquieting words echoed in her mind, briefly imprisoning her in a whirlwind of emotions. Soon, the soothing embrace of fatigue proved irresistible, lulling her into slumber on the modest sofa. She lacked the energy to make it to the inviting bed.

It felt like mere moments had passed. Soon, the gentle evening sun slowly intruded, its rays tiptoeing through translucent curtains, gently coaxing her back to reality. Her chestnut locks, in playful disarray, framed her face with an innocent charm, akin to a child lost in reverie.

Her eyelids fluttered, akin to fragile butterfly wings, as Catherine reluctantly yielded to reality. In her dreamlike cocoon, she had roamed the untamed landscapes of Australia, surrounded by friends and laughter, a sanctuary from the bewildering complexities of her current situation. As reality seeped in, a subtle melancholy washed over her. Loneliness crept in, an unwelcome guest in an unfamiliar surrounding.

Uncertainty weighed heavily in the air, each breath laden with unanswered questions. How did Luis perceive her now? Was she a vulnerable pawn, a relic from their romantic past, or something more?

Catherine found herself adrift in a labyrinth of thoughts, grappling with the resolve needed to navigate the uncertain days ahead.


"Max, you hungry?"

In the cozy kitchen, Luis's voice came out as soft and caring. Max, the magnificent Maine Coon, perked up, his eyes filled with anticipation, as Luis placed a dish of cat food before him. After a brief exchange of affectionate scratches and pats, Luis stepped back, leaving Max to enjoy his evening meal.

As Max's fluffy tail wagged with enthusiasm, an unusual sense filled the room. Luis wasn't known for his culinary skills, and the effort he was putting into this meal, especially for two, was out of character. It was rare for Luis to cook for someone else.

Lately, there were no unsolved detective cases consuming his time, which had led him to this unexpected cooking venture. Catherine's presence in his home, despite their past romantic involvement, stirred something in him. He wanted her to feel welcome and ease the awkwardness of their situation. This newfound generosity was a departure from his usual self.

But beneath this gracious act lay a hidden motive. Luis knew that by sheltering Catherine, he indirectly thwarted a rival gang's relentless pursuit. The saying went, "Your enemy's enemy is your friend," but Luis had doubts about the wisdom of that maxim in their complex situation.

As Luis prepared his croquetas, a warm, slightly nutty aroma filled the kitchen, infusing the air with a touch of luxury. This scent wafted upstairs, toward Catherine's bedroom, where Luis silently hoped it might pique her curiosity. He wanted her to come down on her own terms, without him showing undue concern. Luis was determined not to create any false impressions.

Internally, he justified his actions by convincing himself that he was simply doing his duty as a host, extending a warm welcome to his guest, even if just for one evening. In the days ahead, Catherine would need to fend for herself. In his own mind, Luis maintained the facade of not showing any special favor. He was merely acting in accordance with what he considered his responsibility.


Catherine stepped onto her bedroom's balcony, her gaze fixed on the world outside. When Luis had whisked her away from the bustling airport, her mind had been a whirlwind of conflicting thoughts, leaving her oblivious to the neighborhood's details. Now, in the serene stillness of her observation, she found comfort in the tranquil streets before her.

It was a peaceful suburban scene that unfolded before Catherine's discerning eyes. Well-kept lawns, gardens, and majestic trees hinted at a harmonious existence, a stark contrast to the inner turmoil she felt. She admired the neighboring houses, their yards adorned with vibrant flowers and lush shrubs, a testament to the care they received.

The street, bathed in the warm glow of evening, lay in a state of tranquil repose. Birds provided a melodious backdrop with their chirping and warbling. An occasional car passed by, its soft engine hum a gentle reminder of the world beyond this quiet enclave.

After a refreshing shower that bolstered her determination, Catherine held her phone with trembling hands. It was a new device, a gift from her mother, devoid of any connections to her past life, except for one contact: Luis.

Her mother's words resonated in her mind, a haunting reminder of caution and protection. "Do not contact me or make any phone calls once you're at his house, my dear. I know it's difficult for you, but it's the best I can do to keep you safe."

Seated delicately on a modest chair, Catherine's slender frame leaned against the sturdy balcony railings. Her deep, obsidian eyes remained captivated by the peaceful scene unfolding before her. A soft murmur emanated from her stomach, a gentle reminder of her growing hunger.

As she breathed in, her senses were enveloped by the enticing aroma that filled the room, a symphony of flavors dancing on the air. Was it the comforting scent of a sizzling omelette, its edges kissed by the pan's warmth? Or perhaps the inviting fragrance of crispy fried potatoes, impossible to resist?

Then, there was the alluring, sweet perfume of chocolate sauce, a temptation with each inhalation. And beneath it all, a subtle hint of saffron-infused rice, harmonizing with the rich embrace of various meats—a medley of flavors that hinted at the masterpiece of paella.

For a fleeting moment, Catherine questioned her senses, wondering if they had conjured these tantalizing scents out of sheer desire. Was her hunger playing tricks on her olfactory senses, crafting illusions of dishes she yearned to devour? Yet, even as doubt flickered, she remained perched on that chair, torn between the tempting aroma of the meal below and the mystery of Luis that awaited her descent.

I had my friend check out this chapter, and she told me it had too many fancy words that made her want to rush through it. so I fixed it a bit(つㅅ・`)・゜

I'll try to make my writing easier to understand in the next chapters too. What do you guys think?

KK_Khinecreators' thoughts