
A Goddess and a Vampire problem

It's been 2 weeks since the quest for the witch. Which was by the way supposed to be an Easy quest but it ended up by us and a couple of heroes fighting a Goddess.

Right now I am lying down in my bed inside a room provided by the inn.

After defeating the Goddess I reported what happened to the Adventurer's guild.

It was tiring, They kept apologizing about the missing information and insufficient information before issuing the quest to us. They even tried to give me an insane amount of money for the Fee. But since None of us really need it and I can just make my own money, We turned the offer down and just settled for the initial reward which was a few silver coins.

When I went outside it was so crowded because of the residents returning to their home after a very hasty evacuation. It took a while for me to arrive at the inn where we were staying.

When I arrived inside I saw a couple of people sitting at the bench provided by the inn.

When they saw me they slowly stood up and walked towards. Turns out they were the Heroes of this World. That explained why the people inside the inn where looking nervous.

The Heroes took each turn to Introduce their selves.

I was not good with remembering names so I just named them; The guy who had a sword hanging on his side is Sword Guy, the guy who looks like he would eat anything is Fat Guy, the small Loli who has a bright atmosphere around her which also displays the charactiristics of a cat is Cat Girl, the guy who looks super calm and keeps adjusting his glasses who lets out an intellectual atmosphere is Smart Glasses, the guy who introduced himself as a person who follows the heroes around is Courier Guy, the guy who looks spanish and keeps adjusting his Moustache is Moustache guy, And the guy who speaks in a mellowy voice with feminine body feature but was clearly a guy is Gay Guy. And finally a woman who has a very beautiful face and Voluptuous body was Lilith Nasiku To bad she went back to sit at the bench she must have been embarrassed after biting her tongue during her introduction.

Yeah I remembered her name, I mean what kind of man would forget a beautiful lady's name? if there was a man who forgets a beautiful woman's name show him to me and I'll punch him in the face!

Luke was also beside them while looking at the ceiling. I tried calling out to him but he doesn't even bother to look at me. Suddenly the Smart Glasses explained that the current Luke lack the intellect to react due to the side effects of the temporary skill.

After the Brief introduction and some questions they slowly entered different portals. Luke was dragged away by smart glasses into the portal.

"I'll be taking care of Luke for now." Smart Glasses said.

"Not fair! I want to be with Luke-kun to!" Cat Girl complained.

"Ye~ah that's no~t fair" Gay Guy followed.

Smart Glasses turned around to face the two.

Smart Glasses seemed to be irritated and spoke.

"You people Have your own Duties to Attend too. especially you Cat! go back to the magic Kingdom, They must be panicking right now that their Ruler suddenly disappeared without notice" Smart Glasses pointed at Cat Girl.

Next he glared at Gay guy and spoke.

"And you! There is no way in hell I'm letting you take care of Luke especially when he would do everything that you would tell him. Just imagining what you would make him do with you when you're alone makes me puke and even wish that I didn't imagine it." He said it out loud despite there were a lot of people around us.

Some of the Women who heard him spouting turned their face red I bet they were imagining BL stuff in their heads.

And the majority of men were really showing disgust I don't know about the other men though, they kept nodding as if they symphatized, Especially the guy who Hina kicked in the balls a few days ago, Last time his attire was more wild and more manly but now he was Dressed nicely and neatly, his lips was now glossy and he was now clearly using makeup. It seems that guy followed the path of a woman.

"Tsk! I got caught before I could even try doing it" Gay guy clicked his tongue and made a comment.

He was seriously trying to make Luke do some R18 things with him!!? this guy is a danger to Men!

All of the people inside heard Gay Guy's comment. The men slowly backed away from him while the others Bolted out the inn. Some of the women were now collapsing, Shaking and are flushed red.

"But I'm not going back empty handed!"

Gay guy quickly looked around the room with his eyes full of lust. Finally the remaining men run away and only the men who had questionable gender were left. I am a Straight person I assure you I would have also ran away if only gay guy didn't block my way.

"Hey~ how about spe~nding your time with me~?"

Nope. No way in hell! I tried to look for a scapegoat and my eyes fell towards the guy who Hina kicked in the balls.

(yosh that guy should do)

"If your looking for a partner in crime try that guy over there" I replied with my poker face of calmness and pointed towards the guy who Hina kicked in the balls.

"You're~ no Fu~n you should be at least flu~stered, A~by the way which guy are you talking about?" He followed my finger and saw the guy I was talking about.

he chatted with him for a few moments and both of them entered the portal together holding hands. Seeing that scene most of the Women were now drooling.

but only one woman was completely puzzled about what's happening. She was looking frantically towards everyone. She was truly confused.

She was such a Pure Woman free from the Filth of the world.

Cat Girl went inside the portal with a 'Hmp' towards Smart Glasses. And smart glasses went inside the portal dragging the spaced out Luke with him.

"Those guys sure are a Handful" Sword Guy said while entering the portal.

"Hohoho! Youth! I envy them ohohoho!" Moustache guy laughed.

"Mister Chi, we should also go" Courier guy said to fat guy.

"Yeah I'm hungry after all"

They both moved towards the portal.

"Ah miss Nasiku Shouldnt you be coming?"

"No, I want to stay here, I've been wanting to visit this town's church and orphanage."

Miss Lilith said.

Ahh such kind Hearted woman.

"Okay, if you need to go back just call me okay? I'll conjure a portal towards the Saint isle" Courier guy waved his hands and the portal closed.


Lilith Nasiku's POV (During the introduction in the inn)

All of us were sitting in a single bench provided by the inn. We were all waiting for the new Hero to comeback from the guild so that we could introduce ourselves.

Hero Hina was asleep in her room at the inn. She seemed to be passed out when she was brought here so we couldn't introduce ourselves to her. The person who brought her was another Hero her name was Lucy.

She was a very positive girl and was very polite and nice she was like an angel.

After we introduced ourselves Lucy went back to taking care of Hina at there room.

"Hey hey hey do you think the other Hero is a bad person?" Lilia started talking.

"Ho? why do you say so?" said Diaz-san while massaging his Moustache.

"You see when we asked Lucy-chan about The other Hero, for a moment her eyes showed fear and her positive demeanor went away its as if she was afraid of That person"

Lilia gave her explanation.

"Now that you said it, her calm aura did shake when we asked her about the other Hero named Shino" Mr. Shwirteve followed.

He held his chin with his hand and then turned to look at Luke.

"What do you think Luke?"

"........ " there was no answer from Luke.

"I told you already he can't answer questions, it's pointless." Cluade-san interjected.

"Then what do you think about the new Hero?" Mr. Shwirterve turned to ask Cluade.

Claus adjusted his glasses and proceeded to answer the question.

"If your talking about his personality then I don't know, but if youre gonna ask me about his power then I Rank it highly, Considering that he restored my arm in an instant, and negated the effect of a Black hole."

This person was amazing! he healed a severed arm in an instant and negated a black hole! not even my Healing magic can instantly restore a severed arm and not even Koichi can negate a black hole.

"Ho? that's amazing maybe he uses Space Time magic? he could just reverse time on your arm and have it restored good as new, And use space magic to create a pocket dimension so that you won't be consumed by the black hole"

As expected from Diaz he was the most oldest in our group so he also knows a lot of magic spells.

"I also thought of That possibility but I concluded it was wrong."

"Why? is that?"

Claude adjusted his glasses again and spoke.

"First of all I could not sense any sign of Space Time mana being used for restoring my arm or for negating the black hole...."

He started explaining his observation when finally Lilia got tired.

"Hey! were drifting away from the topic here! we were just talking about what kind of personality he has not what kind of power he has!"

Lilia was never the type to listen for a long period of time. She has a short attention span.

"Right about that, I don't know anything"

"You should have said that in the first place!"

"I just wish that his not the kind of person that keeps ordering people around"

I heard Koichi murmur from beside me.

"Mmmm I just wish him to be Handsome~"

Estifan said while putting on a make-up

"You should stop already, Judging a person before you can meet him its rude" I put a stop on their topic.

Just as I said that, the door of the Inn opened and an unreadable aura can be felt from the door. The aura had the same characteristics as Hero Hina's.

We all turned our heads at the door.

There stood a tall figure of a man, he had an average build, Black hair and an above average face, simply saying that his not to handsome and not average looking. Maybe because he's a hero thats why I can't really tell his actual age.

Most Heroes were actually old but their facial feature reverts to their early 20's when they come here in Hearth.

As for me I am currently a 32 year old virgin but my face and body looks like what it was when I was 20.


He approached us and introduce himself.

"Hi Nice to meet you, I'm Harutsuki Shino"

He said as he showed us a greeting smile.

(So He's A Japanese)

His voice was soft and gentle it was really soothing.


My heart started beating loudly and rapidly.

This was the First time I felt this kind of feeling.

I kept looking at him until I noticed it was my turn to Introduce.

"Ah! eh I-i'm Nasiku Lilishhh.." I bit my tongue.

I covered my mouth in pain, soon my hands healing power acted up and the pain went away.

My face turned red in embarrassment.

"Hahaha! Lilith-chan being nervous? now thats new!" Lilia started making fun of me.

Normally I would be calm even in situations like this but now I was embarrassed, I should have a title that keeps me calm why isnt it activating now?

I meekly looked away and sat right back at the bench.

After some time I finally calmed down.


"Ah miss Nasiku Shouldnt you be coming?"

"No, I want to stay here, I've been wanting to visit this town's church and orphanage."

Koichi has now opened a portal that would automatically return us to our respective locations. But right no I wanted to visit the orphanage and also help with the renovation of the town. Currently some buildings were damaged and destroyed not to mention the cobblestone road has many cracks and fissures. I'm good at managing things so I could volunteer on commanding the workers, I could also help if there are injuries, I could also restore their stamina with my magic.

I wanted to ask Lilia for help but she does have a Nation to take care of. There's a high possibility that this wasnt the only place that got hit by the strong earthquake, Lilia's nation must have also experienced it.

"Okay, if you need to go back just call me okay? I'll conjure a portal towards the Saint isle" Koichi waved his hands and the portal closed.

Now the next thing that I should do is to find an inn to stay.

I turned around and I bumped into someone.

"Oh sorry" I apologized and I looked at the person.

"Nahh it's okay, Youre staying behind right? I could help you find a suitable inn that you could stay"

It was Hero Shino, Realizing that I bumped into him, my face started turning red again.

I looked away and replied.

"Thanks but I could manage on my own"

(Why isn't my title working!?)

I had a Title called Calm Maiden it would calm me down no matter the situation but right now I'm clearly embarrassed.

"I couldn't possibly leave you alone, it's dangerous for a beautiful woman to walk alone"


(B-be-beautiful he called me beautiful)

My heart beated faster and my mind was currently not able to process any information.

"So I really recommend that I should accompany you while you search for an inn"

"O-okay" I replied to him without thinking.


"Sorry were full"

"Were really sorry but all of our room are full"

"All rooms are occupied"

"Sorry but were still in the middle of re-designing so we can't take any costumers right now."

"I'm terribly sorry but All of our rooms are occupied"

"Haah that was the last proper inn in the whole town" Shino-san sighed as we sat down on the bench in the center of the town.

we've been searching for an inn for the last couple of hours and we still haven't found any inn that I could stay at. Most of the Inn's were either full or renovating. We were both tired from walking around and right now we were taking a break.

"I really appreciate your help, thank you"

I expressed my appreciation to him while still having a red face.

Since the town was crowded Shino-san had to hold my hand so that we wouldn't get separated through the crowd. So my face was blushing red the whole time.


"....... "

"Are you hungry?"

I turned away from him and covered my face in embarrassment. My stomach growled so loudly that even he heard it.

(This is really embarrassing.)

I was about to cry from being very embarrassed when..


a deliciously familiar scent passed my nose.

I turned around to look at the source of the scent and what I saw was Shino-san...

"Here have some Curry, oh wait do you want it mild or spicy?"

He was holding a plate of Curry on rice and offered it to me.

"m-mild please" I hate anything very spicy so I picked mild its better than spicy anyways.

"Okay, here you go" He puts down the first plate between us and he reached for another plate of Curry on the other side of the bench.

"T-thanks, but where did you get this?"

I looked around but I couldn't see any restaurant nor stands that sales curry.

He couldn't have cooked it in advanced because the curry was still hot. Wait but it's possible if he has an item box skill.

"Less asking more eating" he answered and then proceeded to eating his curry.

I looked at my own curry and put one spoonful of it into my mouth.

"Its really delicious!"

The curry was way more delicious than I expected and before I knew it I have already eaten all of it.


But I'm still hungry, My stomach growled again and I was staring at the plate wondering if I should ask if there is more or I should act like I'm satisfied.

I couldn't decide, I was to embarrassed to do either of the two.

"here, seconds"

He touched the side of the plate and the plate shined brightly and it returned to what it looked like before I ate the curry.

"Please tell me if you want more and when youre done we should proceed on looking for an inn"

The plate he was holding awhile ago was already gone and was replaced by a glass of juice. He saw me staring at the glass of juice and he smiled at me.

"Ah you want some?"

He asked me.

well the sun was hot and I really want something cold to drink so I replied to him with a nod.


He held out his hand but there was nothing in it. I thought he was making fun of me so I tried to tell him off.

"it's not f--"

But before I could finish, his held out hand started shining brightly when the shining stopped, the formerly empty hand was now holding a glass of juice.

I thought it came from an item box. But when you take something out of the item box you need to drag it out from a rift in space.

(His power sure is weird)

I thought and proceeded on eating.


After I finished eating I gave the plate to Shino.

"Yosh now that were done with our break we should go find an inn"

He said as he stood up feeling refreshed.

"b-but we already visited the proper inns in the whole town"

The only inns left were the questionable ones. I was already considering on staying at the church but I couldn't possibly burden them any further.

"No there's still one more inn, come on lets go"

He started walking towards another direction so I followed him.

This time it was almost sunset and the number of people walking around was now thinner than before.

After a few minutes of walking we seemed to have arrived at our destination, the only thing is that this inn was--

"Isnt this the Inn where we waited for you"

I pointed at the inn while asking. Yes it was the very inn in where Shino and his companions were staying, it was also the Inn that we came from when we left for finding inns.


"What do you mean my Room got switched?"

"Lucy-Sama kept insisting to switch your room with a room for 2 people and said that it's okay and she would take responsibility for it"

Shino was at the Inns counter arguing with the Inn keeper. It seems that Shino-san's room was switched with a room for 2 people while we were away. He kept insisting on switching back to his old room but the inn keeper said that the room was already occupied so they couldn't possibly switch the rooms now.


Shino-san finally gave up and turned towards me.

"Come with me lets look at the room first" He called out to me and I followed him upstairs.

After walking for a few more seconds

We reached a a door marked with a number 12, Shino used the key he received from the inn keeper and opened the door.

It was said that it was a 2 person room, which means it should have 2 separate beds and not much space. But that wasn't the case in this room.

The room didn't have 2 beds instead it had one large bed neatly placed in the middle of the room. The room wasn't a small room but a large room and was well designed. There was a curtain that was covering the Windows it was pink in color that's when the sunlight passes through it the room was illuminated with pink giving of some kind of vibe.

At first I thought it was a room meant for nobles but the inn had the third floor reserved for nobles only.

(That could only mean that t-this room i-s a C-couple's Love Room)

My face turned bright red upon realizing that fact and I turned my eye away from the room. As for Shino He seems to have also realized that fact as his ears started turning red.

"Eh? I seem to have received the wrong key"

He calmly looked at the key again and saw a piece of paper tagged on it.

The piece of paper seem to have contained a writing so Shino read the contents of it.

After reading it he tore away the piece of paper from the key and put into one of his pocket.

"Can you wait here for a moment? I'll just re-arrange the room okay?"

He requested.

I nodded in reply and as soon as he confirmed that it was okay he went inside the room and closed the door.

After a few minutes he opened the door and now the room behind him was completely transformed.

The one big bed was now gone and was replaced with two single personed bed.

The curtain was replaced with a with one and the once was gaudy decorations inside were replaced with a plain appearance.

"Sorry for the wait, you can come in now oh and uhh I have to go somewhere would you be okay with that?"


After I replied he ran somewhere else.

I didn't know were he had gone to because I have already entered the room by the time he ran.



well that sums up the events that happened 2 weeks ago after the battle.

"Shino-san please take of your shoes when you enter the room"

And Yup I am in the same Room with a very Beautiful lady for the past 2 weeks.

"Yes Ma'am"

I took off my shoes and placed it underneath my bed. after that I looked at the door where the voice came from and what I saw in front of me was a figure of a woman half naked with only a piece of towel wrapped around her body her huge boobs trying to break free from the grasp of the towel and the Towel that can barely even cover her most private part of her body, And her wet skin and hair boosted her sudectiveness through the roof.

and the fact that she just came from the hot springs isn't really helping at all!!

I'm a healthy young man, with a knowledge on how the world works! This kind of atmosphere and scenario is seriously awakening my lustful desire's.

I would be lying if I said that I wasn't thinking on making a jump towards her and violate her... I would have already done that if it wasn't for my self-control and respect.

The other factor that kept me from going wild and attack a Pure Woman in a fit of lust is Because of 'That THING'.

Ever since Madam Nasiku and I shared rooms 'That Thing' Has been floating around the room while looking at us. It seems Lilith can't see it because sometimes 'that thing' would get closer to her face and Lilith would just move around as if it wasn't there at all. Well adding the fact that it's transparent ecxept for its faint outline that suggest that it has a sphere shape, I think a normal person won't be able to see it at all.

I was dazed by Nasiku's figure it took me a few seconds to realize I was staring and I hurriedly looked away. My face is beet red and my fellow down between my legs was now being energetic.

"So how was the renovation coming along?" she asked while closing the door.

What's with this Husband and wife like atmosphere!?

"It was running smoothly some houses were fully restored and some where remade" I answered with my poker face attempting to hide away my embarrassment.

this past 2 weeks I was helping with some building reconstruction and renovation. Due to the strong earthquake caused by the Chaos God some houses collapsed to the ground and some were heavily damage. not to mention the cobblestone road was now full of cracks. With my skill -Recall- I volunteered on reconstruction and renovation. I listened to the owners of the house on how it looked like before the house was damage And used my Recall to return them to their former state though it was not perfect because I Did not really see the house up and personal so some of the houses that I recalled had some odd feature like a wavey door.

I can't help but notice that after the battle with the Chaos God, Whenever I use a skill it now consumes Mana. Unlike Before, Whenever you use a skill it won't even consume a drop of Mana. But now it does, Thats why whenever I return to the inn I'm always tired due to Mana depletion but I can just restore my mana with a reserved Mana Recovery potion but that isn't the Same for my Mental exhaustion.

And I"m mentaly tired right now and the current scenario isn't really helping.

"Nee... Shino-san..." She called out to me in a shy voice.

Please I'm praying to Gods to give me enough power to fight off my Desires!!

"Y-yes.." I replied to her with my eyes darting around. I'm trying my best not to look but it's harder than it seems.


Light footsteps can now be heard.

(She's approaching me isn't she!? please stay away! I don't want to be a criminal yet.)

I looked down hoping that she won't get any closer. My heart is beating like crazy, my body was getting hot I can feel sweat dripping from my back and my face is getting redder and redder.

(Gods! please hear me out--)

Now Lilith sat beside me in the bed while hiding her face. My prayer was cut off, my brain stopped working and for a moment I can't process anything.

"Can... I tell you.. s-something?" her voice was seriously close and I can feel her body heat due to our close proximity.

I opened my mouth and answered instinctively.

"S-sure go on..."

I think I'm using up all of my Mental points for controlling myself. And right now I can say that I'm certainly low on Mental points.

Nasiku finally followed her question.

"Its just that... whenever I see you... My heart suddenly beats faster than normal... And.. And my face turns red and my body suddenly feels hot... "

By the Gods!! what does she mean!? please be more clearer, if you phrase it like that you make it seem like you--

"I.. I think I like you.." She said.

"when I saw you at the inn I felt like my body suddenly became light, my heart beated fast and I could barely introduce myself." She followed.

"and whenever I'm around you I feel relaxed and safe"

Please stop. My hands are trembling and my body is seriously screaming something bad.

"Just now when you saw me.. while I'm just in a bath towel.. I felt embarrassed but at the same time I felt happy and excited... My body felt hot." She moved closer to me and she reached for my cheeks, forcefully turning my head to look at her. Now that she's so close I can smell her sweet body fragrance, her fingers that touched my cheeks were so smooth, and her face was more beautiful than ever.


(DO ITTTTTT!!!!!!) (NO please keep resisting!)

(NoWe can't! our Mental points are at a critical level if she keeps saying those kind of lines we're gonna hit zero in no time)


(No!)(We can still hold on!!) (SHUT UP ITS FOUR AGAINST TWO! WE ARE GOIN WILD)

(Hold him down!!)(Okay!)



(I'm. to. Lazy.... to do that.. )

(Hahahahaha! this is fun I'll juuust watch)

(I'm to weak to help you)


(Gaah!) (kuh!!?)

(IF YOURE IN MY WAY THEN I'LL PUNCH YOU OUT!!)(Haa... haah... stop what you're about to do is not good)....



I heard my reasoning being snapped and cut. My self-control is now crumbling to pieces.

I held both of Lilith's hand, pushed her down to the bed and pinning down her hands. For I few moments we didn't move, I just stared at her and in response she stared at me with her gentle eyes while blushing. The towel that once was wrapped around her perfect figure has now become undone revealing her full body. Her white skin, her big breast's, and v, was now exposed. Her long black silky hair was now spread at the surface of the bed.

I slowly moved my body closer to her, I moved my face down to her neck and lightly kissed it.

"Aahh!" She moaned.

I slowly moved my face down to her breast, when---

+Yes Its finally Happening!!+

+I told you keep your voice down!+

--- I heard a voice from the Floating sphere.

And that's when I finally realized what I was doing. I snapped back to my senses and threw myself out of the bed.

I can't believe that I was about to violate a woman.

My thoughts were now a mess and all I could think of doing is running away from the room.

+What the? Hey. hey hey hey hey!!! whyd they stop!?+

+Please Ai-sama lower your voice, even though he might not be a god he still is a spirit, he can her you if you're to loud+

an unfamiliar voice of an old man voiced.

+I dont care about that!! they were supposed to go Love-dovey then they would kiss and kiss then-+ and a seemingly angry voice of the Goddess of Love came from the sphere.

Before the sphere could finish talking I grabbed it with both of my hands and moved to the roof.


I moved the sphere to face me and I spoke to it.

"What are you doing?" I asked.


the sphere vibrated as if it was surprised.

+You see Ai-sama?+

+Nothing we were doing nothing at all. it's not a big deal+

"So you mean watching two people about to do adult stuff Live via this sphere is nothing? And the fact that you have been spying on us since we entered the room is not a big deal?"

I was seriously angry. It's already clear that the reason I'm stuck with Miss Lilith in the same Room is Because the Goddess of Love pulled some strings.

I mean all the things that were happening this past 2 weeks were like some ecchi scene in some Manga.

Day one: I accidentally opened the door while miss Lilith was changing into her pajama.

Day two: At night somehow for some odd reason I tripped from the floor and landed on top of miss Lilith.

Day Three: I was so tired from Renovation that I accidentally laid down on miss Lilith's bed while she was asleep.

Day Four: Miss Lilith laid down on my bed while I was sleeping.

Day Five: while fixing our bed I found miss Lilith's Panties.

Day six: While sleeping I unconsciously reached for miss Lilith's breast. And grabbed it.

Day Seven: Miss Lilith fell from the stairs and landed on top of me.

Day Eight: Every time we went outside the inn together, A very strong gust of wind would pass by and would lift miss Lilith's longskirt

but only at an angle where only I could see.

Day Nine: A storm passed by, And miss Lilith entered the room soaking wet, causing the her underwear to be slightly seen.

Every single Scene from An ecchi Manga, Anime, And Light novels you name it!! it all happened in 2 weeks.

It all seemed very odd.

And that was because a god was Pulling some strings, so that all of those would happen.

+Yeah that's nothing and not a big deal to us God's+

"Your common sense as a God does not apply to the Common sense of a Human"

+Like I care! just think of it like I was watching Porn or something+

"Thats even Worse!! "

It was already night and most of the lights have been turned off, only a few people were walking in the street.

Since I screamed, my voice echoed throughout the area. Causing some residents to wake up

I covered my face in irritation and spoke.

"Just tell me something, did you somehow fiddled with Nasiku's feelings and made her say all those things just now?"

There was no way that she would say she likes me when we've just been together for 2 weeks. This goddess must have done something.

+No I didn't do anything! how messed up do you think I am?+

~well except for forcefully speeding up the development of her feelings towards you~

She wisphered something under her breath but I couldn't hear it.

"You were Messed up enough to force two of us to

share one room. And make some ecchi scenes that only happens in anime to happen to both of us. Not to mention you spied on us for 2 weeks."

+Spirit Shino please refrain from saying those to Ai-sama+

the old voice seemed panicked.

+Thats Just normal for us God's!+ Goddess Ai screamed.

"I told you, your common sense does not apply to us! what's normal to you isn't normal for us!"

I retorted to her.

+Shut up!! What's not normal here is you! I went through all the trouble to make you two share one room! I gave you the perfect atmosphere for Mating for the past 2 weeks. I even ordered the Angel Lucy to keep your niece from entering your room!! Your a Man aren't you!? why the hell did nothing happen for the past 2 weeks!? you and Lilith should already be Lovey Dovey! Yet why?why? why?+

And she started throwing a tantrum. She whined like a child and even started insulting me.

As for me I just listened to her without minding her words and insults towards me.

When kids whine you'll just have to endure it until they stop, instead of giving them what they want because if you give them what they want every time they whine and cry they'll start acting like a Spoiled brat.

After a few minutes she finally ran out of insults and I can clearly hear her rapidly gasping for air.

"Are you done yet? Spoiled Brat!?" I said while having a smug face.

truth be told some of the insults really stabbed my heart so I just had to say at least one insult.


The sphere started vibrating rapidly and I can hear it making an odd sound as if it was about to destroy itself.

+Ai-sama! please contain your anger your Aura is affecting the Observation Eye! At this rate you might destroy it+

Observation Eye? so that's what this sphere is called.

+Take that back!+ She screamed to me clearly sounding angry.

"Take what back?" I sarcastically asked.

+I'm not a Spoiled Brat! take that back!+

+Ai-sama please keep calm+

The old voice is desperately trying to keep her calm but it was clearly not working As a sound of cracking came from the sphere.

Its about to blow up but suddenly it stopped vibrating and instead returned to its normal flotation.

+I'm not a Spoiled Brat! I'm not! I'm not! I'm not!!!!+

She's literally denying it like a Spoiled brat.

"Ho? But you're acting like one right now"

+You little!!! Don't act cocky just because you're a Branch God+

A branch god? what's that? She called me a Branch God didn't she? Well I'll just have to ask that annoying Angel about it tommorow.

And she started whining again with some insults mixed in it.

I can't bear the insults anymore so I interrupted her whining for a bit.

"Blah blah blah blah. You're a Spoiled brat, a Spoiled Goddess who whines every time she doesn't get what she wants and that's the truth, that's it end of the sentence."

Yup an insult from me. Brats like her doesn't want to be called spoiled and if you keep pointing out that their a Spoiled brat the more they deny it and the angrier they get and they tend to explode into a big wild tantrum.

And if she gets angrier than this then the result would be...


Yup this Observation Eye won't be able to withstand the aura coming from a Goddess.

The sphere started vibrating and cracking.


"huh that was anticlimactic"

I expected it to explode or something but instead it just became like a black hole then disappeared.

"Ahhh I'm tired"

I turned to look at the sky The moon was already high up, I looked at it for a minute and admired its beauty.

The moon in this world is six times bigger than in earth, also when it reaches full moon it glows Purple-ish. The Angel said that it changes from purple to red to Orange to light yellow so basically it just follows the ROY G BIV style of a rainbow.

I lied down on the roof and stared at the moon for awhile moments later all of my fatigue rushed into me like a waterfall and i fell asleep, the roof was hard and bumpy but I didn't care as I enjoyed my sleep.



"hey are you sure this is the right direction?"

"Yeah I'm sure there's no way I would be wrong"

"okay... hey I'm thirsty"

"Shut up we can't cause trouble in this town. The others said that there are 4 heroes currently in this town"

"Come on! just a little bit of blood won't hurt"

"Idiot! didn't you hear what I just said?"


I was awakened by two voices that were discussing something curious.

At first I thought they were just adventurers That walked around but judging from the proximity of their voice they weren't on the road but instead at the roof just like me.

I was wondering what they were doing so I opened my eyes a little bit but...

"Hey this guy is sleeping on the roof.. Its free buffet!" It was a high pitched voice of a girl that spoke.

"Hey hey hey, we can't" this time a husky voice of a man tried to stop the first guy.

"Why not? surely you are thirsty to right? I mean we've been traveling for 1 and a half week without a single drop of blood to cure our thirst" The girl stated.

"Yeah but we seriously can't.... " The other guy trailed off.

"Come on! besides it's this guy's fault for sleeping on the roof, And his blood smells delicious!" The girl argued.

"....." The other guy remained silent.

"Suit yourself, if you're interested just drink alright?"

a few seconds later I can hear a rugged breath getting closer to my neck area.

at first I don't know why this guy's were talking about but now that my brain is working at minimum level, I have concluded that this guy's are 'Vampires'.

Blood sucking vampires, who only shows up in the night and attack people for there blood.

Now I felt something thin and pointy touching my skin, this gotta be the fangs.

Slowly the fangs move downwards until I could already feel a hint of pain.

"Sorry but that's the end of the line"


The girl was surprised and she jumped away from me, so did the other guy.

I slowly stood up so that I won't slide on the roof it's really slippery I approve of this guys for not slipping after jumping backwards.

"Damn it Kia! I knew this wasn't gonna bode good for us!" The Guy screamed at the girl.

So the girls name was Kia? not bad for a vampire. Now how about the guys name?

"Shut up old man! lets just run for it"

Kia the vampire suggested.

They both turned towards another roof but before they could I said something to them.

"You're vampires aren't you?"

Both of them turned towards me in synch while realising an aura of intimidation, but if youre just realising that much aura, I've seen worst than that.

"Judging by the topic that you two were talking about I concluded that you're both vampires"

I looked at both of them in the eye waiting for their reaction.

The old guy was first to reply.

"Look pal, can you pretend that we never met? and nothing happened?"

He tried to smile at me under his hood, maybe he was trying to be friendly but his fangs just makes him more horrifying to look at.

"I'm afraid I can't do that, for the sake of the townsmen's safety I need to report to the guild that there are vampires roaming the town"

I tried to sound friendly but they seem to have taken my words as a threat.

"Is that so? that's to bad"

The hooded man looked down. I thought he was disappointed but....

"Blood Magic: Cruel Rose"

a drop of blood fell to the roof and disappeared, not even one second past red rose petals appeared below my feet, each petal was at least 3 meters big and in the middle of those rose petals was me.

Be for I could react the blooming petals closed me inside it. If you look at it from the outside it would look like a Rose but if you're in the inside you'll be squashed, And that's what I'm being put through right now.

The sudden pressure from every direction was very strong and I can also feel my Mana being sucked away.

I can't teleport my way out nor can I use spells not that I know any spells in the first place, the only way I was holding out right now is by circulating magic all around my body to strengthen it.

just then I heard a familiar sound.


[You have learned Mana skin]

[Explanation: By circulating mana throughout the body, the body's physical strength and resistance to any physical type attacks will raise accordingly to the amount of Mana that the user uses]

Is what it says.

Before I acquired this skill, I had trouble on controlling the circulation of Mana but now that its here I can now control it more efficiently.

Without second thought I used a big amount of Mana throughout my body while making sure to leave enough amount for me to RECALL a Mana recovery potion.

Because of the effects of the mana skin the pressure that was squashing me was not there anymore and now I could easily tore away a petal and without further ado I tore my way out of the giant rose.

This Mana skin is very effective but in terms of Mana consumption it's not really the best choice.

When I finally reached outside I could still see the two vampire's in the same place as last time.

They seem to be shocked, but I wasn't so I used this chance to RECALL a Mana recovery potion and hurriedly drank it.

just in time after I drank the whole potion the two seem to have regained their selves.

"IMPOSSIBLE! even a Dragon would be troubled to break free from The Cruel Rose!"

The old guy was first to shout.

"Just shut up old man! lets just make a run for it!" Kia appealed.

"No we can't, if we let him be he will report that there were vampires in this town if that Tyrant Vampire king ever hears about this he would likely order an assassination for the other vampires that left the domain!"

The old guy rapidly explained to The girl.

He seemed to have forgotten that I was still here and his loud voice would likely wake up the nearby residents.

But something bothered me, the Word "Vampire King" kept me feeling like I'm forgetting something important.

"Its alright if we can just arrive at the New Vampire king's domain we should be safe!"

"Idiot! we are just the second pair out of thousands! the two of us might be able to arrive at the New Vampire King's domain but that's just because I can sense where he is! the same can't be said for the others! I only gave them the General direction of where to head it would take them another 2 weeks to arrive at the domain! by that 2 weeks that Tyrant Old Vampire King would have already figured out everything!"

This guy was shooting his mouth as if no one was here his an idiot himself to.

But something really bothers me.

'New Vampire king' and in their earlier conversation they have been travelling for 1 and a half week not long after the news of the defeated God of chaos had spread throughout the whole world.

(Oh no, It can't be, the new Vampire king they're referring can't be him)

A sudden realization came to me.

The two was still arguing in front of me but I didn't care I had to confirm it.

"Hey can you tell me about this new Vampire King?"

I interjected their quarrel.

"Why should we tell you?"

He turns towards me as he spoke in intimidation.

"Because depending on your Information I might have to help you reach this New Vampire king of yours, of course I'm not gonna report you to the guild."

I reasoned.

"I refuse. Why should we trust you? youre a Human"

He was still cautious of me, And I can already see him about to cut his finger again.

I guess this 'Blood Magic' won't activate without blood huh?

"You have no choice but to trust me, it's either you tell me and I shut up or you run and I report" I stared at both of them and Activated PROGRAM

[Arvo Roseblood]

[Species: Vampire (Noble)]

(Search: Current+Mana)


[Mana: 167/10050]

Wow despite having a large amount he only has less than 200.

Next I turned to the girl.

[Kia Mers]

[Species: Vampire]

(Search: Current+Mana)


[Mana: 0/850]

The girl has no Mana left at all. And judging by how she was staggering by just standing

She is in no condition to fight or even travel. for another hour.

"And besides both of you are in know shape to fight, And even if you run now that girl won't even last for an hour before she collapse" I stared at both of them.


The old man must have realised it too since he grttied his teeth. Even though I can only see his lower face I can still figure out that he was frustrated.

"Fine I'll tell you, but only if you promise that you won't report us"

"I promise"

I raised my hand to the level of my head and smiled courteously.

"Good, then-"

"Oi old man! are you serious!? we should just run while we still have a chance I can still run for more than 5 days!"

The girl tried to convince the old man but her acting wasn't convincing at all.

Her breathing was so ragged that her shoulders were rapidly going up and down.

"Do you know that you were always bad at acting?" The old man address the girl.

When the girl heard what the old man said she fell silent and lowered her head. The old man then proceeded his earlier sentence.

"As I was saying, The New Vampire king Appeared around 2 weeks ago"

2 weeks that was the time when we fought the Chaos God.

"I sent some of my spies to investigate and according to them The New Vampire king resides inside The Solomon kingdom the kingdom ruled by a Hero named Claude Solomon, The spies said Claude Solomon might have Sheltered the New Vampire king in his castle, They have also confirmed an existence of a guest in the castle which must have been the Vampire king"

I knew it! I forgot to Change back Smart Glasses to Human! And right now His still the Vampire king!

I literally forgot that!


(The night before the night Shino met the vampires)

"My Lord we have confirmed the Identities of the spies that has been roaming the castle"

Inside a large room that was for the King of the kingdom a man in black spoke to one person in the desk. It was currently midnight making the person in black look like one of the shadows.

"Continue" the man in the desk was Claude Solomon. The ruler of the Solomon Kingdom.

"It seems they Are vampire's from King Veil Roseblood's Domain, we have confirmed them by the crest in their Cloaks"

"What is that Vampire King planning?"

Claude was annoyed, This wasn't the first time that spies were roaming around the castle. The most common spies they find are from neighboring countries but this is the first time spies from The vampire king came to spy.

(Is he planning to assassinate me? no that can't be it.)

There was no reason for the vampire king to kill him especially when their countries are so far away from each other. If the vampire king was to cause a war he would have to fight Two more countries to arrive at Solomon kingdom.

(Could it be some kind of grudge? No that can't be it as far as I know This kingdom never even had any fight with others)

Even before the Kingdom was called Solomon kingdom it has stayed defensive until now, that's because the geography of the kingdom makes it easier for the other kingdoms to invade it and making it hard for the Solomon kingdom to Attack and because of that they maintained friendly relationship with the sorrounding Kindoms to avoid invations.

"Do you have anymore Informations?"

"Im sorry my Lord but that is all the information we have for now"

Claude held his chin and nodded.

"Very well, you are dismissed"

Claude waved his hand and without a sound the man in black disappeared.

Claude leaned back to his chair and held a pen as he was ready to sign another paper.


Half a piece of the pen flew to the ground as the other half spewed ink all over the piece of paper.

"Huff... huff... huff....."

Claude's face was distorted in agony, he grits his teeth as he continue to fight something.


His hands trembled as they were clenched, right now he didn't care about the spelled ink on the paper or the fact that he just crushed his pen. All he was focusing into was to suppress the urge to attack.


A knock came from the door and a voice of a girl followed.

"My Lord, Its Chloe I have come to deliver some papers that needs to be signed"

Chloe, one of Claude's most trusted retainers and very long comrade and friend. When they are at the presence of others they use Formal Words to address each other but in private they address each other casually.

Claude quickly forced himself to look normal and also keeping his voice from wavering.

"Very well, do come in" He gave his approval without a problem.

The doors slowly opened revealing a young girl around the age of 15.

"Thank you, My Lord"

The girl proceeded towards the desk where Cluade was, She was carrying a large amount of paper that easily went higher than her head it was a question on how she was able to lift those amount of papers despite her very feminine physique.

The doors behind the girl slowly closed with a thud.

"So where'd you want me to put this papers?"

And as if flipping a switch the girl Chloe started addressing Claude casually, She peeked her head from the side of the papers she was carrying she asked. She had a short blonde hair her eyes radiated a sense of Positivity, Her face can be called a beauty without a doubt.

"Put them right next to my desk"

Claude who was still agonizing inside answered her with a calm voice.

"Okay if you say so" She then moved to put down the papers.

*Ba-dump*... *Ba-dump*.... *Ba-dump*

Suddenly a sound of a heartbeat resounded in Claude's ears, It wasn't his heartbeat but someone else's. He looked at Clhoe who was currently piling up the papers and the Heratbeat that he was hearing became more louder and clearer.

+A pure Maiden's Blood is very delicious+

Cluade was startled from a sudden voice.

He rapidly looked all around the room, activating all of his enemy detecting skill's and Spells.

But no one was there except for him and The girl.

+Drink her blood!+

+Drink it! +

+Drink it! +

+Drink It!+

Claude gritted his teeth as he suppresses something. He started experiencing a serious headache accompanied by the unknown voice telling him to drink blood.

His eyes started moving around rapidly

Slowly Claude's perspective turned red.


He looked at the girl That was inside the room.

His breath became ragged and his mouth carved into a smile revealing his long white fangs.

"Phew! it sure is tough being a Ruler of your own kingdom isn't it Claude?"

"Uhh Claude? is something wrong?"

"..... "

"What the!? hey stop! let go of me!"

".... "

"What are you doing!? this harassment! sexual harassment! Claude stop this!"

".... "

"No stop! ahhhhh! my neck!.. why would you bite my neck?....... please stop Claude..... please it hurts.... you're hurting me.... "

Slowly the light in Chloe's eyes faded as her life slowly fades. And one final tear leaves the girls eyes as she completely passes away.


"Phew! it sure is tough being a Ruler of your own kingdom isn't it Claude?"

Claude stayed silent without even bothering on looking at the girl.

He knew he shouldn't look at her because if he did something terrible would happen Just like What he just Saw with His God's eye.

The rapidly moving eyes of Claude was because he was using God's eye to see the future events that might happen, all of the future events ended in either him killing Chloe or him Suddenly going berserk for blood, except for one event where neither of those happened. That event was if he was to just stay silent and endure everything.

"Hey Claude! hey hey! you there?"

".... "

"Fine, Silent treatment huh? are you doing this because you were angry about me eating your precious Sandwich?"

"..... "

"Or is it because I took one of your wine from your wine collection?"

"... "

"Hmp! fine I'll get out"

Chloe walked out of the room with a sound of stomping. She really didn't like being ignored moreover by one of her bestfriend.

The door opened and closed again, And slowly Chloe's heavy stomping faded away from the distance.


Claude dropped his act as soon as he confirmed that Chloe was no longer near.

He clenched his fist once again in pain.

+Youre thirsty, thirsty for blood+

+Youre (No! I'm not Thirsty!) for blood+

Claude quickly took out a piece of paper and wrote something I I with the new pen he took from his drawer. (This is the only way) His hands were shaking but nevertheless he wrote the thing he wanted to write and wrote his signature at the bottom right of the paper. (This is the only option I could take)

"Summon: Meir"

A small magic circle appeared in the middle of the room and glowed. As the bright glowing light disappeared a white bird was flapping its wings waiting for its master's command.

"Give this to Fredrick and make sure he reads it"

Claude give the folded piece of paper to the bird with a shaking hand.

"And once your done, Gaurd this room from the outside and make sure nobody gets near"

"Understood Master"

The bird flew towards the door and -Vwoom- It just passed right through it like it was made of mist.

+Give in+

+You want blood and you know it!+

+You shall become one of us!+

+Drink! Kill!+

"Aaaahhhhhhhh!!!!!! Stop!! Stop!!"

Claude screamed but nobody could hear it due to the magic that has been casted to prevent a sound from escaping the room.


( morning At the meeting hall of the castle)

"The king summoned us in hurry"

"What might the emergency be?"

"Maybe he has finally found a woman and is to announce their marriage now!"

"That would be a good news"

"Would she be a commoner or a Noble?"

"Bah! Who cares? Non of you would really mind if the she us a Nobel or not right?"

"Yeah, I mean our king has not found a bride yet, we're starting to worry"

"I'm sure we're not the most pressured person about that, Chamberlain Fredrick must have tries to convince the king himself"

"Our king is a serious person After all"

"Serious And Dense, he never even realised the feelings of Miss Chloe towards him"

"Ahh.. I feel sorry for miss Chloe"

The meeting hall was filled with chatter from the high ranked nobles of the Kingdom. Before the sun could rise each one of them received a letter from the castle, the letter contained an emergency summon of all the powerful nobles around the Kingdom and every single one of them showed up inside the huge meeting hall at the castle.

As the nobles continued their hearty talk the doors slowly opened revealing a man in his 30's silver haired, sharp and calm eyes Wearing a black uniform with a white cloak, But what the most attention catching about person was his pointy ears, this person was an elf.

The man who just entered the meeting hall was Fredrick Ramer, Also known as Chamberlain Fredrick..

His face was grim and he was holding a piece of paper.

The nobles noticed his expression and the air around the room became tense.

He walked towards one of the seats provided.

He sat on the seat that was next to the kings seat.

The Nobles anticipated for what he was going to say.


What they heard from the Chamberlain was something crazy some of the nobles even started questioning their King's Saneness.

"Thats Insane! Did our king lost his Mind!?"

"We've never experienced such things! and yet his telling us to go to War!? and at the vampire domain at that!?"

The topic was never even spoken since the founding of the kingdom yet what they just heard was something that would happen for the first time in the whole kingdoms history.

"I must ask the king about this matter personally!"

One noble stood up and started walking towards the door.

"Its impossible Archduke Blumen, I also tried asking the king but was stopped by his familiar from going any closer"

Chamberlain Fredrick was worried.

"Why didnt you force through?"

"We all know that a command can't be broken, Not to mention the power of his highness Summoned spirit"


Archduke Blumen realized it and returned returned his seat with his uneasiness.

"So what do you propose we should do?"

All of the nobles inside the room turned their eyes towards the Chamberlain.

"I say.... We follow The king's order, Prepare an Army, Were going against Veil Roseblood!"

The room fell silent not even a single sound could be heard.


there were some minor mistakes.

TofaTrefo15creators' thoughts