
Chapter 11 Awaken And Gifts

In the Gods realm...

"Hey God of knowledge are you sure you should give him that power?" A heavy voice asked.

"Huh? oh that? yeah I'm sure and I also limited that powers use until he reaches full God, until then he'll only be able to use only a small fraction of that power." A clear voice answered.

"Well it should be fine then, but its still ironic that all of the fight at Hearth begun from a puke"

"You mean the new Mid-God Chaos?"


"That Mid-God Chaos was an Evil being you know? One of the souls that escaped Eden" The clear voice stated.

"Huh is that so?"

(Yeah it is everyone noticed that except you!)

The Owner of the Clear voice the God of knowledge commented in his head, blocking any kind of possible way to read his mind.

but the same can't be said for the other Gods who were nearby.

"Wait seriously? you all already know?"

"I hope you gave him the power to guide the rampant souls back to eden" The God of Knowledge hoped.

"R-right.... absolutely ..."

"wait please don't tell me you didn't!?"

"I did its just a bit different but the power I gave him should also do the same thing...."the God of Death trails off.

"What did you give him?"

"uhh... power to reign over the dead, the power also controls the soul so if he just orders the the soul to return to eden then everything would be the same.."

(he's an idiot!) everybody thought simultaneously even the God of Knowledge without even bothering to hide their thoughts.

"Shut up! Nobody informed me about it! Don't blame me!" The God of Death Screamed.

"mmhhmm" A womanly voice suddenly spoke.

"eek!" The God Of Death squeaked

"Miss Ai!" The God of Knowledge screamed the woman's name.

"You know I was just about to have fun by watching two creatures fall in love in Garfa but, I just heard you two talking so I listened for awhile and guess what?" the woman ended her sentence with a happy voice but she was letting out massive amount of dangerous aura that can be seen without any use of any magic or divine power, everyone can see it just by pure observation.

Everybody knows how much Influence Ai has, that's why every single god would be wary of her except for Gods like The God Of Creation.

One by one the other gods left the area with fear, leaving behind the three gods.

"You're on your own buddy" The God of Knowledge left the scene with a smile of encouragement For the God of Death. His figure dispersed into tiny green particles and his aura was nowhere to be sensed.

"Uhm.. maybe I should--"

The God of death also tried to run away but--

"Oh no you dont! you better make sure that Our little Rookie Shino would know how to return the souls with his powers from you. you understand me Death? Am I making my self clear?" The Goddess said with a menacing smile. --He was the one being directed with a menacing smile.

"y-yes I understand it clearly! Crystal clear ma'am! I'll try to--"

"Oh nooo! I didn't tell you to 'try', did I? I think I said 'Make sure' though. yeah I said MAKE SURE right?" accompanying the goddess words the aura around here became more intense. And the God of death trembled in the sheer pressure of the aura.

"Y-yes of course, I'll make su- no I w-will definitely make sure of it!" The God of Death replied with a shaky voice.

"Good! to know you understood! now I'll be going now! I wonder what interesting things are happening in Garfa"

The Goddess left like nothing happened and the atmosphere change dramatically to normal.

"Haaa....haaa.. I gotta do something about this! or I'll be.....---

-----_—----------------------------------- ------------------------


"BLACK HOLE!" a loud voice echoed.

(She's not giving up!

I used The title LIBRARIAN to search for a spell that can confine even a God then used my RESEARCHER to use that magic.)

Luke who was hiding himself and the other 3 sleeping bodies was watching the owner of the voice from afar.

"You called this spell Dimensional Cage did you not? that means that this cage separates the space between me and the world. truly an amazing Spell but surely this requires an amazing amount of focus does it not?" The Goddess of Chaos claimed.

She was right the original magic does need intense focus. But by using Researcher to make the spell consume Magic and remove the need for focus and also Luke didn't just cast one Dimensional Cage He casted 300x! worth of the spell in one go!

It did render his Researchers response 3 seconds late so he'll have to cast the spells in advance the next time he uses them.

"Dimensional Distortion"

suddenly the first layer of the Cage started warping and a loud noise like a broken glass echoed.

(What?! She broke the Cage!? no that was the first layer. It should still be okay she will need to cast 299x before she could get out of the cage.)

Luke was nervous for a second but regained his composure. If he did lose his composure his Skill Researcher would give him fatigue due to the mental power it needed to function.

The Goddess turned around facing the direction on where Luke was.

(Did she find me?)

"Hey little boy let me tell you something, did you know that changing a spell's name can also change its effects like for example when I say -fireball- one fireball appears in my hand, right? Let's see what if I add an 'S' in the end of the name indicating that there are many fireballs? Like -Fireballs-"

Multiple Fireballs appeared around the Goddess of Chaos causing the inside of the Cage to shine Brightly and momentarily blind Luke.

(What!? You can do that? There's such a loophole in the system of this world?! if that's true then she can just....)

"Though the more complex the spell is the lesser it can multiply not to mention the quantity is random you can get just 2x worth of the spell and the magic consumption is 4x more than casting it normally. But anyway you get the Idea, I bet you even figured out how I'm gonna use it right?"

Luke's body started sweating very fast.. he knew what would happen next.

"-Dimensional Distortions-"

9 loud sounds of breaking glasses resounded the whole area. Two layers of the Cage broken-down with one spell. It was true that the quantity is random but that Random Quantity can be increased if the caster puts an extra amount of magic into casting it.

"Researcher, continuesly cast Dimensional Cage ASAP" Luke instructed.


[Casting Dimensional Cage Continuesly Will Cause The Skill Researcher To Be Unusable During The Castings]

[Additional effect; The User Will Be Unable to Use Magic]

[Additional Reminder; Due To The Skill Researcher's Effect The Users Mental power Will Be consumed for the Activation Of the Skill; Configuration, Casting, Skill Construction, Recreation, And Adjustments, This Commands Will cause the User to temporarily Lose The Ability to think properly]

[Would you Still proceed?]

[Yes] [No]


[Commencing Continues Casting]


"WHAT!? He's casting more!? He's Persistent Tch" The Goddess Clicked her tongue in annoyance.

"Well I guess this small time Space spell won't work how about an advance one?"

The Goddess Made wide smile and it wasn't a smile that was good to see rather it was a nasty one. If she was like a shadow and only her eyes and mouth had lighter colors she would literally look like a monster.

--Dimension's Collapse--

Loud breaking sounds reverbrated across the area Causing a minor earthquake.

"What!? She destroyed 50 layers!? What Spell is that!?" Luke muttered in surprise.

The Goddess smiled again and opened her mouth while staring directly at Luke's Location.

(She knows where I am doesn't she?)

"You must be wondering what spell that was. but Unfortunately it wasn't a spell, it was a command"

(What does she mean 'command'?)

"I'm getting tired of speaking alone, how about you reply too mister"

The Goddess suggested to Luke, But Luke didn't reply and instead he stayed silent.

"No reply huh? That hurts me you know? at least give a woman a reply, come on now."

The Goddess moved her hand to her chest and acted like she was in pain by making a ku(>) posture.

"....." but Luke did not answer her.

"still won't say anything huh? You lack manners mister, in my world men replies very courteously, is it not the same for this world? Do you treat women here unfairly?"

(What does she mean by 'my world'?)

"What do you mean your world?"

"Oh you finally talked!" The Goddess smiled and clapped her hands.

"Answer my question!"

Luke Screamed.

"How rude? well anyway I came from another world called earth in a country called japan"

The Goddess answered without hesitation.

"Japan, were you summoned here? or reincarnated?"

"Pfft nope, I forced my way to this world like the others did"


"My this is quite a one sided talk is it? It's my turn to ask a question"

The goddess started raising her hand and pointed towards Luke.

"Is it really okay showing yourself without even a single defense skill?" The goddess asked and sneered.

"I'm not defenseless, you're already inside an endless cage so there's no rea-"

---Dimensions Collapse chain cast Disentegrate--

Loud Breaking noises, loud enough to destroy the eardrums followed by a large cylinder of light.

Luke's eyes was filled with white light his body was also enveloped by the white light.

Everything inside the cylinder of light would disappear and would be reduced to nothingness while the things that are near around the light would be burned to crisp and melt then disappear, this was an Advance type of Magic 'Disentegrate' is an absolute annihilation magic. It is one of the most commonly used magic for gods who wants to make something disappear, like using an eraser for removing unwanted parts of a drawing.

"Hehehe now that his gone maybe I should start blowing the town up..no wait maybe I should make more chaos first yes that's good I'll do that!"

As the Goddess thought of her next step the entire area around her was filled with mist out of nowhere.

"huh? What's with the mist all of a sudden?"

The Goddess noticed the mist around her and she tried to remove them by using wind magic.

"Its not going away. this mist be casted by another person"

As she said that a large sword came swinging down towards her.

Even so she still caught it with no issues although the sword was shining with different colors which means it was covered,enhanced, and powered by all magic elements the Goddess still caught it with just one hand.

"That was to slow."

The Goddess increased her grip on the sword trying to break the sword with shear strength.


Cracks started appearing on the sword and the different colors started shining intensely.

The next thing to happen was supposed to be an explosion but instead the sword just melted and became mist.

"an illusion?"

The goddess thought. When she tried turning around she found out she could not move her body.

She looked down to her waist. Multiple swords and spears.

--God magic: Weapons create--

The voice came from a hero named Yuri Shwirterve A summoned hero from a Land called Germany.

His God Magic allows him to create any kind of weapons and with his Job Magic Swordsman he can imbue the weapons with magic further boosting the weapons effects,power and endurance.

This time he imbued the weapons with lightning magic that causes paralyzing effects that is strong enough to even affect a god for a small amount of time and since the weapons are made by a God magic it can pierce through a god like any weapon should.

"Tch that's very sly"

The Goddess stared at Shwirterve as if she was looking at a mere bug.


Though Shwirterve did not move nor say anything.

The goddess thought it weird for a moment but she discarded that thought and started moving her fingers.

Suddenly her figure disappeared and appeared behind Shwirverte in a blink of an eye.

Shwirterve did not react to the sudden disappearance and just remained on guard.


A hand went through Shwirterve's upper body but instead of blood flowing out there was only mist flowing from the wound then the mist slowly transformed into flowing blood.

'What the hell is this!?' the Goddess thought.

She can feel a magic of life in the unmoving body but at the same time she can tell it was not alive nor something that is alive in the first place.

--God Magic: Dopple--

It was a work of a God Magic called Dopple that was given to Estifan Verdez A Reincarnator.

Dopple is a kind of magic that when the user touches an object, he can turn it into another kind of object, animal or person. He can also give that transformed object any certain attribute and ability that is the same as the Original, such as being alive.

In This case Estifan touched a stone in the ground to make it look like Yuri Shwirterve, then he give that transformed stone the attribute of being a Living being. But since a stone cannot move and think he can't give it the ability to think and that's the only downside of this magic unless...

--God Magic: Dopple--

--God Magic: Poltergeist--

Giving a non-living object to Move and think on its own like giving a sword the ability to fight on its own without any weilder to use it, That is the Function of the God Magic: Poltergeist That was Given to Eduardo Diaz A summoned hero from a land called Spain. Combining it with Dopple, you can have unlimited amount of soldiers that doesn't need to rest, eat, or even Feel pain and emotions like fear.


""""WOOOOOO!!!!""""" a loud roar echoed throughout the surroundings.

then Hundreds of Figures that looks exactly like Shwirterve holding glowing swords appeared everywhere.

every single Dopple Shwirterve has the ability and attribute as the Original Shwirterve, they can fight, use Magic even God Magic and think like the Original.

It was An army of heroes and their target was only one being and that was the Goddess.

The Goddess swiped her hand and a blade made out of wind made its way towards 5 Dopples. One Dopple swinged its sword and another blade of wind made to counter the first one the other dopples also followed, series of wind Blades were making their way to the goddess.

The goddess moved here fingers and made a clutching fist. All the wind blades disappeared. She used a magic somewhat similar to what Luke used to Disrupt the mana although it can only disrupt one magical element at a time.

The dopples noticed this because only one color from their swords disappeared.

In response they all swinged their swords firing off different kinds of elemental slashes, from water, fire, earth, light, lightning, ice, space, and darkness. It was an endless barrage no one would be able to escape such barrage.. except if they were much more powerful.


The area 6 meters from the goddess showed signs of being sliced then it started reflecting the other surroundings just like what a mirror would do.

The slashes approached the mirror area approaching its own reflection and as soon is it touched it exploded. For the Fire slashes they exploded in great heat, For water they splashed, for earth they crashed, for light they flashed brightly, for lightning they crackled, for ice they broke, for space they distorted, for darkness they merged, stopped and fell down then disappeared.

The dopples were bewildered by this sudden development. They could not do anything, they have figured out what the mirror magic can do if they attack it would just be countered by the same attacks that came from the reflections. Though Mirror was not an unprenetrable defense it has some flows such as...

""""Attack the edges of the mirror!"""

Dozens of Dopples of Koichi Le Mustav screamed together. Koichi specializes on space time magic and Mirror is a kind of space magic and of course he knows this.

All the Shwirterve Dopples heard the screams and they continued their onslaught of slashes some of them even used various sword magics but this time they have targeted the edges of the mirrors.

The edges on the Mirror Magic is like a small gap but it is wide enough for spells to enter and if you continuously send spells towards the edges this gaps widens letting attacks enter and the mirrors will slowly break apart.

Finally the mirrors broke the figure of the goddess can be seen again, one of the dopples attacked the goddess but before he could get any closer his body flew to the sky and crashed on the ground. The Goddess only punched him once with an uppercut but he flew a couple of meters away.

"Interesting! this is very interesting! aha aha ahahahahahaha!" the goddess laughed.

She started moving super fast that only after images can be seen but following her attacks was just something simple for the dopples. She appeared in front of one Dopple and tried to punch its face but the Dopple quickly reacted and caught it with his hands causing some cracking sounds from his arm but he still held to the goddesses hand and tried to cut it with a sword. The goddess pulled her hands away and kicked the Dopple in the upper body causing it to fly and roll on the ground far away. Another Dopple jumped towards the goddess swinging its sword down, the goddess turned around and tried to punch the Dopple but the Dopple evaded it by releasing an explosion from his sword which caused him to launch in the opposite direction from the goddess and her punch.

As the Dopple landed it pierced the ground with its sword and then spikes from the ground rose up and is traveling towards the goddess. The Goddess stamped here feet to the ground and spikes came out and countered the dopples spike. She teleported behind and and tried to punch the Dopple from behind but her fist up to her shoulder were suddenly frozen. A second Shwirterve Dopple has frozen her entire right arm with an Ice slash while the Dopple in the front turned around and cuts the goddesses arm.

The goddess jumped backwards but as soon as she did a sword came hurling towards her torso and another heading for her left hand and another one,another one and another one, she would be sliced to pieces if ever those sword reaches her.


and they did but at the same time they did not. All the swords just went through the Goddesses body like her body was just a hologram this was a space magic called Dimensional Slip--, when casted it can transport his/her physical body else where but at the same time she was still in the same place as where she is but she cannot be harmed, if you don't understand my explanation just think of it that she became a hologram or something that just lets things pass through her.

all the dopples were surprised and for a fraction of a second lost their focus and composure and that slight fraction of a second caused their head to be crushed by the goddess.


A wide circle appeared above the goddess then a Dopple holding a transparent sword came out falling from the circle then flashed the goddess this time unlike last time the sword literally cuts the goddess.


Another portal opened on the ground and the Dopple entered there then another portal apperead behind the goddess followed by a slash from the Dopple and once again the Dopple entered another portal. This attack pattern repeated a couple of times and the number of portals and dopples increased.

The goddess found it irritating and was now pissed, she clutched her hands into a fist and all the portal disappeared and stopped appearing and the dopples who just entered the portals were crushed and cut.

What the goddess did was she Disrupted the Mana flow for Space Magic and that caused all space magic related spells to stop working and those who will cast a space magic will experience a recoil that would cause them to die and because the Shwirterve dopples entered the the portals they got crushed and the Koichi Dopples who were casting the space magic spewed blood from their mouths and died. Now only a quarter of the dopple army are left.

And Estifan, And Diaz are already tired. they have already exhuasted their mana to their fullest, that means they could not produce anymore dopples. The mist around the goddess became thin allowing the goddess to see were both Estifan and Diaz were. The Goddess noticed that they were both exhausted so she change here priorities from defeating all the dopples to Killing Both Estifan and Diaz. Both Estifan and Diaz noticed Her Bloodlust was directed to them and they know for sure that they were being targeted.

The Goddess snapped her fingers five times and dozens of dozens or even more than 10,000 colorful arrows appeared around her each color meant a different element enchanted into them. The Goddess snapped her fingers again and then pointed towards where The two exhausted person's are, they were the targets after all. Every single arrow flew towards the two, now it was raining arrows, a storm of arrows to be more exact.

Diaz Hurriedly held Estifan in the shoulder and casted ---Shadow Travel---!

Both Estifan and his figure turned black and melted into the ground just as the arrows reached their position.

Shadow travel as it name implies, it lets the caster to travel using shadows and once the caster is inside the shadow they will not be harmed, if the caster is taking another person into the shadow it will consume twice more mana and the traveling time would shorten but since they will move much more faster than normal even 5 seconds is enough to travel far away only this time Diaz did not have much Mana in him to travel far or even hold Shadow Travel for more than 2 seconds

After 2 seconds they appeared near where the melted landscape caused by Disintegration was, They were both breathing heavily the reason is they did not escape unscathed, multiple cuts an holes of at least as big as a finger can be seen in their bodies.

In the storm of arrows some of the arrows contained Light magic enchanted into them. Only Light can Oppose the Darkness basically only the Light magic enchanted arrow can harm the person's inside the shadows and that's what happened to Estifan and Diaz.

"Haahh... haah... I didn't expect she could summon Fairy Arrows despite being a Chaos God" Diaz panted.

"How is she~ able to do that anyway? Don't you need contracts for that~!?" Despite being wounded Estifan still used his mellowy voice to ask that question.

It's true that in order to use Fairy Arrows you need contracts from Fairies with different element, it has to be a mutual contract where which both the fairy and the person should agree to do, if the fairy or the person does not want the to contract with each other the contracting ceremony would not work and what's more Fairies naturally only approach beings that has no ill intent even if that being does not have any intelligence or even being humanoid a great examples of these are the Forest Fairies who only contracts with tree's and plants inside the Forests. Fairies do tend to avoid anything that contains something evil, that means as a Goddess of Chaos she is a being that is made up of evil so naturally the fairies will not form a contract with her much less use Fairy Arrow.

"Gods... have the ability.. to create... Fairies" A voice came from a man who was thought to be dead from an attack.

"Good to know you're okay Luke but you seem to be so tired?" Diaz Asked.

"You look pathetic Luke~" Estifan blurted.

"I'm not taking that from somebody... who is heavily wounded... themselves" Luke spoke.

"Haa! not for long, Lilith your there right? heal us already" Diaz Screamed.

"Don't scream or that goddess will find us" A figure of a woman came out of nowhere it was their healer Lilith Nasiku.

"Haa! She's busy with the dopples for now, we even left dopples an extra amount to distract her for awhile!" Diaz jeered.

"Idiot shut up, stop screaming" a head of a young man came out of thin air, it was Koichi.

"Just heal us already and we'll be on our way"

As Diaz said that another head appeared in the air.

"You haven't forgotten the plan right?"

It was the head of their strategist Claude Solomon.

"Yeah.. Yeah...."

"You did forgot"

"I'll be healing you two now" Lilith interjected.

---Mega Heal chain cast Boost Mana Recovery---

"Haahh that's refreshing"

"The Plan?" Claude asked.

"Yeah.. it was like planting this Time Magic Stone into the goddess right?"

Diaz then showed a small magic stone.

It was as small as a baby finger and it was transparent with some green, red and blue light circling around it. Magic stones can be mined or be found inside a Magical Beast, the most common magic stones are earth, water, wind, and fire while the rare magic stones are Light, Darkness and Life it would take an awfully huge amount of Luck to just find The rare magic stones.

But there are also magic stones said to have never existed such as the Space magic stone and Time magic stone just a product of a person's imagination. Yet Diaz was holding one of these stone.

"How did even Koichi get his hands on these?" Diaz was Puzzled

"I didn't 'Get it' I made it" Koichi retorted.

Koichi specializes on Space and Time Magic.

In terms of knowledge about that kind of magic Koichi knows everything about it.

"huh okay... so Luke how do you think we can plant this thing into the goddess?" Diaz turned towards Luke.

"uhhh" Luke tried to think but his head won't let him.

"Asking him now won't work, the side effect of his temporary Skill temporarily takes his ability to think, although you can talk to him like normal. Even asking him a very simple question would be just to much for him" Lilith Explained to Diaz.

"So in short he's useless this time around huh?" Diaz concluded

"not really" Claude enterjected " Although he can't think, you can still order him around"

That is true even if someone can't think or is naturally an idiot they can still follow orders, Even if an idiot sits on a stove you can tell him to get off the stove. And since Luke's temporary skill only takes his ability to think, his ability to understand is still present and he can still follow complex orders.

"Huh not so useless after all"

Diaz turned to look at Estifan who was so silent.

He was staying awfully silent ever since they were healed by Lilith. And going through Estifan's personality staying silent was not an option.

"Hey Estifan you oka--"


An explosion from the far away battlefield on where the Goddess and the Dopples were fighting reached Diaz and the Others.

"hehehehe--" a big smile creeped out off Estifan's face "--ehe hahahahahaha!"

A crazy laugh came out of his mouth.


--Target has been possessed commencing transfer--


A large amount of aura exploded from Estifan's body. Everyone stood on their guard while Koichi casted defense magic to everyone.

Estifan jumped backwards at a blinding speed. He took pebbles from the ground and held unto them.

--God magic: Dopple--

He throwed them towards the sky, the pebbles started growing in size and started forming a figure while in mid air.


Two pebbles suddenly disappeared.


a sound of a breaking mirror, Koichi's Mirror magic cage that was casted to hide and defend anybody that enters it. The Cage could even defend from Disintegrate, yet now it was broken.

Now everybody that was inside was exposed including the three sleeping bodies, of Hana, Shino and Lucy, At the same time all the other pebbles disappeared.

"Shit!" Shwirterve quickly drew his sword as fast as a lightning bolt, as soon as he did something hit his sword and he was blown away towards the opposite direction. The others tried to dodge the attacks that came for them-*Boom**boom*boom**boom*- but ultimately failed as they were all blown away too (with the exemption of the three sleeping bodies).


"This is really an interesting God magic you have here" this time it wasn't a mellowy voice that came from Estifan but instead it was rough womanly voice, the aura around him was a dead give away on who was currently talking, The goddess.

"Now kill those fools" she ordered.

12 figures clad in black appeared, the other 9 left in pursue of Diaz and the others, while the three black figures stayed to kill the three sleeping bodies, they slowly walked towards the bodies, their arms turned into a blade sharp and tough enough to rival even Shwirverte's God magic swords.

The bodies are now in front of the figures, they raised their blade arms ready to cut the bodies to pieces.


"Miss Hina, Miss Hina please wake up, Your mother is calling for you"

A voice of a woman called for me.

I rose up from my bed and looked around, I saw the owner of the voice.

She had brown hair, with a calming face, she was still 28 in age and she wore a very traditional Maid outfit that when you see her you might think that she was cosplaying for an event.

She was the Head maid of our Suzuki Household, you might think its quite weird that I used the word Household, but if you read some fantasy books you would know what that meant.

If you're wondering why I used it.

It was said that my Great great Grandfather was European and he said he had the blood of a King from the Medieval Ages, when he came to Japan, he made the most famous company called Kingdoms that practically deals with everything, from vehicles, Fruits, Vegetables, Computer, Gadgets, Cafe's, Clothing, Export and import of Goods, pretty much everything.

He became one of the most richest man in the world, his life was like a life of a King 👑 a reason for his Noble King Mentality to worsen, soon enough he thought every single one of his children etiquette, and Everything that a noble should learn. Those kind of lessons were thought to my father and of course to me.

"Good morning, Clara" I greeted her.

"Good Morning, young miss please put on your dress, your mother is calling you, she's currently at the Dining hall waiting for you."

She replied with a voice of seriousness but at the same time a voice of caring.

I consider her as an Older Sister. Her mother was the one who took care of me when I was 5 years old, when her mother retired she took the position of taking care of me and we became close as the time goes by.

Two other maid's came in and dressed me. After dressing up I left my room for the Dining hall, along the way I saw the Household Butler, Sebastian, though that's not his real name his real name was Sukero but both father and mother did not like the sound of his name so they told him to change his name to Sebastian. Despite being old he still had an atmosphere of calmness and peacefulness around him.

(Huh? I can't remember his face, why? I see him everyday why can't I remember his face?)

I kept walking only to stop for a greeting. Finally I reached the Dining hall, it has a rich atmosphere as always. I sat on the chair at the end of the long table while my mother was at the other end, my father was busy with work he only comes home at least five times a month.

(He did not come for my birthday though....huh? my birthday?)

"So how was school yesterday?" Mother spoke.

"Huh? ah it was-"

(School? did I go to school yesterday? I can't remember) "-alright same as always"

"Good, so about your birthday"

"Huh!? Didn't my birthday passed already?"

I asked in confusion.

"What do you mean passed? your birthday is still 2 days from now" my mother informed me.

(But it happened you even invited Uncle Shino and.... uhh) I can't remember what happened but I know I forgot something important yet my brain won't let me remember it.

I concentrated as much as I can trying to recall my memories but nothing I can't remember it.

"You seem to be Half Asleep, eat your food and Wake up"

(but I'm sure.. my birthday already passed!)

"Young miss please eat your food" Clara who was right beside me spoke.

Maybe I was just tired from to much studying. I reached out for a knife without looking and because of that I cut myself.

(Ouch! huh? it doesn't hurt?)

I turned to look at the cut, there was blood dripping but I don't feel pain, when I changed my focused towards my whole hand, there were 6 fingers, when I looked at my other hand there were 7 fingers. That is not normal and I can say for sure that I only have 10 fingers all in all.

"Young miss are you alright? Oh my God your finger is dripping blood!" Clara Screamed.

+Kill those fools!+

"Its time Wake Up Hina" A voice suddenly spoke.

I turned around and what I saw was myself... Although it was a bit older and has more size in her chest, it was undoubtedly Me that was wearing a tight clothe, was it tight or was it a perfect fit?

She walked towards me, I tried to talk but I can't I tried to move but I can't. I looked at the corner of my eye where Clara should be but she was not there anymore I was then able to move, I turned around and looked at the other end of the table where mother should be but she was not there.

I turned around to look at my other self.

She was already right in front of me, I remained calm and opened my mouth.

"Who are you?" I asked in a hushed voice.

"Wake up" she spoke.

She moved her hand up to my forehead and touched it with her fingers, the scenery around me warped and all my memories returned to me like a waterfall so did the information of skills finally I realized that...

"It was time to wake Up"


--Demon Lords Strength--



One black figure got blown into pieces and disappeared. The sleeping bodies disappeared as soon as the black figures noticed it was too late, --Queens Area-- ,as they suddenly disappeared into nothingness so did the ground, air, time and space.

"What!?" The Goddess screamed.

The culprit of the sudden attack turned around, and unlike last time her movements was more normal and not wild, her eyes color returned to normal and her face was not filled with rage anymore but with composure.

"So you have awaken" The goddess said.

"But its already to late with this God Magic I shall end you for sure!"

The goddess took more pebbles and throwed it towards Hina, all the 20 pebbles started growing and started taking form.


--Queens Area--x20


All the figures reppeled each other due to the repelling effect when Two or more Queens area touched each other.

One was repelled forward towards Hina much more faster, it should have consume Hina if it gets within range but instead it got repelled to another direction.



Hina Disappeared and reappeared behind the creature, --True Transformation-- her right hand transformed into mithril and some mixture of other Hardest metals

She clenched her right fist and her elbow transformed into something that is highly recognizable in Earth even kids would know, That the shape that Hina's elbow turned into was a Rocket Booster.

Fire came out of the booster and pushed Hina's arm to punch the creature in the speed of 25,000 mph in just a fraction of a second and with the help of magic that speed was further more boosted to an insane amount.

The punch landed on the creatures back and it was sent flying while being torn to pieces because of the speed it was flying, The moment it landed on the ground it made a crater in the ground.

Hina once again disappeared and reappeared above one of the creatures, this time she punched the creature in the head causing it to crash in the ground right below it and make a huge crater. The other creature that was nearby jumped at Hina, at the same time the rocket booster became a normal elbow, and Hina's palm showed signs of transforming.

In the middle of her palm a circle appeared like a certain superhero who used his high tech suit to fight aliens, and terrorist, then tiny Rocket booster grow out of the rest of her palm, as soon as the circle glowed and the rockets spewed fire Hina's whole body turned around in mid air clockwise. The back of her hand hit the creatures head that jumped out for her, causing its head to be separated from its body and blown into another direction , and the separated body flew spirally like a tornado in mid air.

All the other Creatures stopped on their tracks seemingly shock that three of them has already been defeated in less than 5 seconds. Hina did not stop her attacks and 2 more creatures were defeated.

--Queens Area-- One of the creature dashed for Hina along the way its claws were covered in black flames.Hina stamped her foot on the ground, and spikes came out from the ground moving towards the creature, although as soon as they reached the creature they all disappeared due to the skill. --00:00:01--

The creature reached Hina in no time and swiped its claw downward causing the flames from its claws to be sent flying towards Hina. Hina protected herself by erecting the ground to form a barrier beetwen her and the flames. The creature launched itself towards the wall of ground, considering that it was still activating its skill it should be able to punch through the wall with no effort needed.

A hole opened for it to pass through, and as the creature's head reached the other side of the hole,--00:00:02-end- what it saw was a foot ready to stamp its face horizontally.

Hina's knee transformed into a rocket booster, and the foot transformed into a mixture of hard metals.


The creature's skill had already ran out of time and was stamped by Hina straight to the face, Which caused it to be sent flying out of the hole like a bullet being fired out of a gun.

Hina once again disappeared, one creature flew towards the sky, another one flew to the horizon, the two creature that was close to each other disappeared to nothingness, another one was punched down to the ground and caused a huge crater to appear, one was punched and burned by black flames.

Hina was moving at a blinding speed where not even the dopples could follow her nor sense her presence, and in less than a minute all the dopples have been defeated.

"How!? They were your Dopple's!! they should have the same fighting abilities as you do! how in the hell did they lose!?" The Goddess in Estifan Screamed in anger and frustration.

The creatures did indeed have Hina's Fighting abilities but they did not have the same thinking ability as Hina did have, now that she is awake. The Dopples would just attack and attack just like how Hina did when she was unconsciously attacking the goddess last time.

The goddess did not fight a fully thinking Hina, that's why she can't make the Dopples think like her... but now she saw her fighting while using her thinking power, she can now Dopple out Hina with the same level of thinking.

"Hahhaa!! now I know how you fight I can dopple you out!"

The goddess picked up more pebbles, but suddenly Hina appeared right in front of her in a blink of an eye. Hina once again transformed her elbow into a rocket booster and punched the Goddess in the chest. The punch generated a strong blast of wind and a sonic boom , her hand went through the chest but there was no blood nor something that is touched, The pebbles that the Goddess was holding went through her hand and fell to the ground with no signs of transforming. The goddess had used --Dimensional Slip-- to escape the deadly blow from Hina.

"Are you crazy!? you could have killed the guy who came to your aid!" the goddess screamed.

Although the goddess could have just let the body of Estifan be pierced since she was just putting her soul into him, and her original body was safe she could have just let Estifan die , but she acted on extinct to either defend, dodge or escape any sudden attack this time she escaped it using a magic. Or that's what she thought.

--Flame Destruction series: Bullet--

a tiny flame bullet shot out of Hina's middle knuckle at an amazing speed. It went to a certain direction.

(She's gonna hit my original body!.. wait its okay my body is covered in thick layer of crystal, it should be o-)

"Ghack!?" the Goddess cried in pain. causing her to step backwards and release the --Dimensional Slip--

"gha- how?" the goddess asked while in pain.

"Just a little scientific thing" Hina replied with a smile.

She made a gun gesture with her fingers and pointed it to where it shot last time. This time the goddess face showed signs of panic.

Another fire bullet appeared on Hinas tip finger, the bullet started spinning at an amazing speed the air around it started creating a strong ventilation and..


The bullet was fired and it went for the goddess body for the second time. As it was traveling, strong gust's of winds were being produced around it, and soon enough it broke the sound barrier and started moving at much more faster speed.

"Curse You!!" The goddess in Estifans's body screamed.

--Possesion cancelled---

And the body collapsed to the ground, like a puppet that had all its strings cut.


A loud explosion roared through the sky and a huge pillar of flames like from a nuclear explosion.

The ground was charred black due to the explosion and only one figure stood in the middle of the charred ground.



A loud scream came from a Man who's wielding a glowing sword.

Shwirterve His sword came coming down toward a black figure that broke his Magical Defense that was casted by Koichi to protect him.

When he drew his sword in order to protect himself from the black figure's attack. he did block the attack from directly hitting him but at the same time he was sent flying to the opposite direction. He managed to keep his balance and landed by clawing the ground In order to stop his flying momentum.

in a blink of an eye the figure appeared and attacked him.

Shwirterve swings his sword upward in an attempt to slice the figure

But the figure quickly reacted and jumped backwards.

Though the upward swing was followed by a Flame Slice, the follow up Flame Slice hit the figure directly but it did not affect the figure what so ever, the flame was not weak in fact it was a Destruction category Flame magic, the second most powerful category of magic.

"Tsk" Shwirterve clicked his tongue.

As for the others they were also facing the same crisis, they can't inflict any kind of damage towards the figure.

Except for Lilith who took down the figure in one attack.... at least.

She accidentally casted healing magic to the Figure, as for why, and how.

It was because Lilith has a Skill gift called Healers Hand anything that she touched will be healed, for small cuts it can be healed instantly, as for injuries like broken bones or large cuts it'll take at least a minute depending on the damage, as for serious injuries like losing a body part it'll take an hour to fully heal and regrow. This skill Uses Light attribute to activate its healing and as for the black figure it was pure darkness magic that makes out its whole body. and for some reason Lilith's Healers Hand highly affected the black figure, as soon as the figure made contact with her hand the figure crumbled to dust.

As for, Koichi tried cutting the black figure by erasing space between the the body, but the figures body has a high regeneration. As for Diaz who has the most disadvantageous fight, since he specializes in Darkness magic his attacks would just be like a passing air for the Black Figure. For Solomon, he used his Future Sight to dodge every attack from the Black figure, Luke was also beside him since Luke can't think Claude would order him every time. Claude did not bother attacking as he can already see the outcome of the attacks that he was about to do and has just waited for a.....


After the explosion the black figure that Diaz and the others were fighting turned to stone and crumbled into dust.

You might be wondering why two people are missing, which is Chi lu Huang(Owner of title: Gluttonous King) and Lilia Lilia.

Chi Lu Huang Specializes in space magic and most of his magic originated from his Title, without his title he lost his ability in combat. And as for Lilia Lilia she is a Jack-Of-all-Trades, she can use all kinds of magic, and learn them, but she can never master them to their full potential so her combat ability is 40% lesser than the others. Since both of them were less combat effective they were tasked to evacuate the people from villages and city nearby. Chi Lu Huan and Lilia can use space time magic they can help the evacuation by opening a gate towards a much safer place.

And currently they are helping the evacuation thats why they aren't fighting with the others.


One figure stood in the middle of the scorched ground, clutching her own right shoulder.

Her shoulder had a small shallow hole.

When she cancelled her Possession and returned to her original body. In the same time the Flame bullet has sunk a few centimeters into her shoulder.

The Flame bullet was supposed to explode once it pierced the body and reach the other side, due to the sudden pain the goddess reflexively and quickly casted Dimensional Slip, causing the bullet to reach the other side and explode.

The Flame Bullet was supposed to burn her body, and the first one was to burn her from the inside. The hole in her shoulder started regenerating but the big hole in her left Chest did not, no more exactly it was regenerating but the flame kept eating away her regenerating flesh. The regenerating speed and the strength of the flame were equal, that's why the hole isn't getting bigger and the hole isn't closing either. Nevertheless the pain of burning is still there, and the goddess is feeling that pain constantly in her left chest making her face twist in pain and agony.


A loud boom echoed and in a second Shwirterve appeared in front of the Goddess with a strong intent to kill.

Shwirterve swung his sword from under the goddess foot up to her neck, The goddess moved backwards to avoid the swing. Shwirterve already considered that the goddess will dodge his first swing, that's why he had another sword or more likely a Rapier a sword that is specifically made to pierce a person, and he pierced the goddess in the neck at the same time he activated the Rapier's ice magic enchantment in an attempt to freeze the goddess.


The goddess froze instantly but it would only stop her movements for at least 1 second.

But that one second was enough time for him to distance himself and....

"Luke Cast --Disentegrate-- and fire it towards that goddess" Claude commanded

and pointed at the frozen Goddess.



A LOUD roar escaped the goddess mouth and she was engulfed in white light.

"Koichi use Mirror to Reflect Disentegrate-- Back to the Goddess, Diaz! use your Darkness Magic to Bolster their power!" Claude give another command.

"Understood here goes --Shadow boost--"

Luke's body emitted black particles and so did Koichi.

"Lilith! Cast fast mana recovery to them and also heal their exshuastion!" Claude turned to Liliths direction and shouted.

"Got it" Lilith responded.

now Luje and Koichis body are not only emitting black particles, this time white particles started surrounding them.

(I've already seen to the future With Foresight and I know for a fact that we Can't even kill the Goddess, but with what we're doing now we should be able to hold out until ''he'' wakes up.)

Claude looked towards the direction of Hina and the other two sleeping bodies.

Foresight- is Claude's God Magic it lets him see a whole one minute into the future.

and right now he had already seen many future and none of those future have they ever won, Claude has only picked one of the best future he can. And now the goddess is trapped in an endless onslaught of Disintegrate, unable to escape.

Her body gets burned to ash but she keeps regenerating, not only she was being scorched to ash outside her body but also inside due to the effect of Hina's first Flame bullet.

their onslaught have continued until 5 minutes have passed.

"Its time" Claude whispered to himself.

Just as he said that a voice echoed from the sky.


<Revoking All Temporary Acquired Titles>

<Revoking All Temporary Skills>

<Revoking Connection Permission To Eden>

The voice of the world announced, and the disintegrate that Luke has been casting grew smaller and smaller, weaker and weaker until it totally Disappeared. As for Luke he was left slumped on the ground like a Clothe that fell to the ground and as for Hina she fell to her knees feeling to weak to even move.

"It burns I smell like a burnt food" The goddess casually spoke as if she hadnt gone through an intense pain. Her body was still releasing smoke and the burnt part of her was still slowly returning to normal with a *shhhh* sound.

(Estifan and Luke is unconscious, Hina has no more strength left, Lilith has exhausted her magic, Chi lu and Lilia are currently helping the people to evacuate and as for me I can --)

*Shwsshh* A blade came swinging down towards Claude But he just moved swiftly as if he was expecting it to happen.

(-- Dodge her attacks using my Foresight)

Another swing came from the side, Claude just stepped a few steps backwards and the swing did not reach him.

--Black Flames-- Black flames burns the ground

--Fireballs-- Multiple fireballs surrounded Claude

*Snap* Arrows with different colors shot for Claude

--Summon: Shadow Servant-- Black figures came out from the shadows and attacked Claude

--Blackhole-- a black sphere appeared

More attacks came for Claude but he dodges them perfectly with no damage taken he also attacks if he sees some opening.

"Tch annoying" The goddess clicked her tongue in displeasure and annoyance.

She attacks and Claude dodges her attacks with ease. Just like how you try to kill a mosquito but somehow keeps escaping and bites you back.

"How are dodging my attack!?" She screamed.

"Just as long as there's a possible way to dodge your attacks I can dodge them." Claude commented.

"Is that so? then how about this"


Multiple arrows with different colors appeared once again, but this time the arrows were arranged to form a sphere around Claude, Due to the sheer amount of arrows the inside of the sphere cannot be seen and same goes for the inside.

Cold sweat started forming on Claude, As of now he could not see any way of getting out of the Sphere unharmed.

He has Dodged all of the Goddesses attack by using his foresight, by picking out the best possible way to dodge all attacks he has survived up to this point with no single scratch. But now all of the possibilities he is seeing aren't the ones you're gonna call 'Best', the most he can do is lose one of his arm to survive the Sphere of arrows, considering that he can still survive with a lost arm it was a good trade since Lilith can just Regrow it using her Healers hand.

Claude won't have any problems with losing his arm but what his worrying about is what happens after he survives this attack.

(I can't see any further to the future! this only means that I might die, but that can't be right even if I die I would see how I would die, but what I see in the future is all black but why?-)


All the arrows simultaneously flew towards Claude.

--Mana Suit-- his body was enveloped by Mana which allowed him to deflect the arrows and shield himself from the arrows,

But because it uses mana to stay active, it was burning through Claude's Mana Reserves like fire burning through a thin sheet of paper.


The arrows got deflected just when only one arrow was left-- (Ah! I reached my limit)-- Claude ran out of Mana.

The arrow pierced Claude's right arm, his hand started rotting and melted if left alone the effects of the arrow would spread to his whole body, knowing that that would happen Claude quickly chopped his right arm from his shoulder with his hand. He gritted his teeth because of the pain, he jumped backwards away from where he once was and crouched in the ground while breathing very heavily.

"haaaah...haaaah...kh! it hurts!" He wisphered in pain and fell to his knees

"Hahahahahaha!!! I'm impressed! you cut your own arm to prevent the rotting effects from spreading" the goddess sneered.

"But it seems you're at your limit" the goddess raised her arm ---BLACK HOLE--- and

A big black round object appeared above her.

Claude has no more Mana and has already exhausted his body to the limits, right now its even impossible for him to even move his fingers.

(Ah a black hole, that's why I can't see how I die, that black hole will swallow me up before I even know it)

"Disappear Human!"



Where am I? Wasn't I supposed to go back?

After the Gods have finished their business with me they sent me back and I was sent like how a certain God who uses a hammer in a very famous Superhero movie would travel from his world called asgard and to earth.

It took a long while, when suddenly I felt like my body was being pulled back.

"Yo! nice to meet you rookie" a god with bluesh outline around his body, longhaired and has a face of an old man came waving his hand towards me with a big smile.

"How you doin? I'm the God of Time and Space, I name myself 'Cedric' for Convenience seek" he said.

"umm I should be sent back now so" I spoke.

"oh yeah sorry about that, Actually Death wanted to talk to you so"

Suddenly a figure with black outline appeared behind Cedric.


He sure made a mistake no wonder I experienced a a sudden chill after he gave me his gift.

So all I have to do is control the soul and order it to go back to Eden Right?

"Yes that's right, when the soul arrives I'll take care of the other things that needs to be done" he confirmed.

"Yosh now that it'd done I should let you go back now, if I use my power I can send you back to Hearth in a heart beat, here goes *snap*" After Cedric snapped his fingers my entire body was enveloped by blue lights.

And the scenery changed.

"Sky?" I seem to be laying on the ground as there were tiny pebbles poking my back.

"Hahahahahaha!!! I'm impressed! you cut your own arm to prevent the rotting effects from spreading"

I heard a laughing voice from afar, I turned my head towards the source. I saw a man who lost his arm kneeling, and a Figure of a woman laughing.

"But it seems you're at your limit"


Okay clearly the woman is the bad guy her right? She has that Dangerous aura around her and her voice was like a voice of a possessed person you will hear in the movies.

"Disappear Human!"




Finally I got rid of one nuisance, no wonder that human can dodge all of my attacks, he had an eye that can see the future. What an annoying God Eye.

A smile crept into my face as a feeling of satisfaction filled my body.

"AH killing is fun, Next time I wanna try torturing"

Another smile formed in my face as I imagine a face filled with pain and despair.

"It does feel amazing, No wonder She was always happy when she harasses somebody, that Sadistic woman"

I remembered the woman who was so beautiful and charming that at first glance she would also be the nicest person. But as they say Don't judge the book by its cover. She was twisted to the core, I wonder why did the Heir of the Suzuki Family fall for her.

"Now lets find a town to destroy, oh lucky me! There's one right over there"

I slowly walked towards the town while thinking about the things I can do in there.

"heheheheheehehehe hahahahahah--"

"Phew, that was close"

"WHAT THE!?!!!!!!!"

Shino's Perspective….

"Disappear Human!"

--PROGRAM--- I focused my eye on the big Black ball

[Name = Black Hole]

[Type = Magically produced object]

[Size = 5 meters]...…

"Search; Effects"

[Effects = If %Object% Hits 'Collision Surface', Then 'Destroy' %Object%, Ifelse then 'stop']

"search; 'collision"

[Collision Surface = Activated]


[Collision surface = Disabled]

"Now I just need to touch it"

---TELEPORT--- I teleported infront of the black ball and raised my hand, I was a little worried if this would actually work. I mean this was the first time that I'd be using this gift after all.

*TING* But I guess it worked and now me and the guy is just surrounded by complete darkness.

(I guess 'ifelse' also included being reprogrammed, if it hadn't the ball would just keep going forward forever)

"now I should at least stop this guy's from dying from blood loss"


[Name: Claude Solomon]

[Species: Human]

[Title: Hero …..]

His whole arm is torn apart, I can heal it but right now I have to use Recall to be able to create a spell or even a potion and that takes a lot of time and concentration. In my current situation even if I heal him the blood that was lost wont come back. I could return the blood if I know his blood type and how much blood he lost. But unfortunately he already fainted and I don't even know whats the deference between blood types, meaning I cant use Recall. I could make a Blood Potion but again I never encountered that kind of potion in Games or even fantasy books, not to mention if I myself cant figure out how it works it might just end up like a blood destroying potion.

That means I cant use Recall or any spells that takes time.

Maybe For now I should change his Species to something that does not die by just having an arm teared off.

How about an 'undead' species? he might lose his reasoning if he becomes something that doesn't have any Will, like a zombie or a Skeleton for example. A vampire? I mean vampires exist here right? Its a fantasy world after all. But its broad daylight outside if I turn him into a vampire he might turn to dust….

Oh! How about I make him a Noble Vampire?! like the ones in a movie and books if this really is a fantasy world almost and most of its creature are basically the same as in the books then this should work. In movies and books vampires with noble blood doesn't get affected by the sun, and they practically have a Regeneration ability, its a win-win.

"Change Species to Nob-" Wait, maybe I'll make him into a king just to be sure that he doesn't die in the sunlight.

"Vampire King"

And I touch him and Vowala!! He is now a.

[Species: Vampire King]

Just after I Touched him the Black ball Started Disappearing.

"Phew, That was close"

When I looked at the Woman her face was filled with surprise. Will I guess anybody would be if they thought they've killed you by using a sure kill spell just to see you standing there unharmed.

"WHO are YOu!" she screamed in a broken voice.

"I'm Harutsuki Shino, Nice to meet you" I replied in a polite manner.

And for some reason the Woman's face changed like she just realized something.

"Harutsuki? Wait.. You cant be! You're That Sadistic Woman's Younger Brother!?" she screamed.

By Sadistic woman she meant my Sister? If she knows her then that means she's a Rampant soul!

To think I would do my accepted request as soon as I Returned, my luck sure is something.

"I'm sorry but it seems I have to send you back to Eden"

---Soul Ruler---

I just have to touch a dead's soul to be able to control them. If she's one of the rampant soul then if I just touch her I'll be able to control her since she doesn't have a body, she just has her soul.

That's what the information said when it was given to me as a Gift.

But before I can reach her she jumped backwards away from me and at the same time she attacks me with an arrow.

"stay away From me!!" Her face twisted in anger and fear.

Does she know about my hand?

"I don't know what you are trying to do, but just being near you sends chills into my spine"

She points at me and raises her hand. A large magic circle started forming in the sky.

"I summon, the Army of Death! Rise from your graves and raise havoc and Destruction, in the name of Chaos!!" She screamed.

And dark figures started forming from the ground, not just 1 or 10 but Hundreds of them maybe even thousand's!

All of the figures started running towards me in great speed.

"An army Huh? It will take at least a minute for them to reach me, in the mean time I should do something"

I put my index finger on my head, closed my eyes and started thinking.

(what kind of thing can fight an army, A golem? No if its an army surely there must also be mages in the group, a horde of monsters? No that would take to much time. Hmmmm oh I got it!!!)

(Big black wings, huge body, scales that cannot be penetrated easily, strong hind legs, long and huge tail, huge amount of Mana, A head with a horn, and a brain blessed with Wisdom, The ability to Cast Any Magic, Ruler of the sky, I RECALL A Dragon!) When I opened my eyes orbs of light started combining in front of me. Seconds Later a big Black dragon formed from the orbs.

Just in time the first wave of the army arrived mostly made up of skeletons.


A loud roar that even caused an earthquake resounded, Causing all Skeletons to shake and collapse in seconds due to the sheer vibration caused by the roar. As for the other part of the first wave such as the zombies and wraiths. The zombies were unable to move maybe they sensed that this was an enemy they can't win. As for the Wraiths they have slowly possessing the zombies to attack the dragon.


But before they could even move they were met with a mighty tail swing from the dragon and the others was pierced with the sharp claws and bitten by its big Sharp teeth.

After Finishing off the first wave, by only doing physical attacks the Dragon Finally resorted to its magic.

It opened its mouth widely, multiple magic circle's started appearing infront of it and then.


A roar accompanied by Flames Whirling from its mouth towards the second wave of army.The dragon moves its head side to side as it continues its breath attack.

If I were to describe it, the sheer power of the fire breath was maybe almost equal to nukes back in earth.

"How!!! Thats Impossible!!! How COULD YOU Summon a Dragon While I A Goddess CAnnOT!!??"

The woman screamed loud enough for me to hear.

Oh yeah I almost forgot I have to send her back to Eden. Thats enough standing and admiring the fight I should start moving.

I walked towards the dragon and touched its leg.

"Come with me I need to you to take care of the army while I take on the woman" I spoke towards the dragon.

It stopped its relentless Fire breath and turned towards me. I didn't really Imagined its face when I used Recall but man his face is scary.

"Understood Creator, Please lead the way."

His voice sounds polite and humble. Like how you would imagine a butler to sound like.

I never removed my hand from its leg so when I teleported he was taken with me.

The scenery distorted for a second and returned to normal, only this time we are now infront of the woman. I quickly moved my hand to touch her but as expected an arm of a flimsy programmer isn't fast enough. She jumped once again to escape.

The dragon has already jumped off towards the hordes of enemy spreading havoc and destruction.

I should end this quickly.


I teleported behind her and tried to touch her again.


But something invisible repelled me and stopped me from touching her. She was now inside an invisible barrier most likely a space magic type.


"Search: Function"

[Search Result: Function= %Object% inside "Barrier" is 'Separated' from 'dimension = Current']

(So in Short I can't attack her from outside, okay how about this)

I Focused my stare at the invisible barrier and a pop-up appeared.

[You Are currently restricted from accessing this program]

That's what it says.

(So I guess I cant edit the barrier huh?) "Then how about this?"


As Long as I can see where I am going I will be able to go there.

"HAHaHA!! HE ran away! He knew he cant break my barrier so he ran Away!"

She Was laughing like a stereotypical villain in some anime show. She let her guard down, and that was what I expected.

"Is that what you thought?" I Whispered but she still heard me.

"IMPOSSIBBLE!!" her face was seriously distorted in disbelief.

And again anyone would be; you thought you're inside the safest barrier and then somebody from the outside suddenly appears behind you and spoke.

But thanks to her shock I was able to touch her back.

---Soul Ruler---

As I activated the gift a black miasma started bubbling out from my hand and transferred on the woman.

"!!!??" her eyes glowed red and she gritted her teeth. She clutched her chest and fell to her knees.

"GAH!!" The Black miasma was starting to spread throughout her body.

Now if my memory serves right she just needs to be stabbed at least once or wounded in any way so that her physical body would collapse and free the soul a scratch should do.

I used recall to let a knife appear in my hand. I gripped the knife tightly and proceeded to slash her but before I could, I suddenly felt a cold sensation passing through my body like a droplet of cold water slowly creeping down from your neck to your back. Before I knew it I was already out of the barrier, that cold sensation must have been because I left the barrier's effective range. The woman already jumped away from me.

"This is gonna be tricky, I cant move fast and my reaction time is as slow as a turtle, its a miracle that I wasn't attacked yet. I'm a programmer damn it! I'm not a freaking battle maniac."

She has obviously upgraded her protection, I mean the space around her is distorting and the ground she is standing on has a magic circle on it, there are also some black objects floating around her, and her body is appearing and disappearing.

when I looked at the sky I saw a skull flowing towards the woman….


But it did not reach her because it disappeared once it reached the distorted area around the woman, half of it was shot by the black objects and was stop in the air by the magic circle.

I stared blankly at the woman. (Seriously? She upgraded it to an absorbed level!? Even the Freaking dragon wont be able to get close with those things installed!!!)

If this was a game and she was a boss she would be very broken, players wont be even be able to scratch her, and the development team and company would be swarmed with complaints.



[Un-accessible Area]


[Restricted Area]


[Unable To Enter]


My head was attacked by high-pitched ringings causing me to cover my ears instinctively and lower my head. After maybe at least 2 minutes the ringing finally stopped. But my vision was flooded by notice bars, I cant even see. Slowly the notices slowly disappeared one by one finally letting me see.

The woman still haven't moved from her place and she seems to be struggling on standing.

She was breathing heavily and she seems to be very tired.

"Hehehehe, how's that Huh? I even used magic spells only Gods have access to, there's no way you can enter this space"

Yup there is no way for me to enter in the area. Only gods can enter huh? ....

I stared at the woman and focused.

--PROGRAM--Search: Species


[Species = God(Chaos)]



[You are not allowed to 'edit' a GOD]

So it was useless huh? This gift doesnt work on myself so… I'm out of ideas.

Just when I was giving up a sound and a notification popped in my vision.

[Soul Manipulation: 48% complete]

[You Can Now issue a Short command]

Is what it says.

So that black miasma is trying to control the soul huh? Maybe that's why she is barely standing, she's fighting off the miasma somehow. So what does short command mean? Like a one word command? Or a short sentence command?

"Move your hand and slap your face" I said towards her.

"Haah? Have you gone mad? There is no way I--"


Before she could even finish talking she slapped herself in the cheek.


[60% complete]

Whoa it jumped from 48 to 60 because of one slap! So that means if she is physically harmed the miasma can control her much faster.

"GAHHHH!!! That HurtS!!"

She screamed and she covered her cheek with both of her hands. The area that got slapped in her face for a moment disappeared but after a second it slowly materialized back into its former shape.


[Soul Manipulation: 20% Complete]

[You Can Now Issue a Simple one word command]

It went down from 60 to 20! how? Is it because she's fighting back? "gaaaaaah" I looked towards her and I can see that she is currently stiffing her body and now I can see her Mana Concentrating into something like a ball around her. She is concentrating very hard, but even so she still kept staring at me with bloodlust.

"...Before…" She said something in a weak voice.


"..before..I..am defeated..I'll…."

I cant hear her because of the battle between a dragon and an army happening behind me.

"sorry I ---" I suddenly felt like being hit by a wave of water while my vision was being filled with the woman's Mana. The mana infront of me gets thicker and thicker and the Woman's Mana that surrounds her slowly becomes thinner and smaller. "--Can't hear you…"

Slowly the Wave of mana disappears and I can finally clearly see. I hurriedly looked behind me and then I saw Dozens of Bundles of Mana Flying towards different Directions.

"She Distributed her Mana?" I turned to look at the woman who was now Manaless, not even a single speck of Mana left in her.


[99% Complete]

[You can now issue Full commands(Not-Absolute)]

I walked towards her slowly. I can tell that the defenses she was using is now gone but I still need to proceed slowly she might have setup a trap or something.

"Give up"

After saying one line the woman collapsed and slowly her physical body slowly disappeared into tiny light and dark particles. The only thing left is a small orb-

-[Physical Body dispersed]

[100% Complete]

[You can now issue Absolute commands]--I just need tell her soul to return to Eden and my job here is done.

"Return to Eden"

The orb resonated for a couple of seconds as if confirming my commands, and then it slowly floated to the sky and disappeared.

I'm the worst. I can't even keep ma promise.

Any way I'm planning on writing the next chapter with some R-18 scene so tell me if you want the characters to do it all the way!

In the comments(just say R18). Be quick so that I can finish the next chapter.

TofaTrefo15creators' thoughts