
In another world but arent I Op?

Poweratgamer · Fantasi
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17 Chs

Night venture and the maid

It was already night. I had heard there was a group of bandits camping in the forest.

"My king pls take care"

"Yeah I'll be back"

I performed a leap of faith out of the balcony. And as I fall I changed into a jet black long coat. I break my fall by using air magic. I land in a cool manner by performing a 3- point landing.

I then immediately run to the direction of the supposed bandit camp

"Let' drink bois!"

" Today was a success!"

A band of bandits we're drinking deep in the forest

"Hahahaha, when she said ' pls just let my son live! Please!' Was hilarious so as thanks I killed her, Hahahahha!"

"Did you see her face when she croaked? What a joke"

"What about that child screaming 'pls, let me live! I didn't do anything!" Hahaha. So I told him ' If you wanna live show us your wort—"

Before that scum could finish his sentence he was stabbed in the head by a jet black sword.

The bandits with him jumped in surprise

"You bastard who are you!—wait? A midget?"

"Don't worry I'm just a midget out for night training, NOW SHOW ME WHERE ARE THE VALUABLES!?"

"Y-you bastard!"


When I screamed that they went silent.

"You there jump for me I know you have valuables on you!"

The man I pointed to jumped and when he jumped I heard a ching ching

"There I heard it go ching ching!"

"What's this midget's deal?!"

"Well anyway I'm just here to test out some trial techniques so don't worry" I smiled at them

"B-bastard!" They took out their swords and axes then one of them charged at me

"Trial technique: Slice n' dice" As the name implies I put magic into my sword then start Slicin and dicin

"OraOraOraOraOraOraOraOraOra!" I stopped

"Uh… woops?"

"B-bastard! How dare you!"

"Hmm better to test out 'Black Ballad' on you then"

"Stop talking shit! I'm still a master of the royal sword! You'll regret looking down on me!" He sliced at my chest

"Wha?!" He looked at me and was surprised to see I was standing unhurt

"Hehehe sorry to disappoint this coat of mine is quite hard you see?"

"Fuck?" The man attempts a thrust to my head. But I dodge by stepping to the side.

"Whoa" the man attempts multiple slashes but I go with the flow and dodge all of them with the most minimal movements



A head fell to the floor. After he stopped his slashes I immediately slashed with 'Black Ballad' to kill him as swift as possible

I thought he was a disappointment since he was so weak, since the military and knight commanders we're much stronger than him, and because he called himself a master

"So this is the spoils they have today. Know that I've avenged you merchants"

After looting the corpses I buried the civilian corpses and had Nasir eat the bandit corpses


I accidentally hit a wooden box covered with a cloth. I checked what was inside the cloth. I was mistaken it wasn't a wooden box it was instead a metal cage and something was inside it

Hmm? A cage? Maybe a slave…? A decomposed corpse…? No, It's still alive.

Huff huff sniff

Is this perhaps a upper stage curse of Belghata?... the mysterious accursed disease that leads the body to rot, and eventually leads to death. The one's with this disease are normally given to a holy magic user to be purified then, In popular rumors after purifying they are killed

I already found that the reason this happens is because they're magic is out of control, but, wait this…

I saw that there was something more to the curse instead

Heh so that's the cause of this huh rampaging magic with a large amount of magic to accompany it. Wait when I healed Alex my magic control and mana reservoir sky rocketed, hehehe let me experiment on you then fufufu


After this I went and stored this cage in the slime castle then went home. I told Barbarossa what happened and told him that 'I wont be at home most of the time so pls tell the others that'.

It was the next day. I had breakfast then went to slime castle. I then experimented on the slave. I was worried that the slave might die so I gave her some water to drink. After feeding it I started experimenting on this lump of rotting meat. It wasn't my own body so I had no qualms of pouring in tons and tons of my mana into it. The experimentation went with me making my mana go left, right, and up & down. It went well until a month passed by, when the lump of meat reverted it's form

The lump of rotting meat was a blonde elf, she was the same age as me

"H-how? My body was almost completely rotten… and it… reverted back…!? I don't know how to express my gratitude… pls let me devote my whole life to repay you!"

"Ok then" I kneel down and give a hand to her " be mine"

"Eh?ehhhhhh!?" Her face was flushed by hints of red. I tilt my head in confusion. The girl takes my hand

"Oh right what should I call you by?"

"You can call me Aerin uhm" Aerin was fidgeting after she took my hand

"Hmm? Something wrong?" I pulled her up then asked her a question

"P-pls take care of me!"

"Same to you then" I smiled at her. She was looking down but her face was still visibly red. I brought her back to the castle and Introduced her to my parents as someone I saved and asked them if she can be my personal maid

"Sure, but take care of her alright?"


"Beatrice can you measure this girls uniform?"

"On it"

Beatrice the head maid took Aerin out of the room. I left the room soon after

I went back to my room and laid on my bed. I took out 'the book of Genesis' out of my pocket and started to play some anime music

"It sure is an eventful start of my life" My consciousness slowly started to drift away till I fell asleep


"Hmmmm…hmmm?" I swayed my head side to side. I was trying to feel the softness of my bed but the only thing that I could feel was 2 soft yet firm pillows. Like a lap pillow.

I open my eyes And saw that Aerin was looking at me

I sit up and start telling Aerin what kind of person I am or rather my conviction

"Aerin, I saved you so that you can help me save people that we're cursed liked you and to save slaves who we're kidnapped by bandits, you fine with that right?"

"Umu! If it wasn't for you I would've already died, I will surely help you in this!"

"Thanks anyway, I'll be teaching you for the time being in the manner of swords and magic. I might be young but I'm still strong"

"I'll be in your care then" we stood up and went to the training grounds

The training grounds was still bustling with knights and there we're some people that I didn't know who they we're. I go to them and ask

"Uhm excuse me but who are you?"

"Oh prince Arthur your so mean for forgetting us, stop joking around hahaha" one of them patted me in the head, his other hand was holding his helmet and he was wearing a red suit of armor, and on his back was a longsword near the same height as him

I tilt my head

"Who are you?"

"You're kidding right?"


"Bobby, did you forget that he lost his memory a couple of months ago?"

"Wait! That was true!? I though they we're joking. Sorry then let me introduce my self" the knight bows his head "I am the commander of the 4th knight order Bobby Newmont"

After he introduce himself the others who we're accompanying him introduced themselves aswell

"Hello, I am the commander of the 1st knight order Keith Lou" The 1st knight order commander was wearing some gold colored armor and a magic sword like the grand marshal but his magic sword wasn't a broadsword it was a regular sword, thin yet so beautiful

"Hello, I am the commander of the 2nd knight order Monica Santha" the 2nd knight order commander was female and wearing blue coated armor she had 2 swords on her waist. She was most likely a duel wielder

The other knight commanders introduced themselves after wards

3rd knight order commander was named Will Reck and his weapon was a bow and small sword he was an elf

5th knight order commander was named Nina Loudi her weapon was an axe she was a WarWolf and apparently even in her tribe before she left she was an elite

There we're 10 knight orders but currently only 5 of them have returned while the other 5 are still out on missions

"Hello, I am Arthur Tethollis the 1st prince of the kingdom nice to meet you and she is"

"I am Lord Arthurs maid"

"Nice to meet you two anyways what are you doing here?" Nina asked us a question

"I was gonna teach her how to use a sword"

"Oh then goodluck"


I heard that to make it easy to know who they we're they introduced themselves using numbers instead of using there squad names. I also never learned what magic they used, but I heard that they had incredibly high skill to the point that the magic they used seemed like a new kind of magic