
Chapter 16: Defending the town

In the capital city of Yedina, Maris stood a man in a training room stood a man with long blonde hair he was shirtless his body ripped with muscles and many scars was along his body. Infront of of him stood a giant slab of metal that had blue aura surrounding it.

He held a sword in his hands as he slowly exhaled and inhaled, his blade glowed with a faint blue glow, in that moment he brought his blade down in one swift but also powerful motion, slicing through the slab infront of him cleanly.

???:"After so many years of training, I finally managed to reach the lower levels of the AAA-class." the man look at his hand that held his blade and clenched it.

???:"To think their are such a level only a few has reached, but I'm not done yet compared to the S-ranks. I'm nothing just a few more years of training and I'd be able to reach that level." said the man determined that's when a woman came in the room.

???:"Your majesty you have a meeting with the elf queen in a month." said the woman, the man in question turned around and picked up a towel to wipe his sweaty face.

???:"I see its time we discussed a treaty." this man Carlos Mackinia Yedina the 18th, the king of Yedina.

Carlos:"What is the meeting place Milan?" asked the king as he got on a shirt on his robes.

Milan:"At their territory they are a neutral race so we don't have to worry about an ambush, and it seems the reason they want to ally with us is due to a demon general infiltrating Dryandia." Dryandia is the entire territory the elves rule over, unlike the human and dwarves the elves, demons and beastmen are a united country.

Carlos:"I see, it's probably due to the nature of demonic magical power, it's extremely toxic to elves." said the king as he walked the halls of his castle with his secretary.

Milan:"My Lord there have a also been news of a new S-rank adventurer showing up." this suprised the king S-class are a rare breed they are capable of taking down calamity class beings.

Carlos:"Are you sure Milan! This is no joke he's a being capable of destroying this entire country! Why haven't I heard of this?!?!"

Milan:"My Lord I don't wish to be rude but, if you weren't busy locking yourself up in the training room you'd be able to catch up on all the latest news, everyone in the land knows of him and his fame is still spreading my lord."

Carlos:"*Sigh!* I know S-ranks are rare and he might be our best option of defeating the demons, after the summit, we should try getting a hold of him. Tensions has been rising between us and the demons I'm afraid a war will be breaking through in a few months."

Milan:"Sir the church tried to recruite him but failed, we'd have to give him a better offer than them."

Carlos:"I'll think of something later but right now, I have to see my darling Juniper!" said the man as ran off like a child to daughter's room, the secretary behind him could sigh at her kings antics.


It's been two months since the raid on the snow guardians and it's now close ro summer Luffy and Snow could be seen now playing with the kids from the church while Skipper and Dawn watched, the dog girl has been training and studying under Luffy in the ways of martial arts ever since she joined the party.

Snow:"You can't catch me! Na nana na na!🎵" she sang as the kids tried to catch her.

???:"No fair your an adventurer your faster than us!" compalained on of the boys. Snow brought down on her eye sacs and blew a raspberry at the children as she dodged another tackle from one of the kids.

Dawn:"Isn't that too unfair their just children!" said Dawn outraged while Skipper just sighed.

???:"Big bro Luffy can teach us how to fight!" said one of the younger boys the kids are currently surrounding Luffy.

Luffy:"Sure why not."

Dawn:"Luffy I think their a bit too young." said the knight with a worried look on her face.

Luffy:"Don't worry I'll just teach them a few moves."

Dawn:"Okay then."

-A few minutes later-

Luffy:"Okay I now go through the moves I showed you!" they kids were lined perfectly as they began to throw a number of swift and powerful blows, in perfect sync, the punches and kicks rippled through the air as each child had a look of focus on their faces.

Dawn and Snow seeing this had their jaw drops, as in just a few moments Luffy turned all the kids into skilled fighters, this is thanks to the .



Luffy:"You two have made great progress like these kids." he is telling the truth in terms of skills, they have gotten better, but they need more experience and physical strength"

???:"What is this?" said an elderly woman dressed like a nun, this was sister Maria an older nun at the church.

Luffy:"Oh hey the kids wanted me to teach them martial arts so I taught them a few moves."

Maria:"A few moves? Child I was an adventurer when I was younger I know skill when I see it."

Luffy:"You now it's like alot of people used to be adventurers in this town."

Maria:"Well that's because some us are retired are it isn't our primary choice of occupation, some normally do it as a side job."

Skipper:"That makes sense I guess."

*Dong Dong Dong!!!*

Luffy:"Isn't that?"

Maria:"The emergency meeting bell! Something is going on. Let's head to the town hall." They nod and went to the centre of town where the town hall is located, there they could see alot of people along Guilo and Mayor William.

Luffy:"Hey Guilo what did you do this time?" said Luffy with a small scowl.

Guilo:"Luffy this isn't my fault this time as well, an army of ogres led by an Ogre King has been spotted."

???:"Wait what how could you not notice this!" said a civilian.

Guilo:"I just learned this today, the messenger birds take atleast a day or two to get here, the army should be here in about two to three days, we don't have an force capable of fighting back, that and reinforcements would take a few days if not most a week so we'd have to evacuate." this seems to bring down the morale of the people.

Guilo:"Well that's if we didn't have S-rank adventurer among us." The people looked towards Luffy who's currently picking his nose. At that moment they all thought 'Is this the idiot who really slayed a demon?'.

Luffy:"Fine I'll do it Snow Dawn your coming with me." This shocked the two.

Snow:"S-sensei I don't think I can fight an entire army alone."

Dawn:"Luffy I agree with Snow I don't think we can survive something like that."

Luffy:"Don't worry about it I have your back, plus I deal with most of them this is training to get you guys used to fighting a large amount of opponents."

???:"We're coming too strawhat!" said a group of adventurers.

???:"Don't think just because your the strongest we'll let you have all the action."

???:"This is our home to protect too!"

???:"I don't care if I die atleast I'll die protecting my home!"

Luffy:"Shishishishishi! Alright then then let's kick some Ogre ass!"