
Imprison Me: Gold Edition

(A new and improved story of Imprison Me. A exciting thrill of a story that sucks you in the world of New Apple City where it creates the world around you.) (Disclaimer: This novel is entirely Fictional. The world and people are fictional. This novel isn't created to insult or upset anyone based on religion and the way one might be perceived.) (Viewer discretion Is Advised: Strong Sexuality and Harsh Language. 18+) (The images I use, I do NOT own. I get them on Google, Bing, or Pinterest. Will mark creators if I find the names.) Book Summary: As soon as they stared at each other for more than a second- it felt like something clicked for the both of them, as if a key's been turned unlocking sets of gears that started to turn. Both of their hearts beating the same rhythm connecting all of the puzzle pieces of an ancient puzzle that's been waiting to be finished. The pair of silver eyes seem to devour the blue ones- like the ground reaching up and pulling down the sky. Unable to take the pressure anymore- the young man shifted his delicate eyes but something in the back of his mind yelled at him to turn back his attention.

JaideDWaters · Seni bela diri
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6 Chs

Chapter 2: Flowers swaying in the breeze



10:30 a.m.

A Small light-blue screen announced a little above the nightstand that's next to the single person bed. The lump in the covers started to squirm once a small bird like sound rung out into the room. Thin fingers made their way out from underneath- slamming down weakly as the other hand pulled down the blanket to reveal a half-sleeping face. Brown hair sticking up in every direction in the back as the young man just sat in the bed not moving. Jerking awake once he heard the alarm go back off- blue jewel-like eyes with a light mist, still in a daze from the dream he's forgetting every second more he's waking up. All he could remember is that it was a very lovely dream about Matthew.

The dreams started that night he ran into him- the two days after was the same thing, Lex and Matthew would run into each other while he gave the business man his order, with a little small talk here and there- they made a small relationship. On the third day, Lex grew curious on the man and started searching The Net on anything he could find on the man and his company. He was the youngest CEO to be a successful Trillionaire in over 40 years. His rivals call him a tyrant and a thug while his neighbors call him a mastermind and moneymaker- all can agree that he strives for perfection.

Some days were different from others- Lex could remember bits and pieces or not at all, on special nights he would remember the dreams more vividly than other nights. Piecing together that the dreams was about Matthew and him; he watched from a viewer's perspective- The two characters before him was dressed in unique style clothes and their faces was covered by white mist. Matthew wore a light color tunic that resemble pure silver as the moonlight radiated off his chest- his long hair tied up neatly with a silk strand. A large sword sheathed on his right hip- the sword resembled it's owner on looks, jewels surrounded the giant moonstone that is letting off a soft glow.

In his strong arms held a more delicate figure that nestled deep in his embrace. Rich silks tied to her body revealing an hour-shaped figured. Her long golden silk strands went all the way down to her ankles.

Lex stepped out of the shower, tying a towel around his waist. Water droplets left a path as he walked around his small apartment. It wasn't much to some people but Lex loved his small apartment. It was the first thing he could afford to get out on his own and when he left the orphanage along with all the negative memories that lingered there; he felt as if something got lifted off of his chest and was able to breathe again. The kitchen was attached to the living room as it all was just an open space located on the South side of the room. A small square table set was placed where one would consider the end of the kitchen- The living area was just as simple as the kitchen leaving with one, two-seater couch. A medium sized rectangle being displayed on the wall where the couch was facing indicating that's the t.v.

By the time Lex was done getting around and eating breakfast it was about noon. Enjoying the feeling of having a day off as he hummed a little tune under his breath. These days he felt a little better about himself- getting out more, getting a job, being around people. He defiantly felt his anxiety being chipped away at by a pickaxe. After facing the horrible episode, he faced for the last year- he felt something click in his brain telling him to fight against the darkness, so that's what he's been trying to do. Violet helped him get a job at The Cafe on the outskirts of the working class- separating them and the homeless. At first it was terrifying especially the boss but Lex soon realized the same thing he did with Violet; looks can be misleading. Grabbing his items as he went outside. The weather seem nice and there was a nice breeze ruffling his hair as he closed his eyes and felt the fingers of the wind.

Bouncing down the steel steps in his old sneakers heading to go meet-up with Violet at the park.


Lex slowly strolled around the park enjoying the company of the flowerbeds- not noticing the stares the handful of people that was at the park was giving him. Violet shot him a quick message telling him she was running late and to not go anywhere. After putting away his camera, he put his hands in his jeans and kicked around a small people. His stomach rumbled low letting Lex know to feed it-

'Mm, maybe I should get something to snack on at the station?'

Lex thought to himself not noticing a tall figure walking up behind him.

"Hi." The voice was low and deep dragging Lex's brain out of its thoughts- blue eyes snapping behind him as his wavy hair bounced in a circular motion. Heart pumping fast, not just because he was startled but because of who the voice belong to. His beautiful blue eyes seem to change color as they landed on the silver ones that seem to copy causing them both to turn this pure light color.

"Hello." Lex managed to squeak out, trying to mentally calm himself down- not knowing that was the sweetest hello Matthew has ever received, even though it wasn't his first as there was many times in the coffee shop when he took care of his order. This is, however, the first time they saw each other outside of the building causing Matthew to take the initiative to go up and speak first. They both stood in front of each other in silence for a minute, not knowing how to keep conversation going.

"Enjoying the park?" Matthew tried once again but not sure what to say- he had women before, but they never talked, they only participated in physical activates. Thinking back at those activities, Matthew grew sick to his stomach causing him to think of himself as unclean. The silver eyes flickered but not spilling any emotion that he was feeling underneath- Lex couldn't put his finger on it but when he saw the small flicker, his heart ached. An urge to reach out and soothe the tall man in front of him but held that urge down, locking it away.

"Yes. I like the flowers here- they're so pretty and well taken care of." Lex cracked a soft smile that spread his pink rose petals that's his lips. Matthew's eyes grew a shade lighter at that smile as his heart felt lighter- he couldn't help but to stare at those lips, stopping himself from kissing the beauty.

"Are you also enjoying the park?"

"No. I only came through this way because it's faster." Matthew couldn't help but to chuckle. He never really enjoyed public places, especially places that are open like parks. The Beauty's cheeks flushed a little darker pink than what it was- wanting to carry on the conversation but not sure what else to say. The business man watch the small creature in front of him stumble through his brain trying to rack ideas to say but was still not coming up with anything causing him to furrow his brows and curl up his nose.

The facial movements were adorable, Matthew couldn't help but to chuckle again. "If you enjoy these flowers- you should see the garden in my Villa. Maybe I'll take you there some time."

Lex wasn't prepared for the straightforwardness Matthew shot out causing his brain to be stumped and his tongue to be tied. Hearing the 'thump!thump!' pounding in his ears as his heart picked up its pace. From Lex's small ears to the tip of his cheeks, a bright pink blush broke out causing his complexion to shine.

Matthew swiftly glanced to his left, not wanting his eyes to leave the view in front of him. His dark eyebrows shifted inwards- irritation covered his face before shifting back into its original stone-cold face, not showing any emotion.

"It's a shame- but I must get going." Lex felt his heart drop a couple centimeters once he heard that, but he understood that he's a busy man. Giving a small nod- unable to say anything as he clenched his lips tightly together.

"Oh." Matthew said as something flashed in his memory causing him to turn back around. "My company is running this Education Program that helps provide credits to any class of your choosing exchange for labor. Obviously it'll be like any regular part-time job and you'll get paid weekly. We're conducting interviews for the spot in one week, on the 3rd."

"Is it a new program?" Lex was puzzled, he didn't read any information on an E.D Program when he looked on their website a couple days ago. Matthew broke out a smile and Lex grew redder as he realized what he asked- he made himself sound like he did a little research on his own. Matthew reached out his big hand that held a fancy but old fashion business card- old fashion because it has a physical form and not a digital form. The color of the card is a silky matte black that has silver lettering on it- it seems too fancy to be a business card. What Lex didn't know, is that it was one of Matthew's personal cards, that wasn't handed out to just anyone.

"The website has been updated so there should be the information on it, posted there. The card has all my information on it, including my personal number and email. If you have any further questions you can send me a message. I should really get going."

Lex nodded his head, lost in thought about the program as he mumbled out, "Have a good day at work."

Matthew broke out a smile and his heart felt stuffy as it grew in size- as he handed over the card, he made sure their fingers would 'accidentally' brush against one another leaving a lingering burn.

"We'll see each other again." As if he knew that for a fact and that made Lex's spirits lift somewhat. From the days they spent together- Lex quite enjoyed Matthew's silent personality, it comforted him.

Watching his back disappear as it turned the corner and vanished behind some trees- twirling the black card in his hands feeling the burning touch still on his fingers.


The happy feeling Lex was feeling all came crashing down around him as he heard the voice that spoke behind him. Needles broke out all down his neck causing his palms to sweat and subconsciously covering the card in his large sleeve. Fumbling around to see the individual who called out to him. His clean boy image was wrapped in a blue blazer, nice jeans, and rich shoes. His Dark brown hair bounced with each step he took closer to Lex, leaving behind the group of people that was waiting for him but didn't dare come any closer as they talked amongst themselves.

Lex wanted to turn and run away but he held firm- not wanting to seem rude. The young man that called out to him halted his steps a little late than he should've- his dark brown eyes seem to grow deeper the longer he was in front of Lex. Clenching on the strap of his bag that he carried with him but not so much it might cause attention. A bright smile shown across the man's face, flashing pure white teeth.

"I thought it was you!" Seeming more excited than should- feeling his heart yearn more, not wanting to take his eyes away.

Lex wasn't sure what to say- his inner self was screaming at him to just walk away but couldn't move his feet, as if they were glued there for good. Clenching on to the business card actually drew out strength from Lex as he somewhat calmed his nerves- finally opening his slightly trembling lips releasing a small mouse-like voice, unable to look away from the ground his eyes are glued to.

"Hi- Hi Lucas."

The wind picked up as if it was trying to shield Lex from unwanted harm- Different shades of brown drifts around the wind covering the dark eyes that seem to grow darker from watching Lex stand in the wind. It was like watching a fairy play in the wind, captivating everyone's attention.

Lucas swallowed down the low growl that's wanting to be released as he masked the emotions that he leaked out before speaking in a bubbly tone as if he was speaking to a childhood friend.

"Did you get the invitation to the bonfire tonight?" Besides being one of the most rich student in the University, he was also part of the student body that planned it, so he should know that everyone should've gotten their invitation by now- Plus their was flyers everywhere so no one would forget it.

Lex nibbled at his bottom lip, afraid to give the wrong answer as it felt like it would lead to something unwanted.

"I- I didn't get one- one.."

A big silence seems to take away all the oxygen that's between them- without looking, Lex could tell Lucas wasn't happy about his answer. At first Lucas was enjoying how Lex was acting all shy in front of him but that was pushed to the side once he said he didn't receive one- which was impossible because he made sure damn well that he would receive at least two. His eyes sucked out all color and left a void as a switch was flipped.

"B-But Violet and I are going." Trying to put attention on something else and it seemed to work as Lucas broke out of his trance. He wasn't happy that Lex is going with the gothic unwanted street trash but that was the least of his worries as someone else preoccupied his mind.

"Then I'll see you there. I better get going." Giving off another smile before walking back to his group pf rich friends that seem to steal some glances at Lex before walking off with Lucas.

Lex made his way to a close bench feeling his legs were about to give out on him if he didn't sit down fast- Sitting in a daze until Violet came, clenching the card that's hid in his sleeve.