
Chapter 11 True Story

As we entered the main building, relief washed over us upon seeing that it was not deserted. Among the few people present, only a handful were cultivators. We were promptly approached by the facility's manager, a cultivator at the 4th stage of Core Formation realm. After exchanging pleasantries, he quickly escorted us to a plush private meeting room.

"Dear seniors, it is with great honor that we welcome you to our modest city and we deeply regret the earlier misunderstanding," the manager began, his tone deferential. "Regrettably, we lacked the strength to repel those troublemakers on our own. To make amends and express our gratitude, we are at your full disposal to assist in any way possible."

"Yet you claim to lack the strength to handle a few low-level ruffians, and still, our friend remains captive under your watch. It seems to me there might have been some collusion," Yishu responded sharply, his eyes narrowing as he scrutinized the manager intently.

"That simply cannot be," the manager responded earnestly. "We will immediately review all recent records. Please, could you provide the name of your comrade?"

"Hua Wenjing of the Thousand Radiant Divine Swords Sect. Check your logs for any entries from the past few days," Yishu instructed.

"We will address this issue without delay. Meanwhile, may I offer you some refreshments? Tea, perhaps, or juice?"

"Tea for me, and juice for the younger one," Yishu specified.

"Very well, it will be served shortly. I must excuse myself to oversee this matter personally," the steward said, bowing deeply. Yishu dismissively waved his hand, signaling for him to proceed, and sank into a plush armchair. The clerk hastened out.

The quiet of the room allowed my thoughts to swirl. Wenjing, though not as powerful as Yishu, was certainly stronger than many. He could have devastated much of this city on his own if pushed. How had he been subdued so easily? It baffled me.

"Qingyin, are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Yishu's voice cut through my reverie, snapping me back to the present.

"Things are dire. I really don't like this situation. It's a pity Yousi isn't with us right now; he would have solved this puzzle in no time," I said, exhaling and massaging my temples. "How exactly did such weaklings manage to enslave Wenjing, much less hold him?"

"I have no idea...," Yishu sighed and leaned back in his chair, closing his eyes—his usual pose when deep in thought.

"The clerk has no idea what's going on," Little Jian chimed in.

"How would you know that, little one?" asked Yishu.

"He's got it written all over his face. Looks to me like you're the ones who stirred up trouble," Jian retorted, his face smug as he crossed his arms over his chest. "I have a feeling they won't find anything, and we'll have to confront the main ruling family."

"Don't be so pessimistic, hope dies last," Senior Sheng advised.

"Your younger brother might be right, Yishu. If the clerk returns with nothing, we should head to the main family. They're likely behind his capture. Weak or not, they have the resources to overpower us."

Everything unfolded just as Jian had predicted. Forty minutes later, a breathless administrator burst into the room, dropped to his knees with a deep bow, and, without raising his eyes from the floor, exclaimed:

"Dear seniors, please spare us, but we haven't found anything about your companion!"

"Calm down," Yishu responded, "Under whose direct authority is this building?"

"Like all administrative centers in this city, it's under the direct management of the Ju family."

"That's where we're headed next. Thanks for the tea and juice."

Leaving the building, we made our way toward the ruling family's mansion. The layout of Cherry Orchard mirrored other cities in the western region, with the Ju clan's mansion centrally located, and it was from there that the city grew in a circle.

Upon reaching the main mansion, we were promptly greeted by clan representatives. The man's age, his high-quality yet understated clothing, and the medallion around his neck suggested he was one of the elders — a suspicion that was soon confirmed. We were escorted to a guest room, where we were informed that the clan head would shortly grant us an audience.

While we waited, Jian broke the lingering silence:

"Yet, none of this makes sense."

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"From what I gather, we didn't settle our bill, and on top of that, allegedly abducted a girl from a brothel, prompting a manhunt. It seems Wenjing was pawned off in some clever scheme to cover either the girl or the bill. So, question number one, where's the money? Question number two, where's the girl?"

"It looks like we'll find out soon enough. Clearly, it's going to be awkward discussing this with the head of the Ju family..."

"It seems the meeting won't be anytime soon," Yishu remarked, rising from his seat. "For now, I'll go for a walk, clear my head, perhaps jog my memory."

"Wait, where are you going?" I asked.

But I received no reply; Yishu had already opened the window and slipped out. Evening had settled over the courtyard.

Ohhhh... I think I know where that asshole went...

A couple of hours passed after Yishu's departure, and he never returned. Oddly, the old elder who led us to the head of the Ju family didn't even acknowledge his absence.

As we stepped into the main hall, the reason for the elder's nonchalance became apparent. Yishu and Wenjing lay bound on the floor. Wenjing's eyes were vacant, staring into the distance with no hint of recognition. Yishu, on the other hand, appeared outwardly composed, except for his tear-streaked cheeks that betrayed his silent suffering. 

The head of the Ju family, as rumored, was a grim sight. His already unpleasant visage was contorted with rage, giving him an almost demonic appearance.

After the departing elder bowed and exited the room, my attention was drawn to another figure in the corner. It was the most unattractive woman I had ever laid eyes upon. Her features were so exaggeratedly disproportionate that it was hard to believe she was human. Her nose dominated her face. Her upper lip was so swollen, it was as if her upper lip had been stung by an entire hive of bees, while her lower lip seemed almost nonexistent. Her ears resembled those of an elephant, and her eyes were misshapen and oddly spaced. The discrepancy in their size and the distance between them made it seem as though they had been drawn by a child with a particularly wild imagination.

I couldn't help but wonder if she would ever attain immortality, and if so, would she appear more human-like?

I felt my eyes involuntarily drawn to her, but I recoiled internally, wanting to avert my gaze immediately. That's when I noticed Jian. I was astonished. Despite her unsettling appearance, he regarded her with a calm, unwavering gaze, devoid of any aversion. Then, his eyes met mine, silently questioning my reaction.

In that moment, a surge of shame washed over me. Here was Jian, seeing past her appearance to recognize her inherent humanity, while I struggled with baseless revulsion. She was just an ordinary girl trapped in an extraordinary body, undeserving of the judgment that surrounded her. Yet, I had succumbed to that prejudice upon laying eyes on her for the first time. But Jian's perspective was a stark reminder: sometimes, it takes the innocence of a child to reveal the unadulterated truth.

I felt as though I were on the cusp of enlightenment, summoning all my willpower, I fixed my gaze upon her, devoid of any prejudice. Suddenly, like a deluge from a mountain peak breaching its confines, understanding flooded my consciousness, veiling my sight, until I succumbed to unconsciousness.

Had Qingyin been privy to Jian's thoughts at that moment, his path to enlightenment may have been obstructed. 'What's wrong with them?' Jian pondered. 'She's not half as ugly as the most attractive Hutt. She's just a normal human female, albeit a little lacking in symmetry…'


"He passed out..." sighed the head of the Ju family, a hint of dark humor in his voice. It grated like the sound of rusty steel. Impatience and explosive energy emanated from him, his demeanor leaving no room for pleasantries. "Funny. You're the first person who didn't faint at the sight of my daughter. If you were about seven years older, we wouldn't have used the lad."

"Senior," I said, inclining my head slightly in respect, "what happens next?"

Despite finding one of my brother's friends, all the 'adult' and 'responsible' figures were out at the moment. For the first time in a long while, I felt the weight of the day bearing down on me, fatigue settling in. So much had transpired.

"I've sent a message to your parents, kid. They'll be coming for you soon," the head continued, his tone heavy with resignation. "As for us, we'll need to relocate the administration building. After the massacre your big brother caused, the common people won't want to do business there anymore. Rumors are already spreading that the place has become cursed, and some of the corpses have been scavenged by the locals. It used to be a nice neighborhood; now it's going to be a slum. Trouble seems to follow your family — your grandfather, your uncle, your father, and now your older brother. At least they managed to raise you right."

"Do you know them?"

"Why, your father and I are close friends, and my father and your grandfather first met in the sect."

"I never learned the elder's name, I apologize for my rudeness!"

I took the lesson from Yishu to heart after all. As Sidious used to say, 'The Force only helps those who can help themselves.'

"Never mind, my name is Yang Ju and my daughter's name is Mei Ju."

"What happened to my brother and his comrades?"

"They're not men, that's what! What kind of a real man yells like a pig when he sees a young maiden, eh? I'm telling you, you're the only one that turned out all right."

Well, I wouldn't say maiden. I didn't voice my thoughts, of course.

Fifteen minutes later, a man dressed in sect robes entered the hall. I recognized him as Li Bo, my father's eternal assistant.

"Master Ju, young master," he said calmly and bowed slightly, "I've come to take you, your elder brother and his companions back to the sect."

"Go, and practice diligently! I'm very interested in what you'll make of yourself. I sense there's something special about you, but I don't say that to many people."

"Thank you for your encouragement. Farewell."

"Off you go," he waved dismissively, "I have much to attend to."


Night had fallen by the time we reached the main courtyard of the mansion, where a colossal bird with brown feathers awaited us, resembling an eagle but of much grander proportions. It was large enough to accommodate a spacious carriage on its back, if I remember the term correctly.

Boarding the bird, we soared into the sky.

It took a few moments for my brother and his companions to fully regain their senses. Qingyin remained silent, occasionally casting me puzzled glances. Yishu, meanwhile, remained quiet, his head bowed low and hands covering his face. In contrast, Wenjing erupted into a tirade:

"Traitors! Scoundrels! You've betrayed me! I'll never live down this shame! How will I face myself in the mirror? Associating with you feels like straying from the path of truth! It's as if my very essence has been shattered! Trampled! Humiliated! My Dao feels shattered!"

At that, my brother broke into tears. "Forgive us, friend! We were intoxicated! We didn't realize the gravity of our actions!"

To steer them back to the matter at hand and prevent them from getting sidetracked, I raised my voice once more:

"Before you start pouring your hearts out to each other, Wenjing, tell us: what happened? Do you remember anything?"

"Ohhhh, I remember everything. And I'll never forget it now! We were drinking, and I foolishly chose to stay and continue partying with you. I'll never make that mistake again! Don't invite me to your drinking gatherings!"

"I doubt you'll be in the mood for drinking after this ordeal for a while. But what happened next?"

"We had to pay, but we didn't have enough money. A girl came in and started demanding money. Your brother came up with a brilliant idea: take the girl with us and run away. So we did. What became of the girl..." Wenjing paused and thought for a moment, "I don't remember! They sent a chase after us! We decided not to fight within the sect; it's forbidden in the sect to do so outside the arena. We decided to run outside of it. At some point, Qingyin, when we broke away, started rubbing it in our faces about the bright and honorable path. He said we shouldn't spill blood for nothing. Your wicked brother came up with an ingenious plan to make a quick buck." He took another pause, pulled a bottle of water out of the fridge — do they have that in here? He took a sip, then continued, "We are such handsome and mighty warriors, let's accomplish a feat or go entertain the rich ladies," he mocked his brother's words. "Qingyin suggested a suitable city, that's how we ended up in the Cherry Orchard."

"We probably wanted to give you to the mines..." Qingyin decided to raise his voice.

"What mines! You sent me straight to the head! That's where I was taken in! And you know what the most disgusting thing is?" he looked at us with a furious look. "You assholes didn't even take the money! You have left it on the table!"

Yeah, even I didn't expect such stupidity. 

"You dishonored me! Just presented as a... as... as a... bull, a bull inseminator! I had to mate his daughter! I've lost count of the days, I thought it was years. They put a blocking chain on me. I couldn't run, I couldn't fight! I'd pass out and come back again only to see her face looming over me!"

"Please, friend, don't say that again. A picture comes back to my eyes of how I caught you in the act. I thought she was a monster and had already ruined you!" my brother said.

"So you went after her anyway, asshole!" shouted Qingyin, "I knew you'd pull something like this!"

"Calm down!" shouted I, "This is not the place for you to settle your relationship. What's more, I have one more question. What have I been doing all this time?"

"You... I actually thought we'd ruined you and you'd gone crazy because of age and alcohol. You were laughing and cheering like crazy the whole time. And you yelled something about light, darkness, junk, pain, suffering. You were also kind of talking about your mother, about your brother." 

Inwardly, I exhaled with relief. The worst hadn't happened and I hadn't given myself away.

"Wait though... You took an alcoholic drink made from fruit I believe, it's Cider, as your master and said something about savage oppression. That's where I don't fully remember. You're the one I ached for the most. It was scary to leave this world thinking we'd ruined a child along the way."

Drinking is definitely not for me.

Back at the sect, my mom came running to us. Three slaps were heard - to my brother, Qingyin, and Wenjing. After muttering a brief, "The three of you are expected by Sheng Yuchen," and adding that she would talk to my brother separately tomorrow, she got to me. I was about to prepare my face for the blow when the unexpected happened: I was hugged.

"My baby, I've been so worried about you! It was a bad idea to let your brother near you, you can't rely on him at all! He's just like your father! Now you'll never leave the house without a guard again!"

She fiddled with me like that for quite a while longer, while Yishu and his friends went to see Father. Eventually, after a hearty dinner, my mother let me go to my room, though I could tell by the look on her face how reluctant she was to do so. There was that strange feeling again...

When I got into my room, I made sure everything was in its place and opened the closet to change, when a bound girl with a gag in her mouth, a little older than I was, fell on me.

How on earth would I have a bound child in my closet?!