
Tragedy Strikes! Part 2

Haku who was unconscious only a moment ago woke back up. He felt groggy and a sudden pain in his stomach.

When he lifted his heavy eyelids he was immediately shocked. All he could see was his mother and his little brother on the floor. His mother was covering Sato and her body was injured with blood splattered on the ground and over Sato's face.

Sato as well was injured and his blood was flowing out of his wound. Both mother and son were dead. At least that was what Haku, his father and the villagers saw. They did not know however that they were only caught within a genjutsu.

Haku witnessing the scene before him suddenly went berserk.

If you think about it who wouldn't have felt immense anger and hatred in their hearts?. As a child Haku was forced to watch his very own father who was a gentle and kind man turn against his own family.

His father ruthlessly cut down his mother and his little baby brother and now this very same father is now looking at him as if he was a monster. With tears flowing down his face, his father was about to claim his life.

Haku went berserk and lost all control of himself. His physical energy exploded out of him and his spiritual energy combined with it. The two energy rapidly formed chakra and was moulded to perform ninjutsu.

"Arghhhhhhh" screamed Haku as he only looked at the people before him with fury and rage.

Out of nowhere a barrage of ice crystals formed and promptly shot towards his father and the villagers behind him. Killing them all without giving them a chance to react.

Everything went silent after that. Haku could be seen crying and his sobs sounded throughout the cottage. All the villagers died. His father had also died.

He looked to his mother and his little brother who were lying motionlessly and thought they had died. Haku could only feel pain in his heart.

He felt remorse. Regretting that he could not protect his family. He felt guilty that he could not live up to his promise of protecting Sato. He wondered why he was not strong. Why he did not have the power to protect the ones he loved the most.

Haku was crying and wailing. He had nothing left. He had no one left. Saddened by the sight before him he could not bring himself to bear witness to it anymore. Haku could not take the pain anymore he walked away and left.

He wanted to leave to run away from this pain. He needed to leave so that he would not be burden by his memories.

After walking for days Haku was not looking too well. His eyes that were full of vigor and glee was now dispirited and demoralized he came to a clearing in a forest.

His clothes were worn and dirt was all over them. His hair was unkempt and he looked like a homeless person.

As he came to this clearing in the forest he fell down. Collapsing in exhaustion, fatigued and depressed. Unknowingly he collapsed before someone.

This person was over average build with bandages all over his face covering both his mouth and nose. He wore a tank top that was a dark colored vest and he also had gloves and socks that were purple in color. He had a tracksuit pants and wore the same sandals that other shinobi dawned.

His hair was black and they spiked to the sky but was short. He had white pupils for his eyes and surrounding them were a deep black. Tied to his head was a shinobi headband that was affiliated with kirigakure. On his back he had a sword tied to him.

This blade was known as the Kubikiribōchō (Decapitating Carving Knife) and it belonged to one of the seven ninja swordsmen of the mist.

This person's name was Zabuza Momochi. He is a anbu class missing-nin and also works as a mercenary shinobi.

Zabuza was sitting on a rock eating onigiri and as he was about to take a bite he found a child collapsing in front of him.

He found it strange and amusing at the same time but decided to observe for now. That was when he heard Haku's grumbling stomach.

Zabuza was not a kind man but he felt something about the kid in front of him. He did not know what it was and decided that he would help this kid.

Sato was still frantic looking at his mother. He was given to Midori so that Iwata could better hold on to Akina and travel faster to see their father.

Sato did not know who these people were but his only concern now was about Akina and Haku. He heard Haku and was occupied with thoughts about the whole event.

Midori saw the flustered Sato and felt regret in her heart. She was contemplating if she should explain the situation about Haku and Hashimoto but quickly decided against it.

How could a three year old handle such terrible news was what she thought.

This was the thought that Midori had while travelling along the way back to the yuki clan's hideout.

They were very fast as they soon arrived to their clan headquarters and promptly called for Iryō-nin (medical-nin) and their father.

The clan head quickly rushed over once he heard the news and when he came to the room that both Sato and Akina were in he saw a three year old child clinging to a young woman of an age barely past twenty five.

He hurriedly came before the child and mother and instructed the iryō-nin to save Akina. Sato was still near his mother crying.

After the iryō-nin was finished they reported to Fukushima the evaluation they had.

"Fukushima-sama, Akina-sama is not in any danger but she is only unconscious and we don't know when she will wake up" said iryō-nin.

"Why won't she wake up?" asked Fukushima.

"She was critically injured and her life was in danger. Now her life is stable but her mental trauma is still present" replied the iryō-nin.

"She will need time to overcome her mental complications and when she does she will be healthy and awake" said the iryō-nin.

"Ah, we can only leave it to her then. Hopefully she is strong and will recover fast" said Fukushima with a pain expression on his face.

He put his hand to his head and shook it slightly.

Sato heard what the iryō-nin said to Fukushima and he could not hold back his feelings anymore. He was first distraught then he felt crestfallen. After a moment he became furious and went to Fukushima.

Fukushima saw the little boy coming towards him with a furious look and a killing intent in his eyes.

Fukushima thought, "This is bad. I've got to calm him down. Since when has a kid his age possessed such killing intent".

"Who are you?" asked Sato looking at Fukushima. "Why are we here?, where is Haku?" demanded Sato.

"Calm down calm down I will explain everything to you" replied Fukushima.

He looked at sato with a weird expression on his face. Fukushima was wondering how to explain the situation to Sato but seeing that he was still a three year old kid he decided to omit some things so that he would not worry the kid.

"Follow me this room is not suitable to explain to you what happen. We cannot disturb your mother or it will be detrimental to her health." explained Fukushima.

Sato nodded his head and followed behind.

Iwata also left as he was able to report on what happened and help his father to convince Sato about the events.

Midori stay behind so she could care for Akina her little sister. She had a worried expression on her face and she started to reminisce about the time they played when they were little.

"Kid tell me what you know about your mother's family." said Fukushima once they entered a new room through the sliding doors and sat on the tatami mats.

"My mother's family?" asked Sato. "My mother is a shinobi of kirigakure, she was born in kirigakure in the clan of yuki shinobis. She specialized in Fūton jutsu (wind release) and Suiton (water release)."

"Using both she was able to create a new jutsu called Hyōton. This is a kekkei genkai of the yuki clan and can only be passed on with inheritance." continued Sato dumbfounding both Fukushima and Iwata.

"This ..... Where did you get this information?" asked Fukushima stunned that Sato knew about this.

"Oh i get it now, you guys are shinobis from the yuki clan" said Sato diverting their attention away from what he said earlier.

"That's right kid." replied Fukushima. "Not only are we shinobi from the yuki clan i am the head of the yuki clan and this is my son Iwata Yuki".

"I am you grandfather kid" said Fukushima.

"Akina is my daughter which makes you my grandson" continued Fukushima. "This person next to me is Akina's elder brother so that makes him your uncle".

Sato looked at the both of them stunned. He could not talk for a long time after hearing this. He sat quietly with his mouth open so wide you can fit a boiled egg in it.

This was the first time that Sato was truly stunned since coming to this world. He remembered the plot of Naruto so he knew most details that would appear from the anime. But this is the first time he had heard about Akina's family.

Looking at the young boy in front of them that was wearing a stunned expression Fukushima and Iwata both started laughing. To them it was a funny sight to see Sato with his stunned face and open mouth.

"Hahaha kid how was it? Was the news too shocking for you?" asked Fukushima.

Hearing the question Sato regained his senses and looked at the two of them in front of him more closely. He wanted to memorize everything about them. Then Fukushima spoke again.

"What happened back then and why your mother is like this I will explain it to you." said Fukushima.

Iwata was surprised at his father but he only showed his expression for a moment and quickly hid it.

Fukushima then went through all the events that had happened and told Sato every detail he could remember. Iwata also gave his recount of things that happened.

After hearing what the two had to say Sato became enraged.

He was angry at his father for doing such things out of his cowardice. He was incensed even more at himself for not being powerful enough to stop it. Sato was livid at the events that happened but then he wondered what happened to haku.

Sato knew that Haku was still alive as in the anime Haku was able to kill his father and the villagers and escaped. He knew that Haku met with Zabuza and Zabuza would train Haku in ninjutsu and nindo.

Thinking about all this Sato was relieved that Haku might not be dead but he was troubled because he did not know where Haku and Zabuza met or where they are now. He only knew where they would be when Kakashi and team seven take on their first C-rank mission.

Sato was deep in thought while Fukushima and Iwata watched on with amusement. They were wondering what Sato was pondering on. Maybe it was that he couldn't understand what they had told him or maybe he did understand and is not able to control his feelings anymore.

What Sato said next however shocked them both. Sato after thinking for a bit calmed himself and looked towards fukushima and said,

"Grandpa I want to get strong."

"This....this" Fukushima was astonished.

He never expected for his grandson to call him grandpa so readily. This meant that Sato acknowledged that he was the father of Akina and from that he was Sato's grandfather.

Iwata was also taken aback. He also did not expect the three year old boy to accept everything and furthermore he did not expect Sato to immediately take it upon himself to realize that he was weak.

Sato on the other hand was staring at both of them hoping that they would agree. His thought was that he was currently weak and in a couple of years Haku would get stronger and meet with Kakashi and team seven.

He knew the plot from there. Haku would sacrifice himself to save Zabuza from Kakashi's chidori. Sato needed to at all cost prevent this from happening but at the moment he could not. He was weak.

His cultivation was only that of qi disciple four and not even able to wield qi out of his body yet. How could he even hope to prevent Kakashi who is a jonin level shinobi. Not only that but Kakashi also possessed the Sharingan.

Sato knew that the sharingan was the kekkei genkai of the Uchiha clan and it is special as it is a doujutsu (Eye Techniques) type kekkei genkai.

He knew that he could not stop Kakashi but if he could prevent Haku from sacrificing himself maybe that was something he could accomplish. Even still as he was right now he could not do this so he resorted to asking for training from his grandpa.

He thought that even if they were not able to teach him ninjutsu or genjutsu maybe with taijutsu he would be able to become stronger. Also even if he couldn't use ninjutsu or genjutsu, taking a look at them might be able to give him some insights on his own cultivation.

This was Sato's thinking when he asked for his grandfather to train him. Fukushima who was stunned only just a moment ago smiled on his face and a gleam flashed across his eyes. With his hand pinching his chin he thought to himself.

"This grandson of mine is passable". Fukushima thought for a while then said,

"Ok I will train you but it will be hard and I will not accept excuses".

"As for what you plan to do after your training, I also have some ideas but I will let it be for now" expressed Fukushima.

When Sato heard this a smile crept on his face but quickly vanish as he became worried for both Haku and his mother.

oof.... That was some feelings there huh.

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