
Im The Homelander In DC As Superman’s Brother

Wonder Woman: Why do you claim to be Superman's brother? Mitch replied: Well, it all started back when I was just a baby on the very first day of time travel. I somehow ended up in Superman's baby crib, gave him a little push out of it, and decided to make it my own. From that day forward, I became the "Son of Krypton." Superman: If you have these powers, why didn't you save that plane? Mitch replied: See, I can't just lift objects by standing on thin air. It's not that simple. Batman: Why doesn't kryptonite affect you? Mitch replied: At first, I wanted to fit in with the whole Kryptonian scene, but it just made me feel more like an outsider. Alright, no more pretending. I'll lay my cards on the table—I'm actually not a Kryptonian at all. I'm a true-blooded American. ... This is a tale of a man who adopts the identity of a Kryptonian but has ulterior motives, causing chaos in the world of superheroes. --- *-MTL Translation: https://www.69shuba.com/book/43658.htm -*

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12 Chs

Chapter 4

The atmosphere at the Kent Farm during dinner was pretty solemn tonight.

"Ms. Desjardins called. Thankfully, no students got seriously hurt, but a few of them ended up swallowing a lot of water while they were out cold. They're in the hospital now, being observed," Jonathan said while stirring the mashed potatoes. He looked at Eric and Clark every so often as he spoke.

"It's a mixed blessing," Martha added, pouring Clark a glass of milk and giving his hand a comforting pat on the table. "You boys shouldn't blame yourselves for what happened."

Jonathan's eyes remained fixed on his sons as he continued, "Clark, did you try to lift the school bus out of the river?"

Clark, who had been mostly quiet, decided to be straight with his dad. "Yeah, Dad, I tried, but it wasn't working, so I asked Mitch for help."

"Mitch?" Jonathan turned his attention to Mitch, who had been quietly enjoying his plate of beef and potato stew. Mitch's culinary taste leaned more towards dishes that reminded him of home-cooked meals, which suited him better.

"Sorry, Dad. At first, I wasn't planning to get involved, but Clark convinced me his way," Mitch calmly replied, setting down his knife and fork.

He hadn't been too keen on getting involved initially. After all, he wasn't aspiring to be a superhero, so why should he care about saving others? According to his life experiences, he was, by all means, a "bad guy." It wasn't out of the ordinary for "bad guys" to just stand by and watch.

If it hadn't been for the sense of belonging he'd found in this family after being an orphan, Mitch might not have gotten involved at all. The warmth of family bonds had awakened emotions within him, making him care about Jonathan and Martha.

However, Clark remained unaware that Mitch had caused the school bus incident, so he couldn't understand why his brother had been so indifferent when danger struck.

"Ah," Jonathan sighed deeply after hearing Mitch's response, resting his head in his hands as he massaged his temples. He was at a loss for words.

His two sons had vastly different personalities. Clark was compassionate, kind, and eager to help others. He was willing to use his extraordinary abilities to help people and gain recognition for his actions and himself.

Jonathan knew that Clark often struggled to fit in at school and felt overshadowed by Mitch at home. Clark longed to be acknowledged and to use his remarkable powers without worry.

Mitch, on the other hand, was the complete opposite of Clark. He was composed, intelligent, and had a deep understanding of social norms and rules. But he lacked empathy and compassion, often coming across as indifferent or even heartless in the face of others' suffering.

The school bus incident had perfectly illustrated these differences. Clark had been willing to expose himself to save lives, while Mitch had initially chosen to stand by, believing they should live as ordinary people.

Jonathan couldn't help but feel conflicted. He wished that his sons' personalities could somehow balance each other out.

For a moment, he even entertained the whimsical idea that perhaps he could find a middle ground where both of his sons could coexist harmoniously. However, he quickly shook off these unrealistic musings.

He believed that Mitch would eventually understand his intentions, so he decided against explaining himself. Instead, he turned to Clark and conveyed a piece of advice with care: "Clark, accidents happen in life, and sometimes, you have to know how to keep your abilities hidden."

Clark, who had been growing increasingly defiant, questioned his father's words, "Like Mitch? Dad, I was saving lives!"

He didn't mention that Mitch had been the one behind the school bus losing control, so Jonathan remained unaware of Mitch's role in the incident.

"Indeed, Clark, we understand that you were saving lives, but, as we've mentioned before, you must keep your abilities a secret."

Jonathan tried to emphasize the importance of discretion without sounding harsh.

"Then what would you have me do? Stand by and watch them drown?" Clark's tone grew more resolute.

He couldn't comprehend why his father was gradually adopting Mitch's viewpoint.

"Clark, there are things in this world more crucial than your own life and even the lives of your loved ones," Jonathan asserted with gravity, "If people were to discover your and Mitch's superpowers, it would throw the world into chaos. Everything we believe in, our values, and even the way people perceive the world would be upended."

Jonathan paused briefly and looked over at Martha, a reassuring smile on his face. He placed a comforting hand on hers, signaling that he was okay, and then turned his attention back to Clark.

"Clark, do you remember the first time Mitch displayed his abilities? The Fordham family was terrified! People weren't ready to encounter someone who could change the world like that."

"So, are you saying it's God's will that Mitch and I are like this?" Clark questioned, his face revealing his bewilderment.

He glanced briefly at Mitch, who sat in silence, before leaving the table in frustration.

"I've had enough of what you're saying. I can't just stand idly by and hide my abilities."

Clark's tone conveyed his mounting anger, although it lacked any explosive outbursts. It was a subdued frustration that signified his deep disappointment.

"I only wish I wouldn't be a 'Luthor' at school and that I wouldn't be looked down upon! You keep telling me to be normal, but this is normal for me."

He picked up his knife and fork, but with a bit too much force, the fork snapped in two upon impact with the table.

"Is this what you call normal?" Clark demanded, slamming the broken fork down and then turning to walk away.

"Clark!" Martha called after him, her instinct to comfort her son compelling her to follow, but Jonathan gently held her back.

"Martha, if he wants some time alone, we should respect that," Jonathan advised, looking at his wife with a pained expression. "He'll understand one day, I hope."

Finally, Mitch spoke, having finished his meal. He comforted his father, "Don't worry, Dad. Clark will eventually come to understand your intentions."

Jonathan turned to Mitch, seeking answers, "And what about you, Mitch? You possess even greater powers than Clark. Are you content to lead an ordinary life?"

Jonathan was particularly concerned about Mitch, as he had always found it difficult to read his younger son.

"I..." Mitch's lips curled into a faint smile as he gently grasped his mother's slightly cool hand. "I don't wish to be ordinary, but Dad, Mom, I've always considered myself a son of Smallville, Kansas, and most importantly, your son. I've never been confused about my identity."

Jonathan fell silent for a moment, his gaze drifting upward before he let out a sigh. "Perhaps it's time I share something with you, Mitch."


*Power Stones and Follow*