
If I'm Excessive, Who Isn't?

How to put this... My life is never drama free, most of it they say it's child's play but what do they know? Are they me? I'm taking this time to declare, I want to pursue myself. I'm going to pursue myself and that too successfully because; this time is different, I met someone. Someone I think is the love of my life and looks at me like I'm the love of his. I, Trent Dion, won't be alone anymore... And yes, I'm a girl...Trent. Welcome to the story of my life, I hope I'm not too sarcastic for you. F.Y.I - Just a period of me life and what I deem interesting. I won't be an open book. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DISCLAIMER: The cover isn't mine. I repeat, the cover isn't mine. Found on Pinterest.

mrs_lie · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
34 Chs

We're On.

For the past three days I've learnt it's hard to seduce someone, the internet has it wrong - especially since I can't cook, don't know Fin's interests and want to be in a relationship that lasts... the internet said not to get into bed with him if that's what I'm after. Boring but why not - I'm clueless.

The cooking went bad, really bad - I might have poisoned him if I fed him what I cooked. Finding out about his interests even worse, the people around him are all tight lipped...and they're now treating me like a spy. I might have been a tiny bit enthusiastic in my questioning. I'm left with lying naked in his bed...I know, it sounds bad even in my head. Argh...

So what to do, what to do? I'm clueless, I'm actually thinking of sending him chocolates - did it already but consistency is the best policy, I think. I'm bored out of my mind.

I've been monitoring how Chris' work is coming along and nothing out of the ordinary so far, today's due date.

Hmm, honestly I don't care about it that much; I'm climbing a higher mountain. The game I'm playing is more fun than thinking about depressing stuff or worrying...a handsome man as a prize. Who wouldn't want to play that game?

"Hello?" My phone doesn't seem to like me being in my head. How meddlesome. My head is so interesting...

"Where are you?"

"I'm home, what's wrong?"

"You're not home, Melissa is causing a ruckus here. Can you come here?" Oh? I guess the story is out. She's already mad when it's only the beginning, she shouldn't get worked up so easily...

"Okay, I'll be there."

Went to confront Margaret? I would think it's too early. I check online and wow; maybe she's right to be worked up. People do like drama...

{He's even got a type. The bruises are almost identical, what a professional. I bet he started beating up women when he learned to walk.}

Really creative. It's blown up. I have to give Chris a raise, he's really outdone my expectations. They've even found pictures of Mark with other dates and made comparisons. I couldn't have predicted he really had a type. Wasn't he a sitting duck all along?

When I get to Margaret's place, before I say hello or catch a breath; I'm slapped ferociously - ferociously because I bit my lip.

"You disgust me." Ouch. Dammit, is this woman insane or what?

"Are you so pathetic you'd destroy his life just because he doesn't want you?" The. Hell...

She tries to slap me a second time and Margaret grabs her hand.

"Have you lost it Melissa?" That's what I'll like to know. Has she lost it, even after seeing the pictures she still thinks I'm interested in Mark - worse, she thinks I'm trying to destroy him because he rejected me?

What the fuck does she think I am? I mean, I wouldn't go as far as destroy someone because they rejected me, would it make them accept me? There's something wrong with her head. My poor cheek, suffering at the hands of someone delusional. How terrible.

She slapped me. I've never been slapped in my life and this chick slapped me...

Am I a forgiving person? I'm not, I'm really not.

"She's lost it. How can you be like this, as a human, how can you be so pathetic? But I'm telling you now, if you think this is enough to make me leave Mark, you've got another thing coming. I'd just like to see how low you can stoop." Her hand is in my face as speaks.

I don't think anyone has ever had it in them to treat me like this because everyone who knows me - knows I'm really petty - so terribly petty, you can't curse at me even by mistake.

She bumps into me hard as she leaves. Throughout it all, I didn't say a single thing - not that I wanted to.

Ha. I'm so mad... I'm fuming. She slapped me... Melissa Mudok put her hands on me, for that prick? Who the hell does that woman think she is? God, I'm so angry. I toss the thing closest to me onto the floor. Didn't help. I'm still fuming.


"She slapped me." She really did. When have I ever suffered like this - for what?

"I'm sorry." I don't know what to say to her, I can't even say I don't blame her a little or a lot. And before I say something I'll regret, I better leave.

Whenever I feel like I would burst, I paint. Bursting meaning angry enough to make careless decisions, it's how I started in the first place. I found a painting studio to rent my first week in York and that's where I am now. I couldn't stay at Margaret's place and not transfer my anger at her. At least I was rational enough to understand that.

I haven't painted anything, I'm staring at a blank canvas. It's not that I don't have anything on my mind to paint, the echo of that slap is all I've been replaying. Bitch.

Dare to slap me for Mark Thompson? She loves him so much - it would be a shame if he broke it off with her. So what if it's highly probable he might kill her? Isn't it a vow she's going to take?

My mind's still a mess. Melissa is Mama Jewel's daughter. Don't be calculative with her.

Melissa is Mama Jewel's daughter. Don't be calculative with her. I keep repeating it in my head - less I forget and just strangle her with him.

But I'm thinking, no matter how good at manipulation Mark is, there's no way Melissa isn't doubting those pictures a little. That slap... she's probably wanted to slap me for a long time but didn't have the opportunity and today...she used something this uncertain because she's can't be certain I'm the one behind the story - to fulfill her life's wish.

No. I'll never let it pass. If she's going to treat me like an archenemy, I'll treat her like one too.

You're the witness, I didn't provoke her - she slapped me.

"Hello." My phone rings at terrible times. Why now...

"We have a problem." Dear Chris, not you too. From Chris' panicked voice, I can tell it's not small.

"What is it?"

"Your friend did something stupid." Seriously...

"Just say it."

"Apparently Mark Thompson is from the Thompson family..." Thompson... Thompson...

"No..." Margaret that... Friend my foot! I'm in trouble now.

"Yes, that Thompson. It's bad. Get online then call me back."

Fucking. Hell. I cannot catch a break.

The Thompson family is a family of politicians. If Mark is from that family, it made sense why Margaret hadn't pressed charges back then.

Damn it all to hell.

There's a Thompson running for prime minister now. I could bang my head against the wall. Why didn't she tell me?

The article online has already been shared over a million time. It talks about how charges filed against Mark never gets processed or whatever because his father is a prosecutor. The corruption of his family and whatnot.

This isn't a game of reputation anymore, this is I'm-out-to-get-your-family stuff. Based off of the story I spined to make pictures Mark had no longer threatening.

Ha. You reap what you sow. That saying isn't baseless at all. This mess had nothing to do with me from the start, I just knew it'd be trouble but I had to meddle.

"How bad is it?" I call Chris back after getting the gist of the situation. It's bad, I know it's bad but...

"It's bad. By tomorrow, they'll have already traced the beginning of all rumours concerning Mark Thompson." Dammit.

"Okay. Don't delete anything, just leave them there. We didn't do anything wrong. I'll think of something. I'll call you tomorrow."

What the hell is Margaret doing? If Chris can find out it's her, the Thompsons are going to find out too. She used me, didn't she?

All her talk about having a deal, Mark being back before the deadline, Him thinking she wouldn't do anything...

No, not only her... Mark used me too, showing me those pictures. They're playing by tossing me around as they please?

She used me?

She just needed an opening and whatever I did, it would be enough for her to use. Good friend my foot.

She used me?

Good for her, if this thing reaches the top dogs - she has her stepfather protecting her and me? I'm tossed. Not only did they use me... I'm the scapegoat as well. Who started the mess? Both of them are going to point their fingers at me. How perfect, what a perfect plan and I fell for it.

It's gotten late...

How glad I am now I'm not staying at Margaret's place. What happened? She and I are friends, aren't we? Even when I kept telling myself this mess had nothing to do with me, I went with my gut and meddled...

I wasn't wrong, was I? Margaret is the bestest friend I have... maybe I'm wrong about this whole thing.

Yeah... unlikely. She used me.

I want to cry. I got slapped today and my best friend used me as a pawn in a sick game with her ex.

Ha. Was the relationship abusive in the first place?

Maybe Melissa had it right, I'm pathetic after all. I'm the crazy one between her and I...

All this thinking isn't doing me any good, I need to go home. A good feeling, I have a place I can call home.

"Hey Fin." It feels nice. I can do with nice...

"Where are you?" Real nice, his smooth voice is all the soothing I need to get rid of today's events.

"I'll send you my location. Can you pick me up?"

"Okay. Be there in sec."

Comfortable and steady. I can finally breathe probably.

Margaret, please let me be wrong about you. Please, please or else...