
I write the rules (old)

A man in his poor living conditions Discoveries that his life as a writer can now determine the life of others in the most interesting of ways By writing horror flicks! Ding* [Congratulations for getting the horror system] ——————————————————————————— *New chapter every Saturday and Sunday* ———— I have come back from hiatus, im going to revamp my story in a organized fashion. -more detials

Demon_Samurai · Seram
Peringkat tidak cukup
8 Chs

“Elias National park”

-Date: January **, ******-

-Location: Realm of Horror


Dave had, well no drive in his life, he would just continue "living" day by day in his apartment doing the things that bring him even the smallest bits of joy… watching Horror!

"Ok let's make some rules for this show!"

—— ——


Rule 1• Never leave in the morning between the times 3:00 to 4:30

- or else the fog will pull you into the water-

Rule 2• At the times 6:00-8:00pm their will be cries of help trying to get you to get close

-If one try's to follow the cries they will be ripped apart by the skinned one-

Rule 3• If you smell a pungent smell of sea water or burned seaweed you must run away in the other direction

-If the smell is ignored it will get stronger until it becomes so strong that you'll end up passing out-

Rule 4• If a man dressed in a black Victorian suit with a top hat and gloves is spotted in the middle of the road or pathway then you are to stop moving and continue to stare at him for two minutes he will leave on his own

-If you break eye contact you may find that your neck will also be broken-

Rule 5• When you are walking a pathway and find that there is a path leading somewhere not on the map, you must ignore this path and follow the designated path on the map

-When a curious soul decides to go on this path they will never leave this path with their soul-

Rule 6• The only map that will ever truly work for a Ranger is the one that is given to said Ranger when they get their first map

-All other maps may lead you somewhere else-

Rule 7• if you find a Ranger that you are certain is not apart of the Rangers you know shoot it in the head

-If not it will escape-

Rule 8• If there's tapping on any window in your surroundings and you see fog on the other side, you must leave that place immediately

-You may find yourself drowning otherwise-

Rule 9• when visiting the Lake for your inspection of the dock, you must never look at any floating objects that are not connected on the dock, branches and trees included

-Why not go for a swim-

Rule 10• the last but most important rule Is to not break more then 5 rules for the duration of your time working or visiting the park

-The consequences are not determined-

—— ——

" That would do for now, maybe I should look up story's later about these situations when I get back"

[Host has made his first list of rules. +10 horror points]

[Host has made more than 5 rules. -+10 horror points]

(Now I wonder how much things will cost in the store, Hey system, why am I transparent? I look like I'm some sort of red ghost..)

[Host is currently in spirit mode and will be untangible for as long as you are in this state]

(Hmmmm is there anyway to get myself to manifest?)

[The host-

(Wait, call me my name please or at least something other then "host" it sounds like your a parasite)

[Excepted, changing name to register ]

(Wait my register?… … … Wait! No! sto-)

[ Crazy has been installed ]

( I'm sorry for interrupting you ok! so please Change it back! Anything other then crazy sounds better!)

[ Installation erased, name change to default ]

A sigh of relief comes from Dave's phantom form as he awaits for the previous answer to his question

[ The host only needs to think of himself in any shape or form and you will manifest ]

David takes note of this and try's to picture himself in his head, his black Dc's, his blue pants and blue t-shirt fitting loosely around his slim frame, standing roughly 6 feet tall with his small brown eyes observing the endless void, complimenting his round face and small nose, hovering over his usually unhappy lips touching the very tips of unkempt hair

As he gathers the full picture he feels the cold wind blow across his face and Opens eyes. As David opens his eyes he sees the forest that he envisioned, the morning light beginning to bounce off the forest floor, giving the forest a sense of vibrants to its trees.

[ Manifestation successful! Congratulations Host ]

David looks at the red notification window and starts walking around to we're he believes is the direction of Tower 34

("System pull out a map for me")

As per David's request, a small cycle shaped map can be spotted at the corner of his view, it reveals anything living on the map as a blue dot while anything on the map other than living as red, plants and terrain are green or gray

As David looks at his map he reaches his destination at tower 34, but before that he quickly pictures himself in uniform for a Ranger and looks at his new outfit, David's smiles before he moves up the stairs…

——— ——— ———

Old creaking floorboards are heard as heavy footsteps march um on them, Hearing this James slowly gets up from his bed, rubbing his tired eyes he hears a knock




As he gets up from the bed with a tired sigh, James walks up to the door to open it. When he opens it he sees a tall smiling man probably around 6s foot wearing the rangers uniform leaning on the top of the door frame

*****: "Goooooood morning mr sleepy head it's time for breakfast!"

James looks at the man in confusion before it clicks that someone was supposed to pick him up for introductions, being slightly more relaxed James leans back to look at the man's face

*****: Oh! Apologies I forgot to introduce myself! My name is Roland!

The now identified Roland gives a light enthusiast bow

"James.. nice to meet you" James is bewildered by the man's spirit and gives him a delayed response

"Anyways, I here to pick you up, wanna go now or ya want to sit and talk ether way is fine with me."

James thinking for a moment decides to get there quickly

"No let's head over now, there's no need to East time, besides, I want some questions answered when I am there."

Roland with a affirmative smile nods and makes his way back to the Jeep he parked, after the both of them walk their way down the stairs they quickly hop in and start driving to the "Lodge". The lodge or what Roland calls ' headquarters ' is the first place you go to before you enter anywhere else in the park, and how the mountains are set up the roads only leave and enter one way making it the first and last place you drive to when coming to this park

After what felt like days, which was more or less a couple hours of driving they finally make to the Lodge. Getting out of the Jeep James notices the lack of vehicle's, than again this time of the year doesn't really attract tourist…

As James brakes out of his thoughts he moves to the front, the doors open from him allowing him to walk right into a, "mess"

****: NO DAMIT!!

*****:Look man it's only one night it's not tha-

*****: SHUT the F*CK up William I don't want to hear it!

As the yelling dies down the man now know as William puts his hands up and back away "ok sure man"

James's presence is final know and the others turn to look at him. In the room their are 4 men and 2 woman one and they are all seated in a cycle of chairs looking at James then one of the men James recognizes as Sam gets up and walks towards James

" Hey James just in time we were all about to start" As Sam says this he turns back and says " and As we are about to start why don't I introduce you to the others. The one that was Screaming earlier is named Andrew" James looks at the Burly man and is reminded of a grizzly bear based on the sheer size of the man, standing nearly 7 feet tall with muscles the sizes of logs! He's a white man fixed with a beard touching his red striped shirt, which are tucked into his blue Jeans and of course, he has a regular Ranger cap; an Based on the sound of his yelling James can only assume He's from the south.

Continuing on, Sam, " …and the one that was getting screamed at was William" Sam looks at William and is not impressed like he was when looking at Andrew, William looks like the average Joe wearing the Rangers uniform brow eyes brown hair and a voice that can only be described as mundane. So James looks over the man and looks in the corner.

Sam: "the one in the corner is Sara, just to the right or her is Eve and on the opposite corner is Anderson, right next to him is Steve"

Sara looks like a beautiful girl in her late 20s, wearing the Ranger uniform which somehow compliment her yellowish green eyes, to the right of her the girl named Eve is standing looking at James with an indifferent expression, standing 5.4 is a Woman who looks in her 30s with blond hair and brown eyes giving the impression of not wanting to be there. James avoids the look and moves his gaze on the other side of the cycle of chairs. He finds the short old man named Anderson siting with his eyes closed and wearing what looks like the old uniform of the rangers right next to him is the guy Steve who is also someone slightly older then James wearing the Uniform and based on the cap on his head James believes him to be bald, this somewhat compliments his hazel eyes.

As James looks over everyone one more time he stands tall and introduces himself, "Hello everyone my name is James, it and honor to meet you."

Everyone in the room seemed satisfied with the introduction so he waited for Same's input

" So James, how did manage to get down here? if I recall correctly you didn't have a Jeep, and to be perfectly frank I was actually about to have William pick you up."

James looks at Sam slightly Bewildered by such a question and so a determination to understand him James ask a simple but affective question.

"So you didn't send Roland here? I was told by him that he was sent to pick me up?"

Sam looks at James and appears to realize something

" Ah thats right, Roland said that he wanted to introduce himself first to you I guess I didn't understand what he meant…"

James looks around again and finds no Roland so he turns around despite Sam saying he'll go find him and walks to the Jeep, when he gets there he sees Roland limp on the drivers chair appearing to be asleep

James walks over to him and taps on his shoulder causing Roland to look up at James in a confused manner before realizing he fell asleep somehow. With a sigh he jumps out of the Jeep and walks towards the lodge while thanking James for waking him up

" Ok now that we introduce everyone to you I think we should start. First things first we should explain

All the rules to you… well to all of you really as believe it or not everyone besides me and Andrew are all new rangers here coming from all over the country…"


Thanks for reading, I will try to make longer ones like this one or even more in the future starting now

-1984 words