
I will Survive

In a mysterious and treacherous world, Thane finds himself thrust into a desperate struggle for survival. Awakening in an unfamiliar jungle and guided by his father's teachings, Thane must confront the dangers of the alien environment and the darkness within himself if he hopes to survive. In this gripping tale of survival and sacrifice, Thane's resilience is put to the ultimate test as he strives to emerge victorious against impossible odds.

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8 Chs

Chapter 1: Setting up Camp

Thane blinked against the blinding light, his eyes struggling to adjust as the walls of his confinement vanished. Slowly, the harsh brilliance dimmed, revealing a vast, unfamiliar landscape. He found himself standing in the middle of a sprawling forest, the canopy above filtering the sunlight into dappled patterns on the forest floor.

The air was thick with the scent of damp earth and vegetation. The sound of rustling leaves and distant bird calls filled his ears. Instinctively, Thane's hand went to his side, feeling for his trusty pocket knife that had never left his side before, only to find it missing.

Both the bandages, and the cut on his hand had all disappeared to, as though Thane's moment of indulgence was the true dream. Thane muttered to himself "Just what is going on?". Although unsure of what was happening, he knew the importance of remaining focused and calm in a foreign environment.

A sense of urgency and purpose washed over him as he took in his new surroundings, the training ingrained in him by his father coming to the forefront. "Man, this is the most extreme training Dad's put me through in a long time," Thane mumbled to himself. He was still unsure of whether this was a dream, another drill by his father, or something else entirely.

Thane began scanning the area to ensure there were no immediate threats. Satisfied that he was alone, Thane decided to go through a quick warm-up routine.

He started with some basic stretches to loosen his muscles:

[Neck Rotations] - Slowly rolling his head from side to side to ease any tension.

[Shoulder Rolls] - Rotating his shoulders forward and backward to release any stiffness.

[Arm Circles] - Swinging his arms in wide circles to increase blood flow.

[Trunk Twists] - Twisting his torso from side to side to loosen his core muscles.

[Leg Swings] - Swinging each leg back and forth to stretch his hip flexors and hamstrings.

[Deep Lunges] -Stepping forward into a deep lunge, to stretch his thighs and calves.

[Toe Touches] - Bending down to touch his toes, stretching his hamstrings and lower back.

[Jumping Jacks] - A burst of cardio to get his heart rate up and blood flowing.

[Push-ups] - To engage his upper body and core muscles.

[Squats] - To warm up his leg muscles and improve his mobility.

After completing the basic stretches, Thane moved on to more advanced exercises, blending strength, agility, and endurance training. He compressed an hour's worth of exercises into a focused and intense 30-minute session, showcasing an efficiency and physical capability that bordered on inhuman.

As he worked through his routine, Thane took note of the sky. By checking the position of the sun, he estimated he had about five hours of daylight left. He understood the importance of warming up before engaging in strenuous activity due to his father's teachings, so he still spent a decent amount of time going through his exercises.

During this time, he also noted how foreign the forest really was. While the plants appeared similar to those on Earth, they had variations that made them entirely unique, both confusing and fascinating to Thane, who was familiar with most flora and fauna on Earth.

As Thane completed his routine, he noticed that not only had the cut on his hand healed, but all his minor injuries and even the old shoulder pain had seemingly disappeared. His skin felt unusually smooth and his hair seemed healthier than ever. These changes were jarring, adding to the surreal nature of his situation.

He confirmed that his confinement had also disappeared or it, at least was no longer in his immediate vacinity . This added to the feeling that it might all be a dream, but the vividness of his surroundings, the solidity of the ground beneath him, and the acute sharpness of his senses suggested otherwise.

With his body warmed up and his mind focused, Thane felt ready to tackle whatever challenges lay ahead. He knew he needed to secure shelter and water first, the very basics of survival that his father had drilled into him.

Thane took a deep breath, forcing himself to stay calm. He began by scanning his surroundings, checking for immediate dangers and noting potential resources.

The forest seemed benign, but he knew better than to trust appearances. His first priority was shelter. He spotted a tree with low-hanging branches and thick foliage, which seemed similar to an ancient oak and could serve as a temporary refuge.

Moving swiftly, he began gathering materials. Along with fallen branches and leaves, he found a variety of unusual plants. There were large, spongy leaves with a waxy surface, perfect for water resistance.

He also came across fibrous vines that were incredibly strong yet flexible, ideal for binding the structure together. Among the more ordinary materials like twigs and small branches, he discovered plants with thick, broad leaves that could provide additional insulation.

As he explored further, Thane stumbled upon a unique plant draped over a very large tree. The plant had dark green, glossy leaves with intricate, silver-veined patterns. He made small incisions along the vines using a sharp rock. The vine oozed a thick, amber-coloured sap.

He collected the sap, and went about testing it, within a few minutes being exposed to the air the sap had already began to harden. About half an hour later it would solidify, forming a strong, flexible bond.

This new sap seemed to have very strong adhesive properties and would be invaluable for securing his shelter and crafting other survival tools.

With these materials at hand, Thane felt more confident in his ability to construct a sturdy and weather-resistant shelter.

Thane worked methodically, using the fibrous vines to lash the branches together, forming a sturdy frame for his shelter. He layered the spongy, waxy leaves on top, ensuring they overlapped to create an effective barrier against the elements. The thick, broad leaves provided additional insulation, making the shelter more comfortable and secure. The sap provided an additional layer of stability working well to ensure additional strength in his shelter.

Within a short time, he had constructed a lean-to against the sturdy trunk of the ancient oak-like tree. The unique materials of this alien forest provided unexpected advantages, and Thane felt a small measure of satisfaction as he stepped back to survey his work.

The shelter was well-camouflaged, blending seamlessly into the surrounding foliage. With shelter secured, Thane turned his attention to finding water. Listening intently, he heard the faint sound of running water and followed it to a small, clear stream.

As Thane moved in the direction of the water source, he made sure to cover his tracks, brushing away footprints and disturbing the foliage to obscure his path. After checking for immediate danger Thane leaned over the stream, where his reflection caught his eye.

He stared at the clear water, noting how all his minor scars, scrapes, and bruises, had truly all vanished. Thane's skin looked unusually smooth, and his hair looked as though he had just left a hair saloon, almost as if he had never experienced hardship. This new appearance staring back at him was quite jarring.

Thane had always taken pride in the marks and scars on his body, viewing them as signs of his hard work and resilience. Seeing them gone evoked mixed feelings; relief at being healed but also a sense of loss for the physical reminders of his struggles.

Along his journey, Thane took note of the unfamiliar flora surrounding him. "I've never seen any of these plants before," he muttered, a sense of confirmation creeping into his voice.

Thane knew a vast variety of plants, so the complete unfamiliarity was unsettling. It confirmed that something wasn't quite normal. While he no longer kept up the hope it was a dream, he still couldn't be certain just yet, on whether or not this was just another extreme training setup by his Dad.

However, he had already begun to discounting this opinion more and more as time went on. Thane could not shake an indescribable feeling of uneasiness that had slowly been rising since he had woken. 

He thought back to last night, when he was confronted with a similar weak looking person starring back at himself in his reflection. A momentary wave of disgust washed over Thane as he was reminded of the previous nights self-indulgence. A characteristic his family had always said belonged to the weak and greedy, of which, Thane was neither. 

During his walk to the stream, Thane had also noticed a tree with the ends of its branches twisting in a circular way, creating natural wooden bowls. Located in the center of a few of the 'bowls' were strange purplish flowers growing. He noticed that a few bird-like creatures seemed to be eating them. 

These birds stood out with feathers that created a foggy camouflage pattern, rather than the typical browns and greens you would expect in a jungle environment. As Thane watched these birds from a distance, he noticed one of them suddenly react with a swift, involuntary motion, almost like a sneeze. A small cloud of what appeared to be dust puffed out. 

Thane, being too far away, couldn't tell for certain if it really was dust or something else, but with his other priorities stacking up, he didn't have the time to give the creature any more thought. He decided to pull out these flowers and put them aside, intending to check later if they had any unique properties and pocketed the bowls. 

Once Thane reached the water, he thought about testing how good they would be as containers. Realizing their potential use, he filled one with water from the stream, holding it in the air to test its capacity and whether it would leak or absorb too much water.

He noted that they seemed to absorb a decent amount of water, making them fairly poor containers. After a moment's thought, Thane got the idea to coat his new bowls with the sap and water resistant leaves he had obtained earlier to create an effective container.

With shelter and water secured, Thane knew his next priority was to create a weapon. The unfamiliar flora and the unsettling realization that he might be in an entirely different world heightened his sense of vulnerability. He scanned the forest floor for suitable materials, quickly identifying a sturdy, straight branch that could serve as a spear shaft. Using a sharp rock, he began to carve one end into a pointed tip.

As Thane worked, his movements were precise and efficient, a testament to his training. He wrapped the base of the spearhead with strips of bark to reinforce it, ensuring it would hold up under pressure. Thane also applied a simple layer sap coating, to further reinforce the weapon.

The task provided a much-needed focus, helping to quell the rising tide of unease. Armed with his makeshift spear, Thane felt a slight but reassuring sense of preparedness. He stood, testing the weapon's balance and weight, his mind already considering the next steps in his survival strategy.

To further secure his camp, he fashioned a perimeter of sharpened stakes, placing them strategically around his lean-to to deter any would-be intruders. He also crafted a few more weapons, including a club and a set of throwing sticks, giving himself multiple means of defense.

While setting up these defenses, Thane came across small, brightly coloured frog like creatures. They had an extra pair of legs which made them quite foreign and their vivid hues reminded him of the poison dart frogs he'd seen in one of his earlier trainings.

Deciding to take the risk, Thane grabbed one of his sharp sticks and carefully extracted some of the frogs' toxin, applying it to the tips of his throwing sticks. Although he couldn't be sure of its potency without testing it, he hoped the potential poison would give him an edge against any possible threats.

The thought of potential predators or even other intelligent beings heightened his sense of caution. He began to camouflage his shelter, covering it with more branches and leaves to blend seamlessly into the surrounding foliage. Next, he scouted the area surrounding his makeshift camp, identifying paths that would be difficult for others to follow and marking them subtly for his own use.

Thane also set up a few rudimentary traps using the natural materials at hand, hoping they would either catch small game or serve as an early warning system. As he worked, he collected any plants, herbs, and flowers that he thought might prove useful at some point. He constantly scanned his surroundings, his senses on high alert for any signs of movement.

The forest's unfamiliar sounds kept him on edge, but his rigorous training helped him stay focused and methodical. Thane knew he couldn't afford to be complacent; survival in this new place meant being vigilant and prepared for any eventuality.

After suitably creating a base Thane knew the importance of fire, with his knife missing he wouldn't be able to use its reflective surface so he needed another plan. Thane gathered some fire-starting materials, including dry bark and a plant with fibrous, easily ignitable strands.

He knew the importance of being able to reliably start fires, in his mind Thane went through a couple of different options before deciding to craft a bow drill. He found a flexible branch to use as the bow and some fibrous plant material to create the bowstring. For the spindle and fireboard, he selected suitable wood from fallen branches, shaping them carefully with sharp stones. A small, hard stone served as the socket to press down on the spindle.

With these materials, he crafted a primitive but effective fire-starting tool. The bow drill would allow him to generate enough friction to create an ember, which he could then use to ignite the dry bark and fibrous strands.

This method required skill and patience, but Thane was confident in his ability to make it work. The task of preparing the bow drill provided another moment of focus, grounding him in the practical steps necessary for survival.

As Thane finished assembling the bow drill, he took a moment to appreciate the simplicity and effectiveness of the tool. It was a testament to his resourcefulness and the training his father had instilled in him.

With this tool, he knew he could start a fire when needed, providing warmth and a means to cook food. Although he was likely in a tropical environment and would not need the heat to stay warm overnight, there was no harm in being prepared, Thane thought to himself.

Satisfied with his preparations, he turned his attention back to his surroundings, ready to continue his exploration.