
I Will Live A Better Life!

A man dies and reincarnates into another world. Grasping the emotions left from his past life, he yearns for a better life. However, the world isn't as simple as it seems. "Curses?!" "Demons..?" "Magic..!" "Another world..?!" It seems like his newly-granted life will be wrought with troubles. ***** The starting point will be a mixed anime world that includes several slice-of-life as well as supernatural worlds. MC's cheat is not a system. The story will not be fast-paced. For his appearance, he looks similar to Galahad of Fate/Grand Order. Mix Worlds: Jujutsu Kaisen | Otherworld's Magic is Too Far Behind! | Bocchi The Rock! | Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojo Other Worlds: Familiar of Zero | Danmachi | Fate/Grand Order | Fate/Apocrypha Chapter 1-14: Mix Worlds Chapter 15 - 98: Danmachi Chapter 99 - 115: Fate Grand Order Chapter 116 - 136: Mix Worlds Chapter 137 - Latest: Fate/ Apocrypha Advanced chapters: Pa****n.com/IdleYoungMaster PS: The list of worlds will be updated as the story proceeds. Also, updates will be one chapter / day during my summer vacation. If you are interested for potential worlds MC would travel, feel free to take a look at the extra chapter. (Cover art not mine. Source: https://www.zerochan.net/2247928)

IdleYoungMaster · Komik
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187 Chs

Chapter 82: Rewriting a Legend

"You're about to cry, don't you?!"


I shook my head at Ein's teasing words.

True to my words, Filvis did wipe her eyes with the sleeves of her dress. She was silent throughout our banter. Her relieved smile flashed every now and then.

"About what we agreed about… This shouldn't be let out."

""Got it.""

Two identical voices overlapped upon one another.

"It's too… unique. Is this your unique magicka?"

"That's right." I smiled at the two of them. They understood I didn't want to talk about it anymore.

"We've settled your problem with the Demi-spirit. You can look forward to [Mana Furnace]."


"Mana Furnace…"

I knew they could learn it. In the first place, it should be my Creature state that helped me activate my [Mana Furnace]. If not, I wouldn't have taken the form of [Sirius] every time I activated my dream organs.

These evidences pointed out 'Spirits' being the answer. With their nature to exist as a higher-order beings in my world, it made sense.

Filvis and Ein has the experiences of being turned into a Creature. Even if their body forgot it with the reversal, their mind—subconscious—should be able to retain bits of them. Coupled with the fact they don't have limits due to falna, it is possible to learn Mana Furnace.

It is definitely one of the things people of my world would wish to have.

Falna might be seen to be slow in terms of growth, but adding my world's magic systems solve those problem—and magicians have the ample amount of experiences to do so.

"We'll start tomorrow."


Inside Hephaestus-sama's office, the three of us gathered. Somehow, it feels much different from the last time. Nevertheless, both Hephaestus-sama and Artemis acted the usual. They kept solemn expressions while looking at me.

Hepahestus-sama was the first one to give in.

"Would you see something horrible again?" She sighed as she asked.

"...Perhaps. But it is something I have to experience. It is better to see that kind of future to prevent it from happening."

Suddenly, Artemis added:

"If you happen to see it—"

"Yes." I smiled at them. "I would be counting to the two of you."

The two goddesses wore a relieved smile. I could see a hint of affection from Artemis… and Hephaestus-sama?

Wait a minute…

I halted the absurd thought.

Is the reason for her oddness this morning..?

I will settle it later.

For now…

'Modify the combat experiences to ten years later?'

The familiar itchy feeling filled my chest. It is a rare occassion to feel like this twice in a day.


That sensation disappeared.

Just then, the distortion wrapped around my very being.

The arms of the clock started moving forward.




Nobu picked up the nodachi on the ground. The one dubbed as 'Dragon Slayer' managed to slay a monster from the 45th floor.

'This unease…'

It has been days since he lost his cheat. It is a well-known phenomenon from his memories. Somehow, it disappears whenever he uses them. Then, they never come back.

That's what happened to him in all the iterations save for the first one.

His biggest reliance was gone, but it didn't render him useless. With his current accomplishments, he went up to level four.

It has been four weeks since he last reached level three. It was extremely difficult to raise his stats to the maximum—SSS1599—hence it took him another round of explorations to level up.

'I shouldn't worry about it. I'll have to deal with everything first.'

The horde of monsters from the deep floors encroached him.

For the next two weeks, all Nobu did was to dive in the dungeon. Ishtar Familia was dealt with a long time ago. He didn't worry about everything else but the dungeon.

It became more difficult to earn excelia without his cheat, but Nobu's [Child of Constellations] and [Miracle Maker] shone brilliantly.


A pillar of fire pierced the floor he was standing on. He predicted the incoming projectiles a long time ago with [Arbiter]'s detection system.

Once the fire pillar died, he used it to counterattack.

'It's time.'

Nobu stuffed whatever he could in that hole. Missiles, grenades, self-destructing magic swords…

A few seconds later, the ground rumbled once more.



"This is… fun."

Two more months had passed.

Nobu fought against the abomination of the sixtieth floor—the Titan Alm. It is one of the remaining Demi-spirits that could threaten level seven adventurers.

Unfortunately, it fought against the wrong person.

"Dea… Obsignum… Faatus." (O' Goddess, I Seal My Fate.)

The dark dungeon welcomed the descent of brilliant stars. The ground rumbled as the destructive meteor shower rained upon the Demi-spirit. The attack left it with no choice but to focus on regenerating.

"Abrad ad habra." (I will create as I speak.)

An archangel descended inside the dungeon, brining over divine lightning that purges all evil.


The magic crystal crumbled. It didn't stand strong against the holy magicka.


Just then, he felt a gaze. The subsequent alerts from the combat suit alarmed him of a new arrival—a robed woman.

She cast several spells with ease and sent it to his way. Although, it seemed more of testing than anything else.

'Her spells..!'

It is by far the most exquisite magic he saw in Gekai—even surpassing Riveria's. He opted to use [Mana Furnace]. With his level four status, it should be enough to deal with her.

'What the heck…'

Exactly six months after his prior level up, Nobu reached the limits of his status. He dove into the dungeon as a legitimate level five and easily ran through many floors.

'This is it… level five.'


Nobu saw nothing but endless darkness. Stars glimmered dimly in the cosmos. He entered the crack made by Kazamitsu and the next thing that happened was his vision turning upside-down.

Nobu underwent severe nausea as he felt himself freefall.

That's right, freefall.

'Shit!' He cursed before realizing its graveness. 'The surrounding space!'

It is the same dilemma he faced in his descent to Gekai. His body was compressed while waves of sharp cracks decorated his body with severe wounds. Worse, everything happened within five seconds.




The rainbow-colored magic circle appeared behind his back. Instantly, his slumbering dream organs awakened. The bleeding stopped before reverting to normal. His arm which was supposed to be severed reconnected itself.

'I could..?'

Nobu was surprised to find out he could now control himself under this state.

He didn't linger on this thought anymore. He immediately deployed [Militaris Fortilitia] around him.

Golden magic circles surrounded his body. They fizzled for a few moments. The turbulent space in the gap between worlds was blocked as a result.

It gave him a leeway.

'Would this place cause Mystical Entrophy? If so… No, I should act as it does.'

Mystical Entropy causes the clash of spells. If too many spells were cast in a single place, it would cause the subsequent spells to fail. The clash between physical and mystical laws turned it into such a place.

Nobu knew a single mistake would end him dead—even with Mana Furnace.

He continued his fight within this endless darkness…



The dulled katana blocked the incoming strike from Lefille-san. It was my first fight after the rehabilitation.



My dynamic vision isn't what it used to be. I caught her traces despite the [Telesma] in her. She would look like a scarlet wind to others, but I could see her clearly.

Lefille-san's swordsmanship… it didn't change.

Just like before, it is a sword of vengeance—of wrath.


Briefly, I wondered how my student is faring in the other world.


I parried her downward vertical strike. In the midst of her surprised look, the katana's tip reached her neck in one go.

After that, I heard a comment from Suimei.

"You really became that strong… but what about those ears and tail?"


The corner of my mouth twitched.

'Kudrack, huh…'


I made eye contact with Suimei beneath my combat suit. He brought me in this other world to defeat Kudrack "Ghosthide". He is the man behind the 'Cross Dimension' magicka. With that, my arsenal didn't weaken with the lack of mythologies in a certain world.

Heck, Suimei could probably decimate this guy alone but asked for my help just to make sure.

"Archiatus overload." (Maximum Load, Release.)

My body transformed into something… transcendent. It is on a whole another level of inhumane as before. Being a level six plus modifying it worked wonders.

Using [Hacker], I cast my newly developed batch of spells.



A mix of fire and thunder pillars went to Kudrack.

I knew it didn't have much effect on him, but it fulfilled its purpose.

My hands made a bow-drawing motion. Phantoms of constellations gathered on the tip of my finger. It glowed light blue before being released in his direction.


The mini-meteor did its job. The partial activation of [Orionids * Moon Hunt] is far stronger than my swift-chant magicka.


'Why am I feeling this way?'


"On it!"

I couldn't believe it. The man fighting us is none other than Nietzsche himself! I didn't expect him to be this strong. To be comparable to Magisters..!

"You are barking at the wrong tree."

I shook those thoughts. I recalled the memories of my future iterations before I responded:

"I am aware."



"...but we would like to challenge you… the man who challenged this world's god."


I apologize, Suimei, but I have to do this. I haven't seen my limits with my current strength. I know Nietzsche wouldn't kill someone on his side—and I knew about his ideals.

"I'll explain later… but it's all about those future visions." I said. "He is someone who could help us."

"...I see. You better explain everything later, alright?!"

"Yes, yes."

Suimei understood my intent. He readied his magicka and unleashed his dream organs.

"Act as you see fit."

The man's words rang inside the castle room.

'This one might be destroyed…

It succeeded.

The plan for Shibuya is to let everything go as it is, but there'll be a mirror dimension set up. It is a space where reality is reflected, yet it can't be affected from the inside. The entire Shibuya station along its radius was affected.

It is the grand-scale magicka I prepared over the course of years. Suimei helped me take action by placing my preparations all over Shibuya.


I couldn't hold back my boiling bloodlust.

The one-eyed volcano curse was surprised to see me. I wore the magician's suit as I walked towards him.

"You are…"

"You don't remember."

I didn't see the expression I was making, but it should be closer to a murderous smile. I envisioned this exact day for so long.

It finally came.

"Archiatus overload." (Maximum Load, Release.)

I didn't have any other thoughts.

I made a bow-drawing motion and sent a semi-formed Orionids at his face.


I leaped to a certain place. The maximum output of my [Repulsors] imbued with [Holy] gathered in my palm.

When the smoke cleared up, the volcano head became visible. He happened upon my opened palm.

"Fuck you."



The searing heat tried to invade [Arbiter] but to no avail.

"Hoh. You are one delusional mortal. You will die, and that's what you would do?"

I am inside his [Domain]. My zero-cursed energy physique does grant me resistance and a certain level of concealment against the sure-hit effect, but it is not as thorough as Fushiguro Toji or Maki.

Even so…

"You're the one who's dying."

"How arrogant—!"

{Coordinate confirmed.}

{Activation programs online.}

I felt a virtual connection to a faraway satellite. My connection with [Arbiter] allowed this thing. My power increase became proportional on the strength of the magicka I use on [Judgement].

At this moment, it reached an all-time peak.

{Confirmation… Finished.}

{Judgement will utilize [Exodus].}

It was an instant.



A pillar of fire and cloud descended into Jogo's [Domain]. It immediately broke it from the outside. The Holy Magicka engulfed him whole.

Fire fought fire.

This time, he wouldn't be escaping.

'Shit..! Please don't let it be that!'





I crushed another small cursed spirit. There are dozens of them in my surroundings. I didn't expected this sight after the perfected [Dimension Transference] spell!


Looking at the dark dreary sky, I couldn't believe this is Gekai. What in the world happened to it while I was gone?!

'Those plans aren't enough..!'

First of all, I should find Miku's [Laplace] in this world. To do that, I need to find my way back to Orario.

"I will deal with everything at once."

Dozens of golden lightning bolts manifested out of thin air before cleaning all of the cursed spirits at once.


Nobu's heart skipped. He never stopped encountering cursed spirits every few hours. The same went when he arrived at Orario's location.


Chills were sent to his spine. The strange sensations he felt from the moment he woke up made sense to him. He couldn't feel the goddess' power on his back; nor another goddess' support on his magic.

The towering Babel that pierced the clouds with its height of four kilometers—

"What did just..?"

—it has fallen.

"This is my fault… FUCK!"

Nobu threw a deformed goblin several buildings away.


His stomp cracked the roads in the northwest district. It shattered several ruined buildings nearby. Nobu vented the frustration within him by doing exactly just that.

"I refuse to accept this..!"

His [Correspondence] went through the entire city, but there is not a single sign of life present.


Soon, fatigue overwhelmed him. He flew straight to Orario for several hours and never got tired, but this revelation nailed the coffin.

Silently, Nobu walked towards a familiar building. He entered the run-down store that used to be a luxury store. The display cabinets are all empty, and so are the crates behind the desk. Only dust and fragments of rocks and wood remained.

Small cursed spirits in the form of flies bothered him, but he killed them off in a single go.

Nobu looked at the door to the forge. It was previously filled with spells. Now, they are long gone.

The desolate store of Hephaestus Familia amplified the despair he felt in his heart.


Nobu followed the voice he'd heard since he returned. Out of all the twists and turns, he met her again.


"I… I will save you."

Artemis is in a strange state. The special-grade cursed spirit on the form of a black scorpion enclosed her on its chest with a crystal.


Nobu doesn't understand if it was his coping mechanism or something else. However, he refused to believe that possibility.

"Deploy everything."


{Sending signals to [Jury].}


[Jury] is the second satellite he made. It is smaller and less complex than [Judgement], but it could hold immense firepower.

{Automated combat suits online.}

Nobu's entire armory was brought out to fight the special-grade curse. He came at it with full preparation.

"I will save you..!"


It is something elusive yet affects life.

Satoru Gojou was born to handle a strong fate—the coincidence of having [Six Eyes] and [Infinity] gave way to it.

Yakagi Suimei was born to prevent the world's end by his fate that makes anything possible. Ironically, he is the one who could stop the Twilight Syndrome—not Reiji, his Lapis Judaicus, or anyone else.

I could see a pattern to it.




Everything should've been clear already.

Orion died to the Scorpio. The hunter became the hunted. That was how Orion's myth went. It doesn't take someone's vast knowledge to arrive at this conclusion.




I lost my strength. The huge gaping holes made by the black scorpion were something my dream organs couldn't deal with. It is an absurd being nearly on the same level as that ancient dragon.

It is to be expected by the cursed spirit born out of the gods' fear.

Before I fell to the ground, someone caught my body.

A transparent Artemis hugged me.

"I… sorry..!" She said with overflowing tears. "I failed you again!"


It is not your fault.

It's mine.


My body is slowly losing strength. It is such a foreign concept after awakening my [Mana Furnace]. It is far different from the sensation when I 'died' as a creature.

It is… cold.

A single glance was all it needed to know. My ephemeral body, the soul and basis of myself, is on the verge of collapse. I manifested the single strike to end everything. My dream organs are overloaded to attain the power akin to that ancient dragon's.

At that moment, I stood at the top.

I rewrote the legend.

Yet, it wasn't enough to influence everything. While I am dying, there is still the one-eyed black dragon.

I tried to stand up but to no avail.

"Don't force yourself…"

My sight started narrowing—darkness consumed its edges.

This is bad.

I am starting to lose consciousness…

One last time, I touched her cheek.

"Didn't… you say… it..? We… would… meet again…"

"We will..! I will make sure of it..!"

The last thing I saw was a person wrapped in viridescent winds.

I'm glad you're…


In a place where Nobu couldn't see…

Everything ensued.


That bright falling star caught the attention of the remaining adventurers. The ones who embarked on the journey against the One-eyed Black Dragon were the ones who lived. Orario and the people living on it were the first ones to fall.

It wasn't known how it could easily reach Orario despite the distance between it and the northernmost part of Gekai is immense.

Hatsune Miku, the sentient artificial intelligence brought by Nobu was the one who discovered how. Using cursed energy, it traversed space and immediately arrived at the dungeon city.

It is exactly through her help that they know many things about it now.

Currently, the most shocking thing that happened is the appearance of Arcanum. An attack bordering the gods' Arcanum appeared as a moon in the sky. The energy readings indicated how strong it was.

Being the fastest, Aiz was the first one to arrive. Unfortunately, she was still a step too late.


It didn't take long before Artemis turned into motes of light. Be it a coincidence or not, Nobu's body followed suit. It left a broken and battered combat suit on the ground.


During the last moment, Aiz knew her eyes met Nobu's. The latter showed his relief upon seeing her.


She got close to the armor before touching it. Since then, she never moved. Aiz stared blankly at the piece of armor until the others arrived.

"Aiz-san! What was that?"

The second one to arrive was Lili. She noticeably wore a closed pocketwatch on her neck. She doesn't need it with the addition of his final gift—a combat suit—yet kept it like a precious treasure.

"It's… Nobu."


"Your teacher. He was the one who fought just now."

Lili was caught off guard. Her disbelief turned into anxiety as she asked:

"...Where is he?"


Seeing her silence, her world was overturned. She weakly fell to the ground as tears began to build up on her eyes.

In the end, she chose not to ask Aiz further. It is simply deluding herself.

Her teacher is dead.

{Connection to local intranet detected.}

{Connection successful.}


A mechanical voice rang on her waist. A silver orb hung tied to it.


Miku followed suit to Aiz's silence. Her humanity shone at this moment—in such bad timing.

Coincidentally, she recalled the special song composed by them.

Odds and Ends.

Throughout the iterations she'd heard—the times Nobu lived—why did she always fail to keep him?

Miku wanted to be the voice—the entity—that would raise his strength. He entrusts his intention to the voice and she accomplishes it.

For the ninth time, the odds and ends wore a sorrowful face.


A/N: Odds and Ends could also translate to 'leftover scraps'. In this context, it pertains to all the Mikus who were left whenever Nobu dies. It is also a song made by ryo, also known as supercell (maker of Guilty Crown OSTs, Psycho-pass, Takt Op, and Kimi no Shiranai Monogatari, one of Bakemonogatari's Endings). Odds and Ends is his magnum opus, final work, in the vocaloid industry. Do give it a try and you won't regret it.

Anyways, this is the second time Nobu saw his combat experience future. I made it to be less confusing than the earlier one. Any thoughts about it?

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