
I will be the strongest flame user

mob_mobbers · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
25 Chs

the town of orcs and hunters

"he- help me please" Paige had a broken leg and didn't have enough energy to cast a spell

"HELP ME PLEASE!" Paige yelled at the top of her lungs but then a sharp wooden split went through Paige like a knife through butter "n- no I- I don't wanna die li- like this" Paige's mouth became filled with blood, a monster made of wood and vines, moss and leaves was the one to kill Paige and then Paige passes out but then "hey you!" a voice called from the distance then suddenly water is thrown at the monster the water turns into ice and the monster falls into pieces "Hey lady are you awake" the man checks her pulse "great there's still a chance" he picks her up and runs into the town.

the door busts open "hey doc can you help me" the doctor looks at the torn body in the man's hand "Sure I've got this put her on the table" the doctor prepares a healing spell, and as the spell takes place Paige's broken leg bends back into place and the hole in her gut starts to regenerate.

Paige starts to open her eyes "hello where am I?" she looks around "you are in a swamp town" Paige is confused about how she got here "thankfully one of the townsfolk found you" the man walks in to see if they are okay. Paige sees that the man happens to be half-orc and half-human with tusks pointing out his mouth and a pink tone to his skin and a cloth on his back almost like a scarf. "well thank you Mr? she holds out her hand "its shrunak miss" they both shake hands "hey after what happened can you accompany me on my travels" shrunak becomes filled with glee "yes miss I'd love to but first I'd like to ask your name?"

"it Paige juniper and I am aiming to be the greatest flame user in the history of flame users"