
I Was Turned Into A Skeleton And Brought To A New World!

Are you bored of perfect MCs who just know what to do at any turn and do it perfectly without any prior experience on whatever they do? Probably not, they can be pretty cool. Well, read the story of an average Joe who was brought into a world of fantasy and turned into a skeleton without his consent! -- What happens if some silent type from work you don't quite like happens to be a wizard and kidnaps you, brings you to a new world and turns you into a skeleton to do his bidding? Join the journey of Kai Litt, a regular salaryman who was turned into a skeleton to be the fuel for a new type of undead. So what happens, then, if the wizard botched the job and you still have your mind, but also only 12 hours before you turn into a pile of ashes? Concept art: Coeus / Alpay Berk

hellebore · Game
Peringkat tidak cukup
80 Chs

Crouching Tiger Appeared!

"This city has been filled with daring youngsters of all kinds lately!" Number One guffawed and then complained as he wiped some blood off his face, "I leave that brat for a minute and he immediately runs off!"

"I heard about you people," Apollo said. "Dragon's Claw. I was planning on dealing with you all, eventually."

Number One's tone of voice suddenly turned apathetic as he started picking his teeth. Even though he was clearly mocking Apollo, he still looked more similar to a predator who had just finished off some prey. "You have a certain family's crest in your coin purse, right? Fork it over."

Even Number Two couldn't find any words to berate this man. He was acting like a common thug robbing some passerby, not like a legendary assassin about to face a master of the sword. 'If nothing else, at least stand straight and stop picking your teeth! We still have a reputation to uphold!' were the thoughts in Number Two's head.