
Chapter 90 :The First Dangerous Public Performance

Reacting, Uncle Ben quickly kicked the pistol off the floor.

The clerk also hurriedly took out the pistol he had hidden and aimed it at the two thugs.


The form was instantly reversed, the thugs covering their wrists and moaning were pointed at by the gun and immediately raised their hands.


On the way back, Uncle Ben and Peter walked forward along the dim streetlight.

The two robbers in the supermarket had already been taken away by the arriving police.

Uncle Ben stopped and said to Peter, "Peter, you're not hurt, are you?

"I'm fine, Uncle Ben."

Uncle Ben came over, patted Peter on the shoulder and said, "That's good, Peter, you've always been a good boy, a vigorous and hopeful boy, I've always been convinced of that."

"I don't know what has happened to you lately to make you less cheerful and talkative than you were before."

Uncle Ben said with emotion, "But I know that you've always been a kind kid, just like the ones you did just now."

An automobile drove by on the side of the road, rolling up a few fallen leaves.

Uncle Ben gazed into Peter's eyes and said, "Your father once had a belief and was convinced of it, and that belief stayed with him throughout his life and benefited him greatly."

"What was it? Uncle Ben."

Peter indicated that he was listening.

"He believed that if you can do something for the world, you must do it well and better than anyone else, do things that help others and make them feel good about their lives."

"He doesn't think he's doing this just because of a moment of kindness, but because Uncle Ben's eyes are caught up in the memories, for there is a sense of duty driving him."

"So . ..."

Uncle Ben turned his gaze to Peter, "Peter, extraordinary things will happen in your life, you are destined to do great things, but with that comes great responsibility, as heavy as it will be."

Peter listened to Uncle Ben's words in silence.

A sudden premonition rose in his heart that he found impossible:Did Uncle Ben see something?

"Ahem, let's go."

Uncle Ben coughed, looking at his nephew's thoughtful expression with satisfaction.

It seems that his own words, Peter listened in.


The following day.

Liz. Allen's house was bustling.

As the student president of Midtown High School, she was very appealing and popular in the school.

The party that she proposed to organize at this time attracted many students.

Originally, Gwen wasn't interested in this kind of party, but since she was also a member of the band "Mary Janes", she could only accompany the band members to the scene."

Gwen was wearing a straight hemmed, embossed velvet dress that Gloria said was for the band members, which made her feel a little awkward.

"You're beautiful, Gwen."

Gloria complimented from the bottom of her heart.

"Well, if the conservative people were to see what I was wearing, they would surely say:On this holy ground! We know you bring the Eye of Scrutiny, that terrible triple eye, and the sound of the Black Trumpet playing, we repent."

Glory makes an exaggerated face, "My God! Gwen you are so conservative after all."

"I'm not a conservative Christian, I'm just ..."

Gwen looks to her cell phone and mumbles under her breath: "I just thought that such a beautiful dress might have to go to a separate person.

She also received a reply from Peter on her cell phone.

She had invited Peter to come see her play in the band last night.

It wasn't public, but it was always the first time she had performed in public.

She heard from her dad last night that Peter had been robbed at the supermarket.

Although she knew that Peter and Uncle Ben had subdued the robbers, she was still a little worried.

It couldn't be that Peter was traumatized by something, could it?!

She herself should have gone to Peter's neighborhood last night to hang out.

As Spider-Woman, if she let something happen to Peter, she really wouldn't be successful as a superhero at all.

"Hi Gwen!"

Liz came up to greet Gwen, interrupting her floating thoughts.

Liz was wearing a black dress and a black raven decorated mask on her head.

"Good evening Liz, your costume is very special."

Gwen greeted the other woman.

"Of course, I am now - Lenore!"

Liz spun around and said to Gwen, "One night in winter, a stately raven paid a surprise visit I had hoped to learn from the raven about departed lovers, but the raven told me 'nevermore'."

Gwen and Glory looked at each other.

"Ahem, I'm not interested in sonnets, 'Lenore'."

Gwen had seen, in school, the drama club put on this production of Edgar Allan . Poe's 'The Raven' seems to have a heroine named Lenore in it, and Liz is playing the other side. But she couldn't get interested in literature or anything.

"I understand that schoolteachers are always interested in science and other things, but instead they dislike useless novels and poems."

Liz showed her understanding, casually grabbing two juice sodas from the table and handing them to the two.

"Didn't Peter come?"

She asked Gwen.

"No, maybe he's on his way."

Gwen was suddenly a little conflicted again.

She was afraid in her mind that something bad was going to happen, but she wanted Peter to come to her show. The wide living room was playing the Jefferson Airplane's Tall John. Silver" album. It occurred to Gwen that she had one of those old albums, covered in scratches, but the song sounded good to her.


The students in the room were having a party time, and Gwen and the Mary Janes were playing on stage.

Gwen expertly played the drums, following the beat she had practiced, and the overall rhythm of the band.

Glory confidently showed off her singing voice as the lead singer.

"Boo! Boom! Boom!"

The drumsticks pounded heavily, as if they were hitting the heart.


The burly man in the suit, whose heart was struck heavily, slammed his body on the ground, splattering a lot of dirt. Peter put his foot on the other's chest and asked the other, "Who told you to follow me? Horrified by the speed and strength displayed by Peter, the strong man opened his mouth, suppressed the pain in his body, and used all his strength to squeeze a word out of his mouth - ''Mr. Osborne.

Although he didn't want to say it, he was now filled with one thought:This guy is a monster!

After his mental sanity was destroyed, he could only give an honest account.

Peter's brows furrowed when he heard the name the other party uttered.

He had originally stayed at home, but saw sneaky figures around the residence.

When he lured the other party further away from his home, he made a move to dry out the other party.

After listening to the other party's complete story, he raised his head to look into the distance.

Norman. Osborne had not only sent someone to spy on himself, but had even sent someone to make a move on Gwen.

It seemed that the other party already had suspicions about Gwen's identity.

Thinking of this, he took out his cell phone and looked at the text message that Gwen had sent to him.

Gwen was attending a party at Liz's house.

She could deal with ordinary humans, but what if it was a green demon?'