
Chapter 3: This time, I got you, Gwen.

"Roses are red, violets are blue, sugar is sweet, but Josh . Rob is an asshole! In a classroom at Midtown High School, the English teacher was writing furiously

Peter suddenly received a text message like this.

The sender of the text message says "Gwen Stacy". Peter, according to the memory of his predecessor, turned around and looked at the girl with blonde hair and delicate features at the back left of the classroom, and when she saw him turn around, she smiled at him.

The cell phone in Peter's hand vibrated again.

Gwen. Stacy sent over another text message: "I heard in the morning, that Josh guy got you in trouble again, are you okay?

Gwen is one of Peter's best friends, it seems that in the future the two became a couple

But the end is a bit tragic.

Thinking back to the information he learned about Gwen Stacy in his previous life, Peter texted her. Stacy's information, Peter texted back to the other party: "It's fine, but he should be something.

A few moments later, Gwen, who had received the text, replied back with a question mark, and attached a Nick Young question mark emoji that

Peter put down his cell phone and did not reply to Gwen's text message.

He focused his attention on the notes in front of him, recalling the information he had read in the "Alien" world, extracting as much as possible from his memory and recording it on paper, trying to find out why he had been affected by the Alien embryo.

Five o'clock in the afternoon.

Peter had just stepped off campus when he was tapped on the shoulder.

"Peter, I heard!" Gwen's voice rang out behind him, "You pushed Josh against the lockers, great job! A smile tugged at the corners of his mouth, Gwen was clearly in a good mood, "You should have done that a long time ago.


Peter nodded casually.

He wasn't in the mood to talk to the blonde girl at the moment, nodding his head he turned around and prepared to leave his eyes happened to glance around a corner where someone was sneaking around and hiding.

Seeing that the other party's eyes were focused on Gwen, Peter judged that the other party was rushing towards her I'll go back first, remember to be careful on the road.

Seeing as the other party's kind text message, Peter didn't mind exiting to remind her.

"Alright, I'll be careful, see you tomorrow!

Although a little strange why Peter said strange things, Gwen still nodded.

After watching Peter leave, Gwen let out a breath and said to herself, "Well, maybe Peter was in a bad mood, I can't always hold people to my own standards.

Gwen was about to take the subway home when her cell phone suddenly rang.

Dad? I'm fine. I'm fine, I'm on my way home, can I bring you a Rye? There might not be enough stock in the fridge, maybe I can .....

Before she could finish her sentence, she was interrupted by her father, "Gwen, have you gotten any strange mail?

"Strange letters? Nope.

Gwen thought about it and shook her head no

"There was an invitation to the Christian Youth Camp, you mean this? I've heard people on the news commenting on Christian youth camps as a hook for only Methodists, Baptists, and Congregationalists, as a sinful and spiritual regression ..... You mean this kind of weird letter?

"No, of course not, never mind, I'll talk to you when you get back early"

Gwen's father, George Stacy, is still a little overwhelmed by Gwen's wild ideas. Stacy, is still a bit overwhelmed. His job is a New York City police sergeant, and he has to deal with criminals. During the day, he received a warning letter from a crime syndicate, telling him to be careful about his family's safety, and out of concern for his daughter's safety, he made the call.

Gwen, who knew nothing of her father's thoughts, hung up her cell phone and continued to walk toward the subway station Night gradually fell.

George Stacy's greatest fear is still the same. Stacey's worst fears still happened.

A remote section of the road, Gwen was suddenly stopped by three strong men with strong muscles of the three, confirmed Gwen's name, without saying to her hands Gwen, not low alertness, realize that bad, in the other hand before the action on the footsteps of wildly running strong men will not let go of course, and immediately chased to her!

Ten minutes later.

"Well, maybe we can talk and maybe I can give you guys the money in my wallet.

Standing at the rooftop of a building under construction, Gwen gasped for air.

Across the street stood burly men who were also breathing heavily.

Despite his best efforts to escape, Gwen ended up on the rooftop.

If I were a superhero, I wouldn't be so miserable bargaining with these criminals.

Gwen, who had a fine bead of sweat on her forehead, tried to stabilize the other party while resisting the urge to ramble "It's not the money we're interested in, it's you, and because of a little entanglement with your father, we have to ask you to come to our place as our guest.

"Can I refuse?


The strong man at the head of the group was a bit impatient, drew seven heads from his waist, and walked towards Gwen who was standing at the edge of the rooftop Gwen was a bit scared and took a step backward, almost falling down Take a deep breath and force yourself to calm down, Gwen cast her eyes to the roof on the other side of the rooftop Jumping from the rooftop to the other side of the roof that's three meters far away from each other, can you do it yourself? Looking at the strong man walking across the street and then looking at his feet, he would definitely be injured if he fell from a height of more than ten meters.

There is already no way to escape!

Gritting his teeth, Gwen, who no longer had a choice, took a few steps backward, and in the eyes of the strong men's panic, he accelerated forward and ran, and then took a vigorous leap.

It's not surprising, I'm supposed to be a bit of a crazy girl!

Jumping in the air Gwen said to herself.

The sound of the wind was whistling in his ears, his body was falling, and he was about to land on the roof across the street"!

Both feet stepped on the edge of the roof!

However, just when she thought she had succeeded, her feet slipped, and her body lost its balance, falling downward toward the building. Her eyes were wide open, and her heart was filled with despair for a moment.

Helplessly, her hands reached forward in an attempt to grab onto something.


In the nick of time, a pair of hands reaching out from the darkness grabbed her wrists.7 "Got you!"

A warm and familiar voice reached her ears

The face behind the arm, gradually appeared from the darkness Peter stood on the roof, reached out his hand, and grabbed Gwen who was about to fall Gwen's body leaned back, her shocked eyes gazing at Peter "Peter?"

She in no way could have imagined that in her most desperate time, Peter would appear here "You ... How could you be here?"

Without waiting for Peter to reply, Gwen, who had been pulled over, instantly jumped into Peter's arms and said with a sobbing voice: ''Thank you, Peter.

The cold expression that Peter maintained slightly thawed. He originally did not specifically come to save Gwen.

The killing intent wrapped in his body that seemed to be released from the depths of his soul made him a little annoyed

The darkness of the night was a natural hunting ground for aliens. And for him who was affected by the alien gene, he also could not help but come out to stroll in the dark night that wild violence and killing instincts that always haunted him.

After unintentionally seeing the scene of Gwen's being chased, he followed the two groups here

Feeling the warmth that Gwen brought to him in his chest, Peter raised his head, his sight looking towards the thugs on the opposite side who were already preparing to leave.