
I Was Found

" It's like you're a whole different person. You've changed...a lot."Gwen bit her lip to prevent the burning tears in her eyes from falling. " I haven't changed. I'm just showing you a side of me that you didn't get the chance to see before. " His eyes were devoid of emotion and this scared her more than it hurt her. Gwen is pretty much an open book. She's down to earth and likes to view her thoughts . But due to wicked fate , she has to get her hands dirty in order to provide for her family. She'd been in a community gang for the last seven years and her family had no knowledge of this. One thing she'd learnt from working in this gang was that no one was to be trusted. People could either make or break you. Her hidden life is going pretty much the same till she meets Alec Reinster . What role will he play in her life? Will he give her a reason to open up her heart or will he be the reason she wishes she'd never had a heart in the first place ?

Lexy_whyte · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
84 Chs


Gwen was a mess . Her day sucked , except for the time she had with Alec. She was supposed to go supervise the un loading of the shipment. They'd received a new batch of guns and bullets. Bain couldn't make it so she came in his place. It was getting pretty dark outside and Gwen had been there for hours. She was tired.

" I think that was the last of it. " Mike's voice woke her from her haze.

" Oh...ok." she rubbed the skin between her eyebrows. " Then let's get going."

" Are you feeling okay? " Mike put a hand on her shoulder. Gwen smiled.

" I'm just tired , that's all. I'm sure you're tired as well. You know what , how about I treat you to a beer once we're done with this?"

"I'll take your word for it. " Mike messed up her hair.

" What are we doing here? " Alec looked around. Derek had dragged him to a bar. The music was deafening and the bright neon lights could wake the dead. Alec had to shout for Derek to listen.

" Stop acting all innocent now that you've met a girl you'd like to please. " Derek signaled the bartender. " I'm not bringing you here to flirt around ...I'll do all the flirting. Just keep me company like the good brother you are."

Alec rolled his eyes. He looked around. There were girls who were barely dressed waving at them. They were throwing kisses at them and winking. Alec sighed and turned to Derek who was already walking to them.

" Great ! First , you drag me here and now you're just going to leave me stranded ? "Alec tapped his fingers on the bar counter.

" Bro, I love you but ..." Derek smirked at the red head who had all his attention. " Duty calls." With that he was gone.

Alec ordered for a shot of tequila. He would just have one more shot then leave. He had a headache and he'd been feeling restless since Derek interrupted his time with Gwen . Just thinking about it made is blood boil. He wondered if it was too late to poison Derek or something. He laughed at his childish thoughts.

" Can I sit here?" a gentle voice rang in Alec's ear. He turned and a foreign looking woman smiled at him. She had black straight hair that complemented her dark eyes. She was wearing heavy makeup but it was evident that she was beautiful without any. Her red lips were stretched into a smile.

" You can sit anywhere you'd like. " Alec finished the drink in his glass and stood to leave. He'd taken a few steps when he saw a familiar figure on the dance floor. His eyes narrowed to get a better look. It was Gwen and she was having a blast with some man Alec didn't recognize. He fidgeted through crowded dance floor till he got a clearer look. Gwen was swinging her hips to the music . She kept pleading for the man to dance along but he declined. He just watched with a smile on his face. Alec wanted to wipe that smile off.

" Jealous?" The same lady from the counter had followed him . Alec glared at her.

" Look , lady. I'm not good at being polite so I beg you to please leave me alone ." he stormed off.

When he got to where the two were standing before , Gwen wasn't there.

" Where's Gwen? " He stood close to the man whose smiley face turned dark when Gwen's name was mentioned.

" Who's asking?" Mike toughened up and crossed his arms. He knew how intimidating he could be. He was known as a giant back at Bain's crib. He glared at Alec but he didn't seem moved.

Alec looked at the wall of muscle before him. The guy was practically a giant. He was so mugged that his shirt looked like it was fighting to stay in one piece. He had tattoos on his arms and his neck. His face was the only clean place. There was one tattoo that caught Alec's attention. It was similar to that he saw on Gwen. A wolf. Alec figured this guy and Gwen were workmates so he tried to be more calm.

" I'm Alec , a close friend of hers." Alec noticed his features relax when he said his name.

" So you're the bastard giving little Gwenie a hard time." Mike punched Alec playfully on the shoulder. Alec was distracted for a minute. Did Gwen talk about him at work? He suddenly wanted to ask this guy to tell him everytime in detail but first things first , he had to see Gwen.

" So , where is she?" Alec smiled at the man.

" I'm Mike , thank you for asking." Mike retorted sarcastically. " She went to the bathroom. She'll be back any min-" Mike was interrupted by a sharp shriek that cut through the air. A man came running while clutching his chest. He was covered in blood and his eyes darted around confusedly. Hell broke loose as screams filled the air when he pulled out a gun and shook it around. Soon another injured man came from the same direction. He was also bleeding . They all came from the bathroom area. Alec didn't think twice before running.

Mike arrived a few seconds after Alec who stood there without a word. There was blood everywhere and there were evident signs of struggle. Mike crouched and picked up a gun from the floor, it was Gwen's but there was no sign of her.

Alec just stood there wondering if he should think the worst or not think at all. He squeezed his fists and tried to calm his thoughts and then they heard someone cough. A man crawled out from the shadows. He was bleeding profusely. Before Alec could open his mouth , Mike put a gun to the man's head.

" Where is she?" Mike looked far more frightening now. His eyes darkened and the veins in his head twitched.

" Boss promised to make Bain pay. " The man cackled. " He's just keeping his word. " He coughed up blood . He looked like he wouldn't let out any more information. With a pull of the trigger , Mike blew his head off. The blood splattered on both of them but neither flinched.

" Can you tell me what's going on ?" Alec stopped Mike . " I need answers."

" Let's make sure Gwen's safe first." Mike took out his phone and dialed Bain's number.