
Chapter 6

Touching the white fine texture on the aspen wood wand, Li Xuan couldn't help but think of the thrilling battle half a year ago again.

That day, Li Xuan left from a certain company, and on the way out in a car with the support of the driver and bodyguards, when he passed a 'deserted' place, the black wizard suddenly appeared.

Although Li Xuan's bodyguards also carried thermal weapons, they could not last long in front of the prepared wizards.

The body opened multiple layers of iron armor spells, and the small-caliber pistol bullets did not have much effect on the opponent's body.

And after a few disarming spells on the other side, plus a few drill heart spells, plus the green and flustered Avadaso's life, these leopard veterans invited by Li Xuanyan at a high price are so over.

This was also the first time that Li Xuan really faced the extraordinary power of this world, and it also completely made him change his mind.

Originally, I thought that in front of well-trained and fully armed soldiers, even if the wizard was powerful, but at most one enemy ten, and even Dumbledore's level was almost one enemy and one hundred.

As a result, reality slapped him hard, if it was really that simple, various countries would not live in peace with the wizarding world, after all, for these magical forces, do you say they are not hungry?

At the same time, we all know that it is forbidden to use martial arts, and in these so-called cooking countries, wizards with extraordinary powers have done a lot of outrageous things, and the officials of various countries have wiped their asses for them an unknown number of times.

But why they didn't attack them in the end is not because the other party, even if the number is only tens of millions, can easily subvert a country.

If nothing else, how do you play after a soul reaper curse goes down, and the heads of the official offices of various countries are manipulated?

Of course, that day Li Xuan was very calm, after all, he was already familiar with attacking him, but this time the attacker was different from before, and he was replaced by a wizard.

Perhaps others don't know that these so-called bodyguards are actually just tools that Li Xuan uses to hide himself.

Hole cards, hole cards, the power that is not understood by others can be called hole cards, everyone knows that it cannot be called a hole card.

Perhaps everyone, including the dark wizard, did not expect Li Xuan to be the most powerful existence in this team.

Li Xuan still remembered the shock on the wizard's white face under the hood when the two people were fighting each other's spells, and there was disbelief.

That day, Li Xuan only used two spells of the Innate Five Elements Tower to kill the Muggle-born wizard from Hogwarts Ravenclaw.

As for those two, one is a defensive five-element shield, and the other is an attacking metallic sword light sword shadow.

However, Li Xuan's combat experience is not rich enough, he should have opened the shield directly from the beginning, originally he planned to use the wooden attribute Wan Vine stranglehold to trap this black wizard.

After all, he knew that a wizard without a wand was a tiger with teeth pulled, and there was nothing to fear.

As a result, I didn't expect that the other party could still cast spells silently when they were bound, and if Li Xuan hadn't reacted quickly and made up for the five-element shield in time, it would really be possible that the gutter would capsize.

After all, who would have thought that a dark wizard would have mastered the two superb abilities of wandless casting and silent casting?

However, that cutting spell still left a scar on Li Xuan's waist, and although the scar had fallen, Li Xuan still had a faint pain when he reached out and touched it.

However, this dark wizard has only mastered the cutting spell to this extent, and other spells do not, otherwise a phantom transfiguration can directly slip away.

But after Li Xuan used the five-element shield, the black wizard even used up the magic power in his body, and issued dozens of cutting spells without breaking the shield, and the surprise on his face undoubtedly did not mean that he did not know how many times he had absolutely turned over by relying on this skillful cutting spell.

Who would have thought that a ten-year-old child would have such great power?

It was also that cutting spell that made Li Xuan no longer completely focus on the layout of the Muggle world, after all, rebirth in this era, it is natural to do some business layout and planning.

After all, money can make ghost push mills suitable everywhere, and in this era, even a pig can fly with the wind of the times.

Before Li Xuan was a little too immersed in making money and business layout, forgetting that his own strength is fundamental.

No way, Li Xuan in his previous life was an ordinary person, and he was able to gallop in the business sea all of a sudden, and the feeling of scolding Fang Xuan was really fascinating.

However, that battle still made Li Xuan completely sober, although in reality the commercial layout is still going on, after all, it is not enough to have supreme power only in the wizarding world, or only to have a strong force in the Muggle world.

What Li Xuan wants is to be strong in both aspects, grasp with both hands, and complement each other, which is Li Xuan's purpose!

Therefore, now the industry in the real world Li Xuan has been handed over to the 'rest assured' hands to manage, and he only needs to give the general direction according to the future development of the goal.