
I, Son of Tiamat

Those are the tears of the Goddess of Creation. The tears floating up from the deep sea became the last son of Tiamat. And, after seven days and seven nights of incubation—he was born... He will be connected to the earth—get the wisdom of the sky and the eyes, body, soul, and spirit of the Gods, the trinity will never corrupt him! In the end, with the hope of his mother on his back, he lived happily and freely.

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32 Chs

Chapter 11: King of Uruk, the Tyrant Gilgamesh

Tiamat, the goddess of creation in Mesopotamia, is the mother that was abandoned after the creation of the world. It is not an exaggeration to say that she is the "mother" of the gods in Mesopotamia.

The creation goddess Tiamat is the [Mother Sea], the ocean that breeds life. However, after the earth's environment was stabilized and the ecosystem was established, it was exiled to the world of imaginary numbers as unnecessary things.

The world of imaginary numbers is the other side of the world, a space without any life.

Because this world originally belonged to the Goddess of Creation, she created all things but was feared by all things that grew up. They wanted to get this world, so in the end, the Goddess of Creation was driven by all things to the virtual space.

The world of imaginary numbers is the other side of the world, a space without life and nothing.

Before the Goddess of Creation was driven into the void space, she shed a single tear... That was her last child, and she blessed her last child to be happy and free in an environment where the gods would not want to see him survive.

"Qiye, what's the matter with you?" Semiramis gently tugged the corner of Qiye's clothes.

"Huh? I'm fine...let's enter the city of Uruk." Qiye calmed down the churning emotions in his heart and continued to lead Semiramis toward the city ahead.

Semiramis didn't think that what Qiye said about "nothing happened" was true, because she had been with him for thirteen years, and she could keenly sense his inner emotions.

It was a terrible emotion that destroyed everything.

It's just that Qiye concealed that emotion.

Full of doubts and incomprehension, Semiramis followed Qiye and accompanied him into the city of Uruk.

Semiramis really wanted to ask why he had such big mood swings, but she felt that if she asked, it would arouse that terrible emotion, which would make Qiye feel unhappy, so she could only temporarily bury the doubt in the bottom of her heart.

After passing through the gate of the city wall a few meters later, Qiye and Semiramis entered the origin of human history, the city of Uruk.

What catches their eye is a large area of ​​earth-colored residential areas, which are arranged in an orderly manner. The houses are all flat-roofed, and the roofs are connected to the stairs inside the houses where dry clothes and food were stored.

"Is this the city of Uruk? It is indeed different from other cities." Semiramis said, looking around.

The residents living here have energetic smiles on their faces because they are satisfied with their current life, so under their smiles, the city is invisibly full of vigor and vitality.

Not long after Qiye and Semiramis stepped into this city, they noticed something unusual ahead of them. There was a lot of noise and wailing as they looked very miserable.

"Let's go and have a look." Qiye suddenly felt curious, he took Semiramis' little hand and got into the noisy crowd in front of him.

Strange to say, when Qiye got into the crowd, the crowd was like a river meeting pebbles as the crowd was automatically diverted. Therefore, Qiye with Semiramis did not need to push others away as they easily entered the crowd.

Surrounded by the crowd, a resident was kneeling on the ground and crying to the sky, his voice was desperate and miserable as if his wife and daughter had been snatched away.

The surrounding citizens are comforting the howling resident, but as they talk—

"Although the king took your wife away, it is an honor, and you should be happy."

"That's right, green is the symbol of health and strength."

The wailing guy looked at the person who said this, and he said angrily, "Since you think this is a good thing, then you will be happy if your wife and daughter are taken away by the king!"


Faced with this tortured soul, the onlookers and comforting crowd instantly fell silent. Although green is a symbol of strength even if it is healthy, the green color is not very good-looking.

Qiye and Semiramis listened to the strange words of these people. Although the two of them didn't know the ins and outs, they could probably hear that "the king of this city took the wife of the wailing man".

"Hey, Qiye, the king of this city is an existence who will take other people's wives away. Is it really as beautiful as you said?" Semiramis looked at Qiye and said.

"Well..." Qiye froze, how should he answer Semiramis, he didn't know how to answer, so he turned his head and looked at her.

Looking at Semiramis, who is more beautiful than a goddess, Qiye said vaguely, "Let's stay here for a few days. If the king of Uruk is not a good person, we will leave here."

"Hmm," Semiramis responded softly to Qiye, and then pulled up her hood, using the hood to cover her naked face.

The king of Uruk is an existence who will take away other people's wives, so Semiramis doesn't want to be targeted by others because of her face, which will cause trouble for Qiye.

The mourner looked up to the sky in grief and anger, "God! The king relies on him as the son of God and relies on his invincible power to rule Uruk brutally and cruelly."

"His cruelty never stops. He made the men in the city carry mud baskets on their backs and built the city wall day and night. Is this the city wall to protect the city of Uruk?"

"Although the king is strong, intelligent, and elegant, he does not allow anyone to oppose his decision. He never reserves sons for fathers, no matter if they're common people or nobles!"

"He never kept daughters for mothers, even the daughters of warriors, or the beloved wives of nobles! All the women in the world are owned by him alone, and the men in Uruk can only lament and cry day and night!"

The words of the howler were full of grief and indignation and reached the ears of the gods from the sky.

At this moment, the man who had just stepped on the stairs of the temple stopped. He was Gilgamesh, the king who ruled the city of Uruk.

He has a slender body and is wearing a white robe embroidered with gold thread. He has short brilliant golden hair that stands upright like a burning flame. His face is dignified and is an extremely beautiful young man.

A pair of eyes that were as bright red as blood exuded a mysterious radiance that was not angry nor majestic, they were the eyes of an extraordinary person.

Gilgamesh, who had stopped in his tracks, turned around and looked towards the side of the howler. His eyes did not rest on the howler but on Semiramis.